Single & Multi-state Toggle Buttons In jQuery - Toggle.js

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License: MIT
Single & Multi-state Toggle Buttons In jQuery - Toggle.js

A jQuery based toggle button builder that converts buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, or select boxes into user-friendly single- or multi-state toggle buttons with custom on/off icons.

How to use it:

1. To get started, download the plugin and load the jquery-toggle.js script after jQuery.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/jquery-toggle.js"></script>

2. Create a basic toggle button (state = 2) from a normal button element.

<button class="toggle">Toggle Button</button>
  // options here

3. Create a multi-state toggle button from a normal button element.

<button class="toggle">Change State</button>
  num_of_states: 3

4. Create a single- or multi-state toggle button from checkboxes.

<ul id="example" autocomplete="off">
      <input name="options1-1" type="checkbox" value="0"> Option 0
      <input name="options1-2" type="checkbox" value="1"> Option 1
      <input name="options1-3" type="checkbox" value="2"> Option 2
  // options here

5. Create a multi-state toggle button from checkboxes, radio buttons, or select elements.

<ul id="example" autocomplete="off">
      <input name="options2_1" type="checkbox" value="0"> Option 0
      <input name="options2_2" type="checkbox" value="1"> Option 1
      <input name="options2_3" type="checkbox" value="2"> Option 2
      <input name="options3_1" type="radio" value="0" checked> State 0
      <input name="options3_2" type="radio" value="0" checked> State 1
      <input name="options3_3" type="radio" value="0" checked> State 3
    <option value="">I have two states</option>
    <option value="a">Option A</option>
    <option value="">I have three states</option>
    <option value="a">Option B</option>
    <option value="b">Option C</option>
    <option value="">I have three states, too</option>
    <option value="a">Option D</option>
    <option value="b">Option E</option>

6. Customize the on/off styles, text and icons. The plugin currently supports both Bootstrap Glyphicons and Font Awesome iconic fonts.


  // initial state
  state: 0,

  // false = changes color according to the current state
  nocolor: false,

  // uses Font Awesome Icons instead
  font_awesome: false,

  // allows multiple icons
  // default false
  multi_icon: true,

  // custom icons, text, styles (CSS classes)
  icon_on_0: 'question-sign',
  icon_off_0: 'ban-circle',
  icon_off_1: 'ok-circle',
  icon_on_2: 'minus-sign',
  color_2: 'warning', 
  text_2: 'Somewhat',
  icon_on_3: 'remove-sign',
  icon_off_3: 'remove-circle',
  color_3: 'danger',


7. You can also pass the options via data attributes.

<select data-type="multi-icon" 
        data-off-text="Not selected"
  <option value="">Default</option>
  <option value="d">Option D</option>
  <option value="e">Option E</option>



  • Fix event triggerings

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by Aalto-LeTech. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.