Free jQuery responsive image Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'responsive image' are listed here.
Convert Image Into Background Image - convertToBackground.js
- Other - 2039 ViewsYet another jQuery Image To Background plugin which converts the original images into CSS background images in their parent containers, while maintaining the original aspect ratios.
Smart Cross-platform Image Delivery Plugin - smart_images
- Other - 820 ViewsYet another smart Image Delivery plugin for jQuery that automatically updates the src of an img tag and pulls in the image appropriate to the current window width.
Image & Iframe Lazy Loader With jQuery And IntersectionObserver - lazyload.js
- Loading - 3224 ViewsA lazy load plugin that allows you to smartly lazy load images, background images, and iframes (e.g. Youtube/Vimeo videos) using Intersection Observer API.
High Performance Image Lazy Loader - acLazyLoadImage.js
- Loading - 893 ViewsacLazyLoadImage.js is a responsive, performance-focused image lazy loader plugin implemented in jQuery.
Auto Swap Images On Mobile Device - jQuery responsiveImage.js
- Other - 1928 ViewsYet another jQuery responsive image plugin for cross-platform web apps that automatically swap the image sources depending on the screen sizes.
Retina-ready Responsive Image Plugin For jQuery
- Other - 1610 ViewsJust another jQuery based retina-ready responsive image solution that helps you load in proper images dynamically for different screen sizes.
Load Appopriate Image Based On Device Width - image-responsive.js
- Other - 681 ViewsYet another responsive image delivery jQuery plugin for modern web app to save bandwidth and improve the page load time.
Fit Images Within Their Parent Container - sameSize.js
- Layout - 1036 ViewssameSize.js is a jQuery plugin that automatically scales, shrinks, crops and re-aligns images to fit within their parent containers.
Resize & Re-center Image To Fit Its Container - jQuery resizeImageToParent.js
- Other - 4964 ViewsresizeImageToParent.js is a jQuery plugin which dynamically stretches or cuts off images to fill its parent container on window resize, while maintaining aspect ratio and maintaining centering.
jQuery Plugin To Load Correct Image Based On Viewport Size - Responsive Images
- Other - 2067 ViewsJust another jQuery dependent, cross-platform responsive image solution which dynamically changes the image sources depending on the current viewport size.
Convert Images Into CSS Backgrounds - jQuery jfImgToCSS
- Other - 1071 ViewsjfImgToCSS is a jQuery plugin that turns regular images into CSS backgrounds to make the images fit within their parent containers no matter how you resize the browser window.
Auto Swap Background Images Based On Screen Size - swapBackground
- Other - 1236 ViewsswapBackground is a jQuery plugin for responsive, cross-platform background images that automatically swaps the background image sources on different screen resolutions.
jQuery Plugin To Resize Images To Fit Any Container - image-cover.js
- Other - 3037 Viewsimage-cover.js is a jQuery based responsive image solution that dynamically resizes an image to fill its parent container similar to the CSS background-size: cover property.
Retina-ready Responsive Image Plugin For jQuery - responsImg
- Other - 884 ViewsresponsImg is a lightweight, flexible jQuery responsive image plugin for serving the best image resolutions on desktop and mobile devices.
Smart Responsive Image Cropping/Resizing On Resize - jQuery FocusPoint
- Layout - 3899 ViewsFocusPoint is a jQuery responsive image solution that intelligently crops/resizes/re-positions your image to fit its parent container on window resize.
Load The Proper Image On Window Resize - Responsive Image Resizer
- Other - 535 ViewsAn ultra-light, cross-browser jQuery responsive image plugin that dynamically swaps the image source to load the proper image depending on the current screen size.
jQuery Plugin To Scale An Element According Window Size - fitToParent
- Layout - 1379 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin that responsively and dynamically stretches and shrinks an element to fill its parent container while still maintaining the original aspect ratio.
Make Any Element Fill Or Fit Its Parent Container - jQuery fillContainer
- Other - 1338 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin to make any elements (images, videos, etc) fill (or fit) the available space in their parent containers for responsive layouts.
Auto Center Image To Fill Its Container Using jQuery
- Other - 392 ViewsA very small jQuery plugin that automatically resizes, crops, stretches and re-positions your images to make them always be centered within the container.
Resize Images To Fit In A Container - imgLiquid
- Gallery - 35944 ViewsimgLiquid is a jQuery Plugin which can be use to resize images to fit in a container.
jQuery Plugin For Swapping Image Sources On Window Resize - imageR
- Other - 597 ViewsimageR is a lightweight jQuery responsive image delivery solution which automatically delivers a perfect resolution image depending on the current browser size.
Keep A Specific Area Of Your Images Always Be Centered - FocalPoint
- Other - 944 ViewsFocalPoint is a jQuery plugin that keeps a Specific area of your images always be centered regardless of browser size.
jQuery Plugin To Make Images Behavior Like Backgrounds - coverimage
- Other - 947 Viewscoverimage is a lightweight jQuery plugin for responsive web design that makes the regular images behavior like the CSS background-size : cover attribute.
Making IMG Elements Responsive Like Background Images - Sizee.js
- Other - 668 ViewsSizee.js is a jQuery plugin which makes any pictures wrapped in the img tag adaptive on any screen sizes just like the responsive background images using the CSS background properties.
jQuery Plugin For Smart Image Delivery - Responsive Pictures
- Other - 463 ViewsA lightweight, smart jQuery responsive image solution that automatically delivers a perfect resolution image depending on the screen size.
jQuery Plugin For Auto-scaling iFrames And Images - js-flex-embed
- Layout - 1883 Viewsjs-flex-embed is a jQuery plugin for responsive iframe and image that makes any embedded content as large as possible to fit within their parent container.
jQuery Plugin To Make IMG Act Like A Responsive Background - makeCover
- Other - 681 ViewsmakeCover is a jQuery plugin that makes your img tag behavior like a background with background-size:cover property.
jQuery Plugin To Load Background Images On the Right Viewport - lazysizebg
- Other - 1028 Viewslazysizebg is an ultra-light jQuery responsive image solution which automatically delivers correct solution background images at specified breakpoints.
jQuery Plugin To Resize And Center An Image Within Its Container - Image Cover
- Other - 5261 ViewsImage Cover is a jQuery plugin which dynamically resizes and centers your image to fit its parent container in your responsive webpage.
Lightweight jQuery Plugin For Responsive Image Delivery - jPicture
- Other - 1399 ViewsjPicture is a simple lightweight (~2kb) jQuery plugin that delivers your background images at the correct pixel resolution depending on screen width.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Image with Focus Area - Responsify.js
- Other - 853 ViewsA smart jQuery responsive image solution which allows you to define a focus area on an image and make it always be visible in the viewport when window resizing.
jQuery Plugin For Device Appropriate Image Deliverer
- Other - 392 ViewsA jquery plugin to deliver a device appropriate version of an image in a lightbox, using CSS and JavaScript.
Minimalist Responsive Image jQuery Plugin - responsive-image.js
- Other - 429 ViewsJust another jQuery based responsive image solution that loads the appropriate images for your cross-platform website to reduce network traffic and increase page load speed.
jQuery & CSS3 Powered Responsive Image Solution
- Other - 347 Viewscss3ri.js is a jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 media queries to detect the screen size and loads in the appropriate images for 4 different screen resolutions.
jQuery Plugin For Stretching Images To Fill Container - imagefill.js
- Layout - 3505 Viewsimagefill.js is a simple yet useful jQuery plugin for responsive design that automatically stretches images to fill their containers or be centered.
jQuery Plugin To Auto Resize Elements Responsively - ConstrainP
- Layout - 1487 ViewsConstrainP is a very small jQuery plugin that proportionately and responsively enlarges/shrinks Html elements (images, videos, etc) to fit the parent container.
jQuery Plugin For Smart Image Loading - Progressive Image
- Other - 6020 ViewsProgressive Image is an easy, fast, retina-ready jQuery plugin which allows to intelligently & progressively load the appropriate images for different screen resolutions.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Image Delivery - Image Replacer
- Other - 499 ViewsImage Replacer is a minimalist jQuery plugin that helps you deal with responsive image delivery depending on the custom breakpoints.
Lazy Loading and Multi-serving Image Plugin with jQuery - lazyResp
- Loading - 1177 ViewslazyResp is a jQuery plugin designed for responsive web layout that deals with responsive image delivery depending on screen width
jQuery Plugin To Crop Images with Custom Aspect Ratios
- Other - 3852 ViewsA jQuery based responsive image cropper that automatically crop and resize an image with a custom aspect ratio.
jQuery Plugin To Make Images Fit Into Any Container - Fit Image
- Other - 2103 ViewsFit Image is a jQuery responsive image solution which allows to resize & centralize an image to fit any size container.
jQuery Plugin To Resize & Crop Image To Fit Any Wrapper - Fill Box
- Other - 5730 ViewsFillBox is a tiny yet useful jQuery plugin to automatically stretch, crop and center an image so that it will fit into any container.
jQuery Plugin To Auto Resize Images For Responsive Design - Image Fit Window
- Layout - 8703 ViewsImage Fit Window is another jQuery responsive image resolution to automatically resize image to fit within its parent container while the window's size changed.
Responsive Images Replacement with jQuery and HTML5 - Mimeo
- Layout - 1467 ViewsMimeo is a responsive and mobile-first jQuery plugin that automatically load the appropriate image based on media queries as the window resized.
jQuery Plugin To Load Proper Image Based On Screen Size - Data Img
- Layout - 2733 ViewsData Img is a smart jQuery plugin that loads and displays the proper image when the screen size reaches a corresponding breakpoint.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Fullscreen Images - Fullscreener
- Other - 2538 ViewsFullscreener is a simple jQuery plugin that automatically resizes and cuts off your image to adapt its parent container's size.
Easy jQuery Responsive Image Plugin - Respify
- Layout - 705 ViewsYet another jQuery responsive image solution that replaces the large image with the appropriate image when the window's size changed.
Easy Responsive Image Replacement Plugin - Responsive Images
- Other - 1384 ViewsResponsive Images is a lightweight yet useful plugin that allows to load the appropriate image based on the size of your visitor's viewport.
jQuery Responsive Image Plugin - Responsive Img
- Layout - 761 ViewsResponsive Img is a jQuery plugin that changes an image's src attribute based on its container's width when the DOM is ready and when the browser is resized.