Customizable jQuery @Mentions And #Tags Plugin - mentions-kinder.js
File Size: | 76.4 KB |
Views Total: | 5479 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
mentions-kinder.js is a customizable jQuery plugin that allows you to @mention someone and/or #tag something in a text field as you seen on Twitter, Facebook and Google+. With support for autocomplete functionality using select2, datepicker, whatever.
See also:
- Twitter Like @Mentions Auto Suggesting Plugin with jQuery - Bootstrap Suggest
- Facebook-like @mention Autocomplete Plugin With jQuery - mentiony
- jQuery Plugin To Generate Links For URLs, Mentions and Hashtags - Linky
- Twitter & Facebook Like Mention Input Plugin with jQuery
Basic usage:
1. Download and then include the jQuery mentions-kinder.js plugin's stylesheet & JS files on the webpage which has jQuery library included.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="mentions-kinder.css"> <script src="//"></script> <script src="mentions-kinder.min.js"></script>
2. Call the function on the target text field (input field or textarea) and customize the action for each trigger character.
$('.demo').mentionsKinder({ trigger: { '#': { triggerName: 'tag', autocompleter: tagAutocompleter }, '@': { triggerName: 'member', autocompleter: simpsonAutocompleter } } }).
3. If no options are provided, use @ with simpsonsAutocompleter only.
4. Configure autocompleter by extending from a base autocompleter (Select2 plugin).
var simpsonAutocompleter = $.MentionsKinder.Autocompleter.Select2Autocompleter.extend({ select2Options: { data: [ {id:'homer',text:'Homer Jay Simpson'}, {id:'marge',text:'Marjorie Simpson'}, {id:'bart',text:'Bartholomew JoJo Simpson'}, {id:'lisa',text:'Lisa Marie Simpson'}, {id:'maggie',text:'Margaret Simpson'} ] } });
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by mixxt. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.