jQuery Form Plugins
Download Free jQuery Form Validation, Input Mask, Select, Checkbox, Radio Button, Textarea and other form element enhancement plugins at our jQuery Form Plugin section. Page 3 .
Store Form Fields In Session Storage - form-saver
- Form - 2710 ViewsA lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery/JavaScript plugin that stores form changed fields in local storage to help prevent users from losing data.
Easy Input Spinner Plugin For Bootstrap 4 and 5 - InputSpinner.js
- Form - 41729 ViewsAn easy yet customizable input spinner plugin for Bootstrap framework (Bootstrap 4 & 5) that enables the users to increment/decrement a number by using +/- buttons.
Easy Autocomplete Management With jQuery - kompleter
- Form - 1723 Viewskompleter is an easy autocomplete management plugin which displays a dropdown list populated with suggestions from a data provider (e.g. JSON data) while typing.
jQuery Plugin For Multiple Select With Checkboxes - multi-select.js
- Form - 149269 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin that converts the regular multiselect box into an easy to use dropdown list with checkboxes to simplify the selection of multiple options.
Add Processing Feedback To Submit Buttons - jQuery faSpinner
- Form - 490 ViewsThe fa.submit.spinner jQuery plugin provides a simple way to add a loading spinner to disabled submit buttons on your forms.
Enhances The Native Select Box With jQuery vSelect Plugin
- Form - 1764 ViewsA custom select jQuery plugin that reinvents the native select boxes with a customizable, user-friendly dropdown for a better navigating/browsing experience.
Small Custom Drag'n'drop File Upload Plugin For jQuery
- Form - 8079 ViewsA small jQuery plugin that improves your file uploading experience for users. Implement drag and drop, file previews and deletion.
Validate Bootstrap Forms In A Snap With jQuery
- Form - 400 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin provides an easy way to implement client-side form validation in your latest Bootstrap projects.
Enhance Select Boxes And Make Options Searchable - jQuery iv-select
- Form - 1864 ViewsA jQuery plugin that provides you with custom select boxes and a series of features to enhance the interaction between user and browser.
jQuery Plugin For Selecting Multiple Elements - Multiple Select
- Form - 93315 ViewsMultiple Select is a useful jQuery plugin that allows you to select multiple elements by clicking the checkboxes in a select drop down list.
Spinner Input With Virtual Keypad - jQuery Number Control
- Form - 1321 ViewsA feature-rich, mobile-compatible, and user-friendly number spinner jQuery plugin for picking a number by using -/+ buttons.
A JavaScript Plugin To Disable Form On Submit
- Form - 1543 ViewsA simple yet useful JavaScript plugin that disables form and submit buttons (submit inputs) on submit to prevent multiple clicks on your submit button.
Multi-Select Drop Down Tree Plugin With jQuery - Combo Tree
- Form - 92419 ViewsCombo Tree is a jQuery plugin to render a single or multi-select dropdown list from JSON data that enables the user to select one or multiple options from a hierarchical, collapsible tree view with checkboxes.
Minimal Form Field Validation Plugin For jQuery - Validin
- Form - 5557 ViewsValidin is a lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin used to validate various types of form fields using regular expressions.
Replace Native Selects With Customizable Dropdowns - jQuery Dropzie
- Form - 1300 ViewsA jQuery Custom Select plugin that replaces native select boxes with customizable and filterable dropdown lists & menus.
jQuery Ajax Autocomplete Plugin For Input Fields - Autocomplete
- Form - 36179 ViewsjQuery.Autocomplete is a jQuery based autocomplete plugin that attaches autocomplete/autosuggest drop down list with ajax lookup to text input fields when your users input.
Quickly Toggle Password Visibility with Bootstrap5-togglepassword Plugin
- Form - 3311 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin to control the visibility of password text in your Bootstrap 5 project.
Show Char Counters On Form Controls With The Bootstrap5-maxlength Plugin
- Form - 583 ViewsA jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 5 that ensures your input fields stay within character limits.
Virtual PIN Code Numpad In jQuery - pinMeBB.js
- Form - 1058 ViewsA jQuery plugin that generates a customizable virtual numeric keypad for PIN codes, typically used for two-factor authentication to verify user identity.
Control & Monitor User Typing with The typingEvents jQuery Plugin
- Form - 195 ViewsA jQuery plugin that tracks key presses, allows/disallows keys, and trims input for advanced text field interactions.