jQuery Form Plugins
Download Free jQuery Form Validation, Input Mask, Select, Checkbox, Radio Button, Textarea and other form element enhancement plugins at our jQuery Form Plugin section. Page 4 .
Show Char Counters On Form Controls With The Bootstrap5-maxlength Plugin
- Form - 648 ViewsA jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 5 that ensures your input fields stay within character limits.
Virtual PIN Code Numpad In jQuery - pinMeBB.js
- Form - 1139 ViewsA jQuery plugin that generates a customizable virtual numeric keypad for PIN codes, typically used for two-factor authentication to verify user identity.
Control & Monitor User Typing with The typingEvents jQuery Plugin
- Form - 203 ViewsA jQuery plugin that tracks key presses, allows/disallows keys, and trims input for advanced text field interactions.
Display Option Paths In Select Boxes - jQuery selectPath
- Form - 236 ViewsA jQuery plugin to display the path to the optgroup to which the currently selected option belongs right inside the select box. Similar to breadcrumbs in web design.
Cascading (Dependent) Dropdown List Plugin - jQuery Chained Selects
- Form - 18148 ViewsChained Selects is a jQuery plugin for creating dependent dropdowns from JSON data that dynamically populates a set of select elements based on the previous selection.
JSON To Form And Form To JSON Converter - jQuery jform
- Form - 14645 Viewsjform is an easy jQuery form builder which lets you dynamically generates form fields with preset values using JSON schema.
Create Interactive Round Sliders With jQuery - EasyRoundSlider.js
- Form - 459 ViewsAn easy yet customizable jQuery range slider plugin for creating intuitive, interactive, circular slider controls on the web.
Custom Pin Code Input Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Form - 30150 ViewsPincode Input is a jQuery plugin that turns the regular text field into a Bootstrap-styled pin code input as you seen in the SIM card PIN management.
Synchronize Related Checkboxes with Checkboxes.js jQuery Plugin
- Form - 441 ViewsA lightweight check all jQuery plugin created to synchronize related checkboxes that have a parent/child relationship.
Creative Dark Mode Switch Built With HTML/CSS/jQuery
- Form - 1277 ViewsA minimal, creative, animated dark mode toggle switch achieved by basic HTML, CSS/CSS3, and JavaScript (jQuery).
Duplicate And Manage Groups Of Input Elements - jQuery Replicate.js
- Form - 1504 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows you to create repeatable groups of input elements to collect multiple values from the user.
Restrict Input Fields to Floatings - jQuery TUS.Float
- Form - 514 ViewsA small and simple jQuery plugin that limits input fields to floating-point numbers with a defined number of decimal places.
Insert Text At the Cursor Position With insertAtCaret Plugin
- Form - 333 ViewsA lightweight (~1.45kb) jQuery plugin that gives you the ability to insert any text in a text field at the current caret (cursor) position.
Display Selected Files With jQuery File Input Preview Plugin
- Form - 1552 ViewsA jQuery plugin designed to enhance and beautify standard file input elements. It offers an immediate visual confirmation to the users about the files they have selected for upload.
Credit Card Form With Validation And Card Type Detection - CardJs
- Form - 2711 ViewsA jQuery plugin for creating a full-featured credit card form to provide a seamless checkout experience on your e-commerce website or online stores.
Touch-Friendly jQuery Input Spinner Plugin For Bootstrap 3/4 - TouchSpin
- Form - 30746 ViewsTouchSpin is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3 to create a touch-friendly spinner widget that wraps a text input with two buttons to increment and decrement the current value.
Simplifying Nested Checkbox Relationships - jQuery checkem.js
- Form - 1322 ViewsA lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin to simplify the parent-child relationship among checkboxes.
Count Characters and Words In Text Fields - jQuery Counter.js
- Form - 580 ViewsA lightweight yet powerful jQuery plugin that counts words or characters typed in various web elements including input fields, textareas, and content-editable elements.
Highly Customizable Character/Word Counter For jQuery - Text Counter
- Form - 3681 ViewsA text counter plugin that displays the number of words or characters have been typed or the remaining characters allowed to be typed in the input field or textarea.
Insert Predefined Values Into Textarea Quickly - jQuery listTextArea
- Form - 417 ViewsA jQuery plugin allows you to convert a list of comma-separated values into clickable buttons to insert and remove these values into textareas.