jQuery Form Plugins
Download Free jQuery Form Validation, Input Mask, Select, Checkbox, Radio Button, Textarea and other form element enhancement plugins at our jQuery Form Plugin section. Page 7 .
Beautify & Customize Bootstrap Input Field With The Filefield Plugin
- Form - 1068 ViewsA jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 5 to beautify and enhance the default file upload input box by using custom upload button styles and icons.
Minimal Quiz/Survey Form Builder - jQuery AskedPlugin
- Form - 1190 ViewsAn easy-to-use jQuery plugin that enables you to dynamically generate forms for surveys, polls, questionnaires, and quizzes.
Dynamic Custom Select Drop Down Plugin - jQuery Kealselect
- Form - 728 ViewsThe Kealselect plugin converts a regular HTML select into an interactive and advanced dropdown list with support for check all, multi-select, and custom CSS styles.
jQuery Plugin For Deselectable Radio Buttons
- Form - 279 ViewsA super tiny jQuery plugin that allows you to select/deselect radio buttons by toggling the checked state using JavaScript.
Simple Autocomplete Plugin For Input Fields - jQuery autocomplete-lite
- Form - 1543 ViewsA lightweight and pretty simple jQuery autocomplete plugin that displays a suggestion dropdown while typing in an input field.
Select/Deselect Elements Just Like Checkbox & Radio Button
- Form - 1950 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows the user to quickly select/deselect a single element or a group of elements just like checkboxes and radio buttons.
Easy Tags Manager Widget With Autocomplete Support - Tag-It
- Form - 7272 ViewsTag-It is a jQuery plugin for converting a normal HTML list into a tags manager that allows to communicate with any input field and supports auto complete/suggest.
Fast Filter/Search List jQuery Plugin - lookingfor.js
- Form - 1633 ViewsA tiny and blazing fast live fitler/fuzzy search jQuery plugin that allows your users to quickly filter long HTML lists.
Auto Jump To Next Input When Fill X Characters - jQuery join_inputs
- Form - 2081 ViewsA jQuery plugin for creating a user-friendly input group where the cursor (caret) automatically moves to the next input field when reaching a specified maxlength
Validate Credit Card Numbers Using jQuery And Luhn Algorithm
- Form - 638 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that makes use of the Luhn algorithm to check and verify that the number entered by the user is a valid credit card number.
Easy Dynamic Form Creator In jQuery - Tie.js
- Form - 1050 ViewsA simple yet robust form builder that lets you dynamically generate HTML forms from JSON data.
Responsive Placeholder Text Plugin - jQuery Fitholder
- Form - 547 ViewsA jQuery plugin allows you to create responsive and flexible placeholder text across all screen sizes, ranging from desktop to mobile.
Robust Dynamic Multiple Select Widget For jQuery UI - UI MultiSearch
- Form - 5763 ViewsMultiSearch is a robust, extensible jQuery UI widget that provides a multiple select UI with autocomplete / autosuggestion for input fields such as tags input and token inputs.
Create Realistic Toggle/Push/Slide Switches - jQuery rsCheckboxSwitch
- Form - 465 ViewsA jQuery plugin to help developers create realistic, animated, and keyboard-accessible slide/toggle/push switches on the webpage.
Simple & Easy jQuery Autocomplete Plugin - Autocompleter
- Form - 11538 ViewsAutocompleter is a simple, easy, customizable, cache-enabled jQuery plugin which allows you to select an item from a dropdown list populated with suggestions.
Easy Searchable Multi Select jQuery Plugin - MultiPick.js
- Form - 1625 ViewsAn easy-to-use multi-select jQuery plugin that allows users to choose one or more items from a pre-defined list of options.
jQuery Plugin For Email Address Auto Complete - mailtip
- Form - 6186 ViewsA useful jQuery plugin that popups a suggestion box with email addresses from the autocomplete list while a user types into the email input field.
Simplest Number Input Mask Plugin with jQuery - Simple Mask
- Form - 22942 ViewsSimple Mask is a tiny jQuery plugin to make masks on input fields that allows the users to enter numbers in a certain format.
Delayed Password Masking jQuery Plugin - jQuery mask-password.js
- Form - 697 ViewsA jQuery Delayed Password Masking plugin that hides the user password after a configurable delay while typing in a password field.
Responsive Accessible Custom Select Dropdown Plugin - jQuery ikSelect
- Form - 464 ViewsA simple, fast, responsive, accessible custom select dropdown jQuery plugin that can be fully styled using your own CSS.