jQuery Form Plugins
Download Free jQuery Form Validation, Input Mask, Select, Checkbox, Radio Button, Textarea and other form element enhancement plugins at our jQuery Form Plugin section. Page 8 .
Smooth Animated Toggle Control Plugin With jQuery and Bootstrap - Bootstrap Toggle
- Form - 9429 ViewsBootstrap Toggle is a jQuery plugin that turns the checboxes into animated and highly customizable toggle controls based on templates with Bootstrap.
Tiny jQuery Replacement For Select Boxes - Bselect
- Form - 4148 ViewsA plugin that dynamically renders a performant, customizable, searchable, user-friendly dropdown from an object of options.
Easy Multi Email Input Plugin With jQuery - MultiMailPlugin.js
- Form - 1673 ViewsAn easy-to-use jQuery multiple email input plugin for contact form, which enables you to collect one or more email addresses separated by Comma or Enter.
Make Characters Fly Out While Typing - jQuery airChars
- Animation - 935 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin for creating a fancy typing animation in a text field. It makes the characters fly out while typing. each letter will then fade out above the input field.
Insert Content After The Current Caret Position In A Text Box
- Form - 872 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that allows the user to insert any content after the current caret position in a text box.
Create Rich Text Textarea Using Contenteditable Element - jQuery toTextarea.js
- Form - 2033 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that converts a DIV element into a textarea-like rich-text editor using the contenteditable attribute.
Visualize The Length Of The Input Using A Progressbar - maxlengthVisualFeedback.js
- Form - 273 ViewsA jQuery Plugin that adds a progress bar to the text field that visually shows what is the current length of your input and makes it easy for users to not go over the limit.
Alert User If Data In Form Was Changed - jQuery Dirty
- Form - 13407 ViewsThe jQuery Dirty plugin detects if an HTML form is 'Dirty' and prompts the user to save changes before navigating away.
jQuery Tags Input Plugin with Autocomplete Support - Mab Tag Input
- Form - 18362 Viewsmab.jquery.taginput is a jQuery plugin used to transform a text field into a nice input field to manage tags.
Animated Tags Input Based On Multi Select Box
- Form - 4200 ViewsA jQuery script that converts the regular multi select box into an animated tags input field.
Extend jQuery serialize() To Support Empty Fields - Serialize All
- Form - 563 ViewsA lightweight (~ 1kB) jQuery plugin that extends the native jQuery serialize() method to support empty form fields.
Beautify Select Box Using Bootstrap Dropdown Component - feastselect
- Form - 1602 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that converts the normal select box into a Bootstrap dropdown component with extra customizaiton options.
Feature-rich Autocomplete Dropdown Plugin - jQuery ajax-combobox
- Form - 948 ViewsA autocomplete plugin that adds a highly functional (pagination, filtering, sorting, keyboard navigation) autocomplete control to your text fields.
Creating An Animated Speedometer with jQuery and CSS3
- Form - 43980 ViewsA jQuery plugin helps you create an animated & highly customizable speedometer representing the number you type into an input field.
Simple Star Rating Input Plugin - jQuery rating.js
- Form - 2707 ViewsA really simple and lightweight jQuery star rating plugin that stores the rating value in a hidden input field.
Add Options To Select Box Dynamically - jQuery otherDropdown
- Form - 2197 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows the user to dynamically add more options to the existing select dropdown list.
AJAX-enabled File Uploader With Live Preview - jQuery uploader.js
- Form - 10767 ViewsA lightweight and AJAX-enabled file uploader plugin that provides a convenient solution for uploading single or multiple files via AJAX.
Multiple Select With Filter And Checkboxes Using jQuery
- Form - 59427 ViewsA jQuery plugin that converts a select box into a filterable multi-select dropdown where your users are able to select one or more options by checking checkboxes.
Multiple Image Picker Plugin With jQuery - Spartan
- Form - 12411 ViewsSpartan is an easy-to-use jQuery image picker plugin which enables the user to pick multiple images from the client side with support for live preview and drag'n'drop.
Email Address (Domain Name) Autocomplete Plugin - jQuery EmailTS
- Form - 715 ViewsA jQuery plugin that helps you to enter your email address more quickly by correcting typos and by offering suggestions in a tooltip when typing @.