Free jQuery Notification bar Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Notification bar' are listed here.
Simple Customizable jQuery Notification Bar Plugin - peekABar
- Other - 6106 ViewspeekABar is an extra lightweight jQuery notification plugin which helps you create sticky notification bars with lots of customization options.
10 Best Notification Bar Libraries In JavaScript (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 4776 Views10 best notification bar libraries to display any type of message as a top or bottom bar.
Animated Sticky Bottom Notification Bar Plugin - jQuery Hat Tip
- Other - 544 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin for creating an animated notification bar that always stays at the bottom of the web page.
Ultra-small Sticky Notification Bar Plugin - jQuery notif
- Other - 948 Viewsnotif is an ultra-light jQuery notification plugin to display fixed notification bars with custom action buttons on the top of the webpage.
Create Customizable Notification Bars Using Bootstrap 5 Alerts
- Other - 1008 ViewsA jQuery plugin that gives you the ability to dynamically create notification bars using the Bootstrap 5 alerts component.
Top Alert Notification Bar Plugin With jQuery - Toptips
- Other - 492 ViewsA jQuery plugin for creating minimal clean notification bars that always stay on the top of the page.
Sliding Top Notification Plugin - jQuery Myalert
- Other - 653 ViewsA jQuery notification plugin for creating animated, sticky, auto-dismissable top notification bars that use Bootstrap's Background Color CSS utilities by default.
Sticky Notification Bar In jQuery - notificationBanner
- Other - 3032 ViewsnotificationBanner is a small yet configurable jQuery plugin to create banner-style notification bars that will be fixed on the top or bottom of the webpage.
Animated Sticky Notification Bar In jQuery - notifi.js
- Other - 1549 Viewsnotifi.js is a simple, tiny (~1kb minified) jQuery plugin to create animated, fixed alert notifications that slide into view from the top of the webpage.
Basic Alert Bar Plugin For jQuery - newAlert
- Other - 707 ViewsnewAlert is a dead simple jQuery notification script that helps you create temporary top alert bar using JavaScript and Font Awesome iconic font.
Lightweight Top Notification Bar Plugin - jQuery Topper.js
- Other - 2925 ViewsTopper.js is a minimal clean jQuery notification bar plugin which displays a customizable, dismissable, full-width alert message on the top of the page.
Sliding Notification Bar Plugin - jquery.notify.js
- Other - 1204 ViewsThe jquery.notify.js plugin provides an easy way to display informational messages as a notification bar sliding out from the top of the webpage.
Sticky Notification/Confirmation Bar Plugin - jQuery top-alertjs.js
- Other - 926 ViewsThe top-alertjs.js jQuery plugin lets you create flexible, beautiful, sticky notification and confirmation bars on the top of the webpage.
Stackable Header Notification Bar In jQuery - AlMainAlert
- Other - 772 ViewsAlMainAlert is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery notification bar plugin which displays one or multiple stacked alert/error messages on the top of the screen.
Sticky Top Notification Bar Plugin For jQuery - RSAlert.js
- Other - 2519 ViewsRSAlert.js is a small jQuery plugin for displaying a sticky, customizable, themeable and auto dismissable notification and alert bar on the top of the webpage.
Sticky Header Notification Bar Plugin - jQuery stickyalert.js
- Other - 4041 Viewsstickyalert.js is a jQuery plugin to create a customizable, dismissable, cookie-enabled notification bar that remains fixed to the top after scroll.
Minimal Accessible Notification Bar Plugin For jQuery - aria-notifications
- Other - 966 Viewsaria-notifications is a lightweight, WAI-ARIA compliant jQuery notification bars to create fully customizable/accessible notification bars on the screen.
jQuery Event Based Notification Plugin For Bootstrap - BS-Alerts
- Other - 8324 ViewsBS-Alerts is a jQuery plugin that make it easy to create jQuery event based notification bar (warning, error, success) using Twitter Bootstrap and HTML5 data- attribute.
Easy Alert Notification Bar Plugin With jQuery - EasyNotif
- Other - 2133 ViewsEasyNotif is a really simple jQuery alert plugin which lets you create alert notification bars of various types (default, info, error, warning, success) on the webpage.
Responsive Top/Bottom Notification Plugin With jQuery - NTF
- Other - 696 ViewsNTF is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you create responsive, sliding, top or bottom notification bars with variable colors, widths and duration.
Full-featured jQuery Notification Popup Plugin - popmessage
- Other - 1042 Viewspopmessage is a simple yet multifunctional jQuery plugin used to create growl-style notifications and/or full-width notification bars on the webpage.
Simple Responsive Notification Bar Plugin With jQuery - cAlert
- Other - 1846 ViewscAlert is a clean, simple and responsive jQuery notification plugin which helps display notification bars with various types and icons at the top of the webpage.
Minimal jQuery Plugin For Top Notification Bar - message.js
- Other - 529 Viewsmessage.js is a very small jQuery plugin used to create a responsive, customizable notification bar that will stick to the top of the screen when scrolling down.
Super Tiny Notification Plugin With jQuery - Notifino
- Other - 1717 ViewsNotifino is a very small (~3kb unminified) jQuery plugin for creating flexible, customizable notification bars that appear at the top of the webpage.
Minimal CSS3 Animated Top Notification Bar with jQuery - Notifier-CSS3
- Other - 1970 ViewsA minimalist notification system which uses jQuery and CSS3 animations to display info, error, warning, success notification bars at the top or bottom of your webpage.
Slick Responsive Toast Message Plugin with jQuery - Tostie
- Other - 1736 ViewsTostie is a tiny (~1kb) jQuery plugin to display toast messages in responsive, slick and customizable notification bars.
jQuery Plugin For Fixed Notification Bars - tappifications
- Other - 1380 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin used to create CSS3 powered animated notification bars which stick to the bottom of the web page.
Create A Responsive Top Notification Bar with jQuery and CSS3 - Freenbar.js
- Other - 15036 ViewsFreenbar.js is a minimalist jQuery script which creates a fixed responsive notification bar sliding out from the top of your web page.
Simple Sliding Notification Bar Plugin For jQuery - getNotified
- Other - 4249 ViewsgetNotified is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin to create responsive notification bars that slides out from the top or bottom of your web page.
jQuery Plugin To Show Pretty Notifications with Icons - Notification Service
- Other - 2604 ViewsNotification Service is an extension for jQuery growl plugin that provides an easy way to display informative messages with appropriate icons.
Create Stylish Animated Notification Bars with jQuery - Sudo Notify
- Other - 2976 ViewsSudo Notify is a jQuery plugin that displays responsive, animated, nice-looking notification bars to announce important information to your visitors.
Stack Overflow-Style Animated Notification Bar with jQuery
- Other - 2797 ViewsA jQuery and jQuery UI based notification plugin used to display a full width message bar sliding out from the top of your screen.
Minimal Notification Bar Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap 3 - bootbar
- Other - 8676 ViewsBootbar is a lightweight and easy to use jQuery plugin styled with Bootstrap 3 that creates various types of stacked notification bars with simple slide away animations.
Simple Notification Bar Plugin For jQuery - jBar
- Other - 3937 ViewsjBar is a simple and lightweight jQuery Plugin for add a Notification Bar to your website for displaying important informations.
Super Tiny jQuery Notification Bar Plugin - toast
- Other - 3157 Viewstoast is a super simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to create a notification bar with smooth fade in / out effects for displaying important messages of your website.
Stackoverflow Like Notification Bar for jQuery - Howdy-do
- Other - 2030 ViewsHowdy-do is a jQuery plugin that helps you create a Stackoverflow-Like Notification Bar on the top of your page.
Smooth Sliding Notification Bar Plugin - msgTips
- Other - 2435 ViewsmsgTips is an useful jQuery Plugin that add a Notification Bar on the top of your website with smooth fade in and fade out effects.