Free jQuery slide Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'slide' are listed here.
Animated jQuery Tooltip Plugin - tooltipify
- Tooltip - 2229 Viewstooltipify is an alternative to the default browser tooltip that allows to create animated tooltips with slide in or slide out effect using jQuery and CSS.
jQuery Plugin For Slide Out Tab Contact - tabSlideOut
- Other - 25680 ViewstabSlideOut is a lightweight jQuery plugin that slides out a sliding panel when clicking the tab on the web page.
Responsive jQuery Lightbox With Flip and Overlay Effects - flipLightBox
- LightBox - 6852 ViewsflipLightBox is a responsive and easy-to-use jQuery lightbox plugin that comes with image flip effect and navigation functionality.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Responsive Sliding View - SimpleSlideView
- Animation - 3214 ViewsSimpleSlideView is a plugin for jQuery (or Zepto) that allows you to present content in a responsive & touch-enabled sliding view interface.
Minimalist jQuery Modal Popup Box Plugin - Simple Popup
- LightBox - 21480 ViewsSimple Popup is a dead-simple jQuery modal plugin that popups a closable modal box with full-screen overlay and a smooth sliding animation effect.
Performant and Touch-Friendly Carousel Plugin for jQuery - microfiche.js
- Slideshow - 9870 Viewsmicrofiche.js is a easy-to-use and touch-friendly jquery Carousel Plugin that helps you to quickly create a performant carousel-like slideshow with smooth sliding effect.
jQuery Plugin For Element Slide-in Animations - SlideIn
- Animation - 901 ViewsSlidein is a super tiny jQuery plugin that uses CSS and jQuery animate() function to smoothly slide elements into view, at a certain speed and from any position.
jQuery Plugin For Consecutive Fade and Slide Animations
- Animation - 1553 ViewsConsecutive is an extremely simple jQuery plugin which allows you to apply consecutive fade or slide animations on a series of DIV elements.
jQuery Plugin To Slide In Html Elements On Scroll - scrollSlide
- Animation - 3179 ViewsscrollSlide is a tiny jQuery & jQuery UI scroll animation plugin which allows you to slide in Html elements as they're scrolled into view.
jQuery Plugin For Element Fade/Slide Effects As You Scroll - FadeThis
- Animation - 43600 ViewsFadeThis is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to create fade/slide animations when Html elements come in (or out of) the viewport.
Responsive jQuery Accordion Plugin with Smooth Sliding Effect
- Accordion - 11383 ViewsA simple clean, responsive and cross-platform jQuery accordion plugin that allows to expand hidden html contents with smooth sliding effects.
Full Page Slide Transitions with jQuery Multi-Screen.js Plugin
- Animation - 6525 ViewsMulti-Screen.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a fashion single page website that allows the visitor to navigate through content sections with vertical and horizontal transition animations.
jQuery Slide to Activate Plugin - sliderbutton
- Slider - 1626 Viewssliderbutton is a jQuery plugin that provides a button which is triggered by sliding a handle to the side.
Lightweight Responsive Accordion Plugin For jQuery - raaccordion
- Accordion - 1839 ViewsRaaccordion is a lightweight responsive jQuery accordion plugin that allows you to expand/collapse content panels with a smooth sliding effect.
jQuery Accordion Plugin with Amazing CSS3 Animations - ChechuAccordion
- Layout - 762 ViewsChechuAccordion is a jQuery/Zepto accordion plugin that allows you to expand a content panel with amazing CSS3 @keyframes animations like rotate, slideUp or slideDown.
jQuery Plugin To Create Fullscreen Scrolling Website - fullPage
- Slider - 5740 ViewsfullPage is a powerful, multipurpose jQuery & jQuery UI plugin to create a fashion one page fullscreen scrolling website with snapping functionality.
Stylish jQuery Image Gallery with Slider Control - Slider Gallery
- Gallery - 2849 ViewsSlider Gallery is an easy jQuery image gallery plugin that allows you to scroll through a set of images with a slider bar control at the bottom of the gallery.
jQuery Plugin For Minimal Sidebar Navigation - Xeo Menu
- Menu - 2857 ViewsXeo Menu is a minimalist jQuery plugin for creating an animated sidebar navigation that slides out from the edge of your page when mouse hover.
Minimal jQuery Based Slideshow with Slice Effects - filoSlider
- Slideshow - 2089 ViewsfiloSlider is a fast and easy jQuery plugin for creating a slideshow with random slice effects to slide through a group of images.
Multi-Level jQuery Accordion Plugin - TermAccordion
- Accordion - 1657 ViewsTermAccordion is a quite simple jQuery plugin for creating multi-level accordion user interface to hide/reveal contents by clicking the headers.
A Small Yet Robust jQuery Slider Plugin - Scooch
- Slider - 1187 ViewsScooch is another jQuery slider plugin that makes it easy to create a customizable slider which supports any html elements within it.
jQuery Infinite Content Slider Plugin - gallerot
- Slider - 1206 Viewsgallerot is a lightweight (~4kb unminified) jQuery plugin for creating an Html content slider with smooth sliding effects.
Lightweight jQuery Recursive Accordion Menu Plugin - Quiccordion
- Menu - 6532 ViewsQuiccordion is a simple and fast jQuery plugin for creating recursive accordion menus with smooth sliding effects.
Highly Configurable jQuery Slideshow Plugin - Slideme
- Slideshow - 5974 ViewsSlideme is a simple, responsive and customizable jQuery plugin for creating a slideshow with lots of options and CSS3 animation support.
jQuery Diagonal Content Slider Plugin - Turniquet
- Slider - 1839 ViewsTurniquet is a simple, novel and customizable jQuery slider plugin that allows to slide content (images, DIVs, etc) diagonally with unique transition effects.
jQuery Plugin For Switchy Select Options - Switchy
- Form - 4475 ViewsSwitchy is a fancy and touch-enabled jQuery plugin that turns a standard html select into a slide/toggle switch that allows the visitor to select items by dragging or clicking the slider.
Easy jQuery Fading Slide Toggle Plugin
- Animation - 3373 ViewsFading Slide Toggle is a jQuery plugin for creating a slide down/up animation attached to an html element as you toggle the trigger, with smooth fading effects and easing options.
Tiny jQuery Plugin For Stackable Html Elements - stacky
- Animation - 1026 ViewsStacky is a super simple jQuery plugin that takes advantage of CSS3 transitons for creating slide up/down animations on stacked html elements by mouse clicking or by custom show/hide events.
Slider-Like Horizontal Sliding Layout with Javascript and CSS3
- Layout - 2576 ViewsIn this tutorial written by MARY LOU we're going to create a responsive and attractive layout that allows to smoothly slide content between sections with javascript and CSS3 transforms.
jQuery Plugin For Animated Side Icon Menu - DD Icon Menu
- Menu - 10386 ViewsDD Icon Menu is a jQuery plugin which allows you to create a icon based vertical & sticky menu panel at the edge of the screen that will slide out sub menus on hover over.
Multi-Level Slide and Push Menu with CSS3 and Javascript - MultiLevelPushMenu
- Menu - 36449 ViewsMultiLevelPushMenu is a javascript library created by MARY LOU to create multi-Level push menus which will slide out from the left side of the page by pushing the website content to the right.
Collection of 20+ Subtle & Modern Link Effects with Pure CSS3
- CSS3 & Html5 - 12148 ViewsIn this post written by MARY LOU we're going to creating more than 21+ subtle and modern link effects (sliding, flipping, 3D rotation, etc) using CSS3 transitions on pseudo-elements.
Multi-Level Drop Down Menu with Pure CSS3 - Minimal Transparent Menu
- Menu - 65918 ViewsMinimal Transparent Menu is a simple, clean and customizable menu system which supports unlimited menu levels and smooth slide effects.
Google Nexus Page Like Sidebar Menu with CSS3 and Javascript
- Menu - 18435 ViewsIn this article written by MARY LOU we're going to create a stylish sidebar menu with smooth sliding effects, similar to the google Nexus 7 website.
Easy jQuery Slideshow Plugin with Slide Label Support - Digital Slideshow
- Slideshow - 1319 ViewsDigital Slideshow is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that turns a group of images into a slideshow with auto play and slide label/text support.
Easy & Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin - wmuSlider
- Slider - 7945 ViewswmuSlider is an easy and fast jQuery plugin that allows you to create a clean and responsive Carousel / Slider with fade and slide animations.
Clean jQuery Slideshow Plugin With Animated Image Captions - Scrollpic
- Slideshow - 1827 ViewsScrollpic is a jQuery plugin for creating a clean and neat image slideshow that provides a 'more/back' button within the image caption container that allows the visitor to show or hide more description about the image.
Flexible and Simple jQuery Slidshow Plugin - Choco Slider
- Slideshow - 2093 ViewsChoco Slider is a super simple and fast jQuery plugin for creating a customizable image slideshow which is compatible with all browsers today.
Simple jQuery Navigation Menu Slider - menuSlider
- Menu - 1237 ViewsmenuSlider is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to create a smooth slider on the navigation menu.
Pretty Modal Window Effects with CSS3 Transitions and Animations
- LightBox - 45896 ViewsIn this tutorial written by MARY LOU we're going to create Pretty Modal Window Effects with javascrtipt and CSS3 Transitions & Animations.
Stunning CSS Framework For CSS3 Animations With jQuery
- Animation - 2513 ViewsMagic is a CSS3 framework worked with jQuery that aims to provide a number of different types of CSS3 animations with special effects such like bling, slide, rotate, Perspective, math, etc.
jQuery Sidebar Toggle Menu Plugin - sidetogglemenu
- Menu - 19886 Viewssidetogglemenu is a simple jQuery plugin that creates side bar menu on your page that slides out from the edge of the browser window with CSS3 transition effects.
Stylish & Responsive Slide Out Menu with CSS3 and Javascript
- Menu - 5397 ViewsA stylish & responsive navigation menu built with CSS3 and javascript that slides out a grid-like thumbnail layout for the submenu.
jQuery Plugin For Text Transition Animations - Textualizer
- Text - 3145 ViewsTextualizer is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to transition through blurbs of text.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Page Slide Menu - PageSlide
- Zoom - 17210 ViewsPageSlide is a jQuery plugin for loading content from a secondary page with sliding effects or displaying hidden content from current web page in a modal pane.
JS Library For Facebook Style Side Panel Menus - Snap.js
- Menu - 18499 ViewsSnap.js is a simple javacript library for creating beautiful mobile shelfs similar to facebook or path style slide menus.
Simple jQuery Collapsible Panel Plugin
- Accordion - 26570 ViewsA simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to expand or collapse a content panel with smooth sliding effect when clicked the header of the container.
Animated Text Opening Sequence with jQuery and CSS3
- Text - 3111 ViewsIt takes advantage of CSS3 animations and jQuery lettering plugin to help create animated text opening sequence on your web page.
jQuery Plugin For Sliding Box with Image Overlay Effect - Mosaic
- Layout - 9174 ViewsMosaic is an awesome and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that automatically generates sliding boxes with animated image overlay effects.
Super Tiny jQuery Slideshow Plugin - omHDP
- Slideshow - 583 ViewsomHDP is a super simple but useful jQuery plugin that make it easier to create a slideshow with animation effects and optional auto-play functionality.
Cool Animated Side Menus with Sliding and Pushing Effects
- Menu - 171388 ViewsIn this tutorial we're going to create animated side menus with cool slide out and slide in effects. It makes it easier to create vertical or horizontal menus that can slide out from any of the edges of your page.
Simple Content Sliding Plugin with Fade Animation - KISS.Animate
- Slider - 3212 ViewsKISS.Animate (Keep It Simple Stupid Animate) is a simple jQuery plugin which allows you to slide content with transition fading effects.
Simple and Fast jQuery Slider Plugin - simpleSlider
- Slider - 1346 ViewssimpleSlider is a jQuery plugin that make it easier to quickly create customizable sliders with vertical or horizontal sliding effects, which supports any html elements (image, video, div, etc.).
Simple Slide and Fade Out Html Elements Plugin with jQuery
- Animation - 949 ViewsA lightweight and easy to set up jquery plugin that enables you to slide and fade out html elements randomly in a container.
Touch Enabled Content Swiping Plugin with jQuery - slideToucher
- Mobile - 2162 ViewsslideToucher is a jQuery plugin for touch screen that supports vertical or horizontal content swiping/sliding.