AJAX-enabled Autocomplete Plugin For Bootstrap - Search Suggest

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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
AJAX-enabled Autocomplete Plugin For Bootstrap - Search Suggest

Search Suggest is a feature-rich, Ajax-enabled jQuery autocomplete / autosuggest plugin for Bootstrap framework.


  • Based on Bootstrap dropdown component.
  • Allows searching for multiple keywords.
  • Loads data from any resources such as JSON, URL, JavaScript API, JS array, etc.
  • Keyboard interaction.
  • Lots of customizable options.

Basic usage:

1. Include the Bootstrap Search Suggest plugin together with the jQuery library and Bootstrap framework on your web project.

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
<script src="bootstrap-suggest.js"></script>

2. Apply the plugin to your text field and load predefined data from an JSON file.

  url: "data.json",
  searchFields: [ "shortAccount"],
  effectiveFieldsAlias:{userName: "Name"},*/
  idField: "userId",
  keyField: "userName"
  "message": "",
  "value": [
      "userName": "Mark",
      "shortAccount": "chunyun",
      "userId": 20001
    }, {
      "userName": "orion-01",
      "shortAccount": "orion-01",
      "userId": 20000
    }, {
      "userName": "Otto",
      "shortAccount": "muxiaochen",
      "userId": 20002
  "code": 200,
  "redirect": ""

3. Apply the plugin to your text field and load predefined data from local data.

  indexId: 2, 
  indexKey: 1, 
  data: {

4. All the configuration options with default values.

// url
url: null, 

// null = use json data
jsonp: null,

// data to use
data: {value: []}, 

indexId: 0, 
indexKey: 0, 
idField: "",
keyField: "", 
autoSelect: true,
allowNoKeyword: true,

// 'url' or 'firstByUrl'
getDataMethod: "firstByUrl", 

ignorecase: false,
effectiveFields: [], 
effectiveFieldsAlias: {},   
searchFields: [], 
twoWayMatch: true,
multiWord: false,
multiWord: false, 
separator: ",", 
delay: 300, 
emptyTip: '',
searchingTip: 'Search...',

autoDropup: false,
autoMinWidth: false,
showHeader: false,
showBtn: true, 
inputBgColor: '', 
inputWarnColor: "rgba(255,0,0,.1)",
listStyle: {
  'padding-top': 0,
  'max-height': '375px',
  'max-width': '800px',
  'overflow': 'auto',
  'width': 'auto',
  'transition': '0.3s',
  '-webkit-transition': '0.3s',
  '-moz-transition': '0.3s',
  '-o-transition': '0.3s'
listAlign: "left",
listHoverStyle: 'background: #07d; color:#fff',
listHoverCSS: 'jhover', 
clearable: false, 

// key codes
keyLeft: 37, 
keyUp: 38, 
keyRight: 39,
keyDown: 40, 
keyEnter: 13,

// functions
fnProcessData: processData,
fnGetData: getData,
fnAdjustAjaxParam: null, 
fnPreprocessKeyword: null,
fnAjaxFail: null, 

5. API methods.

// disable the plugin

// enable the plugin

// destroy the plugin

// output the version

6. Events available.

  .on("dataRequestSuccess", function (event, result) {
  .on('onSetSelectValue', function (e, keyword) {
      console.log('onSetSelectValue: ', keyword);
  .on('onUnsetSelectValue', function (e) {
  .on('onShowDropdown', function (e, data) {
      console.log('onShowDropdown', e.target.value, data);
  .on('onHideDropdown', function (e, data) {
      console.log('onHideDropdown', e.target.value, data);



  • Improvement.


  • v0.1.25: bugfix


  • v0.1.24: update for showDropMenu and hideDropMenu


  • Bugfixed.


  • v0.1.23: Bugfixed.


  • v0.1.21


  • improvement.


  • version 0.1.18


  • fixed for Chrome 52+



  • added fnAdjustAjaxParam、fnPreprocessKeyword parameters.


  • added autoSelect parameter.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by lzwme. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.