Single Or Multiple Selection With Mouse Drag - SwipeableMultiselect

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License: MIT
Single Or Multiple Selection With Mouse Drag - SwipeableMultiselect

SwipeableMultiselect is a jQuery plugin for dynamic drag & select functionality that allows the user to select single or multiple items with mouse drag.

Based on the native checkbox, radio button, and Bootstrap's button group component.

See also:

How to use it:

1. Load the required jQuery library and Bootstrap framework in the html file.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.min.css">
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="bootstrap.min.js"></script>

2. Load the jQuery SwipeableMultiselect plugin's files.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="SwipeableMultiselect.css">
<script src="SwipeableMultiselect.js"></script>

3. Call the function on the target container and define an array of JS objects for the selectable data.

<div id="swipeable-container"></div>
  values: [{ 
    "text": "Apple", "value": "apple"
  }, { 
    "text": "Pear", "value": "pear" 
  }, { 
    "text": "Banana", "value": "banana" 
  // more items here

4. Make an item pre-selected on init.

  "text": "Apple", 
  "value": "apple",
  "active": true

5. Enable single selection using radio butons.

  values: [{ 
    "text": "Apple", "value": "apple"
  }, { 
    "text": "Pear", "value": "pear" 
  }, { 
    "text": "Banana", "value": "banana" 
  // more items here
  allowMultiple: false

6. Get selected items.


7. Set pre-selected item(s).

$("#swipeable-container").swipeableMultiselect("SetActive", ["apple"]);
$("#swipeable-container").swipeableMultiselect("SetActive", "apple");

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by aleinnocenzi. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.