jQuery Plugin For Checkbox Based Toggle Buttons - TinyToggle

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License: MIT
jQuery Plugin For Checkbox Based Toggle Buttons - TinyToggle

TinyToggle contains a jQuery plugin and a web font that allows you to convert checkboxes into beautiful on / off toggle buttons / switches using Html5 data-* attributes.


  • 13 different types
  • 8 different sizes and palettes
  • 4 callback events.
  • 5 public methods

How to use it:

1. Upload the css, fonts, and js folders into your web server.

2. Import the required JavaScript and Stylesheet in your project which has jQuery library installed.

<link href="path/to/tiny-toggle.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/tiny-toggle.js"></script>

3. Create a checkbox on your webpage.

<input type="checkbox" class="tiny-toggle">

4. Initialize the plugin to convert the checbox into a toggle switch.


5. Change the styles of your toggle buttons. Available Html5 data attributes:

  • Toggle: data-tt-type="toggle"
  • Check: data-tt-type="check"
  • Circle: data-tt-type="circle"
  • Square: data-tt-type="square"
  • Square Checked: data-tt-type="square_v"
  • Power: data-tt-type="power"
  • Dot: data-tt-type="dot"
  • Like: data-tt-type="like"
  • Watch: data-tt-type="watch"
  • Star: data-tt-type="star"
  • Lock: data-tt-type="lock"
  • Heart: data-tt-type="heart"
  • Smile: data-tt-type="smile"
<input type="checkbox" class="tiny-toggle" 

6. Change the sizes using Html5 data-tt-size attributes:

Mini: data-tt-size="mini"

Small: data-tt-size="small"

Medium: data-tt-size="medium"

Large: data-tt-size="large"

Big: data-tt-size="big"

Huge: data-tt-size="huge"

Monster: data-tt-size="monster"

Giant: data-tt-size="giant"

<input type="checkbox" class="tiny-toggle" 

7. Change the colors using Html5 data-tt-colr attributes:

  • Black: data-tt-palette="black"
  • Blue: data-tt-palette="blue"
  • Purple: data-tt-palette="purple"
  • Red: data-tt-palette="red"
  • Green: data-tt-palette="green"
  • Yellow: data-tt-palette="yellow"
  • White: data-tt-palette="white"
<input type="checkbox" class="tiny-toggle" 

8. Default options and callback events.

type: 'toggle',  
size: 'medium', 
palette: 'standard',
colors: null,
icons: null,
disabled: false,
onReady: null,
onChange: null,
onCheck: null,
onUncheck: null

9. Public methods.


Change log:


  • bugfix
  • Add tinyToggle Angular Directive


  • Add groups management

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by EnomisTheArtist. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.