Free jQuery Switch Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Switch' are listed here.
10 Best Toggle Switches In JavaScript & Pure CSS (2025 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 75549 Views10 best and top rated JavaScript & Pure CSS solutions to create user-friendly switch controls and toggle buttons for your web app.
Checkbox Toggle Switch Plugin For Tailwind CSS Framework
- Form - 5808 ViewsA tiny and fast jQuery plugin that helps developers create checkbox based on/off switches in the latest Tailwind CSS framework.
Creative Dark Mode Switch Built With HTML/CSS/jQuery
- Form - 1282 ViewsA minimal, creative, animated dark mode toggle switch achieved by basic HTML, CSS/CSS3, and JavaScript (jQuery).
Create Realistic Toggle/Push/Slide Switches - jQuery rsCheckboxSwitch
- Form - 465 ViewsA jQuery plugin to help developers create realistic, animated, and keyboard-accessible slide/toggle/push switches on the webpage.
Smooth Animated Toggle Control Plugin With jQuery and Bootstrap - Bootstrap Toggle
- Form - 9525 ViewsBootstrap Toggle is a jQuery plugin that turns the checboxes into animated and highly customizable toggle controls based on templates with Bootstrap.
Transform Checkbox Into Toggle Switch - jQuery switchify
- Form - 2865 ViewsA simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that transforms the regular checkbox input into iOS style toggle switches with a single JS call.
Convert Checkbox Into iOS-style Switch Using jQuery
- Form - 1301 ViewsA really small jQuery snippet that converts checkboxes into iOS-style toggle buttons (also called switch control) while preserving the native check and uncheck functions.
JavaScript Plugin For Sliding Toggle Switches - LC Switch
- Form - 43817 ViewsA tiny jQuery and Vanilla JS plugin that converts default checkbox & radio inputs into pretty switches or toggle buttons, with smooth sliding effects powered by CSS3 transitions.
Enhanced Switch Control With Custom Styles
- Form - 1547 ViewsA super tiny jQuery plugin for creating customizable and themeable switch controls to enhance the check/uncheck experiences on the web.
Animated iOS Style Switch With jQuery And Checkbox - netlivaSwitch
- Form - 3007 ViewsA tiny, easy-to-implement, fully configurable jQuery plugin for creating animated, iOS style switches from normal checkboxes.
Touch-friendly Switch Buttons For Bootstrap 4 - switchButton
- Form - 8656 ViewsswitchButton is a Bootstrap 4 plugin that transforms the normal checkbox element into responsive, mobile-friendly, customizable switches and toggle buttons.
Creating iOS Style Toggle Switches With Switchery.js
- Form - 20460 ViewsSwitchery is a simple Vanilla JavaScript plugin that converts the standard Html checkboxes into flat iOS style toggle switches with nice sliding effects.
Toggle Elements With A Checkbox Switch - jQuery Canecode Switch
- Form - 1589 ViewsCanecode Switch is a tiny jQuery plugin for generating a checkbox based switch control to show/hide any elements on toggle.
Three States Toggle Switch With jQuery - jQuery jToggler
- Form - 13087 ViewsThe jToggler jQuery plugin converts the normal checkbox into an iOS-style toggle switch that enables the user to select between three options: Checked, Unchecked and Indeterminate.
Customizable Switch Button Plugin For Bootstrap - Bootstrap Switch
- Form - 31569 ViewsA highly flexible and customizable jQuery plugin which converts the normal checkbox and radio inputs into swipe toggle switches using Bootstrap button styles.
Cool Toggle Switch Animations With jQuery And Anime.js
- Form - 3277 ViewsA collection of cool, smoothly animated toggle switches based on jQuery, anime.js, CSS/CSS3, and Checkbox or Radio input.
Three State Toggle Switch Plugin With jQuery - theswitch
- Form - 7259 ViewsThe theswitch jQuery plugin lets you create minimal clean toggle switches that support indeterminate state (tri-state) based on the normal checkbox element.
iOS Style Checkbox Replacement Plugin - jQuery iosCheckbox.js
- Form - 1605 ViewsThe iosCheckbox.js jQuery plugin helps you create iOS-style checkbox controls that allow the user to toggle between two opposite states.
Basic ON/OFF Toggle Switches In jQuery - Switcher
- Form - 19451 ViewsSwitcher is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that transforms the native Checkbox and Radio Button elements into iOS inspired on/off toggle switches just with a JS call.
Custom Checkbox/Radio/Switch Controls With jQuery - simpleCheck
- Form - 3472 ViewssimpleCheck is a jQuery plugin which uses JavaScript and CSS to create beautiful custom checkboxes, radio buttons and toggle switches for better user experience.
iOS Style Toggle Switch With Gooey Effect - jQuery mSwitch
- Form - 6512 ViewsYet another jQuery toggle switch plugin which transforms a regular checkbox input into an iOS style switch control with cool gooey sliding effects when toggled.
Checkbox Based Sliding Switch - jQuery simpleToggler
- Form - 8962 ViewssimpleToggler is a lightweight jQuery plugin that transforms the normal checkbox inputs into animated, easy-to-custom toggle switches.
Simple Plain Toggle Button Plugin For jQuery - miniToggle.js
- Form - 6947 ViewsminiToggle.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin which transforms normal DIV element into an iOS-style smooth toggle button (switch) with variable colors and toggle event supports.
Switch Style Radio Buttons In jQuery - Simple Input Toggle
- Form - 8895 ViewsThe jQuery Simple Input Toggle plugin transforms the normal radio inputs into switch-style toggle buttons for better user experience.
iOS Style Checkbox Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - iosCheckbox.js
- Form - 14322 ViewsA dead simple jQuery plugin that converts the default checkbox element into a beautiful iOS style switch control with smooth CSS3 transitions.
Touch Enabled & Skinnable Toggle Switches with jQuery - asSwitch
- Form - 12157 ViewsasSwitch is a jQuery plugin used to turns the normal checkbox into an intuitive, skinnable, draggable and touch compatible toggle switch.
Minimalist ON/OFF Switch With jQuery And FontAwesome - toggle-onoff
- Form - 5917 Viewstoggle-onoff is a dead simple jQuery plugin for creating a toggle switch that uses Font Awesome for the on/off icons.
CSS3 Animated jQuery Toggle Switch Plugin - rcSwitcher
- Form - 7718 ViewsrcSwitcher is a jQuery plugin that utilizes CSS3 transitions and transforms to generate smooth on/off toggle switches from regular checboxes and radio inputs.
Customizable Interactive Toggle Switch Plugin With jQuery - btnSwitch
- Form - 13197 ViewsbtnSwitch is a simple, customizable jQuery plugin which converts any DIV elements into button or checkbox based on/off toggle switches with custom themes and callbacks support.
Responsive Customizable Toggle Switch Plugin - hurkanSwitch
- Form - 5025 ViewshurkanSwitch is a jQuery plugin that helps you create responsive, flexible, customizable on/off toggle switches from regular checkboxes or radio buttons.
Minimal On/Off Switch Plugin For jQuery - addToggle
- Form - 3675 ViewsaddToggle is a tiny jQuery plugin which converts a regular input field into an easy-to-customize toggle switch for on/off states.
jQuery Plugin For Tri-state Toggle Switches - Candlestick
- Form - 21891 ViewsCandlestick is a jQuery plugin that converts a normal checkbox into a stylish, touch-enabled on/off toggle switch with three check states: checked, unchecked and indeterminate.
iPhone Style Toggle Switch With jQuery And CSS3 - Sswitch
- Form - 4212 ViewsSswitch is a very lightweight (~3kb unminified) jQuery plugin which allows to replace the normal checkbox input with an iPhone style on/off toggle switch.
Custom On/Off Toggle Switch Plugin For jQuery - on-off-switch.js
- Form - 44288 Viewson-off-switch.js is a simple to use jQuery plugin used for generating toggle switches with custom text, colors and sizes form 'hidden' or checkbox inputs.
Tiny On / Off Switch Button Plugin For jQuery - easyswitch
- Form - 3155 Viewseasyswitch is a lightweight jQuery plugin which converts any container element (div or span) into a clean, easy-to-style on / off toggle switch.
Nice Checkbox And Radio Button Replacement Plugin - nicelabel.js
- Form - 16063 Viewsnicelabel.js is a tiny jQuery plugin that converts the default checkboxes and radio buttons into nice toggleable switches and/or selectable labels.
iOS-like Smooth Tri-state Switch Plugin With jQuery - multiSwitch
- Form - 7140 ViewsmultiSwitch is a jQuery plugin for generating iOS-style smooth toggle switches from native checkboxes that work with 3 check states: on, off and null.
jQuery Plugin For Checkbox Based Toggle Buttons - TinyToggle
- Form - 8556 ViewsTinyToggle contains a jQuery plugin and a web font that allows you to convert checkboxes into beautiful on / off toggle buttons / switches using Html5 data-* attributes. Features: 13 different types 8 different sizes and palettes 4 callback
Touch-friendly iOS Style Checkbox Plugin With jQuery - Simple Switch
- Form - 2966 ViewsSimple Switch is a lightweight, mobile-friendly jQuery plugin for converting regular checkboxes into iOS-style toggle switches that support swipe events on touch services.
Easy Sliding Toggle Switch Plugin For jQuery - C-Switch
- Form - 2312 ViewsC-Switch is an easy yet customizable jQuery plugin which converts radio or checkbox inputs into more efficient sliding toggle switches.
Simple Toggle Switch Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap - Bootstrap Switch
- Form - 26189 ViewsA minimalist jQuery plugin that converts normal checkboxes into highly customizable toggle switches using Bootstrap styles.
Knob Style Rotary Switch Plugin with jQuery - rotarySwitch
- Form - 7163 ViewsrotarySwitch is a jQuery plugin that converts the default text input into a flexible, knob-style Rotary Switch for multiple purpose.
Multi-state Toggle Switch Plugin with jQuery - SwitchStateButton
- Other - 6936 ViewsSwitchStateButton is a very simple jQuery plugin that helps you creates toggle switches with support for multiple option states.
iPhone Like Toggle Button Plugin - jQuery toggles
- Other - 15664 Viewstoggles is a jQuery Plugin that make it easy to create toggle buttons with smooth sliding effect for your projects.
Material Design Toggle Switch Plugin with jQuery - ToggleSwitch
- Form - 10768 ViewsToggleSwitch is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that converts normal checkboxes into Material Design inspired on / off toggle switches.
Checkbox Based Toggle Switch with jQuery - Adaptive Switch
- Form - 1929 ViewsAdaptive Switch is a jQuery plugin which turns a standard Html checkbox into a stylish toggle switch with adaptive text.
Smooth Single Element Toggle Switch with jQuery and CSS3
- Form - 3277 ViewsA jQuery script which converts a single element into an on/off switch button with smooth transition effects based on CSS3 transforms and transitions.
Create Flat Smooth Toggle Switches with jQuery and CSS3
- Form - 3513 ViewsA super easy jQuery script that turns an DIV element into a flat styled toggle button with cool CSS3 transition effects.
Smooth iOS Style Toggle Switch with jQuery and CSS3
- Form - 1985 ViewsJust another jQuery script to create iOS style animated switch controls with smooth toggle transitions powered by CSS3.
Stylish Toggle Switch Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Light Switch
- Form - 2846 ViewslightSwitch is a lightweight jQuery plugin which convert the standard checkbox into a stylish animated toggle switch.
iOS 7 Style Smooth Toggle Buttons With jQuery and CSS3 - Checkable
- Form - 13574 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin used to create an iOS 7 like smooth toggle buttons with CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Easy Content Switching Plugin with jQuery - Navi.js
- Slider - 1804 ViewsNavi.js is an awesome jQuery plugin for displaying contents of multiple pages with sliding and fade effects in one page.
jQuery Plugin For Clean Switch Button - switcher
- Form - 1713 Viewsswitcher is a lightweight and simple plugin that helps you create slidable Switch Buttons using jQuery, CSS and html.