jQuery Form Plugins
Download Free jQuery Form Validation, Input Mask, Select, Checkbox, Radio Button, Textarea and other form element enhancement plugins at our jQuery Form Plugin section. Page 14 .
Floating Contact Button (Form) In jQuery - fancyMessenger
- Form - 1873 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that displays a floating contact button (form) to collect user feedback on your web app.
Character Counter Including Whitespaces - Characters Caculator
- Form - 502 ViewsAn easy-to-use and developer-friendly character counter plugin that provides instant character count statistics for text fields like textarea and input.
Easy Filterable Dual List Box Plugin - jQuery DualSelectList
- Form - 13036 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin for creating a multi-selectable dual list box where the users are able to move items between two filterable lists.
Bootstrap Compatible Form Validator In jQuery - validate.js
- Form - 2244 ViewsA form validation plugin that uses Bootstrap form validation classes (or your own CSS classes) to highlight invalid form fields and display custom error messages.
Single Page Signup Form Plugin In jQuery
- Form - 408 ViewsA user-friendly single page signup form plugin that optimises the user registration process and improves the registration experience, thereby increasing conversion rates.
Populate Form Fields With JSON Data - json-form-binding.js
- Form - 18501 Viewsjson-form-binding.js is a dead simple jQuery dynamic form creation plugin which can be used to populate form fields with JSON data.
Submit Form Data Over AJAX - jQuery ajaxform
- Form - 2271 ViewsA tiny and easy-to-use AJAX form jQuery plugin that sends form data via AJAX requests and returns response messages on submit.
Smart jQuery Autocomplete Plugin For Input Fields - Autocomplete.js
- Form - 3072 ViewsAutocomplete.js is a small jQuery autocomplete plugin for displaying a suggestion list which enables the users to complete text in sequence while typing.
JavaScript Plugin For Sliding Toggle Switches - LC Switch
- Form - 43638 ViewsA tiny jQuery and Vanilla JS plugin that converts default checkbox & radio inputs into pretty switches or toggle buttons, with smooth sliding effects powered by CSS3 transitions.
Create Beautiful iOS-style Inputs Using Pineput Plugin
- Form - 1248 ViewsPineput is a small jQuery plugin to create beautiful, animated input fields with floating labels/placeholders as you see on iOS and Android apps.
Fully Featured Form Serializer In jQuery - serializeJSON
- Form - 1125 ViewsA robust jQuery based form serializer that makes it easier to serialize your form data into a JavaScript object containing key/value pairs for further use.
Convert Selects Into Checkbox/Radio Inputs - SelectToCheckbox
- Form - 808 ViewsA jQuery plugin that converts single/multiple select boxes into a list of radio or checkbox inputs styled with Bootstrap framework.
Display A Popup And Play A Sound When A Checkbox Is Checked
- Form - 1773 ViewsA tiny jQuery script that enables a checkbox to toggle a notification popup and play a sound when checked.
Validate Form Fields Using HTML Data Attributes - jQuery validate.js
- Form - 1984 ViewsA simple, lightweight (less than 1kb) jQuery form validation plugin that works with most commonly used input fields like username, email, number, password, and more.
Responsive & Touch-Friendly jQuery Range Slider Plugin
- Form - 13534 ViewsA small and fast jQuery plugin to create a customizable, responsive, touch-enabled range slider control from the native HTML5 range input.
Check If Passwords Meet Complexity Requirements - password.js
- Form - 913 ViewsCheck whether the password you typed meets the complexity requirements and display a summary in the Bootstrap popover component while typing.
SEO-friendly Custom Select Box In jQuery
- Form - 2309 ViewsA custom select box jQuery plugin that converts a regular select element into a semantic, SEO-friendly dropdown list.
Validate IP Address In Input Field - jQuery IpInput
- Form - 2229 ViewsA tiny jQuery IP address validation plugin that can be used to check if a given IP v4 address (or an IP address range) is valid on submit.
Disable Chrome Autofill & Autocomplete With jQuery - disableAutoFill
- Form - 30569 ViewsdisableAutoFill is a lightweight jQuery plugin for disabling autofill and autocomplete functionalities in Google Chrome browser.
Auto Stretch Textarea To Fit Its Content - jQuery autoResize
- Form - 2117 ViewsA jQuery textarea resize plugin that automatically increases and decreases the height of your textarea element to fit its content.