Free jQuery In-place Editing Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'In-place Editing' are listed here.
Intuitive Edit-In-Place With EditableOnDoubleClick jQuery Plugin
- Text - 179 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that enables intuitive inline editing with just a double click.
Simple Inline Editing with jQuery Editable Plugin
- Text - 122 ViewsTransform static text into editable fields with jQuery-editable. This lightweight plugin adds double-click editing to any HTML element.
10 Best In-Place Editing Plugins In JavaScript (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 4616 ViewsA list of the 10 best in-place editing (inline editor) plugins for your consideration. These plugins can improve user experience, provide advanced features and save time in creating content.
Tiny Edit In Place Plugin - jQuery Editable
- Text - 929 ViewsA lightweight yet powerful jQuery edit in place plugin that allows users to edit content directly on the webpage.
AJAX-enabled Edit In Place Plugin With jQuery - jeditable
- Text - 11385 Viewsjeditable is a customizable edit in place plugin that turns any element into an Ajax-enabled, input- or textarea-based in-place editor for in-place editing of any data within the document.
Simple AJAX-enabled Inline Editing Plugin For jQuery
- Text - 1566 ViewsAn easy-to-use inline editing (also called in-place editing) jQuery plugin that sends edited data as a JS object to the server via AJAX requests.
In-place DOM Editing With jQuery - domEdit
- Text - 3401 ViewsAn In-place/inline editing jQuery plugin that behaviors like the HTML5 contenteditable attribute and works any DOM elements like DIV, Paragraph, Table, etc.
Create Editable Tables with jQuery And Bootstrap - Bootstable
- Table - 77315 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin for editable Bootstrap tables which allow you to edit table cells on client side and remove the entire table row by clicking on the 'delete' button.
Asynchronous Content Editing Plugin - Fasteditor
- Text - 1049 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you to edit any content and handle operations asynchronously using Promises.
Double Click/Tap To Edit Plugin With jQuery - Editable
- Other - 5982 ViewsA simple yet customizable jQuery inline editing plugin which converts any HTML element into a textarea so that you can edit the content just like the contenteditable element.
Advanced Inline Content Editing Plugin With jQuery - Editable
- Form - 2200 ViewsAn advanced and configurable inline editing plugin that transforms your element into a contentEditable element for fast editing.
In-place Editing Javascript Library - X-editable
- Text - 16742 ViewsX-editable is a javascript library inspired by bootstrap-editable plugin that invokes in-place editing feature to any element of your page.
Inplace/Inline Editor With Save/Cancel Buttons - jQuery inplace.js
- Text - 6924 Viewsinplace.js is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery inline editing plugin that allows visitors to edit the content of any DIV and then send the resulting change to a specific URL via AJAX.
Inline Editing With Input, Select And Textarea - jqInlineEdit
- Text - 8945 ViewsA small yet robust inline editing plugin for jQuery that makes an element act as an input field, select box or textarea when a specific event is triggered.
Basic Edit In Place Plugin jQuery - jQuery eip.js
- Text - 4755 Viewseip.js is a very small (2kb minified) jQuery edit in place plugin for Bootstrap that allows you to click and edit web content instead of in a separate panel.
jQuery Inline Editor For Bootstrap 3/4 Tables - Table Editor
- Table - 14402 ViewsTable Editor is a lightweight jQuery/Bootstrap plugin which provides an inline editing functionality for table cells on single click. Supports both Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4.
Edit Any Element In Place - jQuery Editable
- Text - 10050 ViewsEditable is a simple, touch-friendly inline editing jQuery plugin which converts any valid html elements into an editable area when double clicking/tapping on it.
Ajax-enabled In-place Editor For jQuery - doomEdit
- Text - 3564 ViewsJust another jQuery inline editing plugin which allows to edit and update content of an HTML element (text, table cell, editable container, etc) in its place
jQuery Plugin For In-place Editing Of Any Element - inputEditable
- Text - 1869 ViewsinputEditable is a lightweight jQuery plugin that turns any DOM element into an AJAX in-place editor with an input field when clicked.
jQuery Plugin For Inline Editing Of Data On The Webpage - InlineEdit.js
- Text - 1871 ViewsYet another inline editing jQuery plugin that makes any elements editable with an input field on double click.
jQuery Plugin For In-Place Editing of Data - jinplace
- Text - 2310 ViewsJinplace is a jQuery plugin that is used to make sections of text on a page editable directly from the page.
jQuery & jQuery UI Based Content-editable Widget - contenteditable.js
- Text - 3555 ViewsThe jQuery contenteditable.js plugin helps you create complex, customizable, content-editable html elements using jQuery UI and native HTML "contenteditable" attribute.
jQuery Inplace WYSIWYG Rich Text Editor - notebook
- Text - 10309 ViewsNotebook is a jQuery plugin for creating a floating toolbar containing an multi-line or inline WYSIWYG rich text editor that allows you to in-place edit the selected text of the page.
Tiny Text Inline Editing Plugin With jQuery - InlineEdit
- Text - 2980 ViewsInlineEdit is a really simple jQuery plugin that turns your text into a text field (input or textarea) for instant inline editing.
Cross-browser Inline Editing Plugin with jQuery - inline-edit
- Text - 2878 Viewsinline-edit is a very small jQuery plugin which adds inline edit capability to existing html elements you specify. Works with both 'click' and 'mouseover' events.
Minimal Inline Editing Plugin For jQuery - inputizer
- Form - 901 Viewsinputizer is a minimalist jQuery inline editing plugin that turns an inline element into an editable input field.
Lightweight jQuery Plugin For Editable Table Cells - HeavyTable.js
- Table - 5740 ViewsHeavyTable.js is a really small jQuery plugin that converts tables cells into editable text fields by single-click or press the ENTER key.
Creating A Live Editable Table with jQuery - Tabledit
- Table - 166337 ViewsTabledit is a small jQuery plugin that provides AJAX-enabled in-place editing for your table cells.
jQuery Plugin For Editable DIV Elements - editableDiv
- Text - 4351 ViewseditableDiv is a jQuery plugin that converts a simple DIV element into an editable text field with support for custom placeholder.
Simple Content Editable Plugin with jQuery - contenteditable
- Text - 3644 Viewscontenteditable is a lightweight jQuery plugin that makes content element of your page editable with action status (save and update).
Simple In-line Editing Plugin For jQuery - Quick Edit
- Text - 19455 ViewsQuick Edit is a simple-to-use jQuery that turns any element into a text field based in-place editor for quick in-line editing.
Form Elements In-place/Inline Editing with jQuery - TM-Editable
- Form - 4204 ViewsTM Editable is a jQuery plugin which enables In-place/inline editing on your form elements.
jQuery Plugin To Make Any DOM Element Editable - Editable.js
- Text - 2018 Viewseditable is a jQuery plugin that turns an Html DOM element into a textarea so you can quickly edit the text/source code inside the container.
jQuery Plugin For Editable Field On Hover Over - liveeditor
- Text - 2141 ViewsLive Editor is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating editable fields where you can edit data on mouse hovers over.
Tiny jQuery Plugin For Creating An Editable Table - editTable
- Table - 12848 ViewsA basic jQuery implementation of editable table that help you edit your individual table cells in place.
Medium-Style jQuery Html5 WYSIWYG Inline Editor - Penplate
- Text - 6285 ViewsPenplate is a lightweight and easy jQuery text editor plugin that shows up a floating Html5 WYSIWYG Editor after selecting a piece of text on the page, inspired by
Stylish Editable Table Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap 2/3 - Editable Table
- Table - 47766 ViewsEditable Table is a table manipulation plugin that turns a standard Html table into a responsive in-place editable spreadsheet with input validation based on jQuery and bootstrap 2/3.
jQuery Plugin For Editable Web Content - Live Edit
- Text - 5752 ViewsLive Edit is a jQuery plugin that popups a rich text editor panel attached to the selected content that allows you to edit the text directly from the page.
jQuery Plugin For Editable Html Elements - trocar.js
- Text - 1117 Viewstrocar.js is a simple jQuery plugin for converting an html element into a editable area on focus that allows the user to add, remove or edit any text content within it.
jQuery Based Inplace Html5 Rich Text Editor - Popline
- Text - 6413 ViewsPopline is a jQuery plugin inspired from popclip that allows you to create a Html5 rich text editor bar which will float around the selected text.
jQuery Plugin for Inline Editable Text Field - inlineeditableform
- Text - 1606 Viewsinlineeditableform is a lightweight and useful jQuery plugin which makes the text fileds of your page editable.