Free jQuery Text Truncating Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Text Truncating' are listed here.
Expand & Collapse Text Using Read More/Less links - Expander
- Text - 5577 ViewsA simple, customizable jQuery text truncation plugin that allows you to quickly and easily add expand & collapse functionality to any content.
10 Best Multi-line Text Truncation Plugins In JavaScript (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 9465 ViewsA list of 10 best jQuery and Vanilla JavaScript plugins to truncate multi-line text with custom ellipsis and Read More/Read Less links. Have fun.
Trim Long Text Blocks To Improve Reading Experience - jQuery subText
- Text - 120 ViewsMaximize space and readability on your site with SubText, the minimalist text truncation jQuery Plugin.
Responsive Text Truncation jQuery Plugin - SmartEllipsis
- Text - 286 ViewsA tiny responsive text truncation jQuery plugin that truncates long text snippets based on the container's height, adding an ellipsis to indicate continuation.
Shrink & Truncate Text To Fit Its Container - jQuery Textfit.js
- Text - 373 ViewsA lightweight responsive text solution that intelligently resizes and truncates your long text block to fit within its parent container.
Versatile jQuery Plugin For Truncating Text - Truncate.js
- Text - 396 ViewsA lightweight and flexible JavaScript/jQuery plugin that allows you to truncate text content on a webpage based on the number of lines you specify.
Truncate HTML Content By Number Of Lines - Eripusisu.js
- Other - 225 ViewsA lightweight yet feature-rich JavaScript/jQuery element truncation plugin that truncates multil-line content based on the number of lines
Expand And Collapse Long Content With The moreless jQuery Plugin
- Text - 1987 ViewsEnhance the user experience on your website with the moreless jQuery plugin. Quickly expand and collapse long content with a single click.
Lightweight Read More Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap - doLessMore
- Text - 4906 ViewsA read more/read less jQuery plugin that truncates multi-line text by height and appends a toggle control to allow you to reveal or hide the truncated content.
Truncate Text Based On Width - jQuery ellipsisWidth
- Text - 2331 ViewsA tiny, fast, and smart ellipsis truncation jQuery plugin designed to truncate a string when it overflows a rigidly-specified width.
Multiline Ellipsed Text jQuery Plugin - fewlines.js
- Text - 240 ViewsA jQuery responsive text truncation plugin that allows you to truncate long text within any container by the number of visible lines you specify.
Truncate Text From The Middle Or End - jQuery Truncate.js
- Text - 482 ViewsA jQuery text truncation plugin that truncates long text from the beginning, middle, or end to the specified width or to fit the width of its parent element.
Truncate String And Display Full Text On Hover - Hover Truncated
- Text - 2013 ViewsA responsive jQuery text truncation plugin for shortening long text content and replacing the hidden overflow content with an ellipsis.
Clip Overflowing Text With A Read More Button - ReadAll
- Text - 6044 ViewsA jQuery plugin that collapses part of your long text block and adds a Read More button at the bottom if the content exceeds a certain height or a specific number of rows.
Truncate Text To Fit Its Container's Height - LC Text Shortener
- Text - 569 ViewsJust another jQuery text truncation plugin for shortening text based on its container's height or a fixed height value.
Limit Text Length To A Specific Number Of Lines - Read More
- Text - 2555 ViewsA simple jQuery based multi-line text truncation solution that trims the text to a specific number of lines, with or without Read More & Read Less buttons.
Limit Text Length And Show Read More Link - LineShowMoreLess
- Text - 7141 ViewsJust another read more & read less jQuery plugin that collapses text more than specified lines and creates a Show More link to toggle the full content.
Animated Text Truncate & Content Toggle Plugin - jQuery Collapser
- Text - 2731 ViewsCollapser is a flexible jQuery plugin that truncates long text by words, characters or lines and shows/hides truncated text with fade or slide animations.
Versatile Responsive Text Truncation Plugin For jQuery - Truncate.js
- Text - 1311 ViewsJust another responsive, multi-line text truncation plugin for jQuery that allows to truncate overflowed content by lines or container's height.
Trim Text To Specified Number Of Lines - Vertical Truncator
- Text - 2849 ViewsThe Vertical Text Truncator jQuery plugin allows you to trim long text to a specific number of rows and replace the truncated part with a "... Read More" link.
Truncate Multiline String With Ellipsis - Multiline-Overflow-Ellipsis
- Text - 743 ViewsA multiline text truncation jQuery plugin that trims your long text to a specified height and then adds an overflow ellipsis to the end.
Multiline Truncation With Ellipsis And Toggle Links - jQuery multiTextToggleCollapse
- Text - 3945 ViewsYet another multi-line text truncation plugin that truncates & collapse long text block by lines and allows the visitor to toggle the truncated text with Read More & Read Less links.
Clamp Text With Max Lines - jQuery Line Cutter
- Text - 2484 ViewsLine Cutter is a tiny jQuery text truncation plugin that clamps text with max lines and adds overflow ellipsis to the end of the text block.
Smart & Cross-Browser Long Text Truncating Plugin For jQuery - dotdotdot
- Text - 11735 Viewsdotdotdot is a smart and cross-browser jQuery plugin that truncates multiple line content to fit within your container and adds an ellipsis at the end of the text.
Shorten Long Text With Ellipsis - jQuery Dotify
- Text - 1617 ViewsDotify is a jQuery based text shortener that limits your long text to a specified number of characters and automatically appends an ellipsis at the end of the text.
Read More/Less Content Toggle Plugin For jQuery
- Text - 13260 ViewsYet another jQuery content toggle/character limit plugin(script) that allows the visitor to expand and contract long text with Read More and Read Less links.
Truncate Text By Words Or Characters - jQuery truncateMe
- Text - 1254 ViewstruncateMe is a tiny yet multi-functional text truncation plugin which helps you limit the length of your long text depending on the number of characters or words you specify.
View More/Less Buttons Plugin For jQuery - Elimore
- Text - 4879 ViewsElimore is a small and configurable text truncation plugin that trims the text to a specified number of characters and creates View More & View Less links to toggle the visibility of the overflowing characters.
Truncate Text With Ellipsis Using jQuery - Text-Ellipses
- Text - 1657 ViewsText-Ellipses is a very small jQuery text truncation plugin which can be used to shorten text with ellipsis inside a specific DOM element.
Trim Text To A Specified Number Of Lines - jQuery moreLines
- Text - 4910 ViewsmoreLines is a jQuery text truncation plugin which can be used to trim text to a specified number of lines with a read more button.
Show/Hide Long Text Based On Max Length - jQuery show-hide-text
- Text - 12108 Viewsshow-hide-text is a small jQuery based 'Truncate Text By The Number Of Characters' plugin which enables the users to show and hide long text with Read More and Read Less links.
Animated Read More Plugin For Long Content - jQuery readMore.js
- Text - 5580 ViewsreadMore.js is a small jQuery plugin to create a Read More button to expand a long block of text content shrunk by height.
jQuery Plugin For Cropping Text Without Breaking Words - Limit Text
- Text - 1919 ViewsLimit Text is a lightweight, cross-browser, and user-friendly jQuery text truncation plugin which truncates long text by characters and hides overflowing content using ellipsis (...) without breaking a word in half.
Customizable Multi-line Text Ellipsis Plugin - jQuery vEllipsis
- Text - 4037 ViewsvEllipsis is a lightweight yet highly customizable jQuery multi-line ellipsis plugin which automatically truncates text content based on a number of lines.
Basic Read More / Read Less Plugin With jQuery - shorten.js
- Text - 7360 Viewsshorten.js is a small jQuery plugin which limits the characters length in your text and creates read more / read less to expand & collapse the text block.
Truncate Multi-line Text With jQuery - readMore
- Text - 1635 ViewsreadMore is a lightweight, cross-browser jQuery multi-line text truncation plugin that allows to excerpt your long text content depending on number of lines.
Limit Length Of Text By Lines Or Characters - jQuery ellipsis.js
- Text - 4146 Viewsellipsis.js is a simple, lightweight, responsive jQuery text truncation plugin for truncating long text within a container based on the number of lines or characters.
Truncating Text By Number Of Lines - jQuery ellipsis
- Text - 9757 Viewsellipsis.js is a responsive multi-line text truncation plugin that truncates your long text by a specific number of lines and adds "..." to the end of the word.
jQuery Plugin To Trim Text String with Ellipsis - Trunc.js
- Text - 783 ViewsTrunc.js is a dead simple (less than 1kb) jQuery text truncation plugin that truncates text to a specified number of characters with an ellipsis.
Responsive Long Text Truncating By Height - jQuery Snipper
- Text - 1229 ViewsSnipper is a jQuery text truncation plugin to create a summary of your long content that allows to truncate the text to a specific height no matter how and when you resize the browser window.
Simple jQuery Text Overflow Ellipsis Plugin
- Text - 6166 Viewstext-overflow-ellipsis.js is a jQuery plugin for adding in client-side multi-line text overflow based on line number.
Responsive Text Truncating Plugin For jQuery - TruncateJS
- Text - 1008 ViewsTruncateJS is a tiny jQuery plugin used for truncating multi-line text with respect to its container's height that automatically refreshes on window resize.
Minimalist jQuery Text Truncation Plugin - Curtail
- Text - 3069 ViewsCurtail is an ultra-light jQuery plugin which adds the text truncation and read more/less functionalities to your long text block.
Minimalist Multi-line Text Truncation Plugin For jQuery - trunc.js
- Text - 548 ViewsThe simplest jQuery based text truncation plugin which truncates text to a specific number of characters with ellipsis.
trunk8 - Intelligent Text Truncation Plugin
- Text - 1538 Viewstrunk8 is a Intelligent text Truncation Plugin built with jQuery that cuts off just enough text to prevent a large block of text from spilling over.
Easy jQuery Text Truncation Plugin With Tooltip Intergrated - shortify
- Text - 712 ViewsShortify is a jQuery plugin which truncates your long text to a specified number of characters and displays the full text in a tooltip when hovering over the ellipsis.
jQuery Plugin To Truncate Long Text By Height - readMoreFade
- Text - 3220 ViewsreadMoreFade is a jQuery plugin for creating collapsible and expandable content where the text fades out at the bottom and has a "Read More" button.
Gradient Ellipsis Effect With jQuery And CSS3 - Easyllipsis
- Text - 730 ViewsEasyllipsis is a JQuery plugin which uses CSS3 gradients to create a smooth ;gradient ellipsis effect at the end of the specified text when overflowing.
Responsive Multi-line Text Truncating Plugin - ellipsis
- Text - 3743 Viewsellipsis is a lightweight, responsive jQuery multi-line text truncation plugin which allows to limit the long texts by a certain number of lines.
jQuery Plugin To Auto Expand/Collapse Content Based On Screen Size - autoexpend
- Text - 1505 Viewsautoexpend is a jQuery plugin which auto expands / collapses specific content within the document according to the screen size.
Multiline Text Truncation Plugin With jQuery - Dynamic Max Height
- Text - 3380 ViewsDynamic Max Height is a jQuery plugin for collapsing long blocks of text with a "Read more" link which allows you to expand the content with a CSS3 transition effect.
Mac Style Text Truncation Plugin For jQuery - truncateMiddle
- Text - 3638 ViewstruncateMiddle is a jQuery text truncation plugin which truncates strings to a specified length and adds an ellipsis ("...") in the middle of the text as you seen in Apple Finder.
jQuery Plugin For Truncating Text By Number of Characters - ellipsis
- Text - 546 Viewsellipsis is a dead simple jQuery plugin that truncates your text to a specified number of characters and adds an ellipsis (...) at the end of the container.
jQuery Plugin To Truncate Long Text By Word - motrim
- Text - 1195 Viewsmotrim is a lightweight jQuery text truncating plugin which enables you to cut off long text by word or character, similar to the CSS text-overflow: ellipsis.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Multi Line Text Truncating - fewlines
- Text - 5472 Viewsfewlines is a jQuery plugin that clips the long text in a container to a specified number of lines with an ellipsis or custom toggle links.
jQuery Plugin For Truncating Text with Read More Links - jReadMore
- Text - 3748 ViewsjReadMore is an ultra light jQuery plugin that truncate your long text to a specified height with "Read more" and "Read Less" links.
Extremely Lightweight jQuery Multiline Text Truncating Plugin - Succinct
- Text - 1916 ViewsSuccinct is a super lightweight (~0.6kb minified) jQuery plugin that allows you to shortens your text to a specified size, and then adds an ellipsis (or custom characters) to the end.