Free jQuery transforms Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'transforms' are listed here.
Beautiful HTML Presentation Library - reveal.js
- Animation - 15788 Viewsreveal.js is a poweful JavaScript library for creating beautiful, touch-enable, full-features, powerpoint-like HTML5 presentation on the webpage.
Smooth Animated Numbers with Javascript and CSS3 - odometer
- Animation - 42087 Viewsodometer is a lightweight and themeable javascript library that makes use of CSS3 transform and transition properties to animate numbers with smooth transition effects.
Simple jQuery Carousel Plugin With 3D Rotating Effects - Carousel 3D
- Slider - 17005 ViewsCarousel3d is a jQuery & jQuery UI carousel plugin that makes use of CSS3 transforms and perspectives to cycle through a set of Html elements with an amazing 3D rotating effect.
Create Custom Rotate Animations with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 4811 ViewsA super tiny JavaScript library which gives you the ability to apply a custom rotate animation on an Html element using jQuery and CSS3 2D transforms.
Animated Text Input With jQuery and CSS3 Transforms
- Animation - 5505 ViewsMakes use of jQuery and CSS3 transforms to animate each letter/number while typing something into an input field.
jQuery Plugin For CSS3 Transforms and Transitions - Transit
- Animation - 6290 ViewsTransit is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to do smooth CSS transforms and transitions in jQuery.
Creating A TV Shutdown Effect with CSS3 Transitions and Transforms
- Animation - 5834 ViewsA nice-looking TV interface with a fancy TV shutdown effect when you click the toggle link, build in jQuery and CSS3 transitions & transforms.
Simple Clean jQuery Modal Plugin with CSS3 Animations
- LightBox - 4434 ViewsYet another jQuery modal plugin that makes it easier to display Html content in a popup window with CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Creating A Pretty Pantone Clock with jQuery and CSS3
- Time & Clock - 1972 ViewsA simple, nice-looking pantone clock built on top of jQuery and CSS3 transforms. Great for adding a clock widget to your website or mobile App.
Easy Animated Tooltip Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 Transforms
- Tooltip - 1872 ViewsA super simple jQuery plugin that create an animated tooltip from title attribute using fancy CSS3 animations.
Google Material Design Concept UI Button with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 6384 ViewsAn animated UI button built with jQuery and CSS3 that comes with an interactive ripple animation when clicked on, following the Google's new Material Design concept.
Create A 3D Foldable Tab Bar with jQuery and CSS3
- Layout - 0 ViewsA jQuery and CSS3 based tabs widget that allows to reveal the tabbed content with a 3D transform transition effect when you mouse hover. How to use it: 1. Include the necessary Prefix-free CSS library in the head section of the web page. Pr
jQuery Plugin For Creating Image Zoom Effects On Scroll - Zoom Scroller
- Zoom - 3166 ViewsZoom Scroller is a small jQuery plugin that creates an image zoom effect when the image appear on the screen.
jQuery Funciton To Zoom Any Element Using CSS3 - ZoomElem
- Zoom - 1282 ViewsZoomElem is a jQuery based function which allows you to scale any kind of Html elements using CSS3 transform property.
Google+ App Like Pullup Effect with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 1696 ViewsA cool Google+ app like pull-up effect bulit on top of jQuery and CSS3 transitions & transforms.
Creating An Accordion Style FAQ System with jQuery and CSS3
- Accordion - 5579 ViewsA jQuery & CSS3 FAQ system that allows you to expand and collapse answer panels by clicking the questions.
Smooth Accordion Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 Transforms
- Accordion - 2835 ViewsA stylish accordion jQuery plugin that allows you to expand/collapse stacked content areas with a smooth CSS3 transform based sliding effect by clicking the accordion headers.
Create Full Page Animated Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 1816 ViewsThis is a simple jQuery script for creating a navigation bar with blurred background that allows you to open a full page animated navigation menu with CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Fully Responsive jQuery Content Slider Plugin - sldr
- Slider - 4030 ViewsSldr is a fully responsive and customizable jQuery slider plugin that makes use of CSS3 transforms and transitions to showcase your images in a fancy way.
jQuery & CSS3 Carousel Plugin with Content Flipping Effects - Flip Carousel
- Slider - 19764 ViewsFlip Carousel is a responsive jQuery carousel plugin that has the ability to flip carousel content like a card using CSS3 transitions, transforms, and perspectives.
jQuery Plugin To Flip Html Elements with CSS3 - Flip
- Animation - 2033 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin that makes it easy to flip an Html element like a card using CSS3 transition, transform, front and back properties.
jQuery Plugin For Diagonal Grid Layout - nnmgrid
- Layout - 5759 Viewsnnmgrid is an interesting jQuery layout plugin for creating a diagonal grid layout with hover effects based on CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Animated Pull Quote Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Flip Quote
- Animation - 1706 ViewsFlip Quote is a jQuery plugin designed for flat design that creates a pull quote from a text quote found in the document and flips to reveal the quote once it's scrolled into view.
jQuery Cover Flow-Like List Animation Plugin - skywheel
- Animation - 4483 Viewsskywheel is a simple jQuery plugin for easily creating Cover Flow-Like interface with Html unordered list and CSS3 transforms.
3D Tilted Scroll Effect with jQuery and CSS3 - Tilted Page Scroll
- Animation - 6535 ViewsA fancy plugin to implement amazing 3D tilted scroll effects on Html elements using jQuery and CSS3 transform and perspective properties.
Easy jQuery Plugin To Animate Text with CSS3 Transitions and Transforms - TextfxAPI
- Text - 2962 ViewsTextfxAPI is a jQuery plugin worked with jQuery transit script that allows you to apply awesome animations on the text using CSS3 transitions and transforms.
jQuery Plugin For Creating Curved Text - CurvedText
- Text - 4587 ViewsCurvedText is a fancy jQuery text effect plugin which enables you to to arrange each letter of your text along a curved path.
Responsive Image Slideshow with jQuery and CSS3 - RadioShow2
- Slideshow - 906 ViewsRadioShow2 is a cool new jQuery plugin for showcasing your images in a responsive slideshow with amazing CSS3 animations.
Hexagon Right Click Menu with jQuery and CSS3 - Radial Menu
- Menu - 3642 ViewsRadial Menu is a fancy jQuery menu plugin that uses CSS3 transforms to create a customizable Radial/Hexagon menu which can be used as a context menu for your web page.
Responsive Multi-level Off Screen Navigation Plugin For jQuery - cbFlyout
- Menu - 14411 ViewscbFlyout is a mobile-first jQuery off-canvas navigation plugin that creates a responsive multi-level sidebar menu using CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Super Simple Text Rotator with jQuery and CSS3
- Rotator - 3882 ViewsText Rotator is a super tiny jQuery plugin used to sequentially or randomly rotate an array of text with 3D flip effects based on CSS3 transition, transform and perspective properties.
Fancy & Responsive jQuery Diamond Layout Plugin - diamonds.js
- Layout - 21177 ViewsDiamonds is an amazing jQuery plugin for easily creating a responsive diamond layout using CSS3 transforms that tilts every items by 45 degrees to make your website unique.
Simple Clean jQuery & CSS3 Carousel Slider Plugin - CSS Slider
- Slider - 14527 ViewsCSS Slider is jQuery carousel/slider plugin which takes advantage of CSS3 transitions and transforms to animate the slides with next/prev controls and infinite looping support.
Touch-enabled jQuery Timeline Plugin with 3D Flipping Effects - Timecube
- Other - 34571 ViewsTimecube is a fancy jQuery timeline plugin that allows you to navigation through JSON based events by mouse or touch swipe in an animated 3D cube interface based on CSS3 perspective, transition and transform properties.
Simple 3D Flipping Cube Slideshow with jQuery and CSS3 - BoxRoll Slider
- Slideshow - 24656 ViewsBoxRoll Slider is a slideshow plugin for jQuery that uses CSS3 transitions, transforms and perspectives to create a responsive image slideshow with 3D box flipping/rotating animations.
jQuery Plugin For Rotating Flower Slider - flowerbox
- Slider - 1901 Viewsflowerbox is a fancy and unique jQuery slider plugin that utilizes CSS3 transitions and transforms to navigate through html contents by rotating a 'flower' interface.
Google Tips-Like Flip Layout with jQuery and CSS3 - Tip Cards
- Layout - 2025 ViewsTip Cards is an awesome jQuery plugin inspired by Google Tips that helps you create an animated & responsive web layout with amazing flipping effects based on CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Creating 3D Leaves Falling Effect with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 26632 ViewsAn amazing jQuery plugin which makes use of CSS3 transforms to create falling leaves with 3D flipping and rotation effects on your web page.
Cool jQuery Slider Plugin with CSS3 Animations - Wiper
- Slider - 3357 ViewsWiper is a cool and fancy jQuery slider plugin that rotates and collapses the slides with amazing accordion-like CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Creating A 3D Flipping Gallery with jQuery and CSS3
- Gallery - 10542 ViewsAn easy and fancy jQuery plugin that makes use of CSS3 transitions and transforms to create a 3D galley with awesome flipping animation.
jQuery Popup Menu Plugin With CSS3 Animations - Square Menu
- Menu - 4245 ViewsSquare Menu is a lightweight (~3kb) jQuery menu plugin that popups a menu panel with subtle CSS3 animations (transitions and transforms) in the center of the page.
Flexible & Draggable jQuery Popup Window Plugin - Dialog
- LightBox - 13828 ViewsDialog is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that allows to popups a draggable and closable modal dialog with amazing transitions on page load or on demand.
Apple-Like Vertical One Page Scrolling Plugin For jQuery - slidescroll
- Slider - 13194 Viewsslidescroll is a jQuery plugin to create a Apple's iPhone 5S website style one page scrolling website that allows to vertically navigate between different sections with smooth effects.
Airbnb iOS 7 App Style Side Menu with jQuery and CSS3 - Fly Side Menu
- Menu - 17598 ViewsFly Side Menu is a cool menu plugin that makes use of CSS3 to create a side menu navigation with 3D transforms and transitions, similar to the new Airbnb App navigation resigned for iOS 7.
Slider-Like Horizontal Sliding Layout with Javascript and CSS3
- Layout - 2574 ViewsIn this tutorial written by MARY LOU we're going to create a responsive and attractive layout that allows to smoothly slide content between sections with javascript and CSS3 transforms.
jQuery Plugin For Hardware Accelerated CSS3 Animations - Minimit Anima
- Animation - 3171 ViewsMinimit Anima is a jQuery plugin for Hardware accelerated CSS3 transitions and transforms with fallback on older browsers.
jQuery CSS Rotate Property Using CSS3 Transforms - Rotate
- Animation - 11118 ViewsRotate is a tiny jQuery plugin that allows you to rotate html elements (like images) using CSS3 transformations.
iOS Style jQuery 3D Dropdown Notification Plugin - ios.notify.js
- Other - 3163 Viewsios.notify.js is a responsive and mobile-friendly jQuery plugin for creating Apple iOS style drop down notifications with CSS3 3D transforms on your web page.
Easy jQuery 3D Side Menu Plugin with CSS3 - Box Lid
- Menu - 11836 ViewsBox Lid is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin that enables you to create a side navigation menu with 3D 'Box Lid' effects by using CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Smooth Book Flipping Effects with Pure CSS
- CSS3 & Html5 - 15765 ViewsAn awesome CSS tutorial written by MARCO BARRIA that enables you to create Smooth Book Flipping Effects using only CSS3 Transitions and Transforms.
jQuery Animated Button's Icon On Loading - Loda Button
- Animation - 2805 ViewsLoda Button is a jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 animation, transitions and transforms to animate your button's icon as the data are being fetched from the server.
Three-Dimensional and Space Efficient Menu - Meny
- Menu - 20238 ViewsMeny is a javascript library for helping create a Three-Dimensional and Space Efficient Menu using CSS3 3D transforms, which can be positioned on any side of the screen.
jQuery 3D Animation Plugin With HTML5 and CSS3 Transforms - jworld
- Animation - 4054 Viewsjworld is a lightweight and fast jQuery plugin which allows you to create camera animations in the browser with HTML5 and CSS3 3D Transforms.
Animated Image Caption Hover Effects with CSS3 and HTML5
- CSS3 & Html5 - 32212 ViewsIn this tutorial written by MARY LOU we're going to create stunning and modern Image Caption Hover Effects using CSS3 and HTML5 figure & figcaption elements.
Responsive jQuery Slideshow with 3D CSS3 Transforms - Refine Slide
- Slideshow - 32498 ViewsRefineSlide is a responsive and stunning jQuery plugin for creating a slideshow with a lot of cool 3D transform & CSS3 transition effects and thumbnails preview.
Content Flip Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - BookBlock
- Animation - 10099 ViewsBookBlock is a Content Flip Plugin built with jQuery that allows you to flip any content like in a booklet.
Awesome jQuery Plugin For 3D Animation with CSS3 - Trid
- Animation - 3180 ViewsTrid is a cool jQuery plugin that allows to automatically converts HTML5 DOM elements into a 3D scene using CSS3 Transforms.
Minimit Gallery Plugin with jQuery and CSS3
- Slider - 1648 ViewsMinimit Gallery Plugin with Jquery and CSS3 is a custom slider Jquery plugin.
Funny jQuery Card Deck Slideshow Plugin
- Slideshow - 2457 ViewsCard Deck Slideshow is a funny jQuery slideshow plugin that rotates and "unhinges" each slide to show the next using CSS3 transforms, similar to a stacked pile of cards.
Circular Slideshow Plugin with jQuery and CSS3
- Slideshow - 10815 ViewsA simple and fun slideshow plugin built with jQuery and CSS3 transforms that flips a circle in a specific angle depending on which spot of the circle we click.
jQuery Plugin For Toggling Elements with Transform Effect - betterToggle
- Animation - 1913 ViewsbetterToggle is a lightweight and fast jQuery plugin that allows you to show or hidden multiple elements with CSS3 Transforms.
Automatically Add Vendor Prefixes For CSS3 Attributes - CSS3 Finalize
- CSS3 & Html5 - 2451 ViewsCSS3 Finalize is an useful jQuery plugin that allows you to directly write some particular CSS3 attributes (transform, calc, etc...) without the vendor prefixes.
jQuery Plugin for Complex Animations On Your Page - Animelt
- Animation - 2252 ViewsAnimelt is a lightweight and awesome jQuery plugin that allows you to run complex transform animations on your web page.
jQuery Object Swirling Plugin with CSS3 and jQuery UI
- Animation - 1851 ViewsA jquery based plugin that allows you to swirl an object onto or off of the screen using CSS3 transforms property and jQuery UI.
Venetian Blind-Like Banner Rotator Plugin - Venetian
- Rotator - 2065 ViewsVenetian is a cool jQuery plugin for creating venetian blind-Like banner rotator made of rolling stripes animated with CSS3 3D transforms.
Book Showcase with 3D Transform Effects
- Animation - 7397 ViewsA book showcase using CSS3 3D Transforms and other some fun effects (rotating, flipping and opening ...) that makes books look more realistic.
Swatch Book - Open and Rotate Swatches Plugin
- Slider - 2217 ViewsSwatch Book is a jquery plugin using CSS transforms and transitions that allows you to open and rotate the single swatches revealing some details.
Apple Login Form With jQuery And CSS3
- Form - 3609 ViewsApple Login Form is a jQuery apple-like Login Form plugin using CSS3 3D transforms that you can flip elements in 3D space.
Awesome 3D Image Gallery Plugin
- Gallery - 8146 ViewsThe Awesome 3D Image Gallery Plugin with Jquery and CSS 3D transforms.