Free jQuery social share Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'social share' are listed here.
10 Best JS Social Sharing Plugins To Boost Your Traffic (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 24105 Views10 best JavaScript and jQuery social share plugin which help you create social buttons/links to share your content on social networking sites.
Generate Custom Social Share Buttons With jQuery C Share Plugin
- Social Media - 15765 ViewsThe C Share jQuery plugin lets you dynamically generate social share buttons from popular social networks to increase social media engagement.
jQuery Plugin To Add Social Sharing Buttons To Your Site - Socialjs
- Social Media - 4053 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows you to easily create social sharing buttons for popular social media networks right on your website or blog.
jQuery Plugin For Floating Social Share Bar
- Social Media - 55627 ViewsFloating Share is a jQuery plugin for creating a vertical floating social share bar with counters staying on left hand side of your web page.
Minimal jQuery Social Share Button Plugin For jQuery - Sharetastic
- Social Media - 12834 ViewsSharetastic is a jQuery plugin that displays custom social share buttons with SVG based social icons to share your content on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Email.
Floating Sidebar Social & Contact Buttons - socialFloating.js
- Social Media - 6676 ViewsThe socialFloating.js jQuery plugin creates a floating, collapsible social media & contact sidebar to get more Social Media followers directly from your webpage.
Floating Share/Search/Translate Buttons For Text Selection - goshare.js
- Social Media - 2174 Viewsgoshare.js is a jQuery plugin to show a floating action bar on text selection that enables your visitor to share, search, translate selected text within the document.
Share Selected Text On Twitter & Email - jQuery Selection Sharer
- Social Media - 4576 ViewsSelection Sharer is a mobile-friendly jQuery social share plugin for displaying a floating popover that allows to share highlighted/selected text on Twitter or via Email.
Floating Social Share Panel Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - socialshare.js
- Social Media - 9573 ViewsA user- and mobile-friendly jQuery/Bootstrap social sharing plugin which creates a floating (sticky) social share widget to share your content on popular social networks.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Custom Social Share Buttons - SocialJS
- Social Media - 2344 ViewsSocialJS is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin to generate custom social buttons with share counts for sharing your webpage over 5 major social networking sites.
Customizable Floating Social Share Bar With jQuery - social-share-bar.js
- Social Media - 5114 ViewsAn easy yet customizable jQuery based floating social share bar positioned at the left or right of the page to maximize your social media visibility.
Sticky Bottom Social Bar When Scrolling Down - jQuery SlideUp Social
- Social Media - 3193 ViewsSlideUp Social is a small yet useful jQuery plugin created for increasing your social media followers with a sticky social bar.
Pretty Nice Social Share Buttons - jQuery da-share
- Social Media - 3602 ViewsThe da-share jQuery plugin makes it simple to generate pretty nice social share buttons & links on your web applications.
Easy Social Share Buttons with Counters Using jQuery - easyShare
- Social Media - 13641 ViewseasyShare is a minimal jQuery plugin used to integrate custom social media buttons with counters into your web page.
Create Social Share Links With jQuery And Open Graph - Shape Share
- Social Media - 2232 ViewsShape Share is a jQuery plugin to generate plain social share links that open a new new window to share your content in social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest.
Minimal jQuery Social Sharing Plugin - BEShare
- Social Media - 8041 ViewsBEShare is a jQuery plugin that provides a simple way to integrate social share links into your web page.
Minimal jQuery Social Media Button Integration - Sns Share
- Social Media - 3275 ViewsSnsShare is a very simple lightweight jQuery plugin for integrating various social sharing buttons on your website.
Minimalist Social Sharing jQuery Plugin - socialShare
- Social Media - 3690 ViewsA minimalist social sharing jQuery plugin to create plain social share links that open a new window to share your content on social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+ and Email.
Customizable Social Like Button and Counter Plugin - social likes
- Social Media - 24452 Viewssocial likes is a jQuery plugin for creating highly customizable 'like' buttons and counters for popular social media services.
jQuery Plugin For Animated Flat Social Buttons with Share Count
- Social Media - 9872 ViewsA lightweight social media plugin used to create popular social media share buttons with share count on your web page.
Simplest jQuery Social Share Link Plugin - socialLinkBuilder
- Social Media - 3077 ViewssocialLinkBuilder is a jQuery plugin that makes it easier to generate social share links with SVG based social icons on the webpage.
Easy Social Sharing Buttons with Shared Count - ssc.js
- Social Media - 3658 ViewsYet another jQuery social share plugin which creates beautiful social sharing buttons with shared counts to increase social shares for your web content.
Social Share Counter For jQuery - sharecount.js
- Social Media - 2286 Viewssharecount.js is a dead simple jQuery plugin that retrieves and displays the number of social shares for a specific URL.
jQuery Plugin For Custom Social Share Links - Shares
- Social Media - 3598 ViewsShares is a very small jQuery plugin for creating custom social links to share to a URL across several social media platforms: Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Google Plus.
Easy Social Media Counter Plugin For jQuery - SocialCounters
- Social Media - 9808 ViewsSocialCounters is a jQuery plugin which displays the number of followers, fans, likes, subscribers from popular social networking providers.
Flexible and Easy Social Sharing Plugin with jQuery - jssocials
- Social Media - 19354 Viewsjssocials is a flexible and easy jQuery social share plugin which lets you share web content and links with custom social buttons & counters on social networks.
Simple and Clean Social Share Plugin with jQuery - sharebox
- Social Media - 6148 ViewsSharebox is a simple jQuery plugin for creating a clean social share box on your web page that contains share buttons to popular social networking sites.
Custom Social Share Buttons / Links With jQuery - socialShare
- Social Media - 3665 ViewsJust another jQuery social sharing plugin that lets you create social share links with custom icons, buttons, styles and templates.
jQuery Plugin To Tweet Quotes From Your Articles - Tweetthis.js
- Social Media - 1703 ViewsYet another Twitter sharing plugin for jQuery (less than 1kb) that automatically generates Twitter share links to tweet/share pieces of text within your article.
jQuery Plugin To Create Custom Share Buttons With Counts - csbuttons
- Social Media - 2034 Viewscsbuttons is a cross-browser jQuery plugin which has the ability to help create your own custom social share buttons/links with share counts.
jQuery Plugin To Generate Custom Social Share Links
- Social Media - 3552 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin that lets you create custom social share links (buttons) to prompt your webpages in popular social networking sites.
jQuery Plugin To Create Custom Social Share Buttons - goodshare.js
- Social Media - 7269 Viewsgoodshare.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to generate different types of social share buttons using Html5 data attributes.
Nice Social Share Buttons with Counters - jQuery SharePage
- Social Media - 4460 ViewsSharePage is a jQuery social sharing plugin that shows nice custom social share buttons with counters to share your webpage on popular social networks.
jQuery Plugin To Generate Social Share Links Using HTML Meta Tags
- Social Media - 2704 is a lightweight jQuery plugin used for generating custom social links to share your html content specified in the HTML5 meta & open graph tags.
jQuery Plugin For Custom Social Share Buttons - Social Buttons
- Social Media - 8923 ViewsSocial Buttons is a tiny jQuery plugin to add custom social share buttons (Google plus, Facebook and Twitter) on your web page.
jQuery Plugin To Customize Social Share Buttons and Counters - SocialShare
- Social Media - 10581 ViewsSocialShare is a jQuery plugin to replace the default social share buttons & counters with your own styles.
Simple Pop Out Social Sharing Plugin With jQuery
- Social Media - 3000 ViewsA really simple jQuery plugin used for creating a horizontal/vertical pop out social sharing widget to prompt your content in modern social networks.
Floating/Sticky Social Sharing Widget With jQuery - Social-Share
- Social Media - 3410 ViewsSocial-Share is a jQuery plugin used to create a vertical, sticky, collapsible social share widget with counters on the left side of the screen.
Flexible And Easy Social Sharing Plugin For jQuery - customShareCounts
- Social Media - 1706 ViewsA simple, flexible jQuery social sharing plugin which generates social links with total share counts to share your posts (or any URLs) on popular social networks.
jQuery Plugin To Generate Custom Social Share Links - sharing.jquery.js
- Social Media - 2785 Viewssharing.jquery.js is a minimalist jQuery social sharing plugin which allows to easily share your links on various social networks.
Fully Customizable Social Share Plugin With jQuery - Story Share
- Social Media - 300 ViewsStory Share is lightweight yet highly customizable jQuery social sharing plugin that lets the visitor share your webpage with custom information on social networks.
jQuery Plugin For Easily Configurable Social Buttons - socialShare.js
- Social Media - 5074 ViewssocialShare.js is a jQuery plugin to create fully configurable social buttons with counters for sharing your website over 5 major social networking sites.
Easy jQuery Social Content Locking Plugin - shareIt.js
- Social Media - 4609 ViewsshareIt.js is a simple to use jQuery plugin used to lock / hide the specified content (e.g. download links) until the visitor shares, likes or tweets your webpage.
jQuery Plugin For Embedding Custom Share Buttons with Counters - pisocials
- Social Media - 3959 ViewsA jQuery based custom social share widget which makes it easier to embed official or flat style social sharing buttons with counters into your website.
Custom jQuery Social Share Buttons with Counters
- Social Media - 6756 ViewsJust another jQuery custom social share button plugin which uses Font Awesome 4 for social icons and shows the count that your URL has been shared on social networking sites.
jQuery Plugin For Custom Social Links - sollist
- Social Media - 1802 Viewssollist is a jQuery plugin which allows you to create a list of share links with custom social icons on your webpage.
jQuery Plugin For Floating Social & Contact Sidebar
- Social Media - 55865 ViewsContact Buttons is a jQuery plugin which allows you to add a floating, collapsible sidebar with social media & contact links on your webpage.
Creating Radial Social Share Buttons with jQuery - socialCircle
- Social Media - 12541 ViewssocialCircle is a jQuery plugin that allows the user to reveal and hide radial social share buttons with a toggle button.
jQuery Plugin For Create Flat Style Social Share Buttons - sharegg
- Social Media - 3806 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin to create flat style social buttons with share counts which let you share content or links on various social networks.
jQuery Plugin To Generate Social Share Links - share
- Social Media - 1687 Viewsshare is a tiny jQuery plugin for generating social share links so that you can attach these links to any Html elements.
jQuery Plugin For Custom Social Share Buttons - csButtons
- Social Media - 6636 ViewscsButtons is a lightweight jQuery plugin which allows you to replace the default social share buttons with any social icons.
jQuery Plugin To Add Pinterest Pin It Button Over Images - imgPin
- Social Media - 3873 ViewsimgPin is a lightweight jQuery plugin for revealing custom Pinterest Pin It Buttons over images on mouse hover.
jQuery Plugin To Add Custom Pin It Buttons To Images - PinMe.js
- Social Media - 2248 ViewsPinMe.js is a jQuery plugin for creating custom floating 'Pin It' buttons/links to share your pages/images on
Easy Custom Social Share Plugin with jQuery - Sharer
- Social Media - 12972 ViewsSharer is a lightweight jQuery plugin which allows you to add custom social share buttons to your website.
jQuery Plugin For Custom Social Buttons with Share Counts - POP'n SocialButton
- Social Media - 2681 ViewsPOP'n SocialButton is a jQuery approach to create custom social buttons with share count badges on your website, fully customizable via CSS.
jQuery Plugin For Image Social Share Overlay - socialpic
- Social Media - 14379 Viewssocialpic is a tiny jQuery plugin allows to show social share buttons in the overlay as you hover over an image.
jQuery Plugin For Product Social Share Carousel - Carousel Sharer
- Social Media - 1431 ViewsCarousel Sharer is a jQuery plugin which allows you to loop through a set of products and share them with comments on Facebook, Twitter, Google plus and Pinterest.
Creating A Simple Social Share Bar with jQuery Stoopid Social Plugin
- Social Media - 2994 ViewsStoopid Social a simple jQuery plugin to create a social share bar for sharing your content on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pintrest, and Google plus.
Highly Configurable jQuery Social Share Plugin - Sharrre
- Social Media - 6788 ViewsjQuery Sharrre is a jQuery Social Plugin that allows you to create a highly configurable and personalizable social media share widget sharing for most major social networks.
jQuery Plugin For Pretty Social Buttons with Counters
- Social Media - 4959 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin replaces the default ugly social share buttons and counters to make them highly customizable and styleable via CSS.
Pretty jQuery Social Media Sharing Plugin - prettySocial
- Social Media - 4045 ViewsprettySocial is a very simple jQuery plugin that adds social media buttons on your web page to share custom content via data-* attributes.
jQuery Plugin For Easy Social Buttons Integration - Social
- Social Media - 1288 ViewsSocial is a lightweight jQuery plugin that allows yo to integrate customizable Twitter Tweet, Facebook like, Facebook share and Google +1 buttons with ease.
jQuery Plugin To Add Share Buttons On The Web Page - Smpl Share
- Social Media - 2504 ViewsSmpl Share is a jQuery plugin that provides a simple way to add social share buttons on the web page with just one JS call.
jQuery Plugin For Animated Social Share Bar - Social Sidebars
- Social Media - 28087 ViewsSocial Sidebars is a jQuery plugin for creating a social share bar sticky at the right side of your page that will slide out a social share button when mouse hovers over.
Easy jQuery Plugin For Popup Social Buttons - Share Button
- Social Media - 30584 ViewsShare Button is a simple jQuery plugin for creating a customizable share button that will popup a social share panel when clicking.
Minimal jQuery Plugin For Social Share Buttons - Sharer
- Social Media - 11347 Viewssharer is a super simple jQuery plugin that allows you to create flat social buttons sharing for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Google plus, Reddit, Pinterest, StumbleUpon and Taringa.
Minimal jQuery Social Share Widget - Minishare
- Social Media - 2939 ViewsMinishare is a extremely simple jQuery plugin that allows you to create a fixed position social media share widget on your website.