Free jQuery html5 Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'html5' are listed here.
HTML5 Video and Audio Player Plugin - MediaElement.js
- Other - 24959 ViewsMediaElement.js is a beautiful jQuery Plugin that helps you add HTML5 audio and video players to your website.
jQuery And jQuery Related Resources For Designers & Developers
- jQuery Script Blog - 22449 ViewsjQuery is by far one of the most popular web development framework. With jQuery and jQuery plugins, you can create various useful and awesome effects/functionalities/widgets for your projects.
Attractive Plotting Plugin with jQuery - Flot
- Chart & Graph - 9385 ViewsFlot is a JavaScript plotting library works with jQuery for creating attractive looks and interactive Charts or Graphs.
Smooth Signature Pad Plugin with jQuery and Html5 Canvas
- Other - 135139 ViewsSignature Pad is a jQuery plugin that takes advantage of HTML5 canvas element and javascript to create a flexible and smooth Signature Pad on your web page & app.
Cool Tooltips with Pure CSS - Hint.css
- CSS3 & Html5 - 5718 ViewsHint.css is a tooltip library in CSS that helps you add cool tooltips to any element of your page.
Pixelating An Image Using jQuery Pixelate Plugin
- Other - 3773 Viewspixelate.js is a small and funny jQuery plugin that allows you to pixelate an image (or photo) using javascript and HTML5 canvas element.
jQuery Plugin For Enhancing The Standard Html Search Input - Search Input
- Form - 6523 ViewsjQuery Search Input is a fancy and user-friendly jQuery plugin that turns the standard html input field into HTML5 search input field.
Simple and Clean jQuery Tooltip Plugin - tips.js
- Tooltip - 9161 Viewstips.js is a lightweight and skinnable jQuery plugin to create multiple types of tooltips attached to any html elements, with a simple fade animation.
Cross Platform HTML5 Audio & Video Player For jQuery - jPlayer
- Other - 9454 ViewsjPlayer is a popularjQuery plugin which has been widely used in many online music or video websites.
HTML5 & JavaScript Column Charts - CanvasJS
- Chart & Graph - 16849 ViewsCanvasJS is an HTML5 & JavaScript based Charting Library that runs on all modern devices including iPhone, Android, Desktops, etc.
Simpe Mobile Signature Pad with jQuery and Html5 Canvas
- Mobile - 27711 ViewsSignaturepadHTML5 is a jQuery, jQuery mobile and Html5 canvas based mobile signature pad that allows to draw signature and save it as a PNG for later download.
Responsive Pie Chart Plugin with jQuery and Snap.SVG - Pizza
- Chart & Graph - 20395 ViewsPizza Pie Charts is a jQuery plugin that makes use of Adobe's Snap.SVG javascript library and HTML5 data-* attributes to create a responsive and animated pie & donut chart for any device.
HTML5 Placeholder For All Browsers With jQuery - placeholder
- Form - 4960 ViewsjQuery.placeholder is an useful jQuery plugin that adds a default value to an empty input field for All Browsers.
Creating An Animated DNA Double Helix with jQuery and Canvas
- Animation - 5539 ViewsDouble Helix is a small jQuery plugin for creating animated double helix structure of DNA by using HTML5 canvas element.
Accessible and Customizable jQuery HTML5 Media Player - Acorn Media Player
- Other - 3511 ViewsAcorn Media Player is a jQuery plugin for creating accessible, highly customizable, and themeable HTML5 video & audio players on your web page.
jQuery Plugin To Draw Shapes with Html5 Canvas Element - drawingshapes
- Other - 6524 Viewsdrawingshapes is a javascript plugin built with jQuery and paper.js that allows you to draw shapes (circle or lines) within an DOM element using Html5 Canvas element.
jQuery Sorting Plugin with Native HTML5 Drag and Drop - draganddrop
- Layout - 2161 ViewsDraganddrop is a small and easy jQuery plugin that allows you to rearrange a group of html elements with native HTML5 Drag and Drop feature.
jQuery Plugin For Editable Web Content - Live Edit
- Text - 5757 ViewsLive Edit is a jQuery plugin that popups a rich text editor panel attached to the selected content that allows you to edit the text directly from the page.
Placeholder Patch for Older Browsers - jQuery placeholderpatch
- Other - 523 Viewsplaceholderpatch is a jQuery plugin that enables Older Browsers to support HTML5 Placeholder attribute.
Canvas Based jQuery Photo Editing Plugin - PhotoJShop
- Other - 8688 ViewsPhotoJShop is a jQuery image editing plugin that makes use of Html canvas element and javascript to apply effects, color filters and custom effect matrix on a photo.
jQuery Based Inplace Html5 Rich Text Editor - Popline
- Text - 6419 ViewsPopline is a jQuery plugin inspired from popclip that allows you to create a Html5 rich text editor bar which will float around the selected text.
Simple jQuery Timeline Plugin with Html5 and Moment.js - b1njTimeline
- Other - 15701 Viewsb1njTimeline is a jQuery plugin that makes use of Moment.js and Html5
Lightweight jQuery Plugin For Drawing Waves with HTML5 - Wave
- Chart & Graph - 5088 ViewsWave is a lightweight (~2kb minified) jQuery plugin for drawing waves (Soundwave, ECG, Seismogram, etc) on your web page using HTML5 canvas 2D.
Strike-Through Like Text Squiggle Effect Plugin with jQuery - Squiggle
- Text - 1421 ViewsSquiggle is a funny jQuery plugin that scribbles out your content with a squiggle by using HTML5 Canvas element, like a strike-through or underline over your text.
jQuery Plugin For Resizing Ranged Number Inputs - powerRanger
- Form - 856 ViewspowerRanger is a jQuery plugin that automatically resize number inputs based on the length of characters.
Realistic Raindrops Effect with Canvas and Rainyday.js
- Other - 14641 Viewsrainyday.js is an awesome javascript library for creating a realistic raindrops effect on your webpage using Html5 Canvas element and javascript.
Extremely Lightweight jQuery Tooltip Plugin - simpleTooltip
- Tooltip - 824 ViewssimpleTooltip is a lightweight and simple jQuery plugin for creating clean and customizable tooltips with absolute/relative position and dynamic content (PHP needed) support.
Lightweight & Cross-Browser jQuery Input Hint Plugin - Coolinput
- Form - 863 ViewsCoolinput is a lightweight jQuery input hint plugin that adds a default value to the input filed with a lot of custom options, mimics html5 placeholder attribute for old browsers like IE7, IE8, etc.
Easy & Powerful jQuery Tooltip Plugin - Tippy
- Tooltip - 1772 ViewsTippy is an easy-to-use and powerful jQuery plugin for creating highly customizable and flexible tooltips with many configuration options on your website.
jQuery Plugin For Random David Carson Inspired Art - Carson.js
- Other - 462 ViewsCarson.js is a jQuery plugin which takes advantage of javascript and canvas element to make random David Carson inspired art.
jQuery Responsive Text Plugin - Responsive Text
- Text - 1623 ViewsResponsive Text is a jQuery plugin that automatically resize & scale the text to fit its' container width.
Stylish & Responsive Image Gallery Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - S Gallery
- Gallery - 5158 ViewsS Gallery is a jQuery Responsive Image Gallery plugin inspired by SONY's products gallery that allows to create a responsive and neat image gallery with HTML5, CSS3 and javascript.
jQuery Plugin For HTML5 Canvas Overlay Effects - Canvas Overlay
- Other - 1836 ViewsjQuery Canvas Overlay is a jQuery plugin that allows HTML5 canvas overlays with cutout at the current cursor position.
Awesome Interactive Particles Slideshow with HTML5 Canvas
- Slideshow - 4620 ViewsAn awesome interactive slideshow component with math shapes and texts using html5 Canvas and CSS3.
Nice and Highly Configurable jQuery Slideshow Plugin - Camera
- Slideshow - 24908 ViewsCamera is a powerful and highly customizable jQuery plugin for creating responsive and touch-friendly slideshows with a lot of options and animation effects.
jQuery 3D Animation Plugin With HTML5 and CSS3 Transforms - jworld
- Animation - 4054 Viewsjworld is a lightweight and fast jQuery plugin which allows you to create camera animations in the browser with HTML5 and CSS3 3D Transforms.
Animated Image Caption Hover Effects with CSS3 and HTML5
- CSS3 & Html5 - 32212 ViewsIn this tutorial written by MARY LOU we're going to create stunning and modern Image Caption Hover Effects using CSS3 and HTML5 figure & figcaption elements.
jQuery Animated Image Cation with HTML5 Figcaption
- Animation - 6286 ViewsIn this tutorial we're going to create cross-browser animated image captions using jQuery and HTML5 figure and figcaption elements.
Awesome jQuery Plugin For 3D Animation with CSS3 - Trid
- Animation - 3180 ViewsTrid is a cool jQuery plugin that allows to automatically converts HTML5 DOM elements into a 3D scene using CSS3 Transforms.
jQuery Plugin for Client Side Image Resizing - canvasResize
- Layout - 41145 ViewscanvasResize is a plugin works both with jQuery and Zepto that allows to auto resize/rotate client side images using HTML5 canvas tag.
Responsive Lightbox Gallery Plugin with jQuery and HTML5 - superbox
- Gallery - 5988 Viewssuperbox is a responsive and lightweight jQuery plugin that allows to create a thumbnail gallery with expandable lightbox effect using jqueyr and html5 data-* attributes.
jQuery Plugin For Overlay Instructions For Apps - chardin.js
- Layout - 4350 Viewschardin.js is an awesome jQuery plugin, inspired by the Gmail new composer tour, that allows you to create simple overlay to display instructions on existent elements using html5 data-* attributes.
Dynamic Tip-Like Text Box Plugin With jQuery and HTML5 - jsnoticebox
- Other - 814 Viewsjsnoticebox is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to create a draggable and resizable text notice box on your web page.
jQuery Plugin For Embedded Youtube or HTML5 Videos - PragmaticPlayerJs
- Other - 7464 ViewsPragmaticPlayerJs is a customizable jQuery video plugin that make it easy to embed Youtube or HTML5 Videos into your website or blog.
Easy and Object Oriented Javscript Chart Library - Chart.js
- Chart & Graph - 7910 ViewsChart.js is a flexible and easy-to-use javascript chart library which takes advantage of HTML5 canvas tag to quickly create animated and nice look charts for your projects.
HTML5 Video and Audio Elements Management Plugin - jQuery Media
- Other - 1515 ViewsjQuery media is a jQuery based plugin that allows you to simply manage HTML5 Video and Audio Elements, properties, events, etc
HTML5 Audio Compatibility Layer - Audio5js
- Other - 1068 ViewsAudio5js is a javascript library for HTML5 Audio that provides a light-weight, library-agnostic, cross-browser interface for audio playback in the browser.
jQuery Plugin For Thumbnail Grid with Expanding Preview
- Layout - 8669 ViewsIn today's tutorial we're going to create a thumbnail Grid with expanding preview using jQuery and HTML5 data- attribute. Written by MARY LOU, good for your showcase website.
Smart jQuery Brightcove Video Plugin
- Other - 5434 ViewsA smart jQuery plugin helps you create custom dynamic solutions that work with the Brightcove Video platform.
jQuery Treemap Plugin for Hierarchical Data - jsTreemap
- Layout - 9844 ViewsjsTreemap is a javascript treemap widget built with jQuery, jQuery UI and HTML5 Canvas tag that presents hierarchical data using the squarified treemap layout algorithm.
jQuery Plugin for Easy HTML5 Form Validation - Validatr
- Form - 1780 ViewsValidatr is a simple, easy-to-use and Cross Browser jQuery plugin for native form validation by using modern HTML5 input attributes.
jQuery Plugin for Fade-in and Fade-out HTML5 Audio - fadeaudio
- Other - 4821 Viewsfadeaudio is a jQuery Html5 audio controller plugin that allows you to fade your HTML5 audio in or out.
HTML5 Canvas Emulator For Old Internet Explorer
- Other - 1466 ViewsFor support for Internet Explorer 6/7/8, you can use this Canvas Emulator that just includes the explorer canvas script on your page.
Simple Form Validation Plugin with HTML5 and jQuery
- Form - 1971 ViewsA simple and easy to use jQuery Form Validation plugin for validating data in HTML forms using HTML5 data- attribute before submitting.
Customizable Bootstrap Video Player Plugin for jQuery - Video UI
- Other - 23114 ViewsVideo UI is a bootstrap UI based jquery plugin for creating Customizable HTML5 video player on your web page.
jQuery Plugin for Controlling and Customizing HTML5 Video/Audio - html5video
- Other - 0 Viewshtml5video is a jQuery plugin for easily controlling and customizing your HTML5 video/audio player using HTML Audio/Video DOM.
jQuery Plugin for Controlling and Customizing HTML5 Video/Audio - html5video
- Other - 0 Viewshtml5video is a jQuery plugin for easily controlling and customizing your HTML5 video/audio player using HTML Audio/Video DOM.
jQuery Plugin for Controlling and Customizing HTML5 Video/Audio - html5video
- Other - 0 Viewshtml5video is a jQuery plugin for easily controlling and customizing your HTML5 video/audio player using HTML Audio/Video DOM.
jQuery Plugin for Controlling and Customizing HTML5 Video/Audio - html5video
- Other - 1 Viewshtml5video is a jQuery plugin for easily controlling and customizing your HTML5 video/audio player using HTML Audio/Video DOM.
jQuery Plugin for Controlling and Customizing HTML5 Video/Audio - html5video
- Other - 0 Viewshtml5video is a jQuery plugin for easily controlling and customizing your HTML5 video/audio player using HTML Audio/Video DOM.
jQuery Plugin for Controlling and Customizing HTML5 Video/Audio - html5video
- Other - 0 Viewshtml5video is a jQuery plugin for easily controlling and customizing your HTML5 video/audio player using HTML Audio/Video DOM.
jQuery Plugin for Controlling and Customizing HTML5 Video/Audio - html5video
- Other - 0 Viewshtml5video is a jQuery plugin for easily controlling and customizing your HTML5 video/audio player using HTML Audio/Video DOM.
jQuery Plugin for Controlling and Customizing HTML5 Video/Audio - html5video
- Other - 1829 Viewshtml5video is a jQuery plugin for easily controlling and customizing your HTML5 video/audio player using HTML Audio/Video DOM.
jQuery Plugin For Auto Saving Form Values
- Form - 2837 ViewsA simple and User-Friendly jQuery plugin that periodically saves form values your users input to avoid data lose when they accidently refresh, close or leave the page.
HTML5 & Flash Video Player - FlareVideo
- Other - 4968 ViewsFlareVideo is a jQuery plugin for creating HTML5 based Video Player with Flash call back.
JS Interactive Visualizations Charts Library with HTML5 - dygraphs
- Chart & Graph - 2909 Viewsdygraphs is a javascript library for creating responsive, interactive and customizable charts with HTML5 canvas tag for your projects.
HTML5 Webcam Plugin with jQuery - photobooth
- Other - 7700 Viewsphotobooth is HTML5 widget bulit with jQuery that allows your visitors to take their avatar pictures on your site. With this plugin, users can adjust the hue, saturation and brightness of the pictures.
iOS Drag Through Effect with jQuery and Html5
- Slider - 1527 ViewsSimilar to you drag through objects on an iOS Device (iPhone, iPad ...) at the start screen, the smart jQuery plugin allows you to grab and drag your way through a bunch of pictures of album artwork.
HTML5 Websql Todo Maker with jQuery
- Other - 1304 ViewsA web based ToDo Application built with Web SQL and jQuery.
Sortable Lists and Grids with jQuery & HTML5 - html5sortable
- Layout - 7215 Viewshtml5sortable is lightweight (~1kb minified and gzipped) jQuery Plugin that make it easier to create Sortable Lists and Grids using native HTML5 drag and drop API.
HTML5 Video Player with jQuery and CSS3 - video-js
- CSS3 & Html5 - 5154 ViewsHTML5 Video Player using Video.js is a JavaScript and CSS library that makes it easier to work with and build on HTML5 video.
Elegant Contact Form with CSS & HTML5
- Form - 7175 ViewsElegant Contact Form is a simle contact form with basic information: name, email, URL, subject and message without any image.
HTML5 Video Player Plugin With Jquery
- Other - 2618 ViewsHTML5 Video player jQuery plugin that give you all necessary possibilities to make own interface to control your videos.
Beautiful HTML5/CSS3 Portfolio
- Gallery - 10971 ViewsA fully customizable and beautiful HTML5/CSS3 Portfolio bulit with jQuery. You can use it to showcase your latest work and expand it to do much more.