Free jQuery hover Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'hover' are listed here.
15 Best Hover Effect Libraries In JavaScript & CSS (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 7257 Views15 best hover effect libraries that can be used to apply fancy interactive animations to any elements (like images, buttons, links) when hovering over them.
Add Rollover Effects to Image Galleries - jQuery Cycle Image On Hover
- Animation - 557 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin lets you create engaging interactive image galleries that transition on hover.
3D Multi-layer Tilt Hover Effect With jQuery And CSS3
- Animation - 1103 ViewsA 3D interactive multi-layer tilt hover effect built on top of jQuery and CSS3. Can be used to highlight featured content or Call To Action on the page.
Lava Lamp Style Liquid Hover Effect - jQuery Lavalamp.js
- Animation - 704 ViewsA jQuery plugin that offers a Lava Lamp style liquid hover effect when your mouse pointer moves between a set of elements.
Crossfade Between BG Images On Hover - jQuery HoverCrossfade
- Animation - 471 ViewsA jQuery hover effect plugin that makes it possible to smoothly crossfade between two images when hovering over a button or link element.
Hover Intent Detection Plugin With jQuery - hoverIntent
- Other - 4825 ViewsA lightweight yet useful jQuery user intent detection plugin to extend the jQuery's hover method that delays the handlerIn function until the user actually wants to hover over a specific element.
Smooth Image Hover Effects With jQuery - imageHover
- Animation - 1801 ViewsThe imageHover jQuery plugin utilizes jQuery's animate() method to achieve an image hover effect that’s smooth, fast, reliable, and supported in all modern browsers.
Interactive Cursor Effects In jQuery And GSAP
- Animation - 2555 ViewsA set of pretty cool custom cursors and interactive cursor effects implemented in jQuery and GSAP.
Fancy Cursor Animations In jQuery & GSAP - Cursor & Magnetic
- Animation - 7207 ViewsA custom cursor plugin that helps you create fancy and customizable cursors with custom hover state when hovering over elements.
Touch-enabled Image Hover Effects In jQuery - imghover
- Animation - 2166 ViewsA jQuery plugin that applies smooth zoom and grow effects to images when hovering over (desktop) or tapping and holding (mobile device).
Elastic Hover Effect With jQuery And GSAP
- Animation - 2954 ViewsA fancy elastic hover effect with an interactive cursor and a ripple click animation, built on top of jQuery and GSAP libraries.
Minimal Image Slideshow With Rollover Effect - photoroller
- Slideshow - 2407 Viewsphotoroller is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that takes a list of images and converts them into a minimal gallery/slideshow with an interactive rollover effect.
Stylish Button Hover Effect With jQuery And CSS3
- Animation - 3836 ViewsA stylish button hover effect that animates the button text character by character on hover by using jQuery and CSS3 transitions & transforms.
Custom Tooltip Plugin Based On Hover Intent - hover.js
- Tooltip - 1342 Viewshover.js is a dead simple and easy to customize jQuery tooltip plugin for showing tooltip text when hovering on an element.
Direction Aware Cursor Hover Effect - jQuery springyElement
- Animation - 1240 ViewsThe springyElement jQuery plugin detects which direction a user enters/exits an element and apply a 'springy' effect to the element on mouse hover.
Windows 10 Inspired Hover Effect In jQuery - Pointlight
- Animation - 1458 ViewsPointlight is a small jQuery plugin which applies an interactive hover effect to the border and background of block elements (e.g. buttons), inspired by Windows 10 (Fluent Design).
Elegant Image Swap Effect In jQuery And CSS3 - swapImagesOnhover
- Other - 5341 ViewsYet another jQuery Swap Image On Hover plugin that swaps out image sources with smooth fadeIn / fadeOut effects based on CSS3 transitions.
Smooth Interactive Hover Effect - Twitch.js
- Animation - 1920 ViewsTwitch.js is a fancy responsive jQuery plugin which applies a smooth, interactive hover effect to any element based on the mouse position on mouseover and mouseout.
Image Zoom With Parallax & Tilt Effects - Parazoom
- Zoom - 3565 ViewsParazoom is a fancy jQuery plugin that applies smooth, interactive, zooming and panning functionalities (with parallax effects) on an image when hovering over.
jQuery Plugin To Create A Tooltip On Any Html Element - Perfect Tooltip
- Tooltip - 6841 ViewsPerfect Tooltip is a simple and smart jQuery tooltip plugin that creates a tooltip to any Html element.
Rollover Image Effect On Hover - jQuery hovimg-z
- Animation - 1752 Viewshovimg-z is an extremely lightweight jQuery plugin that swaps the src value for a given image on hover to simulate rollover and cross-fade effects.
Disable Tap-Hover Event On Touch Devices - mouseHover
- Other - 1716 ViewsmouseHover is a replacement for the jQuery hover() function that disables/ignores the tap-hover event on touch devices.
Direction-aware Image Swap Effect On Hover - jQuery imageLife
- Other - 963 ViewsimageLife is a direction-aware image hover effect plugin that dynamically swaps the image paths depending on the direction your mouse enters/leaves the current image.
Minimal Image Hover Effect Using Figcaption - jQuery Cardify
- Other - 1719 ViewsCardify is a dead simple jQuery plugin to create a basic image hover effect that wraps the image in a figure element and adds the extracted alt text into a figcaption element.
Create Custom Hover Effects On Images - jQuery picBeautifier-3000
- Other - 3975 ViewspicBeautifier-3000 is a jQuery plugin for manipulating images that makes it easier to apply custom hover effects (e.g. overlay, slide, zoom in/out, CSS filters) to images with built-in functions.
Delay Hover Over/Out Events With jQuery - hoverDelay.js
- Other - 4607 ViewsThe jQuery hoverDelay.js plugin allows you specify the delay time (in milliseconds) to wait before triggering the hover over and hover out events.
Configurable Sliding Overlay Plugin With jQuery - boxSlider
- Animation - 2712 ViewsThe boxSlider jQuery plugin makes use of CSS3 transitions to create a configurable sliding overlay effect over a given container on cursor hover.
3D Interactive Hover Effect With jQuery And CSS3 - Plate
- Animation - 8133 ViewsPlate.js is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that applies a configurable interactive 3D hover effect to DOM elements using CSS3 2D/3D transforms.
3D Interactive Image Hover Effect With jQuery And CSS3 - hover3d
- Animation - 25554 Viewshover3d is a jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 3D transforms to create an Apple tvOS like, interactive parallax hover effect on your images.
Direction-aware Gallery Hover Effect With jQuery - SnakeGallery
- Gallery - 8339 ViewsSnakeGallery is a jQuery plugin for creating an animated hover overlay for your gallery that slides out from the boundary depending on the direction you enter the image.
3D Interactive Hover Effect With jQuery And CSS3 - Fancy-Buttons
- Animation - 3687 ViewsFancy-Buttons is a jQuery plugin which applies a 3D interactive hover effect to any block element using CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Interactive Image Hover Effect With jQuery And GSAP
- Animation - 4188 ViewsThis is an fancy image hover effect that uses jQuery and GSAP's TweenMax.js to create an interactive motion blur effect on layered images when mouse moving.
Apply 3D CSS Animations To Elements On Hover - jQuery 3dAnimate
- Animation - 3023 Views3dAnimate is a jQuery plugin which applies awesome CSS3 animations (rotate, translate, perspective) to any element on mouse hover and move.
jQuery Plugin For Custom Image Overlay Hover Effects - picturehover
- Animation - 6135 Viewspicturehover is a very small jQuery plugin used to create customizable image overlay hover effects that have the ability to load captions from any attributes on img tag.
jQuery Plugin To Create Gmail Style Hover Effects - optionsGoogle
- Other - 2348 ViewsoptionsGoogle is a lightweight jQuery plugin which brings the Google Gmail attachment experience to your files or images.
jQuery Plugin To Detect Mouse Enter/Exit Events By Side - jq.entry
- Other - 5146 Viewsjq.entry is a simple yet useful jQuery plugin which detects from which side the mouse entered and exited a specific element.
Tiny Animated Image Hover Effect Plugin with jQuery - hovereffect.js
- Animation - 3873 Viewshovereffect.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that creates an animated overlay with a custom icon over your image on mouse hover.
Direction-aware Hover Effect Plugin For jQuery - focus-follow
- Animation - 2117 ViewsA small jQuery plugin which applies direction aware, responsive hover effects to your html elements for bring your user's attention to current hovered element.
Simple Image Hover Effect with jQuery and CSS/CSS3
- Other - 9164 ViewsA simplest way to create a CSS3 animated, customizable overlay effect when users hovers over an element.
jQuery Plugin For Subtle HTML5 / CSS3 Hover Effects - captionHover.js
- Animation - 5886 ViewscaptionHover.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to implement cool CSS3 hover effects on any elements with HTML5 figure and figcaption tags.
jQuery Plugin For Slick Image Hover Effects - nsHover
- Animation - 8123 ViewsnsHover is a lightweight jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create animated, customizable hover effects on your site images.
jQuery Plugin To Create Tilt / Parallax Effects For Images - Parallax
- Animation - 4121 Viewsjquery.parallax.js is a jQuery plugin which uses CSS3 transforms to create an interactive tilt / parallax effect for images.
Mouse-aware Sliding Overlays with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 4073 ViewsCreating mouse direction aware sliding overlays covering any Html elements using jQuery and CSS3.
jQuery Plugin For Animated jQuery Mouse Hover Effects - slickhover
- Other - 6216 Viewsslickhover is a simple, useful, cross-browser jQuery plugin that creates an animated overlay with a custom icon overlay on an Html element when hover over.
jQuery Plugin For Image Social Share Overlay - socialpic
- Social Media - 14380 Viewssocialpic is a tiny jQuery plugin allows to show social share buttons in the overlay as you hover over an image.
jQuery & CSS3 Based Html Element Hover Effects - Hovercraft
- Animation - 3154 ViewsA growing collection of jQuery & CSS3 hover effects that allow you to quickly implement a variety of smooth hover effects on any Html element.
Nifty On Hover Blur Effect with jQuery and CSS3 - Box Blur
- Animation - 6624 ViewsA blur effect built in jQuery and CSS3 that enlarges/highlights the hovered container to focus your users on the current content, and blurring the other containers.
Lightweight jQuery Plugin To Zoom Images On Hover - HoverPulse
- Zoom - 8809 ViewsHoverPulse is an ultra-lightweight jQuery plugin used to apply a zoom effect on an image on mouse hover.
jQuery Plugin For Google Plus Like Hover Drop Down Box
- Menu - 4814 ViewsHover Drop Down Box is a jQuery plugin for creating a button that slides out a drop down box when hovers over it, similar to the google plus +1 follow button.
Animated jQuery Content Hover Effect Plugin - Content Hover
- Other - 16195 ViewsContent Hover is a jQuery plugin for creating an animated content overlay covering an Html element when mouse hovers over it.
jQuery Plugin To Enlarge Images On Mouse Hover - HoverImageEnlarge.js
- Other - 15087 ViewsHoverImageEnlarge.js is a tiny jQuery image viewer plugin to enlarge/shrink a given image in place when mouse hovers over it.
Image Direction-Aware Hover Effect with jQuery and CSS3
- Slider - 10096 ViewsImage Direction-Aware Hover Effect built with jQuery and CSS for sliding in an overlay from the direction we are moving with the mouse.
Super Simple jQuery Caption Hover Over Effect - jQuery Caption
- Layout - 8151 ViewsjQuery Caption is an extremely simple and lightweight jQuery plugin for creating animated image caption hover effects with one line of javascript.
Animated Image Caption Hover Effects with CSS3 and HTML5
- CSS3 & Html5 - 32209 ViewsIn this tutorial written by MARY LOU we're going to create stunning and modern Image Caption Hover Effects using CSS3 and HTML5 figure & figcaption elements.
jQuery Animated Image Cation with HTML5 Figcaption
- Animation - 6286 ViewsIn this tutorial we're going to create cross-browser animated image captions using jQuery and HTML5 figure and figcaption elements.
Animated jQuery Image Caption On Hover Plugin - Capty
- Animation - 3697 ViewsCapty is a jQuery plugin for creating animated caption over an image when hover over. The idea is to slide up or fade into the caption when the user hovers over the image.
Animated Icon Hover Over Effect with CSS3 Transitions
- CSS3 & Html5 - 36161 ViewsWith this tutorial, you can add a variety of different hover over effects to the icon font, only using CSS3 transitions and animations.
Dynamic Fading Effect Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI - FadeOver
- Animation - 1473 ViewsFadeOver is a jQuery and jQuery UI based plugin that enables you to add dynamic fade in/out effects to html elements like image, text, button,etc.
jQuery Plugin For Revealing Alternative Content On Hover Over - Hover Panels
- Animation - 3285 ViewsHover Panels is a lightweight, touch ready and cross browser jQuery plugin that allows you to display alternative content with animated fade effect when mouse hovers over.
Simple Text Rotation Plugin - billboard
- Rotator - 3823 Viewsbillboard is a jQuery plugin that allows you to rotate texts with fade in and out effect within any element of your page.
jQuery Multi-Function Tooltip Plugin - tooltipPlus
- Tooltip - 1150 ViewstooltipPlus is a lightweight (~3k minified) and Multi-Function tooltip plugin which can be used for creating normal tooltips, mouseover effects or custom select element controls.
Animated Hover Over Effect with CSS3 Transitions
- CSS3 & Html5 - 5521 ViewsIn this tutorial we will create a content list with a smooth animation effect when mouse hovers over it.
Dynamic Image Zoom Plugin with Run Time Toggle - Hover-Zoom Extended
- Zoom - 3507 ViewsHover-Zoom Extended is an updated version of Hover-Zoom, a jQuery plugin that displays your images in full size when mouse hovers over them.
Animated Content Hover Effect with jQuery
- Animation - 12190 ViewsA lightweight and useful jQuery Plugin that shows hidden content on top of an element when the mouse hovers over it.
Grayscale Image Hover Effect with HTML5 and jQuery
- Animation - 11420 ViewsA grayscale image hover fffect with HTML5 and jQuery. With HTML5 canvas, images can be manipulated into grayscale without having to use image editing software.
Image & Content Zoom Plugin For jQuery - AnythingZoomer
- Zoom - 2773 ViewsAnythingZoomer is a jQuery plugin that pops up an area giving giving you a zoomed in closer look when mouse over the content.
Image Zoom On Hover Over with Transparency Effect
- Zoom - 4847 ViewsHover-Zoom is a tiny jQuery Plugin that displays images in full size when the mouse hovers over them.
Image Color Up Plugin with jQuery
- Gallery - 2275 ViewsA jQuery Image Color Up Plugin that allows you to add beautiful hover effects to your images. It comes with 5 animated effects: monochrome, sepia, negative, darkened or lightened.
Animated Hover Tooltip Plugin with Jquery
- Tooltip - 9261 ViewsA simple animated hover tooltip JQuery plugin that easily adds tooltip interaction to HTML element that requires a bit more information than a title attribute.
Animated Hover Effect with jQuery
- Animation - 6369 ViewsAnimated Hover Effect with jQuery that can Animate an image while hovering it and show the visitors information while doing that.
Adipoli - Image Hover Plugin with Transition Effects
- Gallery - 5794 ViewsAdipoli is a Image Hover Plugin built with jQuery can be used to bring stylish image hover effects.
Hoverbox - Pure CSS Image Gallery
- Gallery - 12343 ViewsHoverbox is a Image Gallery built only with CSS and HTML.