Free jQuery page slider Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'page slider' are listed here.
Touch-enabled Fullpage Scroller In jQuery - pageScroller.js
- Slider - 1414 ViewsA jQuery plugin that turns your page with sections (100% viewport height) into a vertical fullscreen page slider (also called one page scroll).
Easy One Page Scroll Navigation - jQuery serialscrolling
- Menu - 2693 ViewsThe serialscrolling jQuery plugin enables a nav to smoothly scroll between page sections and automatically applies the 'Active' class to the corresponding link depending on which section is visible.
Mobile-friendly Page Slider(Swiper) Plugin - jQuery mb.momentumSlide
- Slider - 929 ViewsA jQuery plugin that takes several content sections on the webpage and turns them into a responsive and touch-enabled slider (swiper).
3D Cube Page Slider With jQuery And CSS3
- Slider - 1516 ViewsA fullscreen 3D cube page slider made with jQuery and CSS3 transforms & transitions.
Create Impressive One Page Scrolling Experience With jQuery
- Animation - 1837 ViewsA jQuery plugin that creates an impressive, smooth, and configurable horizontal or vertical one page scrolling experience on your web apps or landing pages.
Easy Cross-platform One Page Scroll Plugin - jQuery SectionScroll
- Animation - 1429 ViewsAn easy-to-use jQuery one page scroll plugin that allows users to navigate through your page with sections using either keyboard, mouse wheel, or touch swipe.
Vertical Fullpage Card Slider In jQuery - Sliding Deck
- Slider - 2383 ViewsA jQuery one page scroll plugin that allows the user to scroll through page sections just like sliding a deck of cards.
Tiny Fullscreen Scroller Plugin - jQuery Scroller.js
- Slider - 1661 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin for building a smooth, touch-enabled, vertical, and fullscreen page carousel slider (also called a one page scrolling website).
Touch-enabled Fullpage Scrolling Effect - ScrollingMagic.js
- Animation - 2055 ViewsA jQuery plugin that helps you quickly implement an accessible, touch-friendly, one page scrolling effect on single page web apps such as a landing page.
jQuery Plugin For Beautiful Full Window Scrolling Website - pagePiling.js
- Layout - 18769 ViewsYet another jQuery one page scrolling plugin that allows you to vertically and smoothly slide the web page to the desired anchor point.
Single Page Scroll With jQuery - pageScroll.js
- Animation - 1568 ViewsA jQuery plugin that takes a group of page sections and converts them into a vertical one page scrolling website.
One Page Scroll With Parallax Effect - FullPageScroll
- Slider - 2088 ViewsA fullscreen, touch-enabled vertical page slider that listens for Wheel/Keydown/Touch events and slides between content sections with a subtle parallax effect.
Mobile First Full Page Slider with jQuery - Swipe Slider
- Slider - 4643 ViewsSwipe Slider is a touch-enabled page slider plugin which allows the visitor to navigate between fullscreen pages with mouse drag (Desktop) and touch swipe (Mobile & Tablet).
Full Page Presentations With jQuery And CSS Animations
- Slider - 2253 ViewsA vertical full-page presentation app (also called fullscreen page slider) implemented in JavaScript (jQuery) and CSS animations.
Native App Like Fullscreen Page Scrolling - jQuery FullView.Js
- Animation - 4803 ViewsA jQuery plugin to implement a native mobile app like, mobile-friendly, fullscreen scrolling effect on one page scroll website or single page web application.
One Page Scroll With Slider Wheel Indicator
- Slider - 5433 ViewsA creative one page scroll website with a wheel slider where the indicator travels in a circle round the wheel while switching between page sections.
jQuery Plugin For Smooth Page Scrolling - MK_smoothScroll
- Animation - 2239 ViewsMK_smoothScroll is a super tiny jQuery one page scroll plugin for handling automatic smooth page scrolling with a pagination control.
Create A Basic Scrolling Website With Sections Slider
- Animation - 7887 ViewsSections Slider is a basic jQuery one page scroll plugin to create a basic scrolling webpage where the users can navigate between sections with mouse wheel.
120+ Touch-enabled Page Transitions In JavaScript - pageSwitch
- Animation - 4689 ViewspageSwitch.js is a JavaScript library that provides 120+ touch-enabled, pretty awesome transition effects when switching between pages on mobile or desktop.
Mobile-friendly Fullscreen Slider With Snap scrolling - snapslide
- Slider - 3532 ViewsA small and mobile-friendly jQuery plugin to create a fullscreen page slider or one page scroll webpage that enables the user to move between slides via mouse wheel or touch swipe events.
Mobile-first Full Page Scroll With Parallax Effect - Parallax.js
- Animation - 2597 ViewsParallax.js is a mobile-first one page scroll plugin for landing pages that allows the visitor to scrolls through fullscreen sections with touch swipe events.
Horizontal & Vertical One Page Scroll Plugin - jQuery fsscroll
- Animation - 13116 ViewsA lightweight, fast jQuery one page scroll plugin to help you create a responsive fullscreen page slider/carousel that supports both horizontal and vertical directions.
Fullscreen Split Card Slider With Parallax Effect - ContentSlider
- Slider - 3721 ViewsAn awesome, responsive, vertical, fullscreen split slider which enables the user to slide through contents with a parallax scrolling effect.
Split Vertical Product Showcase Plugin With jQuery
- Slider - 6780 ViewsA fancy responsive fullscreen vertical page slider plugin for jQuery that can be used to showcase your products (images, descriptions, action buttons) with a split panel transition.
Transition Between Pages With Scroll, Swipe, And Keyboard - jetslider
- Slider - 3808 Viewsjetslider is a fancy, touch-enabled jQuery slider plugin for smoothly transitioning between page slides that interact with mouse scroll and/or keyboard arrows.
3D Full Page Scrolling Effect With jQuery - PageScroll3D
- Animation - 6157 ViewsPageScroll3D is a fancy jQuery plugin to create a responsive, fullscreen, vertical page slider where your users are able to scroll through page sections with a 3D cube rotation effect.
3D Cube Page Transition Plugin With jQuery - cubeTransition.js
- Slider - 16858 ViewscubeTransition.js is a jQuery plugin used for creating a fullscreen, responsive, mobile-friendly page slider / presentation with an awesome 3D cube transition effect.
Responsive Web Presentation Plugin For jQuery - sectionizr
- Slider - 3906 Viewssectionizr is a really simple jQuery web presentation plugin which presents any html contents in a responsive, fullscreen, carousel-style page UI.
Basic Fullscreen Scrolling & Carousel Plugin - jQuery Page Slide
- Slider - 4229 ViewsThe Page Slide jQuery plugin helps you create responsive, automatic carousel and/or one page scrolling website (page slider) with ease.
Fullscreen Page Slider Plugin For jQuery - PageSwitch
- Slider - 4421 ViewsPageSwitch is a responsive, fullscreen page slider when the users are able to switch between sectioned pages via mouse wheel, keyboard arrows or by clicking on the pagination bullets.
Tiny Versatile Carousel / Slider Plugin For jQuery - slide.js
- Slider - 11326 ViewsJust another jQuery slider plugin which helps create any types of content carousels or sliders you can imagine.
jQuery & CSS3 Based Fullscreen Vertical Page Slider - FSVS
- Layout - 14957 ViewsFSVS is a jQuery plugin for single page website that allows you to create a fullscreen vertical page slider with CSS3 transitions.
Sticky One Page Scroll Navigation With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 15285 ViewsMakes use of jQuery, CSS3 animations and flexbox model to create a sticky top navigation for your one page scroll websites, with support for scrollspy and smooth scroll.
jQuery Plugin To Create Mobile-friendly HTML Presentations - WebSlides
- Slider - 3327 ViewsWebSlides is a jQuery plugin for creating responsive, fast, professional, touch-enabled, highly customizable, Keynote or PowerPoint like HTML5 presentaions with ease.
Fullscreen Vertical Page Carousel Plugin For jQuery
- Slider - 14571 ViewsA lightweight and simple-to-use jQuery plugin used to create a fullscreen, vertically scrolling carousel for your one page scroll web app.
Fullscreen HTML5 Slider Plugin For Mobile Pages - yummySlide
- Slider - 3332 ViewsyummySlide is a jQuery/Zepto plugin that provides an easier way to create a fullscreen horizontal/vertical slider for your mobile web applications.
Minimal Horizontal Fullpage Slider Plugin With jQuery - pageSlide
- Slider - 1831 ViewspageSlide is a jQuery plugin used for generating a horizontal fullscreen page slider with custom CSS3 transition effect to showcase your products or featured web content.
Slice Page Transition Effect With jQuery And CSS3 - slicescreen
- Animation - 4321 Viewsslicescreen is a jQuery plugin that utilizes CSS3 3D transforms to create a 3D slice animation when transitioning between sectioned content within the document.
Elastic Full-window Page Slider With jQuery And CSS3
- Slider - 3578 ViewsA cool jQuery & CSS3 based slider which allows the user to scroll vertically through full-window page sections with a subtle elastic bounce effect.
jQuery Plugin For Stacked Page Scrolling Effect - jQuery Stacks
- Animation - 7839 ViewsStacks is a dead simple jQuery plugin used to reveal stacked content sections when vertical page scrolling.
Responsive Full-window Page Slideshow Plugin With jQuery - scheme.js
- Slideshow - 1599 Viewsscheme.js is a simple, lightweight jQuery page slider plugin which enables the visitor to switch between page sections like a slideshow.
Touch-enabled Fullscreen Page Slider Plugin With jQuery - XSwitch
- Slider - 12031 ViewsXSwitch is a jQuery one page scroll plugin which allows horizontal or vertical scrolling within specified fullscreen elements, with touch swipe and mouse wheel support.
Easy Mobile Friendly HTML Presentation Plugin With jQuery - presentMe.js
- Slider - 1333 ViewspresentMe.js is a simple, easy-to-use and mobile friendly plugin used for generating a beautiful, animated, step-based html presentation / page slider.
Creating A Horizontal Scrolling Website with jQuery horizonScroll.js
- Layout - 23937 ViewshorizonScroll.js is a jQuery plugin that enables mobile-compatible horizontal scrolling on your one page website
Touch-enabled Full Page Slider with jQuery and CSS3 - Slideview
- Slider - 5800 ViewsSlideview is a jQuery plugin which divide your webpage into a fullscreen horizontal slider with smooth transition effects based on CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Easy jQuery Page Slider with CSS3 Transitions
- Slider - 6676 ViewsA nice, stylish jQuery based fullscreen page slider / presentation which allows the visitor to switch between page sections with smooth CSS3 transition effects.
Minimal Fullscreen Vertical Page Slider with jQuery - Rustic.js
- Animation - 5795 ViewsRustic.js is a very small (5kb minified) jQuery one page scroll plugin which turns your long page with sections into a fullscreen, scrolling page slider.
Presentation-style One Page Scroll Plugin For jQuery - Contentshow
- Animation - 6937 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin created for fullscreen one page scrolling effect that helps you create step-based web applications such as page sliders and presentations.
Minimal jQuery Full Window Page Slider Plugin - Navigate.js
- Slider - 1710 ViewsA jQuery plugin that splits the content sections into several fullscreen pages so the visitors can navigate between them with a smooth sliding effect using CSS3 transitions.
Basic Full Window Page Scoll Plugin with jQuery - PageScroll
- Animation - 5004 ViewsPageScroll is a jQuery plugin that allows the visitor to scroll vertically or horizontally through sectioned content of your single page website/application.
Horizontal Scroll Jacking Effect with jQuery and CSS3
- Slider - 6228 ViewsAn infinite fullscreen horizontal page slider which enables you present and navigate through web content with a fancy "Scroll-Jacking" effect.
Fullscreen Horizontal Page Slider with jQuery and CSS3 - HSlider
- Slider - 22825 ViewsHSlider is a cool jQuery plugin to create a responsive, fullscreen, horizontal page slider with CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Stacked One Page Slider with jQuery StickyStack.js
- Slider - 3978 ViewsStickyStack.js is a very lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a page slider which allows you to scroll through a set of sections that will stack on top of each other.
Full Page Transition Animations with jQuery and CSS3 - Page Transition
- Animation - 18603 ViewsPage Transition is a jQuery plugin for implementing smooth CSS3 powered full page transition animations within your HTML document.
Vertical & Horizontal Page Scrolling Plugin with jQuery - ALXS Slidestack
- Slider - 2777 ViewsALXS Slidestack is a jQuery fullscreen page slider plugin that enables you to navigate through page sections with custom easing effects based on jQuery UI.
jQuery Fullscreen Vertical Slider with Parallax Effect
- Slider - 34890 ViewsA cool, responsive, vertical, full page slider with a subtle background parallax scrolling effect, built using jQuery, lodash.js and several CSS3 properties.
Smooth Full-page Slider Plugin with Parallax Effects - Vertical Slider
- Slider - 23855 ViewsA jQuery plugin which helps you create a responsive, touch-enabled, vertical page slider with smooth parallax scrolling effects.
Smooth Fullscreen Vertical Page Scrolling with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 4738 ViewsA jQuery & CSS / CSS3 based full window one page scrolling effect which allows the user to slide smoothly through content sections using up and down arrows.
Fullscreen Single Page Slider Plugin With jQuery - fullPage.js
- Animation - 4243 ViewsJust another jQuery one page scrolling plugin that allows the visitors to scroll infinitely & smoothly through your sectioned content with mouse wheel support.
Fullpage Html Presentation Plugin For jQuery - slider.js
- Slideshow - 1425 Viewsslider.js is a super light jQuery plugin that helps you create full page html presentations without the need to write any CSS.
jQuery Plugin To Create A Full Page Slideshow - SiteShow
- Slideshow - 1949 ViewsSiteShow is a jQuery plugin used to create a fullscreen slideshow for your single page website.
Minimal Full Screen Vertical Slider with jQuery - Scroll On Scroll
- Animation - 4111 ViewsScroll On Scroll is a CSS-less jQuery fullscreen vertical slider plugin that animates scrolling to the next content section of your webpage when scrolling down.
Smooth Vertical Full Page Slider with jQuery - sailnote.js
- Slider - 4282 Viewssailnote.js is a jQuery page slider that makes block elements 100% height & width so that the visitor can navigate through them with vertical scrolling effects.
Simplest Fullscreen Page Slider Plugin with jQuery - NavPages
- Slider - 1108 ViewsNavPages is a jQuery page slider plugin that allows the user to navigate between fullpage content sections by user interaction or programmatically.
Minimalist jQuery Full Page Slider Plugin - Slidy
- Slider - 776 ViewsSlidy is a simplest jQuery presentation plugin which makes smooth slide animations between fullpage content sections in your web application.
Simple FullScreen Page Slider Plugin with jQuery - sliderFS
- Slider - 2042 ViewsA jQuery plugin which splits your page into several sections so that the visitor can navigate between them with bullets navigation, mouse drag or touch swipe.
jQuery Plugin For Creating Page Scrolling Effects - PageScroll
- Slider - 1515 ViewsPageScroll is a jQuery plugin for creating a full window page slider with subtle shrinking (zoom out) page scroll effects.
Smooth Fullscreen Page Slider Plugin with jQuery - Scroll Page
- Layout - 3930 ViewsScroll Page is a small jQuery plugin which allows you to scroll through content panels of your web page via mouse wheel or next/prev controls.
jQuery Based One Page Scrolling Navigation with 3D Transforms
- Layout - 10358 ViewsA full page one page scrolling web page layout with right side dots/arrows navigation and smooth 3D flipping effects.
Stylish jQuery Slider Plugin with 3D Flip Effects - Rocket Page Flip
- Slider - 17562 ViewsRocket Page Flip is a stylish jQuery slider plugin which allows you to navigate between Html elements with 3D flip effects.
jQuery Based Fullpage Page Slider with 3D CSS3 Transitions - wankyPages
- Slider - 3979 ViewswankyPages is a jQuery plugin designed for one page website which allows you to slide through page sections with fancy 3D CSS3 transitions.
jQuery Fullscreen Page Slider Plugin - Project Preview
- Slider - 1077 ViewsProject Preview is a jQuery plugin that creates a control bar sticky at the bottom of the page to slide between page sections with a fade animation.
Fullpage Responsive Carousel Plugin with jQuery - vertslider
- Slider - 2805 Viewsvertslider is a jQuery plugin for creating a full-page and responsive carousel slider which allows you to navigate through a set of sections with CSS3 transitions.
Create A Responsive One Page Website with jQuery and CSS3 - Full Page Slider
- Layout - 1286 ViewsAn Html5, CSS3 and jQuery based responsive one page website template that allows to reveal more content with subtle effects when your scroll down the page.
Powerpoint-like jQuery Full Page Slider Plugin - Simple Slides
- Slider - 6003 ViewsSimple Slides is a jQuery plugin that turns a single page into several slides so that the visitor can navigate through these sides by clicking the arrow navigation or using keyboard shortcuts.
jQuery Plugin For One Page Parallax Scrolling Website - Page Slider
- Slider - 2445 Viewspageslider is a jQuery plugin which allows the visitor to use mouse wheel to navigate between different sections/slides of your web page with a Parallax-like scrolling effect.
Nice One Page Scrolling Effect with jQuery StackingSlides Plugin
- Layout - 3181 ViewsStackingSlides is a super simple jQuery plugin for creating a nice one page scrolling effect that features all the slides will stack on top of each other, a little similar to the parallax background effect.
Yet Another One Page Slider Plugin with jQuery - Wolfe.js
- Slider - 4439 ViewsWolfe.js is another jQuery slider plugin for creating one page slider that allows to navigate through different sections of your page with smooth scrolling effects. Inspired by Apple's iPhone 5S website.