Free jQuery radio button Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'radio button' are listed here.
10 Best Custom Checkbox And Radio Input Replacements (2025 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 30024 Views10 best free jQuery plugins and Pure CSS libraries to enhance, beautify, and manipulate the default native checkboxes and radio buttons in your document.
jQuery Plugin For Deselectable Radio Buttons
- Form - 280 ViewsA super tiny jQuery plugin that allows you to select/deselect radio buttons by toggling the checked state using JavaScript.
Select/Deselect Elements Just Like Checkbox & Radio Button
- Form - 1951 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows the user to quickly select/deselect a single element or a group of elements just like checkboxes and radio buttons.
Customizable Radio Button Plugin With jQuery - simple-button-radios
- Form - 1322 Viewssimple-button-radios is a jQuery plugin used to beautify & animate the regular radio buttons with custom styles, icons and CSS powered animations.
jQuery Plugin For Beautifying Checkboxes And Radio Buttons - iCheck
- Form - 39141 ViewsiCheck is a fancy and lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you to create beautiful and highly customizable checkboxes and radio buttons with 25 built-in options and 6 skins.
Deselect Radio Buttons With jQuery
- Form - 2144 ViewsA super tiny jQuery plugin that detects mouse/gesture events on radio buttons and allows the users to uncheck them with click or tap.
Sum/Count Values Of Checked Checkboxes & Radio Buttons
- Form - 10910 ViewsThis is a tiny jQuery script used to summate/count the values of all checked checkboxes and/or radio buttons.
jQuery Plugin For Animated Custom Checkboxes & Radio Buttons - checkBo
- Form - 6006 ViewscheckBo is a jQuery plugin to create cross-browser & cross-platform checkboxes and radio buttons with animated check state powered by CSS3.
Set & Get Input/Select Values With jQuery - xVal.js
- Form - 1054 Viewsxval.js is a small yet useful jQuery plugin that enables you to get and set the values of form elements: input field, radio button, checkbox input, single/multiple select.
Convert Checkbox/Radio Inputs Into Toggle Buttons - Checkbox2Button
- Form - 8867 ViewsCheckbox2Button is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap (4 and 3) framework that converts the regular checkboxes and radio buttons into toggle buttons for better user experience.
Create Beautiful Advanced Form Controls - jQuery Nao Input
- Form - 2502 ViewsNao Input is a jQuery plugin to create beautiful, advanced, Material styled form controls (input, select, range slider, textarea, checkbox, radio button, etc) for modern web design.
Create Inline Checkbox & Radio Buttons In Bootstrap - TWS Toggle Buttons
- Other - 14543 ViewsA small jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3/4 that transforms the normal checkbox and radio inputs into user-friendly toggle buttons using Bootstrap's Button Group component.
Single/Multiple Tag Selector Plugin With jQuery - tag_selector.js
- Form - 2728 Viewstag_selector.js is a jQuery plugin used to dynamically generate tag selectors (as inline labels) that support both single and multiple selections.
Basic ON/OFF Toggle Switches In jQuery - Switcher
- Form - 19449 ViewsSwitcher is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that transforms the native Checkbox and Radio Button elements into iOS inspired on/off toggle switches just with a JS call.
Custom Select, Checkbox, Radio Button And File Input - jQuery formElements
- Form - 5440 ViewsformElements is a jQuery plugin for UI/UX design that provides an easy way to beautify the regular select, checkbox, radio button, text field and file input elements with custom styles.
Custom Checkbox/Radio/Switch Controls With jQuery - simpleCheck
- Form - 3472 ViewssimpleCheck is a jQuery plugin which uses JavaScript and CSS to create beautiful custom checkboxes, radio buttons and toggle switches for better user experience.
Convert Checkbox And Radio Inputs Into Dropdown Lists - jQuery input-to-dropdown
- Form - 7771 Viewsinput-to-dropdown is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap that converts a group of checkboxes or radios into a dropdown list for better user experiences.
Switch Style Radio Buttons In jQuery - Simple Input Toggle
- Form - 8894 ViewsThe jQuery Simple Input Toggle plugin transforms the normal radio inputs into switch-style toggle buttons for better user experience.
Customizable Lable-style Radio Buttons - jQuery Radiocharm
- Form - 4715 ViewsRadiocharm is a jQuery plugin to enhance & beautify the regular radio button that allows custom labels, icons, styles for each status of (un)checked inputs.
Custom Checkbox & Radio Inputs - jQuery Checks
- Form - 3173 ViewsChecks is a really small, cross-browser jQuery/zepto plugin which replaces the ugly checkboxes and radio buttons with custom tick/check icons.
Stylish Checkbox & Radio Buttons Replacement Plugin with jQuery - asCheck
- Form - 3089 ViewsasCheck is a jQuery plugin used to create stylish, skinnable checkboxes & radio buttons that are fully customizable via CSS.
jQuery Plugin For Labeled Checkbox and Radio Button - Labelauty
- Form - 13651 ViewsLabelauty is a stunning and subtle jQuery plugin for creating checkboxes and radio buttons with checked or unchecked custom labels.
jQuery Plugin To Customize Native Radios And Checkboxes
- Form - 875 ViewsA very small jQuery plugin that enables you to customize & stylize the native radio and checkbox inputs with your own designs.
Material Design Style Radio Input Enhancement - jQuery AddRadios
- Form - 1925 ViewsAddRadios is a very small jQuery plugin that applies Material Design styles to the native radio inputs. Fully styleable via CSS.
jQuery Plugin To Transform Radio Buttons Into A Sliders - Radios To Slider
- Form - 16743 ViewsRadios To Slider is a jQuery plugin to transform radio buttons into a nice styled value slider that allows you to pick a option with a simple sliding effect.
jQuery Plugin To Create Beautiful Custom Form Controls - Formikation
- Form - 3178 ViewsFormikation is a jQuery plugin that uses CSS styles to create nice & clean form elements (inputs, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc.).
Easy Custom Checkbox And Radio Input Plugin With jQuery - ezMark
- Form - 1745 ViewsezMark is a lightweight jQuery plugin which lets you create cross browser, easy-to-stylize checkboxes and radio buttons.
Nice Checkbox And Radio Button Replacement Plugin - nicelabel.js
- Form - 16060 Viewsnicelabel.js is a tiny jQuery plugin that converts the default checkboxes and radio buttons into nice toggleable switches and/or selectable labels.
Custom jQuery Checbox & Radio Input Plugin - Custom Checkbox
- Form - 3696 ViewsCustom Checkbox is a lightweight jQuery plugin which allows you to change the look of checkboxes and radio buttons by using your own images for check/uncheck states.
jQuery Plugin To Turn Radio Buttons & Checkboxes Into Labels - zInput
- Form - 11516 ViewszInput is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin that turns the standard checkboxes and radio buttons into better looking clickable labels.
jQuery Plugin For Form Elements Replacement - controlReplace
- Form - 1384 ViewscontrolReplace is a simple jQuery plugin that makes the form elements (checkboxes, radio buttons, and selects) fully customizable via CSS.
Easy Custom Radio Button Plugin With jQuery - custom-radio
- Form - 2284 Viewscustom-radio is a minimal jQuery plugin which converts normal radio buttons into inline labels for easier selection.
jQuery Plugin To Show / Hide Elements with Radio Buttons - Radio Toggle
- Form - 3855 ViewsRadio Toggle is a really small jQuery plugin for toggling the visible of html elements depending on the checked state of the radio buttons.
Easy jQuery Checkbox and Radio Button Customization - Ion.CheckRadio
- Form - 3432 ViewsIon.CheckRadio is a nice and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to style the default Checkbox and Radio Button with 3 built-in skins.
Radio Button Based Dropdown Select with jQuery and CSS3 - Dropp
- Form - 26083 ViewsDropp is a jQuery script that converts a group of radio buttons into a beautiful select like dropdown list using CSS/CSS3 and input label tricks.
jQuery Plugin To Create Toggleable Font Awesome Icons - Fatoggle
- Other - 2525 ViewsFatoggle is a lightweight jQuery plugin which allows you to toggle Font Awesome icons with click events for UI controls.
jQuery Plugin For Beautifying Form Elements - Fancy Fields
- Form - 4768 Viewsfancy-fields is a jQuery and jQuery UI based plugin that allows you to beautify/custom your html form elements like input, text field, select list, checkbox, radio button, etc.
Simple jQuery Checkboxes and Radios Replacement Plugin - Picker
- Form - 2329 ViewsPicker is a simple jQuery plugin that replaces the default checkboxes and radio buttons to make them more user friendly.
Fully Customizable Radio Buttons / Checkboxes with jQuery and CSS
- Form - 11452 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin used to beautify the default checkboxes and radio buttons using CSS and javascript, no images required.
Modern Custom Radio Buttons with jQuery and CSS3
- Form - 3351 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that transforms your radio buttons into a modern dropdown list with background images interaction.
jQuery Plugin For Customizable Toggle Buttons - ToggleButton
- Form - 3541 ViewsToggleButton is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create a group of selectable toggle buttons to mimic checkbox or radio button behaviors.
Lightweight jQuery Plugin For Custom Checkboxes & Radio Buttons
- Form - 2219 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that replace the standard checkboxes and radio buttons with nice clean ones that are accessible and customizable via CSS.
Default Checkbox Replacement Plugin - jQuery prettyCheckable
- Form - 3418 ViewsjQuery prettyCheckable is a jQuery plugin that lets you beautify your default check box and radio inputs.
jQuery Customizable Checkboxes and Radio Buttons Plugin - wCheck
- Form - 2348 ViewswCheck is a simple jQuery plugin that allows to use images for background themes and selectors to beautify and customize the default form checkboxes and radio buttons.
Touch-Friendly Checkboxes and Radios Replacement Plugin - CheckABox
- Form - 7016 ViewsCheckABox is a pretty and touch-friendly jQuery plugin that takes advantage of javascript,CSS and font icons to replace the default checkboxes and radio buttons to make them more beautiful and user-friendly.
jQuery Plugin To Convert Radio Buttons Into Grouped Buttons - radiosforbuttons
- Form - 6570 ViewsRadios For Buttons is a jQuery alternative to the standard Html radio button that converts radio buttons into a series of buttons styling with Bootstrap 2/3.
Flat jQuery Checkbox & Radio Button Replacement - checkboxradio
- Form - 5438 ViewsCheckboxradio is a jQuery plugin that replaces the default checkboxes and radio buttons with a modern flat style.
Powerful jQuery Checkbox and Radio Button Enhancing Plugin - rlchecked
- Form - 1834 Viewsrlchecked is a beautiful and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that makes it easy to beautify your checkboxes and radio buttons with keyboard accessibility navigation.
Super Simple jQuery Radio Button Replacement Plugin - Radio Button
- Form - 1135 ViewsRadio Button is an extremely lightweight jQuery plugin to create a element that represents the radio button.
Animated jQuery Checkbox and Radio Button Replacement - CF
- Form - 2084 ViewsCF is a lightweight (~2kb unminified) jQuery plugin that enables you to creating clean fresh check boxes and radio buttons with smooth checking animations.
Stylish Checkbox and Radio Button Replacement With jQuery - ScrewDefaultButtons
- Form - 3971 ViewsScrewDefaultButtons is a lightweight (~2kb unzipped) jQuery plugin that replaces the default check boxes and radio buttons by using the background-image of your input.