Free jQuery transitions Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'transitions' are listed here.
Lightweight and Highly Customizable jQuery Tooltip Plugin - Zebra_Tooltips
- Tooltip - 9102 ViewsZebra_Tooltips is a lightweight, highly customizable and cross-browser jQuery plugin for creating simple, but smart and visually attractive tooltips, featuring nice transitions and offering a lot of configuration options.
jQuery Animated DOM Elements with CSS3 Transitions - CSSAnimate
- Animation - 7031 Viewsjquery.mb.CSSAnimate is a jQuery plugin for animated DOM Elements using CSS3 transition instead of the default jQuery.animate method.
Cool Tooltips with Pure CSS - Hint.css
- CSS3 & Html5 - 5705 ViewsHint.css is a tooltip library in CSS that helps you add cool tooltips to any element of your page.
Clean & Simple Image Slider Plugin - Coin Slider
- Slider - 15067 ViewsCoin Slider is a jQuery Slider plugin that allows you to create a Clean & Simple Image Slider with unique transition effects. It features Auto slide, Navigation box and Linking images.
Smooth Animated Numbers with Javascript and CSS3 - odometer
- Animation - 41968 Viewsodometer is a lightweight and themeable javascript library that makes use of CSS3 transform and transition properties to animate numbers with smooth transition effects.
Creating A Vertical News Slider with jQuery and CSS3
- Slider - 10306 ViewsA neat and clean content slider built with jQuery and CSS3 that displays headlines on the left along with a preview image and brief description on the right.
Responsive & Flexible jQuery Lightbox Plugin - Nivo Lightbox
- LightBox - 38951 ViewsNivo Lightbox is a simple yet robust and featured jQuery lightbox plugin that automatically detects the type of your content and display it in a responsive modal window with amazing animations.
Smooth and Responsive Content Accordion Plugin - rlaccordion
- Accordion - 19248 Viewsrlaccordion is a lightweight and Responsive jQuery Accordion Plugin that allows you to create a content accordion with smooth collapse and expand transition effects.
Easy Multiple Slider Plugin For jQuery - Fraction Slider
- Slider - 14485 ViewsFraction Slider is a jQuery plugin that allows you to animate multiple elements in unlimited sliders. Each element's animation can be controlled by using data-* attribute.
Responsive & Touch-Friendly Image Gallery Plugin For jQuery and jQuery UI
- Gallery - 3959 ViewsjQuery Image Gallery is another extension to jQuery Blueimp Gallery Plugin, which allows you to create a highly customizable image gallery that displays images in the draggable and resizable dialog window of the jQuery UI.
Animate Height/Width To Auto with jQuery and CSS3 - cssAnimateAuto
- Animation - 8047 ViewscssAnimateAuto is an useful & powerful jQuery plugin that makes uses of CSS3 transitions to animate an Html element's Height/Width to 'auto'.
Dynamic Textarea Resizing Plugin with jQuery - autosize
- Form - 13133 Viewsautosize is a useful jQuery Plugin that allows dynamic resizing of textarea height, so that it grows as based on visitor input.
jQuery Plugin For CSS3 Transforms and Transitions - Transit
- Animation - 6280 ViewsTransit is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to do smooth CSS transforms and transitions in jQuery.
Full Page Slide Transitions with jQuery Multi-Screen.js Plugin
- Animation - 6521 ViewsMulti-Screen.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a fashion single page website that allows the visitor to navigate through content sections with vertical and horizontal transition animations.
Neat and Clean jQuery Image Gallery With Flip Effect - flipGallery
- Gallery - 4639 ViewsflipGallery is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating a photo gallery with image flipping effects and fullscreen overlay lightbox enlargements.
Clean and Responsive jQuery Slideshow Plugin - Excolo Slider
- Slideshow - 2652 ViewsExcolo Slider is an extremely simple jQuery plugin for creating a neat and responsive content slideshow on your website.
Fully Responsive jQuery Content Slider Plugin - sldr
- Slider - 4030 ViewsSldr is a fully responsive and customizable jQuery slider plugin that makes use of CSS3 transforms and transitions to showcase your images in a fancy way.
jQuery Plugin For Diagonal Grid Layout - nnmgrid
- Layout - 5750 Viewsnnmgrid is an interesting jQuery layout plugin for creating a diagonal grid layout with hover effects based on CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Responsive & Scalable jQuery Slider Carousel Plugin - Skate
- Slider - 7873 ViewsSkate is a responsive, touch-enabled, flexible jQuery slider plugin for creating an image slideshow/carousel/rotator with ease.
Minimal Responsive Content Slider with jQuery and CSS3 - Stupid Slider
- Slider - 2109 ViewsStupid Slider is a really simple and lightweight jQuery content slider/slideshow plugin that features CSS3 based transition effects.
Responsive Multi-level Off Screen Navigation Plugin For jQuery - cbFlyout
- Menu - 14405 ViewscbFlyout is a mobile-first jQuery off-canvas navigation plugin that creates a responsive multi-level sidebar menu using CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Vertical Fullscreen Image Slider with jQuery - Fullscreen Slider
- Slider - 6084 ViewsFullscreen Slider is a lightweight and simple plugin for creating a fullscreen slider with thumbnails and arrows navigation.
Super Simple Text Rotator with jQuery and CSS3
- Rotator - 3877 ViewsText Rotator is a super tiny jQuery plugin used to sequentially or randomly rotate an array of text with 3D flip effects based on CSS3 transition, transform and perspective properties.
Responsive & Touch-enabled jQuery Carousel Plugin - humbleSlider
- Slider - 2851 ViewshumbleSlider is a responsive, customizable, touch-friendly jQuery image carousel slider plugin that features keyboard/swipe/arrows navigation, infinite loop, CSS3 transition support and much more.
jQuery Any Content Slider Plugin - muslider
- Slider - 1597 Viewsµslider (muslider) is a fully custmizable jQuery plugin for creating vertical or horizontal sliders with transition effect for sliding any content.
Simple Multi Column Mega Menu Plugin with jQuery - MegaMenu
- Menu - 9475 ViewsJust another jQuery menu plugin that enables you to convert ul list based dropdowns into a multi-column mega menu with hover intent and CSS3 transition effects.
Flexible & Mobile-first Slider with CSS3 Transitions - Wallop Slider
- Slider - 1618 ViewsWallop Slider is a flexible, mobile-first, multi-purpose image slider with amazing transition animations based on CSS3.
Simple Clean jQuery & CSS3 Carousel Slider Plugin - CSS Slider
- Slider - 14510 ViewsCSS Slider is jQuery carousel/slider plugin which takes advantage of CSS3 transitions and transforms to animate the slides with next/prev controls and infinite looping support.
jQuery Plugin To Reveal Hidden Content with CSS3 Transitions - Menumucil
- Animation - 838 ViewsMenumucil is a jQuery plugin that reveals the hidden html content with a CSS3 based transition effect as a drop down.
Touch-enabled jQuery Timeline Plugin with 3D Flipping Effects - Timecube
- Other - 34552 ViewsTimecube is a fancy jQuery timeline plugin that allows you to navigation through JSON based events by mouse or touch swipe in an animated 3D cube interface based on CSS3 perspective, transition and transform properties.
Simple 3D Flipping Cube Slideshow with jQuery and CSS3 - BoxRoll Slider
- Slideshow - 24641 ViewsBoxRoll Slider is a slideshow plugin for jQuery that uses CSS3 transitions, transforms and perspectives to create a responsive image slideshow with 3D box flipping/rotating animations.
jQuery Plugin For Rotating Flower Slider - flowerbox
- Slider - 1897 Viewsflowerbox is a fancy and unique jQuery slider plugin that utilizes CSS3 transitions and transforms to navigate through html contents by rotating a 'flower' interface.
Basic jQuery Content Rotator Plugin - Rotation.js
- Rotator - 5464 ViewsRotation.js is a simple and customizable jQuery content rotator plugin for rotating any html elements with transition easing effects, a little similar to a slideshow.
Creating Jumping Text Animation with jQuery and CSS3 - Jumping Words
- Text - 3902 ViewsA text animation script based on jQuery and CSS3 transition to create animated letters that are jumping from the bottom to the top.
Simple jQuery Vertical Accordion with CSS3 Transitions
- Accordion - 1757 ViewsAn easy and fast jQuery accordion plugin to expand/collapse Html content with CSS3 transition effects.
jQuery Plugin For Image Hover Transition Effect - hoverTransition
- Other - 2329 ViewshoverTransition is a light & easy jQuery plugin to create an animated image caption overlay that slides from any side of the image, depending on the direction of your mouse movement.
Easy jQuery Slideshow Plugin with Blind Transitions - Blindify
- Slideshow - 2763 ViewsBlindify is an easy jQuery plugin that enables you to create an image slideshow with vertical or horizontal blind transitions.
Tiny jQuery Image Slideshow with Slice Transition Effect - slydify
- Slideshow - 3902 Viewsslydify is a lightweight and fast jQuery plugin for creating an image slideshow with support for slice transition and easing effects.
Touch Friendly Mobile Gallery Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - touchTouch
- Gallery - 4317 ViewstouchTouch is a clean and responsive jQuery gallery plugin which helps you to create an amazing Touch-Friendly image gallery with smooth CSS3 animations and lightbox effect.
Google Tips-Like Flip Layout with jQuery and CSS3 - Tip Cards
- Layout - 2018 ViewsTip Cards is an awesome jQuery plugin inspired by Google Tips that helps you create an animated & responsive web layout with amazing flipping effects based on CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Cool jQuery Slider Plugin with CSS3 Animations - Wiper
- Slider - 3355 ViewsWiper is a cool and fancy jQuery slider plugin that rotates and collapses the slides with amazing accordion-like CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Creating A 3D Flipping Gallery with jQuery and CSS3
- Gallery - 10518 ViewsAn easy and fancy jQuery plugin that makes use of CSS3 transitions and transforms to create a 3D galley with awesome flipping animation.
A Small Yet Robust jQuery Slider Plugin - Scooch
- Slider - 1187 ViewsScooch is another jQuery slider plugin that makes it easy to create a customizable slider which supports any html elements within it.
Simple Yet Customizable jQuery Slideshow Plugin - Uberbox
- Slideshow - 680 ViewsUberbox is a lightweight yet feather rich jQuery plugin for easily and quickly creating a slideshow with transition animations and lots of configurable options.
jQuery Popup Menu Plugin With CSS3 Animations - Square Menu
- Menu - 4241 ViewsSquare Menu is a lightweight (~3kb) jQuery menu plugin that popups a menu panel with subtle CSS3 animations (transitions and transforms) in the center of the page.
Flexible & Draggable jQuery Popup Window Plugin - Dialog
- LightBox - 13809 ViewsDialog is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that allows to popups a draggable and closable modal dialog with amazing transitions on page load or on demand.
Easy and Fast Parallax Image Slider with CSS3 and jQuery - MrJaredParallaxSlide
- Slider - 4978 ViewsMrJared Parallax Slide is a lightweight and fast jQuery plugin for creating a flexible parallax slider with easing and CSS3 transition effects.
Airbnb iOS 7 App Style Side Menu with jQuery and CSS3 - Fly Side Menu
- Menu - 17585 ViewsFly Side Menu is a cool menu plugin that makes use of CSS3 to create a side menu navigation with 3D transforms and transitions, similar to the new Airbnb App navigation resigned for iOS 7.
Responsive & Dynamic Full Screen Navigation Plugin - fullpagenav
- Layout - 2627 Viewsfullpagenav is an amazing jQuery plugin that turns an unordered list into a responsive and dynamic full page navigation with smooth transition animations.
Creating Simple Text Animations with jQuery FunnyText Plugin
- Text - 2206 ViewsfunnyText is a lightweight (~3kb minified) jQuery plugin that makes use of javascript and CSS3 transitions to create random text animations like moving, flipping, etc.
Powerful and Multi-Functional jQuery Lightbox Plugin - Magnific Popup
- LightBox - 25049 ViewsMagnific Popup is a simple but powerful jQuery plugin that aims to create high performance and multi-functional lightboxs for your projects.
Responsive & Mobile-Friendly Image Accordion with Pure CSS3
- Accordion - 5429 ViewsA responsive, mobile-friendly, skinnable, customzable and pure CSS Image Accordion with beautiful CSS aniamtions
Minimal jQuery Plugin For Transitions Between DOM States - Magic Move
- Animation - 772 ViewsMagic Move is a lightweight jQuery plugin that makes it easier to do animations and transitions between DOM states, with easing function support.
Highly Configurable jQuery Slideshow Plugin - Slideme
- Slideshow - 5969 ViewsSlideme is a simple, responsive and customizable jQuery plugin for creating a slideshow with lots of options and CSS3 animation support.
jQuery Smooth Inception Effect Plugin - EnterIN
- Animation - 1051 ViewsEnterIN is a tiny jQuery plugin for creating smooth inception animation effects. Check the demo page to see how it animates.
Clean and Tiny jQuery Image Slider Plugin - Play
- Slider - 1047 ViewsPlay is a simple, fast and easy to use plugin for jQuery and Zepto that allows to create different styles of content sliders on your web page.
Tiny jQuery Plugin For Stackable Html Elements - stacky
- Animation - 1026 ViewsStacky is a super simple jQuery plugin that takes advantage of CSS3 transitons for creating slide up/down animations on stacked html elements by mouse clicking or by custom show/hide events.
jQuery FullScreen Textarea Editor with Transitions - fseditor
- Form - 1752 Viewsfseditor is a small jQuery plugin which allows to turn the standard textarea field into a simple fullscreen text editor with overlay and transition effects.
jQuery Plugin For Hardware Accelerated CSS3 Animations - Minimit Anima
- Animation - 3170 ViewsMinimit Anima is a jQuery plugin for Hardware accelerated CSS3 transitions and transforms with fallback on older browsers.
Collection of 20+ Subtle & Modern Link Effects with Pure CSS3
- CSS3 & Html5 - 12133 ViewsIn this post written by MARY LOU we're going to creating more than 21+ subtle and modern link effects (sliding, flipping, 3D rotation, etc) using CSS3 transitions on pseudo-elements.
Responsive jQuery Slideshow/Slider Plugin - Juicy Slider
- Slideshow - 9718 ViewsJuicy Slider is a lightweight and fast jQuery plugin that allows you to create responsive, cross-browser and highly configurable slideshows & sliders on your website.
Easy jQuery 3D Side Menu Plugin with CSS3 - Box Lid
- Menu - 11831 ViewsBox Lid is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin that enables you to create a side navigation menu with 3D 'Box Lid' effects by using CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Clean jQuery Slideshow Plugin With Animated Image Captions - Scrollpic
- Slideshow - 1826 ViewsScrollpic is a jQuery plugin for creating a clean and neat image slideshow that provides a 'more/back' button within the image caption container that allows the visitor to show or hide more description about the image.
Simple jQuery Image Slider Plugin with Thumbnail Navigation - MicroSlider
- Slider - 15292 ViewsMicroSlider is a lightweight and fast jQuery plugin for creating a clean image slider with auto-play functionality and configurable transition effects.
Stylish & Responsive Image Gallery Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - S Gallery
- Gallery - 5157 ViewsS Gallery is a jQuery Responsive Image Gallery plugin inspired by SONY's products gallery that allows to create a responsive and neat image gallery with HTML5, CSS3 and javascript.
Smooth Book Flipping Effects with Pure CSS
- CSS3 & Html5 - 15742 ViewsAn awesome CSS tutorial written by MARCO BARRIA that enables you to create Smooth Book Flipping Effects using only CSS3 Transitions and Transforms.
jQuery Animated Button's Icon On Loading - Loda Button
- Animation - 2803 ViewsLoda Button is a jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 animation, transitions and transforms to animate your button's icon as the data are being fetched from the server.
Flexible and Simple jQuery Slidshow Plugin - Choco Slider
- Slideshow - 2089 ViewsChoco Slider is a super simple and fast jQuery plugin for creating a customizable image slideshow which is compatible with all browsers today.
Nice and Highly Configurable jQuery Slideshow Plugin - Camera
- Slideshow - 24899 ViewsCamera is a powerful and highly customizable jQuery plugin for creating responsive and touch-friendly slideshows with a lot of options and animation effects.
Pretty Modal Window Effects with CSS3 Transitions and Animations
- LightBox - 45887 ViewsIn this tutorial written by MARY LOU we're going to create Pretty Modal Window Effects with javascrtipt and CSS3 Transitions & Animations.
Dynamic Grid Layout with Awesome Transition Effects
- Layout - 2644 ViewsIn this post we're going to create a dynamic grid layout that let's you choose how many rows and columns of items are shown.
jQuery Plugin For Animating Text Through An Array of Strings - Slide Text Left
- Text - 3248 ViewsjQuery Slide Text Left is a simple text animation plugin that allows to slide text through an array of strings. The idea is to tranistion text by clipping to the left, then expanding to reveal the next text.
jQuery Horizontal Portfolio Layout With CSS3 Animations
- Layout - 5774 ViewsIn this tutorial we're going to create a stylish Horizontal Portfolio Layout using jQuery and CSS3. The idea is that the portfolio items will fall down as soon as they enter the visible area of the viewport.
Responsive Multi Level Navigation with CSS3 Transitions - BootM
- Menu - 23903 ViewsBootM is a pure-CSS menu system for creating responsive and cross-browser multi-level navigation menus with CSS3 transitions.
jQuery Adaptive Content Slider Plugin - Rambling Slider
- Slider - 6927 ViewsRambling Slider is a rewritten version of jQuery Nivo Slider Plugin which is is considered as the most popular jQuery slider in the world. It includes some new options and methods to give the slider the ability to adapt different image sizes
jQuery Fullscreen Photo Wall with CSS3 Transitions
- Gallery - 9438 ViewsA jQuery plugin for creating a full-screen photo gallery with smooth diagonal fade effect and CSS3 transitions.
Animated Icon Hover Over Effect with CSS3 Transitions
- CSS3 & Html5 - 36144 ViewsWith this tutorial, you can add a variety of different hover over effects to the icon font, only using CSS3 transitions and animations.
Responsive jQuery Slideshow with 3D CSS3 Transforms - Refine Slide
- Slideshow - 32471 ViewsRefineSlide is a responsive and stunning jQuery plugin for creating a slideshow with a lot of cool 3D transform & CSS3 transition effects and thumbnails preview.
Content Flip Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - BookBlock
- Animation - 10072 ViewsBookBlock is a Content Flip Plugin built with jQuery that allows you to flip any content like in a booklet.
Minimit Gallery Plugin with jQuery and CSS3
- Slider - 1647 ViewsMinimit Gallery Plugin with Jquery and CSS3 is a custom slider Jquery plugin.
Flexible jQuery Content Slider with Cool Transitions - Rhinoslider
- Slider - 3832 ViewsRhinoslider is one of the most flexible jQuery slider/slideshow plugin that comes with a lot of options, transition effects and different callback/callbefore functions
jQuery 3D Web Page with CSS3 Transitions - Three-D Pages
- Layout - 1602 ViewsThree-D Pages is a fancy jQuery plugin that generates blocks of html content that behave a separate pages that you can click to enlarge.
jQuery Plugin For Text Transition Animations - Textualizer
- Text - 3141 ViewsTextualizer is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to transition through blurbs of text.
Intuitive & Lightweight Carousel Plugin - Looper.js
- Slideshow - 4033 ViewsLooper.js is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin that make it easier to cycle through your content in many different styles.
Cool jQuery Striped Image Gallery Plugin - stripe
- Gallery - 1837 Viewsstripe is an awesome and smart jQuery plugin for creating a cool striped image gallery with smooth transition animations similar to an accordion content slider.
Clean and Simple jQuery Slideshow Plugin
- Slideshow - 3527 ViewsA super simple and clean jQuery plugin for creating a image slideshow with thumbnails and cool transition effects for showcasing the feature content of your website.
Cool Animated Side Menus with Sliding and Pushing Effects
- Menu - 171329 ViewsIn this tutorial we're going to create animated side menus with cool slide out and slide in effects. It makes it easier to create vertical or horizontal menus that can slide out from any of the edges of your page.
Simple Content Sliding Plugin with Fade Animation - KISS.Animate
- Slider - 3210 ViewsKISS.Animate (Keep It Simple Stupid Animate) is a simple jQuery plugin which allows you to slide content with transition fading effects.
Circular & Responsive Slideshow Plugin - carouFredSel
- Slideshow - 15855 ViewscarouFredSel is a Circular & Responsive Slideshow Plugin built with jQuery that can scroll any HTML element, one or multiple items simultaneously, horizontal or vertical, automatically.
Simple Carousel Slideshow with Transition Effect - monteserinGallery
- Slideshow - 5240 ViewsmonteserinGallery is a simple jQuery Slideshow plugin that allows you to create a carousel like image slideshow with animated transition effect.
3D Flash Based Image Slideshow - Piecemaker2
- Slideshow - 6216 ViewsPiecemaker2 is an open source Flash ActionScript 3 image rotator for helps you create a image slideshow with Unlimited 3D transition effects.
Lightweight Carousel Plugin For jQuery - Cycle.js
- Slider - 5696 ViewsCycle.js is a lightweight jquery plugin that make it easier to create a variety of carousel sliders with CSS3 transition effects.
Animated Hover Over Effect with CSS3 Transitions
- CSS3 & Html5 - 5519 ViewsIn this tutorial we will create a content list with a smooth animation effect when mouse hovers over it.
3D Triple Panel Image Slider Plugin with jQuery
- Slider - 7457 ViewsA jquery image slider plugin that allows you to create a triple panel image slider with three panels, 3D look and swipe-like transitions.
Contact Form with Fancy 3D Effects
- Form - 7066 ViewsA jquery contact form plugin with CSS3 3D transforms allows you to create a fancy contact form that mimic a regular letter.
Unique Contact Form With css3 Transitions
- Form - 8447 ViewsA Unique Contact Form With css3 Transitions that create an effect of a letter sliding out from an envelope on mouse hover.
Swatch Book - Open and Rotate Swatches Plugin
- Slider - 2216 ViewsSwatch Book is a jquery plugin using CSS transforms and transitions that allows you to open and rotate the single swatches revealing some details.
3D Image Transitions Animations
- Animation - 0 ViewsA jquery plugin with CSS3 Animations for 3D Image Transitions. It supports Flip, rotation, multi-flip, cube, unfold effects and so on.
3D Image Transitions Animations
- Animation - 6421 ViewsA jquery plugin with CSS3 Animations for 3D Image Transitions. It supports Flip, rotation, multi-flip, cube, unfold effects and so on.
Awesome 3D Image Gallery Plugin
- Gallery - 8121 ViewsThe Awesome 3D Image Gallery Plugin with Jquery and CSS 3D transforms.