Free jQuery image viewer Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'image viewer' are listed here.
Powerful Gallery Popup Plugin With jQuery - LC Lightbox
- Gallery - 33833 ViewsLC Lightbox is a responsive, flexible, powerful, mobile-friendly jQuery image viewer & gallery lightbox plugin for modern web design.
Responsive Feature-rich Photo Viewer In Pure JavaScript
- Gallery - 25018 ViewsA feature-rich photo viewer plugin in pure JavaScript that displays all your images in a responsive, draggable, navigatable, resizable, maximizable dialog window.
Tiny Responsive Lightbox Gallery Plugin For jQuery - Viewbox
- Gallery - 34290 ViewsYet another jQuery image gallery / viewer plugin for displaying the large versions of the images in a lightbox as soon as you click on the thumbnail.
10 Best 360 Degree Product View Plugins In JavaScript (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 60601 ViewsA list of 10 best, most popular and top downloaded 360 Degree Product View plugins implemented in jQuery and Vanilla JavaScript.
Cyclotron - 360°Panorama Image Display Plugin
- Gallery - 22246 ViewsCyclotron is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to drag 360° panoramas and other seamlessly looping images around.
Mobile-first Image Viewer In Modal Style - jQuery yzhanImageViewe
- LightBox - 3778 ViewsA responsive, mobile-friendly, jQuery based image viewer plugin that enables the visitor to view all grouped images in a fullscreen modal.
Minimalist Image Lightbox With Smooth CSS Animations
- LightBox - 3902 ViewsA minimal image viewer jQuery script that enlarges and displays images in a fullscreen lightbox, with custom CSS3 powered open/close animations.
Zoomable & Rotatable Image Viewer Plugin - jQuery Magnify
- LightBox - 17709 ViewsMagnify is a simple and lightweight jQuery image viewer plugin used to display images in a zoomable, rotatable, draggable, and navigatable lightbox popup.
Zoomable/Rotatable/Panable Image Viewer - jQuery ezoom.js
- Zoom - 6332 ViewsA simple yet full-featured image viewer plugin that makes it easier to view, pan, zoom, and rotate your image in a fullscreen modal popup.
Interactive 360º Product Viewer Plugin With JQuery - Angle View
- Rotator - 10959 ViewsAngle View is a jQuery based 360º image viewer used to rotate through a list of product images that change at different angles with mouse move or drag.
Frame-by-frame Animation On Scroll Using jQuery - frameByFrame.js
- Animation - 4372 ViewsA jQuery plugin that takes a set of images and swaps the image paths as a frame-by-frame animation when scrolling down or up the webpage.
360 Degree Panoramic Image Viewer with jQuery - Pano
- Other - 25559 ViewsA lightweight and touch-enabled jQuery plugin for creating a 360 degree panoramic image viewer with support for mouse drag, touch swipe, and left/right arrow controls.
Versatile Image Zoom/Viewer/Gallery Plugin With jQuery - ezPlus
- Zoom - 15384 ViewsezPlus is an extended version of the elevatezoom plugin that provides customizable, touch-enabled zooming, gallery, popup functionalities on your images.
Draggable/Zoomable/Rotatable Image Viewer - jQuery zoomifyc
- Gallery - 2868 Viewszoomifyc is a feature-rich jQuery image viewer plugin to open images in a fullscreen gallery lightbox with support for drag, zoom, and rotate.
Ultra-light Image Lightbox Plugin - imageViewer.js
- LightBox - 2641 ViewsAn ultra-light and dead simple image lightbox plugin to display your images in an overlay that covers the entire screen.
Touch-enabled 360 Degree Product View - 360ImageRotate
- Other - 5654 Views360ImageRotate is a responsive, mobile-friendly image viewer/rotator plugin that engages your visitors with a 360-degree viewing experience with your products.
Versatile & Flexible Image Viewer Plugin - viewer.js
- Gallery - 10542 ViewsViewer is a powerful, multi-functional, mobile-friendly and highly configurable image viewer plugin used to present your favorite images in an elegant way.
Responsive Mobile-first Image Viewer - jQuery SmartPhoto
- Gallery - 15865 ViewsThe jQuery version of the SmartPhoto library which lets you create an accessible, responsive, mobile-friendly image viewer where the users are able to view all images in an easy-to-navigate modal popup.
Concise Fullscreen Image & PDF Viewer Plugin - jQuery EZView
- Other - 25217 ViewsEZView is a small, unobtrusive, convenient jQuery image & PDF viewer plugin that opens and displays image and PDF files in a fullscreen modal popup.
360-degree Product Image Viewer - jQuery rotate360.js
- Other - 6305 Viewsrotate360.js is a jQuery based 3D image viewer that makes use of jQuery UI slider widget to provide a 360-degree viewing experience for your product images.
Mobile-friendly Image Viewer Plugin - jQuery img-preview.js
- Zoom - 5596 Viewsimg-preview.js is a lightweight (~2kb minified) and simple-to-use jQuery plugin which provides the 'Click or Tap To Zoom' functionality on your images.
Interactive Product Image Zoomer For jQuery - Remooz
- Zoom - 3718 ViewsRemooz is a simple, interactive product zoomer for jQuery that displays the full-size version of your image (or a group of images) in a popup window.
Simple Image Viewer Plugin With jQuery
- Other - 10829 ViewsA really simple and cross-browser image viewer built with jQuery library that features image zoom, image rotate, image pan, zoom on mousewheel, keyboard interactions and more.
Touch-enabled Image Zooming And Panning Plugin With jQuery - imgViewer2
- Zoom - 26183 ViewsimgViewer2 is a jQuery plugin that provides Google Maps-style zooming and panning functionalities on an image using the jQuery UI and Leaflet libraries.
AJAX-ZOOM - 3D Spin Rotate & Zoom 360 Plugin For jQuery
- Zoom - 26952 ViewsAJAX-ZOOM is a powerful 3D Spin Rotate & Zoom 360 jQuery plugin that presents 360° product images on the web, which can be used as a product viewer. Visiters can rotate the VR 360 object, also on Z-axis (3D multirow).
Simple & Responsive jQuery Image Viewer Plugin - Smooth Products
- Gallery - 28874 ViewsSmooth Products is a jQuery plugin that allows to showcase your product images in a flexible gallery interface with thumbnail previews.
Full-featured Image Viewer/Gallery Plugin With jQuery
- Gallery - 10309 ViewsA powerful, flexible, feature-rich, fully responsive, user-friendly, and mobile-compatible jQuery plugin for presenting your images in a fullscreen image viewer/gallery.
Basic Responsive Image Viewer Plugin For jQuery - wimmviewer
- Slider - 4151 Viewswimmviewer is a minimal jQuery image viewer/previewer plugin which enables you to switch between large images by clicking on the thumbnails in a scrollable carousel.
Minimal jQuery Image Viewer with Image Preloading - ABigImage
- Gallery - 5639 ViewsABigImage is a simple and fast jQuery image gallery plugin that allows you to enlarge the images in a lightbox interface with next/pre navigation and image preloading functionality.
Auto Rotating Image Viewer Plugin - jQuery SliderBox
- Slider - 3148 ViewsThis is a jQuery image viewer plugin to create a cross-platform slider box that automatically rotates through images at a certain speed.
Mobile-friendly Image Viewer With Rich Captions - jQuery CaptionBox
- LightBox - 3052 ViewsCaptionBox is a mobile-friendly jQuery image viewer/gallery plugin that has the ability to present your photos in a navigatable lightbox popup with rich captions and exif information.
View Zoomed Images On Mouse Hover - jQuery Bighover
- Zoom - 4044 ViewsBighover is a simple-to-use jQuery image zoom/viewer plugin which displays the magnified images as you hover over the thumbnails.
jQuery Plugin For Image Zoom In and Out With Mousewheel - imgViewer
- Zoom - 53871 ViewsimgViewer is a simple and flexible jQuery plugin that allows to zoom in and out an image with mousewheel or drag it with mouse click.
Canvas Based Image Sequence Animation Plugin For jQuery - Segment Animator
- Animation - 4753 ViewsSegment Animator is a jQuery plugin used for creating a 360° image/product viewer by animating(rotating) through image sequences on an HTML5 canvas element.
Mobile-friendly Panorama Viewer With jQuery - Panoramix Image
- Other - 4314 ViewsPanoramix Image is a small, responsive, interactive jQuery image viewer for 360 degree panoramic images that supports both mouse drag and touch swipe events.
Responsive Touchable jQuery Image Pan & Zoom Plugin - BeepPanZoom
- Zoom - 5129 ViewsBeepPanZoom is a lightweight, responsive, mobile-friendly image viewer plugin for jQuery that allows the user to view, zoom, pan a specified image in a given container.
Fullscreen Lightbox-style Image Viewer For jQuery - imageView
- LightBox - 6599 ViewsA dead simple jQuery based image viewer to display all the images in a navigatable, lightbox-style gallery popup that auto resizes when the screen size changes.
Minimal 3D Image Rotator / Viewer Plugin With jQuery - rotate3D
- Rotator - 10696 Viewsrotate3D is a jQuery plugin used for creating a 360 degree 3D Panoramic View for your product that allows to rotate a sequence of images of different angles via mouse drag.
Mobile First jQuery / HTML5 Image Viewer Plugin - preview-image.js
- Gallery - 3336 ViewsA mobile-first image viewer that displays your image in a fullscreen sliding panel with the ability to navigate between images via keyboard arrows or touch swipe events.
Responsive Image Viewer / Carousel Plugin For jQuery - Tekitizy
- Gallery - 3192 ViewsTekitizy Carousel is a jQuery plugin which allows to enlarge and display the images of your webpage in a responsive, auto-sliding carousel popup just like the gallery lightbox.
Responsive Dynamic Image Viewer Plugin With jQuery - Chameleon Viewer
- Slider - 2155 ViewsChameleon Viewer is a jQuery plugin that generates a responsive, customizable, mobile-friendly image viewer from an array of image objects.
3D Product Image Slider / Viewer Plugin With jQuery
- Slider - 3974 ViewsA Microsoft Studio Slider inspired 3D image viewer that allows to display a 360 degree view of your product image from all angles.
Simple Responsive jQuery Image Viewer Plugin
- Slider - 3480 ViewsA simple, responsive jQuery image viewer plugin that automatically scales, centers your images with file information in a slider UI.
Fullscreen Image Gallery / Viewer Plugin With jQuery - simplegallery
- Gallery - 3322 ViewsThe simplegallery allows you to create a responsive photo gallery where the images will open in a fullscreen lightbox with the ability to rotate and slide through images.
Simple Image Viewer Plugin With jQuery, CSS3 And Canvas - ImageTrans.js
- Other - 2588 ViewsImageTrans.js is a simple jQuery plugin that displays any pics in an image viewer interface with zooming, flipping and rotating features.
Canvas Based Image Sequence Player With jQuery - imgplay
- Other - 3883 ViewsA jQuery & Html5 canvas based image player/viewer plugin which allows to view a sequence of images with play/pause/stop/forward/backward/fullscreen controls.
Lightweight Product Viewer / Slider Plugin With jQuery - Product Showcase
- Slideshow - 4791 ViewsProduct Showcase is a jQuery based responsive product viewer / slideshow where the users has the ability to fade through product images by clicking on the thumbnails.
Minimal Product Viewer Plugin For jQuery - Picture Viewer
- Gallery - 3156 ViewsPicture Viewer is a jQuery plugin used to create a minimal, clean product viewer where you can navigate between product images by clicking on the thumbnails.
Responsive Fullscreen Image Viewer With jQuery And CSS3
- Slider - 2884 ViewsThis is a responsive, jQuery & CSS3 based image viewer where you're able to fade through a set of images in fullscreen mode just like a slider.
Simple jQuery Image Viewer With Slider Control - Beauty Slider
- Slider - 713 ViewsBeauty Slider is a jQuery plugin used to generate a custom slider control that works with sprites of images.
Fullscreen Lightbox Style Gallery Plugin For jQuery - jBox
- Gallery - 9054 ViewsjBox is a simple jQuery image viewer plugin which allows the users to view full size versions of thumbnails in a responsive, navigatable lightbox popup gallery.
Full Window Modal-style Photo Gallery Plugin with jQuery - picEyes
- Gallery - 14833 ViewspicEyes is a simple, lightweight jQuery gallery / image viewer plugin for presenting your images in fullscreen mode.
jQuery Plugin For Fullscreen Image Viewer - Chroma Gallery
- Gallery - 7012 ViewsChroma Gallery is a jQuery image gallery / viewer plugin that enlarges and displays your images in a fullscreen, navigatable modal popup.
Touch-compatible Fullscreen Image Viewer Plugin with jQuery - RictusErectus
- Zoom - 3068 ViewsRictusErectus is a jQuery plugin that enlarges and displays the full-sized image in a fullscreen modal.
Modern Image Lightbox Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Lightbox.js
- LightBox - 4831 ViewsLightbox.js is a lightweight and flexible jQuery image viewer plugin for creating responsive, nice-looking single image lightbox or gallery lightbox with ease.
Simple Touch-enabled Image Viewer Plugin with jQuery
- LightBox - 1701 ViewsA simplest jQuery image viewer plugin which allows you to display images in a responsive lightbox.
Fotolia Style jQuery Image Hover Zoom Plugin
- Zoom - 5145 ViewsFotolia Image Zoom is a super small jQuery script which enables you to preview the larger version of the thumbnail image in a tooltip style popup window.
Fullscreen Responsive Product Viewer with jQuery - zoomVisualizer
- Gallery - 9168 ViewszoomVisualizer is a pretty cool jQuery image viewer plugin used to create a responsive fullscreen image gallery for presenting your photos, projects, and products.
jQuery Plugin To Create An Expandable Thumbnail Grid - slidebox
- Gallery - 3508 Viewsslidebox is a jQuery plugin used to create a responsive compact thumbnail grid that expands into a full-sized image viewer when you click on a thumbnail image.
Draggable Image Viewer Plugin with jQuery - acdsee
- LightBox - 1597 Viewsacdsee is a multifunctional jQuery image viewer / gallery lightbox plugin which allows you to browse photos just like in ACDSee Photo Software.
jQuery Plugin For Image Zoom On Hover - picZoomer
- Zoom - 32404 ViewspicZoomer is a very small jQuery plugin that adds zoom on hover functionality for your photos with support for thumbnail navigation.
jQuery Plugin For Product Viewer with Image Hover Zoom - BZoom
- Gallery - 54648 ViewsBZoom is a jQuery plugin lets you create a product viewer with a magnifying glass style image zoom functionality on hover.
Creating A Image Viewer with Descriptions Like Facebook - jQuery FBPhotoBox
- LightBox - 20494 ViewsFBPhotoBox is a jQuery plugin for creating a facebook like image/photo viewer that features an image gallery on the left and content area on the right.
Minimalist Image Viewer/Lightbox Plugin with jQuery
- LightBox - 2078 ViewsimgViewer is a simplest jQuery image viewer plugin which enables you to display large images in a modal style lightbox with a close button.
Fullscreen Photo Viewer Plugin For jQuery - bigic
- LightBox - 1993 Viewsbigic is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin that displays large pictures in a fullscreen modal popup with support for image zoom in/out functionality.
Simple Image Viewer with jQuery and Bootstrap - imagebox
- Gallery - 30502 ViewsA simple lightweight jQuery image viewer which allows you to present a gallery of images in a Bootstrap modal dialog.
Sleek Image Viewer using jQuery and Bootstrap Tooltip - Airview
- Tooltip - 4516 ViewsAirview is a lightweight jQuery plugin which allows you to display the original images of your thumbnails via Bootstrap tooltip component.
360 Degree jQuery Panorama Viewer Using Canvas and WebGL - WebGL Panorama
- Other - 8684 ViewsWebGL Panorama is a simple jQuery plugin that utilizes WebGL and Canvas element to render an interactive 3D Panorama Viewer on your web page.
Simple jQuery 360-degree Product Image Viewer - ThreeSixtyRotate
- Other - 3535 ViewsThreeSixtyRotate is a jQuery based product viewer that allows to automatically or manually rotate a sequence of images at different angles.
360 Degrees Image Rotate & Zoom Plugin with jQuery and Canvas - Tikslus360
- Zoom - 40134 ViewsTikslus360 is a jQuery & Html5 canvas based 360 degree panoramic view plugin which allows you to rotate a product image by mouse moving as well as zooming the image with a magnifying glass effect by click and drag.
Fashion Responsive jQuery Image Viewer/Enlarger Plugin - ImagesPreview
- Zoom - 2566 ViewsImagesPreview is an extremely lightweight jQuery image viewer/enlarger/zoomer plugin that displays the large version of an image in a responsive lightbox-like popup window.
Minimalist jQuery Image Viewer Plugin - Fancy Zoom
- Zoom - 7059 ViewsFancy Zoom is a super light jQuery image viewer plugin that displays the large version of your image in a popup box with image loader support.
Creating A 3D Product Viewer with jQuery Scrollr Plugin
- Other - 9570 ViewsScrollr is a jQuery plugin that provides a 3D view for your product by scrolling or dragging through an array of product images.
Simple Clean jQuery Vertical Product Image Gallery
- Gallery - 26254 ViewsA minimal jQuery based image gallery that has the ability to display the full size of an image on the right size of thumbnails.
Simple jQuery Panorama Viewer with Touch Swipe Support
- Other - 16422 ViewsA lightweight and simple to use plugin that embeds a panorama image and uses jQuery/CSS3 to scroll & loop it around horizontal 360° with mobile/touch support.
jQuery Plugin To Enlarge Images On Mouse Hover - HoverImageEnlarge.js
- Other - 15087 ViewsHoverImageEnlarge.js is a tiny jQuery image viewer plugin to enlarge/shrink a given image in place when mouse hovers over it.
Google Play-Style Image Viewer With jQuery - plusview
- Slideshow - 4074 ViewsPlusview is a jQuery plugin that converts an UL based image wall into a Google Play App Screenshots Style image slider/slideshow/gallery when you clicking an image.