Free jQuery smooth scroll Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'smooth scroll' are listed here.
Smooth Page Scrolling with Fancy Effects - anchorScroll.js
- Animation - 4120 ViewsanchorScroll is a JavaScript plugin that allows your anchor link to smoothly scroll to an specified section / position within the document.
10 Best Smooth Scroll JavaScript/jQuery Plugins (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 51358 Views10 best Vanilla JavaScript (and jQuery) Smooth Scroll plugins to bring the smooth scrolling experience on your long web page.
jQuery Smooth Content Scrolling Plugin - Smooth Scroll
- Animation - 8728 ViewsSmooth Scroll is a jQuery plugin that allows you to scroll any element of you page with smooth animation effect.
Autocue Teleprompter Like jQuery Text Scroll Plugin - scrollocue
- Animation - 2406 ViewsScrollocue is a jQuery scroll plugin that allows you to smoothly scroll through lines of text with the arrow keys, space bar or just click, similar to an autocue teleprompter system.
Sticky Header + Smooth Scroll + Scrollspy = Stoocky Page
- Menu - 1333 ViewsA versatile jQuery plugin helps you create easy-to-navigate landing pages, portfolio websites, and single page web applications.
Add Smooth Scrolling to Any Element with the jQuery ScrollTo Plugin
- Animation - 790 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a configurable elegant smooth scroll effect that guides visitors to a specific element on your webpage.
Add Smooth Scrolling To Webpage - jQuery ksmoothscroll.js
- Animation - 479 ViewsAn ultra-light (~1kb) jQuery plugin that provides a simple way to add a configurable smooth scrolling experience to your web pages.
Create Impressive One Page Scrolling Experience With jQuery
- Animation - 1751 ViewsA jQuery plugin that creates an impressive, smooth, and configurable horizontal or vertical one page scrolling experience on your web apps or landing pages.
Animate Scrolling To The Top Of The Page - jQuery backtothetop.js
- Animation - 1275 ViewsA jQuery back to top plugin that enables users to smoothly scroll back to the top of any page on your website using a highly customizable button
Scroll Smoothly To Any Position On The Page - jQuery SmoothScrolling
- Animation - 718 ViewsA tiny jQuery smooth scroll plugin that allows you to scroll the page vertically and smoothly to any position of the document.
Smart Smooth Scroll For Fixed Header Using jQuery
- Animation - 1557 ViewsfixedHeaderScroll.js is a tiny jQuery plugin that applies a configurable smooth scroll behavior on anchor links in header navigation.
Scroll To Anchor Plugin For jQuery
- Animation - 894 ViewsJust another smooth scroll jQuery plugin for animating scrolling to anchor links within the document. Behavior like the scroll-behavior CSS property.
Custom Smooth Scroll For Anchor Links - jQuery AnchorScroll
- Animation - 2063 ViewsAn alternative to the CSS scroll-behavior: smooth property that applies a smooth scroll effect with configurable speed, easing, and offset to anchor links.
Simple Smooth X/Y Page Scroll Plugin - jQuery scrollTo
- Animation - 3054 ViewsscrollTo is a jQuery smooth scroll plugin for animated page scrolling that allows to smoothly scroll to a specific position of a container or the whole document.
Add Smooth Scrolling When Clicking Anchor Links
- Animation - 1203 ViewsA super tiny smooth scroll jQuery plugin that automatically applies a smooth scrolling effect to anchor links found within the document.
Animate Scrolling To Anchor - No Fuss Smooth Scroll
- Animation - 2208 ViewsA super tiny yet customizable smooth scroll plugin that animates vertical page scrolling to any element specified using a unique ID.
jQuery Plugin For Configurable Smooth Scroll Experience - smoothScroll
- Animation - 3093 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin which provides a smooth scroll experience (with configurable offset, duration and easing effect) to your one page scrolling website.
Responsive Off-canvas Navigation With Smooth Scroll Integration
- Menu - 2510 ViewsA responsive, mobile-friendly navigation system for your cross-platform web app which turns the regular navbar into an off-canvas side menu with a hamburger toggle button on the mobile device.
Responsive Fixed Dropdown Menu Plugin With jQuery
- Menu - 4006 ViewsA responsive fixed dropdown menu plugin that collapses the original navigation bar into a hamburger toggle menu on mobile/tablet devices.
Apply Smooth Scroll To Anchor Links - jQuery Creep.js
- Animation - 1405 ViewsCreep.js is a really small (less than 1kb) jQuery smooth scroll plugin which makes anchor links smoothly scroll the page to specific elements instead of a straight jump.
Single Page Navigation With Scrollspy - jQuery NavPoints
- Menu - 5312 ViewsThe NavPoints jQuery plugin helps developers to create a sticky navigation for single page web apps, with support for smooth scroll, active highlighting and hash change.
Smooth Scroll Plugin For Bootstrap Scrollspy Component - smoothScroll.js
- Animation - 4273 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that adds the Smooth Scroll functionality to the native Bootstrap 4 scrollspy component. Based on jQuery's animate() method.
Smooth Scroll To Anchor Plugin With jQuery - smoothScroll.js
- Animation - 8236 ViewsAn easy and lightweight jQuery smooth scroll plugin which makes the internal anchors smoothly scroll the web page to a particular DIV (or any other point) within the document.
Smoothly Scroll An Element Into View - jQuery smoothScrolling
- Animation - 1150 ViewsAn ultra-light jQuery smooth scroll plugin which enables anchor links to smoothly scroll the current page to specific positions within the document.
Smooth Scroll To Internal Anchors - jQuery scroll-to-anchor.js
- Animation - 2087 ViewsA small and configurable jQuery smooth scroll plugin that smoothly scrolls the page to internal anchors at a given speed.
Smooth Scroll With Configurable Speed, Easing And Offset - animateScroll.js
- Animation - 2560 ViewsA smooth scroll plugin which animates the page scrolling to a specific element with configurable offset, easing effect, and animation speed.
Smooth Scroll To ID/Anchor/DIV Using jQuery - smoothScroll.js
- Animation - 3731 ViewsYet another jQuery based smooth scroll script which smoothly scrolls the web page to a specific point/ID/anchor/DIV within the document.
Smoothly Scroll Elements Into View - jQuery Smart Scroll
- Animation - 4019 ViewsSmart Scroll is a small jQuery smooth scroll plugin which smoothly scrolls page sections into view by clicking the anchor links.
Fixed Single Page App Navigation Plugin - jQuery scroll2Section
- Menu - 5483 ViewsThe jQuery scroll2Section plugin lets you create a sticky navbar that smoothly scrolls the page to specific content sections while highlighting the current nav item.
Automatic TOC Generator With Smooth Scroll - autoToc.js
- Menu - 1676 ViewsThe autoToc.js jQuery plugin automatically generates a table of contents from all the h2 headings found within the article element.
Smoothly Scroll Through Sections With Custom Events - jQuery scrollControl.js
- Animation - 1447 ViewsscrollControl.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that smoothly scrolls through a set of viewport-sized page sections with custom triggers and/or events.
Smart Responsive Sticky Navigation Menu With jQuery - stickyNav.js
- Menu - 8007 ViewsThe stickyNav.js jQuery plugin makes it possible to create a smart, sticky, mobile-friendly navigation menu for your cross-platform web application.
Sticky Navigation With Smooth Scroll And Scroll Spy - jQuery sticky-nav
- Menu - 6773 ViewsA multi-purpose jQuery site navigation plugin to create a sticky navigation with smooth scroll and scroll spy functionalities for your single page web application.
Anchor Scroll With Offset - jQuery ScrollOffset
- Animation - 2928 ViewsScrollOffset is a really small jQuery smooth scroll plugin which enables anchor links to scroll through your page content with a specific top offset.
Custom Smooth Scroll Behavior For Browsers - scrollSpeed
- Animation - 5894 ViewsscrollSpeed is a small and easy-to-use jQuery plugin which applies the smooth scroll functionality with custom speed & easing to native browser scroll behavior.
Navigation ScrollSpy & Smooth Scroll Plugin - nav-scroll-spy.js
- Menu - 5555 ViewsA small yet useful jQuery scrollspy and smooth scroll plugin for site navigation that allows you to highlight the active item in the menu and smoothly scroll through the webpage.
Table Of Contents With Smooth Scroll - jQuery LongPageNavigation
- Menu - 1231 ViewsA jQuery plugin for content-rich webpages or single page webapp that automatically generates a menu list (table of contents) from all the h2 headling element within the document.
Sticky Header Navigation With Smooth Scroll
- Menu - 29253 ViewsA sticky, responsive, mobile-friendly header navigation concept that automatically shrinks itself on scroll down and features smooth scroll functionality which makes it possible to scroll through page sections by clicking on nav links.
Sticky Navigation With Scrollspy And Smooth Scroll - jQuery Tacky
- Menu - 4764 ViewsTacky is a simple and easy-to-extend jQuery sticky site navigation plugin that supports scrollspy and smooth scroll functionalities.
Smart Top Navigation For Long Web Page - jQuery smartMenu
- Menu - 2402 ViewsThe jQuery smartMenu plugin automatically generates a smart, sticky top navigation for your long web page.
Single Page Navigation Plugin For jQuery - singlePageNav.js
- Menu - 3312 ViewsJust another single page navigation plugin with jQuery that provides scrollspy and smooth scroll functionalities for your one page scrolling website and single page app.
Lightweight Kinetic Scrolling / Parallax Plugin With jQuery - inertiaScroll
- Animation - 7103 ViewsinertiaScroll is a jQuery plugin which enables "momentum" style scrolling and configurable parallax scrolling effects on your webpage.
Mobile-friendly Smooth Scroll To Plugin For jQuery - scrollTo
- Animation - 2076 ViewsscrollTo is a configurable jQuery smooth scroll plugin which enables any trigger elements to smoothly scroll through your webpage with different animation speed and easing effects for mobile & desktop.
Minimal Scrollspy And Smooth Scroll Plugin - jQuery Click-scroll
- Menu - 8419 ViewsThe jQuery Click-scroll plugin lets you create a site navigation that enables the user to scroll through different page sections with smooth scroll and scrollspy functionalities.
Simple Table of Contents And Smooth Scroll In jQuery - vzv_sub_menu
- Menu - 784 Viewsvzv_sub_menu is a lightweight table of contents plugin for automatically generates a context menu from heading elements within the document.
Cross-page Smooth Scroll Plugin For jQuery - Smooziee.js
- Animation - 1017 ViewsSmooziee.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin to implement the high performant smooth scroll effect on your webpage/webapp.
Lightweight Kinetic/Momentum Scroll Plugin - jQuery Kinetic
- Animation - 3644 ViewsKinetic is a small and configurable jQuery plugin which provides a smooth kinetic/momentum scrolling effect as you move a scrollable element with mouse drag or touch swipe.
Anchor Based In-page Scroller Plugin For jQuery - localScroll
- Slider - 1269 ViewslocalScroll is a jQuery plugin that enables the anchor links to navigate between content sections within the document, with a smooth scrolling effect based on the jquery.scrollTo plugin.
jQuery Plugin For Cross-browser Smooth Scrolling Behavior - srSmoothscroll
- Animation - 2271 ViewsA lightweight, cross-browser jQuery plugin that lets you implement the configurable smooth scrolling behavior on a specific container or the entire window.
jQuery Plugin For Fixed Bootstrap 4 Nav With Smooth Scroll - navbar-fixed.js
- Menu - 30511 Viewsnavbar-fixed.js is a very small jQuery plugin used to extend the default fixed Bootstrap navbar component with scrollspy and smooth scroll support.
Smooth Scrolling To Anchor Elements With jQuery - anchorLink
- Animation - 2174 ViewsYet another jQuery based smooth scroll plugin for creating a configurable scroll animation when you switch between content sections with anchor links.
Minimal One Page Scroll Mockup With jQuery - smooth-scrolling
- Other - 4452 ViewsA minimal one page scrolling website boilerplate with support for scrollspy, smooth scrolling animation and sticky header navigation.
Configurable Smooth Scrolling Plugin With jQuery - Scroll With Ease
- Animation - 4503 ViewsScroll With Ease is a jQuery plugin that provides configurable smooth scrolling experience for your webpages, with support for mousewheel, touchpad or keyboard.
Sticky One Page Scroll Navigation With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 15267 ViewsMakes use of jQuery, CSS3 animations and flexbox model to create a sticky top navigation for your one page scroll websites, with support for scrollspy and smooth scroll.
Smoothly Scroll Body With Animation - jQuery smoothScroll
- Animation - 3975 ViewssmoothScroll is a lightweight jQuery plugin which enables your users to smoothly scroll the whole webpage with configurable animations.
jQuery/CSS Sticky Header Navigation With Scrollspy Functionality
- Menu - 6814 ViewsThis is a jQuery and CSS/CSS3 based header navigation that will be fixed on the top of the page and auto highlight the current menu item when you scroll past its content section.
Automatic Smooth Page Scroll Plugin With jQuery - autoscroll.js
- Animation - 11742 Viewsautoscroll.js(verticalScroller.js) is very small jQuery plugin which helps you implement smooth, automatic, vertical scrolling effects on any scrollable area.
Configurable Smooth Scroll Plugin For jQuery - smooth-scroll-jump.js
- Animation - 1171 Viewssmooth-scroll-jump.js is a lightweight yet configurable jQuery plugin which enables you to scroll smoothly between anchor links within the document.
Smooth Mouse Wheel Scrolling Plugin With jQuery - easeScroll
- Animation - 49518 ViewseaseScroll is a jQuery plugin which provides a configurable smooth scrolling experience when the users scroll up/down the webpage with mouse wheel, keyboard and touch pad.
Smooth Scroll & Scrollspy Plugin For Bootstrap Fixed Navbar
- Menu - 8175 ViewsA really simple jQuery plugin that adds the smooth scroll and scrollspy functionalities to the Bootstrap's fixed top navbar component.
Basic Table Of Contents Plugin With Smooth Scroll - tableOfContents
- Menu - 579 ViewsA jQuery table of content plugin which detects heading elements within your document, generates anchor links with IDs and allows to scroll smoothly between corresponding anchors.
Tiny Customizable jQuery Smooth Scroll Plugin - smoothScroll.js
- Animation - 1124 ViewsJust another jQuery smooth scroll plugin which enables anchor links to scroll smoothly between page sections within the document.
Smooth Page Scrolling Plugin With jQuery - smoothPageScroll
- Animation - 2791 ViewssmoothPageScroll is a lightweight jQuery one page scroll plugin which enables the anchor links to scroll the webpage to desired points smoothly.
jQuery Plugin For Custom Smooth Page Scrolling Effects - Animate Scroll
- Animation - 791 ViewsJust another jQuery smooth scroll plugin that enables the anchor links to scroll smoothly between specified positions in the webpage.
Smooth Scroll Position Indicator Plugin For jQuery
- Menu - 8074 ViewsA jQuery plugin that generates a side navigation to indicate the user's current scroll position and allows for scrolling smoothly between sectioned content.
Lightweight Momentum Scrolling And Parallax Plugin With jQuery - parachutejs
- Animation - 2670 Viewsparachutejs is a lightweight jQuery plugin for adding momentum scrolling together with parallax effect to web content that works perfectly on both desktop and mobile browsers.
Highly Configurable jQuery Smooth Page Scroller Plugin
- Animation - 1075 Viewsscroller.js is a simple yet highly customizable jQuery page scroller plugn which enable the anchor links to scroll smoothly through sectioned content within the document.
jQuery Based One Page Scroll Web Template - smooth-scroll.js
- Animation - 2893 Viewssmooth-scroll.js is a jQuery plugin which makes it easy to create a one page scrolling website/web application with a sticky header navigation.
jQuery Plugin For Auto One Page Scroll Navigation - Section Scroll
- Menu - 10800 ViewsSection Scroll is a lightweight jQuery plugin for automatically generate a side bullet navigation on your one page scrolling website.
Minimal jQuery Scrollspy & Smooth Scroll Plugin - eavesdrop.js
- Menu - 4228 ViewsJust another jQuery scrollspy plugin for one page scroll website that tracks the position of DOM elements and activates certain nav items when scrolling down or up.
Minimal In-page Smooth Scroll Plugin With jQuery - Offset Scroller
- Other - 2396 ViewsOffset Scroller is a jQuery plugin which implements smooth scroll functionality with custom offsets on anchor links and content sections within the document.
Tiny jQuery Scroll And Snap Plugin For Vertical Scrolling - snap-points
- Animation - 1603 Viewssnap-points is a very small jQuery plugin that scroll and snap to the next content section as you scroll through the webpage.
jQuery Plugin For Adding Momentum Scrolling To Web Content - scrollEasing
- Animation - 2881 ViewsscrollEasing.js is a jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 2D transforms to add iOS-like smooth momentum scrolling (inertial scrolling) effect to web content on desktop.
Minimal One Page Navigator Plugin With jQuery - scrollMiniMenu
- Menu - 2183 ViewsA plugin for generating a side navigation that displays the content section you're viewing on and allows to scroll smoothly through all different sections by click.
Lightweight jQuery Sticky Navigation With Scrollspy - Stickymenu.js
- Menu - 5007 ViewsStickymenu.js is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating a sticky navigation menu that automatically updates links based on scroll position.
Custom Fullscreen One Page Scroll Plugin with jQuery - PageSwitch
- Animation - 6077 ViewsJust another one page scroll plugin for jQuery that allows your visitor to scroll vertically or horizontal through all the different sections within the document
Customizable Smooth Scroll Plugin with jQuery - smoothScroll
- Animation - 793 ViewsYet another jQuery smooth scroll plugin which allows the visitor to scroll smoothly between anchor links within the document.
Touch-friendly Smooth Page Scrolling Plugin For jQuery - RowScroll
- Animation - 4377 ViewsRowScroll is a super tiny (~2k minified) jQuery plugin which provides smooth vertical scrolling effects for your one page website and single page applications.
Smooth Vertical Page Scroll Navigation with jQuery
- Animation - 5028 ViewsA jQuery plugin which uses custom images as a sticky vertical navigation for your long one page scrolling website.
Smooth Page Scrolling Effects with jQuery and jQuery UI
- Animation - 2502 ViewsA jQuery script which enables anchor links to scroll smoothly to specified position within the document, with variable scrolling speed and easing effects.
jQuery Plugin For One Page Scroll Navigation - Menu Anchor
- Animation - 4442 ViewsMenu Anchor is a jQuery plugin that automatically generates sticky anchor links which allow you to scroll smoothly through different sections on the vertical one-page scrolling website.
Minimal Smooth Scroll To Plugin with jQuery - Arctic Scroll
- Animation - 1480 ViewsArctic Scroll is a lightweight jQuery plugin that allows an anchor link to scroll smoothly to desired point of the document using jQuery animate function.
Diagonal Section Transition Effect with jQuery Animation - Simple Ascensor
- Animation - 3810 ViewsSimple Ascensor is a lightweight jQuery plugin that makes smooth, diagonal transition effect between any two or more content sections using jQuery animate() method.
jQuery Plugin For Smooth Vertical Page Scrolling - PageScroll
- Animation - 2783 ViewsPageScroll is a jQuery plugin designed for one page scroll website that allows to smoothly scroll to second screen as you scroll down the web page.
jQuery Based Sticky Navigation with Smooth Scroll Support - stickynav
- Menu - 4062 ViewsJust another jQuery sticky navigation plugin that features smooth scroll and smart anchor link highlighting.
jQuery Plugin For Smooth Scrolling Effect with Mouse Wheel
- Animation - 5549 ViewsSmoothScrollWheel is a jQuery plugin that allows the visitor to scroll your webpage (or scrollable content) with a smooth, inertial / momentum effect.
jQuery Plugin For Smooth Anchor Scrolling - lightweightScrollTo
- Animation - 1170 ViewsA lightweight scroll to jQuery plugin which uses jQuery animate() to provide smooth anchor scrolling with support for URL hash change event.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Smooth Anchor Scrolling - Butter Scroll
- Animation - 5427 ViewsButter Scroll is a lightweight jQuery plugin which enables anchor links to scroll smoothly to specific points of your webpage.
jQuery Plugin To Auto Update Menu States When Scrolling - menuOnScroll
- Animation - 1665 ViewsmenuOnScroll is a jQuery plugin that detects the scroll position and adds an active state to the navigation menu indicating the current position.
jQuery Plugin For Sticky One Page Scroll Navigation - sKroll
- Animation - 2554 ViewssKroll is a very small jQuery plugin to create a sticky & auto-update navigation for your one page scroll website.
Smooth Momentum Scrolling Effect with jQuery - Momentum Scroll
- Animation - 12225 ViewsMomentum Scroll is a super tiny (~2kb) jQuery plugin that implements mobile style very smooth inertial / momentum scrolling effect on your webpage.
Smooth Vertical Scroller Plugin with jQuery - VScroller
- Other - 3108 ViewsVScroller is a jQuery plugin that makes your long content scrollable with a custom vertical scrollbar.
Smart Navigation Toggle Button On Scroll - jQuery Transform
- Menu - 3164 ViewsUses jQuery to detect the scroll depth and display a toggle button to show / hide the top navigation menu when the visitor scrolls down the page.
Simplest jQuery One Page Scroller Plugin
- Animation - 2495 ViewsScroller.js is a jQuery plugin to create anchor links which scroll the webpage to desired content section smoothly.
Basic jQuery Smooth Scrolling Plugin - smoothScroll
- Animation - 15006 ViewssmoothScroll is an ultra-lightweight jQuery plugin which provides smooth anchor scrolling experience to your long content web page.
jQuery Plugin To Scroll To Specific Elements with Easing Support - fragmentScroll
- Animation - 2371 ViewsFragment Scroll is a jQuery plugin that scrolls the frame at a certain speed to a specific element with a unique id that's given in the fragment.