Free jQuery sticky navigation Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'sticky navigation' are listed here.
10 Best Sticky Header Navigation Systems In JavaScript (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 15996 Views10 best and top downloaded jQuery and/or Vanilla JavaScript plugins to create advanced sticky header navigation for your websites.
Auto-hiding Sticky Navbar Plugin - jQuery ScrollUpBar
- Menu - 1019 ViewsA jQuery sticky navigation plugin that automatically hides the header navbar when scrolling down, and shows it again when scrolling up.
One Page Scroll Site Navigation Plugin With jQuery
- Menu - 6567 ViewsA jQuery plugin for creating a sticky site navigation for one page scrolling website or single page web app.
Smart Sticky Header Hamburger Navigation Plugin - jQuery mhead
- Menu - 16121 Viewsmhead is a jQuery plugin used to create a sticky header hamburger navigation for your web application that auto shows/hides as you scroll/swipe the page down or up.
Auto Appearing And Disappearing Sticky Header - Stickify
- Other - 1174 ViewsA jQuery plugin for creating a smart sticky header that automatically appears and disappears based on scroll direction.
Pin Any Element To The Top Of Page When Scrolling - sticky.js
- Other - 2000 ViewsA tiny and configurable jQuery Sticky plugin that makes it possible to lock the position of any element as it reaches the top of the page while scrolling down.
Smooth Sticky Header In jQuery - sp.stickyHeader.js
- Menu - 3483 ViewsA lightweight, customizable, smooth, mobile-compatible sticky header plugin created using jQuery, CSS transitions, and CSS position: fixed property.
Animated Sticky Navbar With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 7046 ViewsA modern site navigation that collapses a fullscreen hero header into a sticky navigation bar on scroll bar.
Auto Hide Fixed Bootstrap 4 Navbar On Scroll Down
- Menu - 8450 ViewsA super tiny jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 4 that makes the fixed Bootstrap navbar auto hide and show as the visitor scrolls down or up the web page.
Sticky Responsive Mega Menu Plugin - jQuery megaMenu
- Menu - 11647 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin which generates a responsive, sticky, customizable, mobile-compatible, SEO-friendly, multi-column mega menu from nested HTML lists.
Make Header Navigation Sticky On Scroll Up - Shy Header
- Menu - 2636 ViewsShy Header is a smart sticky menu jQuery plugin that hides the header navigation on scroll down and makes it always be visible on scroll up.
Responsive Fixed Dropdown Menu Plugin With jQuery
- Menu - 4018 ViewsA responsive fixed dropdown menu plugin that collapses the original navigation bar into a hamburger toggle menu on mobile/tablet devices.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Sticky Site Header - Stickable
- Menu - 2598 ViewsStickable is a really simple and cross-browser jQuery plugin which makes your header navigation fixed at the top of the screen on vertical page scrolling.
Fancy jQuery Sticky Navigation with CSS3 Animations - stickyNavbar.js
- Menu - 12300 ViewsstickyNavbar.js is a jQuery plugin that makes your navigation stay on top of the window and help you navigate on your one page website with help of smart anchor link highlighting.
Awesome Sticky Element Without Content Jumping
- Other - 4645 ViewsA simple and lightweight jQuery script to fix any element (typically header navigation) to the top of the webpage when scrolling down.
Smart Responsive Sticky Navigation Menu With jQuery - stickyNav.js
- Menu - 8029 ViewsThe stickyNav.js jQuery plugin makes it possible to create a smart, sticky, mobile-friendly navigation menu for your cross-platform web application.
Fixed Morphing App Navigation - Droplet Menu
- Menu - 2443 ViewsA fixed morphing app navigation written in jQuery/CSS3 that makes the hamburger menu toggle always be fixed on scroll, with a fancy droplet animation.
Sticky Navigation With Smooth Scroll And Scroll Spy - jQuery sticky-nav
- Menu - 6789 ViewsA multi-purpose jQuery site navigation plugin to create a sticky navigation with smooth scroll and scroll spy functionalities for your single page web application.
Responsive Sticky Navigation Plugin For jQuery - Simple Menu
- Menu - 8516 ViewsThe Simple Menu jQuery plugin lets you create a responsive, sticky, multi-functional, in-page navigation menu for your long webpages.
Sticky Header Navigation With Smooth Scroll
- Menu - 29294 ViewsA sticky, responsive, mobile-friendly header navigation concept that automatically shrinks itself on scroll down and features smooth scroll functionality which makes it possible to scroll through page sections by clicking on nav links.
Sticky Navigation With Scrollspy And Smooth Scroll - jQuery Tacky
- Menu - 4775 ViewsTacky is a simple and easy-to-extend jQuery sticky site navigation plugin that supports scrollspy and smooth scroll functionalities.
Sticky Mobile-friendly Navigation Menu With jQuery
- Menu - 3583 ViewsThis is a sticky responsive nav menu built using jQuery and CSS3 that automatically converts the regular dropdown nav into a mobile-friendly off-canvas menu.
Shrink Sticky Header Nav On Scroll With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 13057 ViewsThis project makes use of jQuery and CSS/CSS3 to create a sticky header navigation that automatically shrinks on page scroll down.
Smart Top Navigation For Long Web Page - jQuery smartMenu
- Menu - 2410 ViewsThe jQuery smartMenu plugin automatically generates a smart, sticky top navigation for your long web page.
jQuery Plugin For Sticky Navigation Lists with Stacking Headers - slinky
- Layout - 2089 ViewsSlinky is a jQuery navigation plugin designed for long web page that stacks the section's headers and makes them sticky at the top of the page when scrolling down.
Simple Sticky Header Navigation With jQuery
- Menu - 5773 ViewsA really simple jQuery plugin to create a sticky header navigation that automatically adds a CSS class (sticky-header) to the nav menu as you scroll past it.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Stick Elements - stickit
- Other - 2820 Viewsstickit is a responsive, robust jQuery sticky plugin used to make any elements (headers, sidebars) be fixed on the top while vertical page scrolling.
Smart Auto Show/Hide Bootstrap Navbar - jQuery navstrap
- Menu - 3796 Viewsnavstrap is a small jQuery plugin to create a smart Bootstrap navbar that makes the sticky Bootstrap navigation bar auto show/hide as you scroll down or up the webpage.
Smart Top Fixed Navigation Menu Plugin With jQuery - scrollmenu
- Menu - 3430 Viewsscrollmenu is an ultra-light jQuery navigation plugin used to create a sticky top menu that hides on scroll down and reveals on scroll up.
Lightweight Responsive Sliding Menu Plugin with jQuery - F1-Nav
- Menu - 4660 ViewsF1-Nav is a lightweight jQuery plugin that creates a responsive slide up/down navigation menu with a full page overlay.
jQuery Plugin To Auto Show / Hide Site Header - cb-slideheader.js
- Menu - 4955 Viewscb-slideheader.js is a jQuery plugin that makes your fixed site header auto appear and disappear based on page scroll events.
jQuery Plugin To Create Fixed Navigation As You Scroll - midnight.js
- Layout - 4534 Viewsmidnight.js is a cross-platform jQuery plugin used to sublty change your headers to make them match the content as you scroll.
jQuery Plugin For Fixed Bootstrap 4 Nav With Smooth Scroll - navbar-fixed.js
- Menu - 30547 Viewsnavbar-fixed.js is a very small jQuery plugin used to extend the default fixed Bootstrap navbar component with scrollspy and smooth scroll support.
Minimal One Page Scroll Mockup With jQuery - smooth-scrolling
- Other - 4459 ViewsA minimal one page scrolling website boilerplate with support for scrollspy, smooth scrolling animation and sticky header navigation.
jQuery/CSS Sticky Header Navigation With Scrollspy Functionality
- Menu - 6832 ViewsThis is a jQuery and CSS/CSS3 based header navigation that will be fixed on the top of the page and auto highlight the current menu item when you scroll past its content section.
Auto Show / Hide Elements On Scroll Using jQuery - navToggle
- Menu - 2744 ViewsnavToggle is a jQuery plugin which makes any element (typically header navigation) auto hide at a given distance when scrolling down and reveals it again on scroll up.
jQuery Plugin To Auto Show Site Navigation On Scroll Up - topbar
- Menu - 1700 Viewstopbar is a smart jQuery sticky navigation plugin that automatically displays the site navigation sliding down from the top when you scroll up the webpage.
Smart, Sticky, Responsive Navigation With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 9981 ViewsA fully responsive header navigation that auto shows/hides as you scroll the webpage, and collapses into a hamburger dropdown menu on small screens.
Basic Sticky Header Navigation Plugin For jQuery - StickyNav
- Menu - 1279 ViewsStickyNav is a super tiny jQuery plugin makes your header navigation (or any elements) fixed on the top when scrolling down.
Smart Header Navigation Plugin With jQuery - Toggle NavBar
- Menu - 1366 ViewsToggle NavBar is a jQuery plugin for creating a smart sticky header navigation that slides/fades out when the user scrolls down the page and reveals again when scrolling up.
Auto-sliding Fixed Top Navigation With jQuery And CSS
- Menu - 3621 ViewsA minimalist jQuery fixed top navigation script that auto hides the menu on scroll down but slides it out again on scroll up.
Auto Show/ Hide Sticky Header Plugin With jQuery - stickEmUp
- Menu - 3462 ViewsJust another jQuery sticky header plugin which automatically makes your header navigation show / hide based on the scroll position & direction.
jQuery Plugin To Diff Menu Text And Image Colors - Paralax Menu
- Menu - 2220 ViewsA jQuery Plugin allows you to add spark to your sticky menus by gradually changing its link font colors whenever it reaches images or elements with image backgrounds.
Medium Style Sticky Unveiled Navigation with jQuery
- Menu - 1941 ViewsA inspired jQuery sticky navigation that automatically disappears as you scroll down the web page.
Mobile Friendly jQuery Stick Element Plugin - StickyComponent
- Other - 1020 ViewsStickyComponent is a simple yet fully configurable jQuery plugin for making any elements sticky on page scroll that will be auto disabled on small screen devices.
jQuery Plugin For Smart Sticky Header On Scroll - jPinning
- Menu - 4585 ViewsjPinning is a lightweight jQuery sticky header plugin that auto hides while window scrolls down and brings the header back on window scroll up.
Minimal Expanding Hamburger Menu With jQuery - Hamburger Nav
- Menu - 2238 ViewsA jQuery based sticky hamburger menu where your users can click on the hamburger toggle button to reveal the site navigation with an expanding effect.
Lightweight jQuery Sticky Navigation With Scrollspy - Stickymenu.js
- Menu - 5025 ViewsStickymenu.js is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating a sticky navigation menu that automatically updates links based on scroll position.
Highly Configurable jQuery Sticky Header Plugin - Sticky Header
- Menu - 1469 ViewsJust another jQuery sticky header plugin which allows you to make any DOM element (typically header navigation) stick to the top of browser window when scrolling down.
Auto Hide / Reveal Element On Page Scroll - scrollAway.js
- Menu - 1325 ViewsscrollAway.js is an ultra-light jQuery plugin which make any element (e.g. a sticky top navigation bar) hide on scroll down and show up again on scroll up.
jQuery Plugin For Fixed Navigation Based On Scroll Direction - Semi-Sticky
- Menu - 3661 ViewsSemi-Sticky is a jQuery plugin to create a fixed navigation bar that shows/hides part of itself based on scroll direction.
Tiny Stackable Sticky Menu Plugin For jQuery - stickymenu.js
- Menu - 1191 Viewsstickymenu.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that gives you the ability to make any element always stay visible when scrolling down the webpage.
Responsive Sticky Header Plugin For jQuery - Fixed Header
- Layout - 2579 ViewsFixed Header is a simple jQuery plugin that sticks the header navigation to the top of the browser window when scrolling down.
jQuery Based Sticky Navigation with Smooth Scroll Support - stickynav
- Menu - 4065 ViewsJust another jQuery sticky navigation plugin that features smooth scroll and smart anchor link highlighting.
Auto Shrinking Header Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 3558 ViewsA sticky header navigation for your website that will auto shrink and expand itself based on scroll position. Built with HTML5, CSS / CSS3 and a little jQuery magic.
Responsive Sticky Side Menu Plugin For jQuery - Bamboo.js
- Menu - 7925 ViewsBamboo.js is a tiny jQuery plugin helps you create a responsive, mobile-friendly, sticky toggle menu for your website.
Responsive Auto Show/Hide Toggle Menu with jQuery
- Menu - 28847 ViewsA JQuery/HTML5/CSS3 based responsive navigation system that transform your regular horizontal nav bar into a mobile-friendly toggle menu.
Minimal Auto-hide Navigation Bar with jQuery
- Menu - 4082 ViewsA simplest jQuery solution that detects the user scroll events and automatically shows/hides Html elements (e.g. navigation bar) while scrolling.
Minimalist Sticky Header Navigation Using jQuery and CSS
- Menu - 3493 ViewsA dead simple jQuery based sticky navigation solution that makes your navigation menu sticky when user reaches it.
Show/Hide Sticky Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 9061 ViewsA sticky top navigation menu that automatically hides when scrolling down, and shows up again as you scroll up the page.
Smooth Auto-Hide Header Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Other - 19625 ViewsA jQuery/CSS solution to create a fixed header navigation that auto hides when you scroll down, however when you scroll up it would show itself again.
Shrinking Sticky Navigation Bar with jQuery - prettySticky
- Menu - 10138 ViewsprettySticky is a jQuery based sticky header navigation that shrinks to a smaller menu bar with active anchor link highlighting.
Sticky Navigation Bar with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Menu - 78315 ViewsWith a little CSS and jQuery magic, we can make a native Bootstrap navbar sticky at the top of the document as you scroll down the page.
jQuery Plugin For On-demand Sticky Header Navigation
- Menu - 1440 ViewsA jQuery plugin to create an animated sticky header that hides the top navigation bar when scrolling down and shows it when scrolling up.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Sticky Header Navigation
- Menu - 11251 ViewsA super tiny jQuery plugin for creating a responsive sticky header navigation on-demand for your website.
jQuery Plugin For Sticky Navigation Bar On Scroll - Sexy Menu
- Menu - 2686 Viewssexy-menu.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a sticky top navigation bar containing anchor links which scroll the web page to desired section.
Responsive Sticky Navigation Menu Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Pagescroll Menu
- Menu - 4894 ViewsPagescroll Menu is a jQuery menu plugin for creating a responsive, mobile-aware, animated navigation menu which is sticky on the web page during scrolling.
jQuery Plugin To Hide Sticky Navbar When Scrolling Down - Scroll Up Menu
- Menu - 29921 ViewsScroll Up Menu is a mobile-first jQuery plugin that auto hide the sticky top navigation menu when scrolling down the page, and show when scrolling up. This is really useful for mobile browsers with little space for annoying fixed headers.
jQuery Dynamic & Sticky Website Header Plugin - HeadShrinker
- Menu - 4891 ViewsHead Shrinker is jQuery plugin that shrinks your website header section and makes it sticky at the top of your web page when scrolling down.
jQuery Plugin For Sticky Header Elements - clingify
- Menu - 3529 ViewsClingify is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create sticky headers and navigation menus for your long web page.
Cool Sticky Header Effects with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 15717 ViewsIn this article written by MARY LOU we're going to create various scroll effects for headers using CSS3 and jQuery waypoints plugin.
jQuery Plugin For iOS List-Style Sticky Headers - Stacks
- Menu - 3250 ViewsStacks is a jQuery plugin for creating Apple iOS List-Style Headers that allows the heading for the section to follow the user as the user scrolls down the page.
jQuery Sticky Navigation Bar For One Page Website - SMINT
- Menu - 8264 ViewsSMINT is a jQuery plugin that make it easy to create a sticky menu which stays at the top of the page while you scroll down and menu buttons that automatically scroll the page to the section you clicked on.
Animated Sticky Header On Scroll with CSS3 and Javascript
- Menu - 83292 ViewsIn this tutorial we're going to create a position fixed header that will changes its size on scroll. The idea is to decrease header's size and the inner elements will adjust their font-size/line height while a certain amount of the page gets
Super Tiny jQuery Sticky Navigation Menu Plugin
- Menu - 4601 ViewsA super simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that makes your navigation menu sticky when scrolling down the web page.