Free jQuery Drop Down list Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Drop Down list' are listed here.
Multi-level Dropdown List Plugin - jQuery Dropdown Submenu
- Form - 2295 ViewsA jQuery plugin that converts a select element with option groups into a multi-level,SEO-friendly dropdown list.
Beautify Select Box Using Bootstrap Dropdown Component - feastselect
- Form - 1678 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that converts the normal select box into a Bootstrap dropdown component with extra customizaiton options.
Multi-Select & Autocomplete Dropdown Plugin For jQuery - MSelectDialogBox
- Form - 47364 ViewsA jQuery plugin that attaches a dropdown list with capabilities of multi select and autocomplete to any DOM elements (e.g. input fields) when getting focused.
Customizable & Animated Dropdown Plugin - Nice Select
- Form - 11260 ViewsYet another jQuery select replacement plugin that turns your native html select boxes into customizable and CSS3 animated dropdown lists with one JS call.
Pretty Select Box Replacement - jQuery Wowdown
- Form - 385 ViewsA jQuery plugin that converts the regular select boxes into beautiful and animated dropdowns with lots of customization options.
SEO-Friendly Select-style Dropdown Plugin - jQuery.bart.dropdown
- Other - 345 ViewsA jQuery plugin that converts an HTML unordered list into an SEO-friendly, select-style single button dropdown component.
SEO-friendly Custom Select Box In jQuery
- Form - 2314 ViewsA custom select box jQuery plugin that converts a regular select element into a semantic, SEO-friendly dropdown list.
Multi-column Dropdown Selector Plugin For jQuery - Inputpicker
- Form - 45257 ViewsInputpicker is a simple jQuery plugin that converts the normal text field into a filterable, multi-column dropdown select box for convenient option selection.
Flexible Bootstrap 4 Dropdown Plugin With jQuery - Bootstrap 4 Select
- Form - 23417 ViewsThis is a jQuery plugin that enhances the default Bootstrap 4 dropdown components with live search, multiple selection, custom styling, select/deselect all support.
Convert Selects Into Dropdowns In Bootstrap - SelectInput
- Form - 2724 ViewsSelectInput is a jQuery/Bootstrap plugin that takes options from a regular select box and converts them into an advanced dropdown list for better styling & user experience.
Filterable Multi Select Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - Select Dropdown
- Form - 17867 ViewsSelect Dropdown is a jQuery plugin that converts the regular Bootstrap select element into a select dropdown with extra functionalities such as fuzzy search, multiple select, custom styles and more.
Beautiful Multi-Select Dropdown List Plugin - jQuery select-beauty
- Form - 10241 ViewsYet another select box replacement jQuery plugin that transforms the regular select into an HTML list based multi-select dropdown list with icons support.
Dynamic Tree Dropdown Select Plugin - jQuery x-tree-select
- Form - 8824 ViewsA dynamic tree select jQuery plugin that allows the user to select an item from a multi-level dropdown list similar to the collapsible tree structure.
Custom Dynamic Select Box Plugin - jQuery Select
- Form - 2129 ViewsSelect.js is a tiny and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that dynamically renders a custom dropdown list to replace the native select box element.
Easy Drop Down Select List Plugin - DropKick
- Form - 28972 ViewsDropKick is a fast jQuery plugin that turns a standard html select box into a clean and skinnable drop down list that supports native keyboard navigation and dynamic selects. How to use it: 1. Include the latest jQuery java script library a
Simple Flat Select Element Replacement With jQuery - Custom Select
- Form - 3543 ViewsJust another custom select box plugin which replaces the native select element with a flat, animated dropdown list with custom styles.
SEO-friendly Dropdown List With jQuery - Custom DropDown
- Form - 1287 ViewsThis is a jQuery plugin which generates a semantic, SEO-friendly, highly-customizable dropdown select menu from a regular HTML unordered list.
jQuery Select Dropdown List Replacement - Pretty Dropdowns
- Form - 9386 ViewsPretty Dropdowns is a jQuery plugin used to replace the regular select element with a nice-looking dropdown UI that preserves the native select methods.
Mobile-friendly Collapsible List With jQuery - responsiveLists
- Other - 625 ViewsA mobile-friendly, fully responsive list solution that automatically transforms the long list into an accordion-style sliding dropdown on small screens.
Themeable jQuery Select Box Enhancement Plugin - select-mania
- Form - 4035 ViewsThe select-mania jQuery plugin transforms the normal select element into a searchable, clearable, themeable, AJAX-enabled dropdown list with ease.
Custom Dropdown Select With Option Icons - customSelect
- Form - 11142 ViewscustomSelect is a jQuery plugin which converts a hidden input into a dropdown select element with custom styles & templates.
Bootstrap Dropdown Select Enhancement Plugin With jQuery
- Form - 26032 ViewsBootstrap Select is a jQuery plugin for creating highly customizable dropdown lists and menus using Bootstrap dropdown component.
jQuery Plugin To Create Easy-to-style Dropdown Select - dropSelect
- Form - 1536 ViewsdropSelect is a jQuery select replacement plugin that helps you create a fully customizable and styleable dropdown select box using CSS/CSS3 and a little JavaScript.
Stroll.js - Cool Scroll effects with jQuery and CSS3
- Form - 7223 ViewsThe Stroll is a collection of 12+ CSS3 powered scroll effects for long html lists: grow, cards (CSS 3D), curl (CSS 3D), wave, flip (CSS 3D), fly (CSS 3D), simplified fly (CSS 3D), reverse fly (CSS 3D), skew, helix (CSS 3D), fan, tilt, paperc
AJAX Autocomplete Plugin For Bootstrap Select
- Form - 36188 ViewsAjax Bootstrap Select is a jQuery extension for the popular Bootstrap select plugin that enables the AJAX autocomplete (live search) functionality on the dropdown select.
Minimal Dropdown Select With Fuzzy Search - jQuery SimpleSelect
- Form - 6571 ViewsSimpleSelect is a jQuery plugin which turns the standard select box into a minimal clean dropdown list with fuzzy search (live filter) support. The plugin supports both static and dynamic datasets.
Autocomplete Dropdown List Plugin For jQuery - autocompleteDropdown
- Form - 22870 ViewsautocompleteDropdown is a jQuery plugin that transforms the normal select element into a searchable dropdown list just like the autocomplete input interface.
Bootstrap Dropdown Select Replacement Plugin - DDL
- Form - 2076 ViewsThe Bootstrap-DDL jQuery plugin replaces the default Bootstrap dropdown list with extra functionalities such as custom styling, multiline options and dynamic data loading.
jQuery Plugin For Custom HTML Select Element - Gorilla Dropdown
- Form - 1860 ViewsGorilla Dropdown is a jQuery plugin that converts the normal html select element into an easy-to-style dropdown list with custom images and descriptions.
Create Searchable Dropdown Select With jQuery - selectstyle
- Form - 104631 Viewsselectstyle is a lightweight jQuery plugin that transforms the regular select box into a searchable dropdown list with custom styles.
Responsive & Multi-Level Accordion Menu Plugin
- Accordion - 53106 ViewsAn easy jQuery plugin to create a multi-level and fully responsive accordion menu (dropdown list) from any nested Html elements.
Tiny Customizable Dropdown Select Box With jQuery - Selectpick
- Form - 1591 ViewsSelectpick is a simple, lightweight, fast jQuery plugin that allows you to create customizable and easy-to-style dropdown select boxes with ease.
jQuery Plugin For Bootstrap Dropdown With Checkboxes - dropdownCheckboxes
- Form - 17066 ViewsjQuery dropdownCheckboxes is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap that helps you create a multi-select dropdown list with checkboxes using Bootstrap styles.
Bootstrap-style jQuery Drop Down Plugin - dropdown
- Menu - 24720 Viewsdropdown is a simple jQuery plugin that make it easier to create awesome Bootstrap-style dropdowns (menus, selects, panels, tooltips etc) with additional features and no dependencies.
Animated Material Dropdown Select Plugin With jQuery - AwesomeSelect
- Form - 3617 ViewsAwesomeSelect is a jQuery plugin which replaces the regular select element with a pretty cool, Material Design inspired dropdown list as you seen here.
Animated & Multi-level jQuery Dropdown Plugin
- Menu - 30667 ViewsA dropdown jQuery plugin that turns select options or nested Html lists into an animated, multi-level drop down menu/list with a subtle sliding effect.
Handy Customizable Dropdown Select Plugin With jQuery - JQSelect
- Form - 2488 ViewsJQSelect is a jQuery plugin for creating a dynamic, nice-looking dropdown select list that supports filtering, multiple selection with checkboxes and 'Select All' options.
Animated Select Dropdown List Plugin For jQuery - vdrop
- Form - 1499 Viewsvdrop is a very small jQuery plugin that converts the normal select box into an animated, configurable, nice-looking dropdown list with custom down arrow / caret.
jQuery Plugin To Convert Html Lists Into A Dropdown List - NavToSelect
- Menu - 6767 ViewsNavToSelect is a jQuery plugin designed for responsive navigation that automatically converts a ul li based navigation into a dropdown select menu for better experience on mobile devices.
Nice Clear Dropdown List with jQuery and CSS - stb-dropdown
- Form - 4494 Viewsstb-dropdown is a very small jQuery plugin for converting your regular select box into a nice, clean dropdown list that is fully styleable via CSS.
Accessible Custom Select Box Plugin With jQuery - Selectivo.js
- Form - 1898 ViewsSelectivo.js is a small and easy jQuery plugin that generates a clean, accessible dropdown list from plain html to replace the default select box.
Multi Column Dropdown Box with jQuery and CSS3 - Multi Column Select
- Form - 19980 ViewsA small and simple jQuery plugin that turns the standard select list into a multi-column dropdown box with CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Beautiful Custom Select Box Plugin With jQuery - custom-select
- Form - 3800 Viewscustom-select is a jQuery plugin which converts standard select box into beautiful, styleable dropdown list with custom caret symbols.
Flat Animated Select Dropdown Plugin For jQuery - sexySelect.js
- Form - 1867 ViewssexySelect.js is a very small jQuery plugin that uses JavaScript and CSS3 transitions to create animated, flat style dropdown lists from native select elements.
jQuery Plugin To Convert Bootstrap Select Into Dropdown Button
- Form - 4427 ViewsSelect To Button is a jQuery extension for Bootstrap that converts the default Bootstrap select list into a dropdown button.
Lightweight jQuery Dropdown List Plugin - Select.js
- Other - 1336 ViewsSelect.js is a really simple jQuery plugin used to convert an html list into a drop down list that acts like a traditional select box.
Animated Custom Select Box with jQuery and CSS3
- Form - 8162 ViewsAn easy jQuery & CSS solution to help you beautify default select boxes with support for custom styles, CSS3 animations and native select functions.
Custom Select Dropdown List Plugin For jQuery & jQuery UI
- Form - 6468 ViewsA simple jQuery dropdown plugin that turns the native select element into an animated & fully styleable dropdown list using jQuery UI Selectmenu widget.
Animated Dropdown List Plugin with jQuery and CSS3
- Form - 2542 ViewsA simple lightweight jQuery plugin that transforms a normal select box into a nice, clean, custom drop down list with CSS3 animations.
Smooth Select List Replacement with jQuery - selectlist
- Form - 5266 Viewsselectlist is a very simple jQuery plugin that converts regular select elements into smooth, heavily customizable dropdown lists with minimal effort.
Simple Lightweight Dropdown List Plugin With jQuery
- Other - 3156 ViewsA simple, plain jQuery dropdown plugin that helps you create a toggleable drop down list appending to any Html element.
Radio Button Based Dropdown Select with jQuery and CSS3 - Dropp
- Form - 26083 ViewsDropp is a jQuery script that converts a group of radio buttons into a beautiful select like dropdown list using CSS/CSS3 and input label tricks.
Stylish Dropdown List Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Ideal Select
- Form - 4589 ViewsIdeal Select is a small jQuery plugin used to transform a native select box into a stylish dropdown list that is fully customizable via CSS.
Animated & Fully Styleable Select Box Replacement with jQuery - selecty
- Form - 1726 Viewsselecty is a small jQuery plugin that turns the default select box into a smooth & fully styleable dropdown select list.
Simple Animated Drop Down List with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 7428 ViewsA simple jQuery dropdown widget that turns a regular Html unordered list into a stylish animated dropdown list with CSS3 powered slide transition effects.
Searchable Combobox Plugin with jQuery - multilist
- Form - 6832 Viewsmultilist is a jQuery plugin that turns an DIV element into a searchable/filterable dropdown combo list with checkboxes.
jQuery & CSS3 Based Card Deck Drop Down List
- Animation - 4938 ViewsA cool animated card deck-style drop down list built on top of jQuery and CSS3 transitions & transforms.
Simple Inline Dropdown List Plugin with jQuery
- Other - 1785 ViewsA small jQuery plugin which allows you to append a pretty inline dropdown list to any Html elements.
Simple Dropdown List Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI - Drop List
- Form - 3631 ViewsDrop List is a jQuery & jQuery UI plugin which turns the standard select list into a fully stylable, multi-selectable and searchable dropdown list.
Multi-select Dropdown List Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap - dyndropdown
- Form - 6961 Viewsdyndropdown is a jQuery & Boostrap plugin for creating a nice clean multiple selectable dropdown list that loads options from a JSON object based data structure.
Easy jQuery Based Drop Down Builder - EasyDropDown
- Menu - 14374 ViewsEasyDropDown is a simple and customizable jQuery plugin for creating easily styleable drop down elements like drop down menu, drop down select list, etc.