Free jQuery loading indicator Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'loading indicator' are listed here.
7 Best Youtube Like Top Slim Loading Bar Plugins (2025 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 4765 Views7 best loading bar jQuery plugins and JavaScript libraries that help you implement the inspired top slim loading progress bar on your web app.
15 Best Loading Spinner Plugins In JavaScript And Pure CSS (2025 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 114244 Views15 best JavaScript & Pure CSS loading spinner packs to indicate the loading progress state on your web applications.
Add Processing Feedback To Submit Buttons - jQuery faSpinner
- Form - 517 ViewsThe fa.submit.spinner jQuery plugin provides a simple way to add a loading spinner to disabled submit buttons on your forms.
Loading Indicator For Bootstrap 5/4 Form Controls - Input Spinner
- Loading - 10532 ViewsA CSS/SCSS library that allows you to display an animated, customizable loading spinner/indicator inside Bootstrap form controls like input, textarea, and select.
Circle Loading Animation In jQuery & CSS3 - shCircleLoader
- Loading - 3147 ViewsA jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 animations to create customizable and animated circle loading animations.
Minimal Custom Loading Overlay Plugin For jQuery
- Loading - 1647 ViewsThis loading overlay plugin will provide a clean yet professional loading indicator to anyone of your pages. It's simple to use, lightweight and gorgeous!
Visual Page Preloader In jQuery - Percent-Preloader
- Loading - 5445 ViewsA simple, lightweight jQuery visual preloader plugin that displays the loading progress of the current page in percentage.
jQuery Plugin To Show A Loading Indicator Using Dots - dot.js
- Loading - 1211 ViewsA simple lightweight jQuery plugin to show a loading indicator using dots.
jQuery Plugin For Bootstrap Loading Modal With Progress Bar - waitingFor
- Loading - 32430 ViewswaitingFor is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to display a loading indicator popup using Bootstrap modal and progress bar components.
Automatic Page Load & Ajax Request Progress Bar - Pace.js
- Loading - 79027 ViewsPace.js is a lightweight (~4kb minified and gzipped) and standalone JavaScript library to create beautiful progress indicators for your page load and ajax request.
Facebook-like Content Placeholder Plugin - jQuery Skeleton Loader
- Loading - 11483 ViewsSkeleton Loader is a jQuery loader plugin used to display Facebook-style animated content placeholders while loading your page's content via AJAX requests.
Add/Remove CSS Class While Loading Something - class-loading
- Loading - 5952 Viewsclass-loading is a super tiny jQuery plugin that simply adds custom CSS classes and a disabled attribute to elements while some content is being loaded.
Powerful Notification Box Library - jQuery Notific
- Other - 1516 ViewsA powerful jQuery notification plugin to create customizable, non-blocking, animated notification boxes and loading indicators for modern web design.
Unobtrusive Loading Screen & Loading Bar - JQLoader
- Loading - 2462 ViewsA lightweight and simple-to-use jQuery plugin to create a fullscreen loading indicator or a bottom loading bar on the page.
Toast-like Alert/Confirm/Loading Box Plugin - webToast
- LightBox - 2339 ViewsA tiny yet versatile popup box plugin to create animated alert & confirm dialogs and loading boxes inspired by Android's Toast Messages.
Display Loading State In Bootstrap 4 Buttons - Button-Loader
- Loading - 8592 ViewsA small jQuery plugin to create Stateful Buttons that display an inline loader inside Bootstrap 4 buttons to show the state of processes like AJAX requests.
Minimal Circle Loading Indicator - jquery-spinner.js
- Loading - 6281 ViewsA minimal, animated circle loading indicator plugin for jQuery projects. The loading spinner is written in pure CSS/CSS3.
Flashing Loading Indicator With Logo - jqloader
- Loading - 2091 Viewsjqloader is a small and easy-to-style jQuery loader plugin that makes uses of CSS animations to create flashing icons and text for loading indicators.
Image Loading Animation Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - LoadGo
- Loading - 7889 ViewsLoadGo is a jQuery plugin which creates a CSS3 animated overlay on your image to make it transparent and fill with color relative to a percentage value.
Minimal Button Loading Indicator With jQuery And Font Awesome
- Loading - 2699 ViewsJust another inline loading indicator plugin for action buttons that convert the icon inside the button into an animated Font Awesome spinner when clicked.
Minimalist 4-Dot Loading Spinner With jQuery - loading.js
- Loading - 3576 ViewsA minimal, animated, CSS-only, 4-dot spinner component for content loaders or page preloaders. jQuery is only used to start and stop the loading spinner as per your needs.
Fancy Animated Loading Spinner With jQuery - SavageLoaders
- Loading - 975 ViewsSavageLoaders is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin that lets you create fancy, animated, customizable loading spinners from any image you provide.
Form Submit Buttons with Built-in Loading Indicators - Ladda
- Loading - 71199 ViewsLadda is a javascript loading library for creating buttons with built-in loading indicators (spinner and loading bar).
Inline Button Loader For Bootstrap 4 - Bootstrap4C Spinners
- Loading - 5804 ViewsA jQuery/Bootstrap button loader component which adds loading indicators with custom loading text to inline buttons.
Accessible Loading Indicator With jQuery - hg-loading
- Loading - 1574 Viewshg-loading is a simple jQuery loader plugin which displays a customizable loading spinner when waiting for something to be loaded in the document.
Merge Loading indicators Into Action Buttons - jQuery loadButton.js
- Loading - 1638 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin to create custom loading spinners inside action buttons that indicate the current status of invoked actions. Also known as Ladda Button.
Custom Loading Indicator On Desired DOM Element - jQuery LoadingView
- Loading - 8172 ViewsLoadingView is a dead simple jQuery loading indicator plugin which displays a custom loading spinner on a given element while waiting for some content to be loaded.
Inline Loading (Ladda) Button With jqXHR/Promise Support - Waitable Button
- Loading - 2144 ViewsThe Waitable Button jQuery plugin that displays an inline loading spinner inside an action button when an AJAX request is processing and returns a jqXHR or jQuery Promise object when the request is done or failed.
10 Awesome Loading Indicators With jQuery And CSS - JAjaxLoader
- Loading - 6154 ViewsThe JAjaxLoader jQuery plugin provides a collection of 10 cool, creative loading spinners & indicators for async actions.
Highly Customizable Loading Mask Plugin For jQuery - busy-load
- Loading - 11243 Viewsbusy-load is a jQuery loading indicator plugin which shows an animated loading overlay over a specific element (or the whole page) with custom loading spinners.
Multi-purpose Dialog Window Plugin With Bootstrap 4 - DialogBoxService.js
- Other - 751 ViewsDialogBoxService.js is a jQuery/Bootstrap popup plugin for creating customizable dialog boxes and loading indicators using Bootstrap 4's modal component.
Button Progress Indicator With jQuery - Thrive
- Loading - 1988 ViewsThrive is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create a button progress indicator (aka Ladda Button) that displays the current loading progress in an inline button. Ideal for submit/subscription/upload buttons.
iOS Style Popup Dialog Plugin With jQuery - mobile-layer
- LightBox - 2275 Viewsmobile-layer is a mobile-first jQuery popup plugin for creating iOS style loading indicators, toast messages, alert/confirm dialogs, top notification, action sheets, and scrollable pickers on the web app.
Show Progress/Loading Status As Circle - jQuery Circlos
- Loading - 8718 ViewsCirclos is a lightweight jQuery circular progress bar/loading indicator plugin that draws a partially filled circle for visualizing percentage data.
iOS Like Toast Notification & Modal Dialog Plugin - jQuery lDialog
- LightBox - 999 ViewslDialog is a lightweight, multi-purpose jQuery popup box plugin that lets you create iOS inspired toast notifications, loading indicators, and alert/confirm modal windows on the web app.
Customizable Loading Modal Plugin - jQuery modal-loading
- Loading - 11964 Viewsmodal-loading is a jQuery plugin to create animated, highly customizable, modal-style loading indicators for ajax/async loading content.
Generate Multi-State UI Buttons With jQuery - magicButtons
- Loading - 2051 ViewsmagicButtons is a simple jQuery plugin for creating multi-state UI buttons on the webpage that allows you to change the button state on click.
Loading Indicator With Dynamic Loading Text - Incipit
- Loading - 4900 ViewsIncipit is a jQuery plugin for creating attractive loading indicator with custom loading spinner, loading message, site logo and dynamic random quotes stored in a JSON file.
Minimal Toast Notification & Loading Indicator Plugin - Toast.js
- Loading - 5874 ViewsToast.js is a super simple, CSS-less jQuery plugin to create animated loading indicators and Android-inspired success/error toast notifications on the webpage.
Minimal Loader/Preloader Plugin - jQuery preloadinator
- Loading - 18494 ViewsThe preloadinator jQuery plugin helps you create a CSS based animated loading indicator that is fully controllable and configurable via JavaScript. Ideal for both loader and preloader.
Custom Loading Modal With jQuery And Font Awesome Icons - fa-loading
- Loading - 3691 Viewsfa-loading is a jQuery plugin for creating customizable loading modal windows that use Font Awesome icons as loading spinners.
Minimal Top Loading Bar Plugin For Bootstrap - skylo
- Loading - 1822 Viewsskylo is a jQuery loading indicator plugin which utilizes Bootstrap's progressbar component to generate a dynamic content loading bar at the top of the webpage.
Cross-browser Loading Indicator Plugin - jQuery showLoading.js
- Loading - 8966 ViewsshowLoading.js is a small, customizable, cross-browser jQuery loading indicator plugin to indicate the AJAX loading status on any container element.
Minimal Ladda Button Plugin For jQuery - loadingBtn.js
- Loading - 2094 ViewsloadingBtn.js is a tiny jQuery for ladda buttons, which lets you add an inline loading status indicator to an action button of your choice (typically a submit button for ajax form submitting).
Basic Loading Indicator Plugin With jQuery - Wload.js
- Loading - 6847 ViewsWload.js is a really small, cross-browser jQuery loading indicator plugin which displays a loading screen with custom loading spinner and loading text on the screen.
Skeleton Loading Screen With jQuery And CSS3 - avnSkeleton
- Loading - 13862 ViewsavnSkeleton is a jQuery plugin used to create a customizable, CSS3 animated, Facebook inspired skeleton preview of your web content while waiting for async data.
Easy Top Loading Bar Plugin For jQuery - loadBar
- Loading - 2945 ViewsloadBar is a lightweight (2kb minified) jQuery plugin used to display an HTML5 canvas based top loading indicator when some content is being loaded.
Elegant Customizable Loading Indicator For jQuery - preloader
- Loading - 17130 Viewspreloader.js is a simple, lightweight jQuery loading indicator plugin to create content loaders and preloaders while data in a specific area is loading.
Fully Configurable jQuery Loading Animation Plugin - JQueryLoader
- Loading - 4540 ViewsJQueryLoader is a jQuery loader plugin which can be used to display loading indicators when the user clicks on a link. Comes with a variety of customization options and animation types.
Responsive Custom Loading Overlay/Mask Plugin - jQuery p-loading
- Loading - 3572 ViewsA simple, customizable, responsive jQuery loading indicator plugin that helps you create a loading overlay (with a custom loading spinner) on the whole page or over single DOM elements.
Customizable Pull To Refresh Indicator With jQuery - ptrLight
- Loading - 4325 ViewsptrLight is a mobile-first jQuery plugin which displays a custom loading indicator when you load more content via swipe events on touch devices.
Simplest Ajax Loader With jQuery And CSS3 - jmspinner
- Loading - 15308 Viewsjmspinner is a really simple jQuery plugin that shows a CSS3 powered loading indicator while data in specific area is loading via AJAX requests.
Interactive Mini Game During Loading - loaderMiniGame
- Loading - 3078 ViewsloaderMiniGame is a customizable jQuery loader plugin which displays an interactive mini game on the loading screen.
AJAX Page Loader Plugin With jQuery - timed-page-loader.js
- Loading - 4430 ViewsThe timed-page-loader.js jQuery plugin helps you create a horizontal/vertical loading bar that indicates the remaining time when you document automatically loads the next page via AJAX requests.
Liquid Bubble Style Loading Indicator Plugin With jQuery - createWaterBall
- Loading - 4870 ViewsA jQuery plugin which makes use of HTML5 canvas API to render a customizable loading indicator (progress indicator) in the shape of a liquid bubble with animated waves.
Animated Circles Loading Spinner With jQuery - g-spinner
- Loading - 7148 Viewsg-spinner is a super small jQuery plugin to display an CSS3 animated, Google style circles loading/busy/waiting indicator when your web content is loading.
Modern Circle Loading Indicator Plugin For jQuery - jquery-loading.js
- Loading - 9282 ViewsA simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that displays a stylish, configurable and CS33 animated spinner / indicator while loading some data for user feedback.
Fullscreen Loading Modal / Indicator Plugin For jQuery - loadingModal
- Loading - 45738 ViewsloadingModal is a simple yet customizable jQuery loading indicator plugin which displays a fullscreen loading modal / overlay with more than 10 CSS3 powered loading spinners.
Simple (Background) Image Loader Plugin With jQuery And CSS3 - loadImages.js
- Loading - 1757 ViewsloadImages.js is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin which displays a CSS3 based animated loader to indicate the image is loading and you have to still wait.
AJAX Asynchronous Loader Plugin For jQuery - Loading.js
- Loading - 2617 ViewsLoading.js is a jQuery plugin used for displaying a custom loading overlay / indicator while you fetch and load some content into a specific container via AJAX.
Easy Customizable Loading Mask Plugin With jQuery - mloading
- Loading - 10852 Viewsmloading is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin that lets you create a loading/busy indicator (with or without loading mask) on any DOM elements within the document.
jQuery Plugin For Built-In Loading Indicator In Buttons - Button Loader
- Loading - 39919 ViewsButton Loader is a jQuery plugin for html buttons that trigger a deferred call and display a loading indicator in the button itself.
Minimalist Loading Indicator Plugin For jQuery - Preloader.js
- Loading - 7652 ViewsPreloader.js is a super tiny jQuery plugin used to generate a customizable, CSS3 based loading indicator for content loader or preloader.
Lightweight jQuery Loading Button Plugin - LoadingStateButtons
- Loading - 3233 ViewsLoadingStateButtons is a lightweight jQuery button loader plugin which adds loading spinner or progress indicator to buttons while loading some data for user feedback.
Customizable Liquid Bubble Chart With jQuery and Canvas
- Chart & Graph - 19735 ViewsA super tiny yet customizable jQuery plugin used to present your numeric data in a Canvas liquid bubble chart with a water fill animation.
Pie-style Loading Indicator Plugin With jQuery and SVG - Pie-Loader
- Loading - 2684 ViewsPie-Loader is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin which uses SVG to render a pie chart-like animated indicator for representing your percentage value.
Minimalist Text Loading Progress Indicator Plugin - txtProgress
- Loading - 6421 ViewsA super tiny jQuery text progress bar plugin that visualizes the loading progress by altering the filling color of characters of your text.
Minimal jQuery Loading Animation Plugin - Bload
- Loading - 4913 ViewsBload is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin to create a loading mask with a custom animation on any Html element to indicate the loading status like Ajax requests.
jQuery Plugin For Adding Loading Indicators To Buttons - loadingButton
- Loading - 971 ViewsloadingButton is a very small jQuery plugin to add loading state to buttons when clicked.
Fullscreen Loading Indicators with jQuery and CSS3 - HoldOn.js
- Loading - 16267 ViewsHoldOn.js is a jQuery plugin for display a fullscreen loading indicator to prevent user interactions while your webpage / application is currently busy.
jQuery Plugin For Custom Loading Overlay & Indicator - Show Loading
- Loading - 3625 ViewsShow Loading is a really lightweight jQuery plugin that displays a GIF loading spinner with a fullscreen loading overlay on a given container.