Free jQuery color picker Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'color picker' are listed here.
10 Best Color Picker Plugins In JavaScript (2025 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 30914 Views10 best color picker plugins that allow the user to select a color from the palette and get the color code.
Microsoft Office Style Color Picker Plugin - evol.colorpicker
- Other - 8450 Viewsevol.colorpicker is a jQuery plugin used to create Microsoft Office style inline or popup color pickers.
Random Color Picker In jQuery
- Other - 1072 ViewsA user-friendly, jQuery based color picker for generating random colors that you can easily copy the HEX color code to the clipboard with a single click.
Easy Hex Color Picker jQuery Plugin - color-picker.js
- Other - 1970 ViewsA lightweight and easy-to-implement jQuery plugin that allows you to add a HEX color picker to your web pages.
HEX/RGB Image Color Picker Plugin - tinycolorpicker.js
- Other - 1342 ViewsA tiny, customizable, and mobile-friendly color picker plugin that allows you to pick the pixel color values in the image you provide.
Select A Color From Categorized Palettes - jQuery kolorpicker
- Other - 1254 ViewsA simple color picker jQuery plugin that enables the user to select a color from predefined palettes categorized by brightness.
Random Hex Color Picker With jQuery
- Other - 859 ViewsA simple random color picker with hex code made using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.
Powerful Color Picker Plugin For jQuery - MiniColors
- Other - 29015 ViewsMiniColors is a powerful, elegant, animated, and fully customizable jQuery based color picker for your modern web page/web application.
Random Color Generator & Picker With jQuery And SCSS
- Other - 1266 ViewsA modern color picker app that generates random colors and allows users to copy color codes (HEX or RGB) in a modal popup.
Retina Ready jQuery Color Picker with CSS3 Gradients - Iris
- Other - 5596 ViewsIris is an awesome jQuery plugin that makes use of jQuery UI and CSS3 gradients to embed a color picker with HiDPI display support within an input field.
Pick Colors From A Predefined Palette - jQuery choose-color.js
- Other - 4766 ViewsA jQuery based color picker component that enables you to pick colors from a restricted palette defined in an HTML template.
jQuery Colorpicker Plugin For Bootstrap 5/4/3
- Other - 28799 ViewsColorpicker Plugin For Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 3 frameworks that allow you to add a color picker to an input field field or to any other element with multiple formats: hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla.
Flat HTML5 Palette Color Picker For jQuery - colorPick.js
- Other - 21973 ViewscolorPick.js is a simple, plain, flat style jQuery color picker plugin which allows the user to select colors from a predefined palette with support for recent selected colors.
User-friendly Color Picker With Preset Colors - huebee.js
- Other - 2450 Viewshuebee.js is a highly-customizable, user-friendly color picker that allows the user to select a color from a predefined/restricted palette.
Photoshop-style Full Featured Color Picker For jQuery - wcolpick
- Other - 5187 ViewsColpick REMIX is a jQuery plugin to create responsive, cross-browser, touch-enabled, Photo-like RGB/HEX color pickers for your web application.
Custom Color Picker With Predefined Colors - simple-color
- Other - 2625 ViewsA jQuery plugin that converts an input field into a customizable color picker where the users are able to pick a color from a predefined palette.
Google Doc Style Color Picker Plugin - Bootstrap 4 Color Palette
- Other - 3771 ViewsThis is a jQuery/Bootstrap plugin that attaches a Google Doc style color picker to any element within the document.
Fashion jQuery Color Picker & Selector Plugin - Wheel Color Picker
- Other - 9438 ViewsWheel Color Picker is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin that turns your html form input or textarea into a fashion, responsive, mobile-friendly Color Picker & Selector for picking your favorite color.
Sphere HTML5 Color Picker Plugin - jQuery ColorPicker.js
- Other - 1364 ViewsA small and high-performance jQuery color picker plugin that the users can select a color from a HTML5 canvas based sphere color wheel.
Minimal Mobile-friendly Color Picker In jQuery - drawrPalette
- Other - 4471 ViewsdrawrPalette is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin that turns a normal text input field into an unobtrusive, touch-enabled HEX color picker component for both desktop and mobile.
HEX/RGBA Color Picker & Palette Selector Plugin - jQuery Colpicker
- Other - 1990 ViewsThe jQuery Colpicker plugin helps you create a color picker and palette selector for easier HEX and/or RGBA color selection.
Basic Simple Color Picker Plugin For jQuery - bcPicker
- Other - 6955 ViewsA basic, simple, easy, cross-browser, HEX/RGB color picker that works with dynamically added elements. Your users are able to select a color from a palette popup.
Material Design Color Palette Picker For jQuery - Picker.js
- Other - 2329 ViewsJust another Material Design Color Picker for jQuery that allows the user to quickly select Material Design colors from a predefined color palette.
Tiny Color Picker App With Copy To Clipboard Support
- Other - 1458 ViewsA small, user-friendly, jQuery-based color picker app that makes it easier to select a color and copy the color code to the clipboard by clicking the color block. Inspired by Flat UI Color.
Simple Color Picker For Bootstrap 4 - colorPalettePicker.js
- Other - 16551 ViewsThe colorPalettePicker.js jQuery plugin makes uses of Bootstrap 4 dropdown component to create a simple color picker on your web app.
Pick A Color From Preset Color Schemes - color-picker.js
- Other - 3438 Viewscolor-picker.js is an easy and lightweight jQuery color picker plugin which enables the user to pick a color from a set of colors defined in a JavaScript array.
Material Design Color Picker With jQuery
- Other - 2169 ViewsA dead simple to use jQuery color picker (RGB, HSV, HEX) which enables the user to select Material Design Colors from a preset color palette.
Color Wheel Style HSV/HEX Color Picker Plugin With jQuery
- Other - 2714 ViewsA jQuery based, color wheel style HSV color picker component that makes it easier to select colors using mouse drag and mouse wheel. Degrades gracefully.
Pretty Color Picker With Preset Palettes - Jroot Color Picker
- Other - 1407 ViewsThe Jroot Color Picker jQuery plugin allows you to pick a color from more than 100 modern preset palettes.
Flexible Touch-enabled Color Picker Plugin - jQuery ChromoSelector
- Other - 1498 ViewsChromoSelector is a responsive, scalable, themable, touch-enabled color picker jQuery plugin for both desktop and mobile.
Minimal jQuery Wheel Color Picker Plugin - Colorwheel
- Other - 4806 ViewsColorwheel is a small and easy-to-use jQuery plugin to generate a round wheel style color picker that enables the user to select a color from a predefined palette.
Canvas Based Video Color Picker Plugin With jQuery
- Other - 1581 ViewsA jQuery and HTML5 canvas based video color picker which enables the user to select a color and get the Color Code of a pixel of any HTML5 video you specify.
RGB Color Slider Plugin For jQuery - JB Slider
- Other - 1208 ViewsJB Slider is a jQuery based RGB color slider which enables the users to change the logarithmic Red/Green/Black channel values by dragging the slider handlers.
A Simple RGB Color Picker For jQuery Mobile
- Mobile - 2223 ViewsThis is a simple jQuery plugin which enables you to create a mobile-first RGB color picker component using jQuery mobile's popup widget.
Searchable Mobile-friendly Color Picker Plugin For jQuery
- Other - 768 ViewsA mobile-friendly jQuery color picker plugin where the users are able to quickly search and pick a named color from a responsive fullscreen color grid popup.
Tiny HTML5 / jQuery Color Picker Plugin - Palette Color Picker
- Other - 8000 ViewsA small jQuery plugin for creating a tiny color picker for input fields that allows the user to pick a color from a palette selector with predefined colors.
Customizable HEX/HSL/RGB Color Picker Plugin - Colorpickle
- Other - 1570 ViewsColorpickle is an easy and customizable jQuery color picker plugin which enables the user to pick HEX/HSL/RGB colors from a pretty nice palette interface with draggable sliders.
Simple HSV/RGB Color Picker Plugin For jQuery - jColor-Picker
- Other - 3425 ViewsjColor-Picker is a jQuery plugin that helps you create a visual HSL/RGB color picker using HTML5 canvas element and a little JavaScript.
Lightweight jQuery Color Picker Plugin For Bootstrap - Colorselector
- Other - 8282 ViewsA jQuery & Bootstrap color picker that converts a normal select element containing a set of predefined colors into a popup color selector.
Stylish Circular Color Picker Plugin with jQuery - SmallColorPicker
- Other - 2627 ViewsSmallColorPicker is a fancy and touch-enabled library that takes advantage of jQuery and CSS3 features to create stylish circular color pickers with color wheel and text input modes.
Handy CSS3 Animated Color Picker Plugin For jQuery - ColorPicker2
- Other - 1468 ViewsColorPicker2 is a lightweight, animated, performant jQuery color picker plugin which allows your user to select a color from a list of predefined colors in a popup window.
Lightweight Configurable jQuery Color Picker Plugin
- Other - 5236 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin used to create a nice, clean color picker for input field that supports hsl, hsla, rgb, rgba and hex color formats.
Minimalist Color Picker Plugin For jQuery - fastColorPicker
- Other - 1184 ViewsA simple, lightweight, fast jQuery color picker plugin which allows the user to select colors form a predefined palette popup.
Simple Accessible jQuery Color Picker Plugin - simplecolorpicker.js
- Other - 888 ViewsA lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin used to generate a simple, accessible color picker with predefined colors for input field.
Canvas Based Color Picker For Any Web Elements - Pickemall
- Other - 1691 ViewsPickemall is a jQuery plugin which renders your webpage into a canvas image and then you can get the color in RGB or Hex from any page elements.
Select Box Based Color Picker Plugin With jQuery - colorSelect
- Other - 3419 ViewscolorSelect is a really simple jQuery plugin which converts a normal select box into an user-friendly color picker for easier color selection.
Customizable and Touch-Friendly jQuery Color Picker Plugin - spectrum
- Other - 9010 Viewsspectrum is a powerful and high customizable Color Picker Plugin built with jQuery, no Flash and images required.
Easy Color Selector Plugin For jQuery - selectColor
- Other - 994 ViewsA jQuery plugin which allows you to select a color from a palette popup, in addition to applying the selected color (hex color code) to anywhere you want.
Lightweight Color & Opacity Picker Plugin with jQuery - Picker.js
- Other - 1826 ViewsPicker.js is a jQuery plugin for converting a standard color input into a color and alpha/opacity picker.