Free jQuery material design Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'material design' are listed here.
10 Best Material Ripple Click/Tap Effects In JavaScript/CSS (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 8035 ViewsThis is the 10 best JavaScript and/or jQuery solutions to implement the ripple click/tap effect on your webpage in a quick way.
Material Design Style Context Menu With jQuery - 3Dot Context Menu
- Menu - 10829 ViewsThis is a simple jQuery plugin which adds a Material Design inspired custom context menu with a vertical three dots toggle icon to any elements such as tables, paragraphs, and headings.
jQuery Plugin To Create Awesome Material Design Cards
- Layout - 10736 ViewsMaterial Cards is a jQuery & CSS based Material Design card component which allows you to manage options, events and method for your awesome cards.
Material Inspired Clock Time Picker Plugin - jQuery MDTimePicker
- Time & Clock - 35011 ViewsMDTimePicker is a Material Design inspired jQuery time picker plugin that makes it easy to select a time from a circular clock interface.
Material Style Auto Show/Hide Scroll To Top Button - Material ScrollTop
- Other - 8242 ViewsMaterial ScrollTop is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create a Material Design-style auto show/hide button which allows you to scroll the page to the top of body element.
Minimal Material Design Tabs Plugin In jQuery
- Other - 1111 ViewsA super tiny jQuery tabs plugin to create responsive, Material Design style tabbed content with ripple click effect and sliding tab underline.
Random Material Design Background Generator With jQuery
- Other - 3544 ViewsThis is a jQuery plugin that lets you create Material Design inspired backgrounds with random colors & shapes for your modern web project.
Apply Click/Tap Ripple Effects To Any DOM Elements - ripple-effect
- Animation - 1709 ViewsA minimal and dead simple to use jQuery plugin which implements the Android-style click/tap ripple effect on any DOM elements as defined by Material Design Guidelines.
Material Design-style Custom Range Slider Plugin With jQuery - rangeslider.js
- Form - 10770 Viewsrangeslider.js is a jQuery plugin which makes use of JavaScript and CSS/CSS3 to create animated, touch-enabled and Android- / Material Design-style range sliders.
Dynamic Material Design Expansion Panel In jQuery - matd_expandlist.js
- Accordion - 2851 ViewsA dynamic Material Design Expansion Panel plugin which enables you to expand/collapse panels by clicking/tapping headers just like the accordion interface.
Material-style Floating Button & Panel Plugin For jQuery - st-action-panel
- Menu - 8301 Viewsst-action-panel is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to create a Material Design inspired sticky action button that slides out a floating panel when clicked.
Material Design Sidenav Plugin With jQuery And CSS3 - side-penal
- Menu - 2603 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin which helps front-end developers to quickly create responsive, mobile-compatible, SEO-friendly off-canvas panel (aka. drawer, sidenav) inspired by Material Design.
Beautful Material Form Validator With Input Mask
- Form - 4941 ViewsA jQuery plugin for the Material Components Web that applies form validation, floating label and input mask functionalities to form fields.
Customizable Material FAB Plugin For jQuery - fab.js
- Menu - 7106 ViewsYet another jQuery FAB plugin used to generate customizable, mobile-compatible, horizontal (or vertical) floating action buttons inspired by Google Material Design.
Snackbar Notification Component For jQuery - js-snackbar
- Other - 4504 Viewsjs-snackbar is a really small JavaScript (jQuery) plugin which provides an easy way to create Android & Material Design snackbar notifications with custom action support.
Configurable Material Ripple Tap Effect - jQuery touch-ripple
- Animation - 1355 ViewsThe touch-ripple jQuery plugin creates a customizable Material Design ripple animation as you tap a clickable element on touch devices.
Material Design Color Palette Picker For jQuery - Picker.js
- Other - 2329 ViewsJust another Material Design Color Picker for jQuery that allows the user to quickly select Material Design colors from a predefined color palette.
Material Design Color Picker With jQuery
- Other - 2169 ViewsA dead simple to use jQuery color picker (RGB, HSV, HEX) which enables the user to select Material Design Colors from a preset color palette.
Material Ripple Animation On Click - jQuery rippler.js
- Animation - 2379 ViewsJust another implementation of the Google Material Design ripple animation on click event, built with jQuery and CSS3 transitions.
Material Design Wizard Form Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap
- Form - 19483 ViewsMaterial Bootstrap Wizard is a jQuery plugin which converts a long html form into an elegant, Material Design-style, step-by-step wizard driven form with field validation support.
Material Design Tags Input Plugin with jQuery - Materialize Tags
- Form - 16650 ViewsMaterialize Tags is a modern jQuery plugin used to create a nice-looking Material Design styled tag manager using Materialize framework.
Material Design vCard With jQuery And CSS3 - MCard
- Other - 3145 ViewsMCard is a small jQuery & CSS flexbox based vCard generator to create responsive, Material Design inspired Personal Social/Contact Card on the web page.
Expanding Floating Action Button With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 7585 ViewsA Material Design inspired floating action button interaction design with custom expanding option panels when toggled, built with jQuery and CSS3.
Create Multi-state Buttons With jQuery And Materialize - msb.js
- Other - 1267 Viewsmsb.js is a jQuery plugin which creates Material Design style, multi-state action buttons (default, success, error, warning, process) for your web applications.
Material Inspired Popup Menu With jQuery - material-menu
- Menu - 3698 ViewsThis is a small jQuery plugin lets you create a Material Design inspired popup menu with dynamic menu items defined in the JavaScript objects array.
Customizable Pagination jQuery Plugin For Materialize Framework
- Other - 10899 ViewsMaterialize Pagination is a simple jQuery plugin used to render a dynamic, fully configurable pagination component for Materialize Material Design CSS framework.
Basic Floating Action Button With jQuery And CSS - tiny-fab
- Menu - 47132 ViewsA small JavaScript (jQuery) script to create Material Design inspired Floating Action Buttons that floats above the UI to represent the most common actions.
Material Design Styled Floating Labels - jQuery Float Label
- Form - 2517 ViewsYet another jQuery implementation of the Material Design inspired float label pattern that is fully customizable and uses CSS3 transitions for fallback browser support.
jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin For Material Design Lite
- LightBox - 17553 ViewsA lightweight and multi-functional jQuery plugin used to create modal windows, dialog popups and loading overlays for Material Design Lite (MDL).
Material Design Dropdown Menu Plugin For jQuery - menu.js
- Menu - 8978 Viewsmenu.js is a very small jQuery plugin for creating a Material Design inspired dropdown menu that allows your users to select one of a number of options.
Material Floating Toggle Menu Plugin With jQuery - collapzion.js
- Menu - 14187 Viewscollapzion.js is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a Material Design inspired floating navigation button on the webpage.
Pretty Date & Time Picker Plugin For Bootstrap Material
- Time & Clock - 60374 ViewsA jQuery plugin that helps you create a Material Design styled date & time picker using Bootstrap Material and Moment.js.
Animated Material Dropdown Select Plugin With jQuery - AwesomeSelect
- Form - 3617 ViewsAwesomeSelect is a jQuery plugin which replaces the regular select element with a pretty cool, Material Design inspired dropdown list as you seen here.
Creating Material Design Input Fields With jQuery - AddInput
- Form - 3006 ViewsAddInput is a dead simple jQuery plugin which enhance the default input fields with Material Design styles and floating inline label animations.
Nice Material Design Modal Dialog Plugin With jQuery - MDL
- LightBox - 8591 ViewsMDL is a lightweight jQuery plugin used for displaying Google Material Design styled modal windows or dialog boxes on the webpage.
Minimalist Material Snackbar Plugin With jQuery - mSnackbar
- Other - 1407 ViewsmSnackbar is a super tiny jQuery plugin used to create Material Design inspired snackbars animated using CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Material Design Style Ripple Effect On Click / Touch - Ripple.js
- Animation - 2987 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin that adds a smart Material Design style ripple effect to a given element that animates on click / touch.
Minimal Handy jQuery Tabs Plugin - AddTabs
- Other - 3249 ViewsAddTabs is a dead simple-to-use jQuery plugin used to create a Material Design style tabs interface from plain HTML.
Material Style Audio Player Plugin with jQuery - jAudio.js
- Other - 7900 ViewsjAudio.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you create a Material Design style custom HTML5 audio player with support for playlist and autoplay.
Material Inspired Select Box Replacement - jQuery addSelect
- Form - 1253 ViewsaddSelect is a simple and lightweight jQuery plugin that brings the Google Material Design's styles and animations to your existing select boxes.
Material Inspired Animated Checbox Replacement - jQuery addCheckbox
- Form - 1449 ViewsaddCheckbox is a tiny jQuery plugin used to beautify the default checkbox inputs with custom styles and animations from the Google Material Design spec.
Minimal Material Style Dialog Box Plugin For jQuery - msgBox.js
- Other - 2910 ViewsmsgBox.js is a really lightweight (1kb minified) jQuery plugin which lets you create Material Design styled modal & dialog boxes with custom icons and callbacks.
Tiny jQuery Modal Extension For Materialize Framework - materializeMessages.js
- Other - 2527 ViewsA jQuery plugin which lets you create dynamic, Material design-style dialog boxes and modal windows using the popular Materialize CSS framework.
Material Inspired Ripple Animation In jQuery - lv-ripple
- Animation - 3232 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin which utilizes CSS3 transitions/transforms to create Material Design inspired ripple animations for buttons and links.
jQuery Plugin To Create Material Style Select Boxes - Selecty
- Form - 4265 ViewsThe Selecty library lets you create nice-looking, material design inspired select dropdown box in jQuery or vanilla JavaScript.
Fullsreen Sticky Popup Menu With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 5023 ViewsA Material Design inspired, mobile-friendly navigation system that displays a sticky popup menu with a fullscreen background overlay when triggered.
Material Design Style Range Sliders With jQuery And CSS3
- Form - 4152 ViewsThis is a set of Google Material Design inspired slider controls utilizing jQuery, CSS3 and HTML5 range slider inputs.
Mobile Friendly Material Toast Plugin With jQuery - Toast.js
- Other - 1501 ViewsToast.js is a jQuery plugin which allows to create Android / Material Design inspired, toast-like notification popups on the screen.
Sticky Morphing Side Navigation With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 2517 ViewsThis is a cool Material Design inspired page navigation that will morph into a fixed side menu when the users click on the toggle button.
CSS3 Powered Material Ripple Effect On Click - material_ripple
- Animation - 3231 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that utilizes CSS3 transforms and animations to create Material Design style ripple effects on buttons when clicked / tapped.
jQuery Plugin For Creating Google Inbox Inspired Preloader - Prelodr
- Loading - 2700 ViewsPrelodr is a preloader plugin for jQuery that helps you create Material Design-style preloaders with async and chaining support as you seen on Google Inbox.
Customizable Material Ripple Click Animations with jQuery - Rippleria
- Animation - 4456 ViewsRippleria is a super lightweight yet customizable jQuery plugin for implementing Material Design inspired ripple click / tap effects using CSS3 animations.
jQuery Plugin For Material Design Inspired Form Controls - Material Form
- Form - 4101 ViewsMaterial Form is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps generate animated, beautiful, responsive form controls following the Google Material Design form specification.
Material Water Ripple Effect With jQuery And CSS3 - jRipple
- Animation - 5814 ViewsjRipple is a jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 animations to create Material Design inspired water ripple effects with variable colors and animation speed on mouse click.
Material Design Ripple Effect With jQuery And CSS3 - ripple.js
- Animation - 5304 ViewsJust another jQuery & CSS3 implementation of a smooth, interactive ripple effect on click event following the Google Material Design specification.
Material Design Floating Action Button with jQuery - KC FAB
- Menu - 40820 ViewsKC FAB is a minimal jQuery plugin to create a Material Design-style circular floating action button that lifts and emits ink reactions on press.
jQuery Plugin To Create Material Design Text Inputs - Polymer Form
- Form - 6506 ViewsPolymer Form is a jQuery plugin helps you create Material Design inspired customizable floating labels for text fields with placeholders, as you seen in Polymers project.
Android Style Toaster Plugin with jQuery - Material Toast
- Other - 830 ViewsMaterial Toast is a super tiny jQuery plugin that shows Android style, customizable toast messages on the screen, inspired by the Google Material Design spec.
Material Inspired Expanding Card with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 3798 ViewsA Material Design inspired morphing card concept which uses several CSS3 properties and a little jQuery to transform an action button into a content panel when toggled.
Nice Material Inspried Card Slider with jQuery and CSS3
- Slider - 5350 ViewsA simple, nice, Material Design style card slider built with jQuery and CSS that allows to switch any html content with the background color change.
jQuery Plugin For Customizable Material Design Ripple Effect - legitRipple.js
- Animation - 4618 ViewslegitRipple.js is a jQuery plugin used to create adaptive, smooth, draggable and highly customizable ripple click effect using CSS3 transitions.
Material Design Inspired Tabs Modal with jQuery and CSS3
- Other - 5505 ViewsA modern, Material Design inspried jQuery tabs UI component which allows to switch between different sections of content with a smooth CSS3 based animation.
Material Card Split & Join Interaction with CSS3 and jQuery
- Animation - 2470 ViewsGoogle Material design inspired 3D card split & join interaction built using CSS3 transitions and a little jQuery magic.
Material Design Style Loading Spinner with jQuery and CSS3
- Loading - 13122 ViewsA jQuery plugin used to create a Google Material Design inspired loading spinner using SVG and CSS3 transforms.
jQuery Plugin To Create Material Style Ripple Effects - ePulse
- Animation - 2640 ViewsePulse is an easy to use jQuery plugin which helps you implement a Material Design inspired ripple effect on a given element with AMD and Commonjs support.
Create Material Design Style Charts using jQuery - Material Charts
- Chart & Graph - 15458 ViewsMaterial Charts is a lightweight jQuery plugin helps you create nice, clean, Material Design styled charts / diagrams with plain html, CSS and JavaScript.
Material Design Toggle Switch Plugin with jQuery - ToggleSwitch
- Form - 10768 ViewsToggleSwitch is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that converts normal checkboxes into Material Design inspired on / off toggle switches.
Material Design Hierarchical Display Animation with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 1976 ViewsA jQuery & CSS3 solution to create the famous hierarchical timing display animation as introduced in Material Design's meaningful transitions.
Customizable Material Action Button with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 2774 ViewsA small jQuery plugin that helps you to create a Android L or Material Design styled action button with a configurable ripple click effect based on CSS3 transitions.
Material Design Responsive Off-canvas Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 21050 ViewsA Material Design inspired responsive navigation concept that automatically transforms a normal horizontal dropdown menu into a mobile-friendly off-canvas menu
jQuery Plugin For Material Design Ripple Click Effect - Material Ripple
- Text - 6929 ViewsProvides a simple way to create interactive ripple click effects on action buttons/links, featured in the Google Material Design specification.
Material Inspired Morphing Button with jQuery and velocity.js - Quttons
- Animation - 3092 ViewsQuttons is a Javascript library which uses jQuery and velocity.js to create Material Design inspired action buttons that morphs into a floating dialog popup when triggered.
Material Inspired Morphing Overlay with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 4858 ViewsA Material Design inspired morphing overlay that makes an action button morph into a full-sized, closeable content overlay.
Google I/O 2015 Tabbed Navigation Using jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 2777 ViewsMakes use of jQuery and CSS3 to create a Material Design styled tabbed navigation with a nice ripple click effect as you seen on Google I/O 2015 website.
Create Material Ripple Click Effects using jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 2322 ViewsMaterial Click is a jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 transforms to apply Material Design inspired ripple click effects on any DOM elements.
Material Design Sliding Tab Menu With jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 23338 ViewsA Material Design inspired tab menu featuring an animated sliding link underline that moves with a ripple click effect as you click a tab.
jQuery Plugin To Apply Ripple Effects To Elements - Ripple
- Animation - 4346 ViewsRipple is a minimalist jQuery plugin used to apply Android L & Material Design concepted ripple effects to Html elements (e.g. UI buttons) when clicked or touched.
Material Design Inspired Morphing Search Input with jQuery and CSS3
- Form - 6928 ViewsA cool material design inspired search effect that morphs a search icon into a fullscreen search input with CSS3 transitions.
Morphing Material Design Modal with jQuery and CSS3
- LightBox - 5927 ViewsA Google Material Design inspired floating action button that uses jQuery and CSS3 to morphs into a responsive, centered modal popup on clicked.
Google Snackbar-style Tiny Notification Plugin For jQuery - Notiny
- Other - 2736 ViewsNotiny is a tiny jQuery notification plugin helps you display Material Design snackbar style feedback messages with CSS3 powered show/hide animations on your webpage.
jQuery Plugin To Create Customizable Ripple Click Effects
- Animation - 3415 ViewsA jQuery plugin that captures the offsets of click event and applies a Google Material Design inspired 'Ripple' effect to clicked element using CSS3 magic.
Material Design Styled Text Fields with jQuery and CSS3
- Form - 13216 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that adds cool CSS3 powered user interaction effects to your form fields, following the Google Material Design specification.
Material Design Inspired Floaing Form Labels - Awesome Label
- Form - 4028 ViewsAwesome Label is a jQuery plugin for creating Material Design inspired animated floating form labels. Works with input & texarea fields.
Material Design Styled Pie Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 20069 ViewsA Google Material Design styled navigation button that expands into a radial/pie/semicircle menu when clicked or tapped.
Polymer Like Ripple Animations with jQuery and CSS3 - ripple.js
- Animation - 10552 Viewsripple.js is a small jQuery script to apply smooth ripple click animations on any Html elements as you seen on Polymer and Google Material Design.
Ink Ripple Style User Interaction Using jQuery and CSS3 - Ink Drops
- Animation - 2936 ViewsInk Drops is a jQuery plugin to create a cool Material Design style user interaction where an ink-drop like element moves out radially from the position where the user taps/clicks.
Material Design Inspired Floating Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 4013 ViewsA jQuery/CSS3 navigation concept to create a Material Design inspired floating action button that morphs into a navigation panel when toggled.
Material Design Hierarchical Timing Animations Using jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 2924 ViewsAllows you to animate in/out a group of items with meaningful transitions using CSS3 transforms and transitions.
Material Design Inspired Reveal Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 12820 ViewsA Material Design inspired navigation that slides the main page to reveal a side menu when you click the toggle button.
Material Design Inspired jQuery Snackbar and Toast Plugin - snackbarjs
- Other - 8409 Viewssnackbarjs is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create Google Material Design style snackbars and toasts that automatically disappear after a timeout.
Material Design Inspired jQuery Paper Cards Accordion - Paper Collapse
- Accordion - 14279 ViewsPaper Collapse is a simple jQuery accordion plugin which allows you to collapse & expand paper cards with fancy CSS3 transitions.
Create Material Design Hierarchical Timing Transitions with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 3459 ViewsSubtle hierarchical timing transition effect by adding specific delays for CSS3 transitions & transforms to a list of elements.
Material Design-Style Click/Touch Animations with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 7370 ViewsYet another jQuery & CSS3 solution to create interactive ripple animations upon touch or click as seen on Google Material Design.
Android L Style Click/Touch Effects with jQuery and CSS3 - rippler
- Animation - 7937 ViewsRippler is Android L & Material Design inspired jQuery plugin used to create SVG based wave/ripple effects on your buttons (or any other Html elements) when clicked or tapped on.
Material Design Hover & Click Effects with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 12418 ViewsCreating cool hover and click effects inspired by Google Material Design using jQuery and CSS3 based animations.
jQuery Plugin To Add Google Material Design Ripple Animations To Buttons
- Animation - 3462 ViewsYet another jQuery & CSS3 plugin used to add Google Material Design ripple animations to UI buttons when clicked or focused on.
Google Material Design Click Effect using jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 3924 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin for creating CSS3 transition based ripple click effects with mouse interaction on action buttons, inspired by Google's new Material design.
Google Material Design Ripple Effects with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 2670 ViewsWith CSS3 animations and a little jQuery magic, you can apply Google Material Design inspired ripple effects on any Html tag when clicked on.
Material Design Action Button Transition Effect with jQuery and CSS3
- Mobile - 3309 ViewsA Google Material Design styled action button transition effect built on top of jQuery, jQuery Mobile and CSS3 transitions & transforms.
Google Material Design Concept UI Button with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 6384 ViewsAn animated UI button built with jQuery and CSS3 that comes with an interactive ripple animation when clicked on, following the Google's new Material Design concept.