Free jQuery toast message Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'toast message' are listed here.
Minimal Toast Notification Plugin For Bootstrap - jQuery Bootoast
- Other - 20275 ViewsBootoast is a small jQuery plugin which makes use of Bootstrap alerts component to create various types of toast messages on the webpage.
10 Best Toast Notification jQuery/JavaScript Plugins (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 151496 Views10 best toast notification plugins in jQuery and/or Vanilla JavaScript that make it simple to create and display Android style toasts in your web pages or web applications.
Multi-purpose Popup Box Plugin - jQuery Corner Popup
- Other - 7577 ViewsThe Corner Popup jQuery plugin gives you a flexible, multi-purpose, and highly customizable popup box solution for modern web design.
Desktop Notification Style Alert & Toast Message Plugin - MK Web Notifications
- Other - 7513 ViewsMK Web Notifications is a jQuery plugin used for generating Desktop Notification style alert and toast message boxes that slide in from the edge of your screen.
Create Toast Messages Like Android - toastr.js
- Other - 1751 Viewstoastr.js is a jQuery/JavaScript plugin which lets you show Android app style toast messages on the web application.
Feature-rich Notification & Popup Box Plugin Based On Bootstrap 4
- Other - 4341 ViewsThis is a full-featured jQuery popup plugin that lets you create moveable, mobile-friendly dialog boxes and toast-like notifications using Bootstrap 4 framework.
Bootstrap 4 Toasts Component Manager - jQuery Toast
- Other - 24266 ViewsThe jQuery Toast plugin makes it easier to create customizable toast-style temporary alert messages on the webpage using Bootstrap 4 toasts component.
Easy Toast-style Notification Plugin For Bootstrap - Notify
- Other - 3253 ViewsNotify is a Bootstrap/jQuery notification plugin to create modern, customizable, toast-style notification popups on your Bootstrap 4+ webpage.
Android-Like Toast Notification Popup Plugin With jQuery
- Other - 2336 ViewsJust another jQuery toast notification plugin used to a toast notification like popup with a custom message which will be closed after a fixed time.
macOS Like Growl Notification Plugin With jQuery - jnoty
- Other - 4895 Viewsjnoty is a small jQuery notification plugin which helps you create macOS-like Growl Notifications with varying themes (Success, Warning, Info, Danger) on your web app.
Minimal Non-blocking Toast Notifiction Plugin - jQuery Message Toaster
- Other - 704 ViewsMessage Toaster is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin created for displaying unobtrusive, non-blocking, and highly customizable toast (temporary) notifications on the screen.
Custom Alert Notification Plugin For jQuery - iao-alert
- Other - 11187 Viewsiao-alert is a lightweight, flexible, customizable jQuery plugin for creating animated, toast- or growl style alert notifications on the webpage.
Highly Customizable jQuery Toast Message Plugin - Toastr
- Other - 59846 ViewsToastr is a simple yet robust jQuery toast notification plugin which lets you create highly customizable toast messages on your webpage.
Create Toast-like Flash Messages - jQuery Flashy
- Other - 1309 ViewsThe jQuery Flashy plugin helps you send minimal clean yet highly customizable, CSS3 animated, toast-like flash messages to the end-users.
Tiny Android Toast Message Plugin - jQuery Toastx
- Other - 920 ViewsToastx is an ultra-light jQuery toaster plugin to show Android-style toast messages that auto dismiss after a certain timeout with a smooth fade animation.
Custom Bootstrap 4 Toasts In jQuery - toastyMostly
- Other - 820 ViewstoastyMostly is a lightweight and easy jQuery plugin that simplifies the process of creating and updating Bootstrap 4 powered toast notifications on the web app.
Easily Create Bootstrap Toasts With Toasty Plugin
- Other - 968 ViewsToasty is a jQuery/Bootstrap plugin that facilitates the creation of Bootstrap 4 toasts.
Create Custom Alert Messages Using Bootstrap 4 Toasts Component - Toaster
- Other - 1871 ViewsToaster is a jQuery toast notification plugin for Bootstrap 4 which helps developers easily create customizable alert messages using Bootstrap 4's toasts component.
Easy Popup Message Plugin For jQuery - Floatcard
- Other - 691 ViewsFloatcard is an easy-to-use jQuery popup message plugin which helps you create floating or static notification messages as an alternative to the native browser popup box.
Minimal Sliding Toast Plugin For jQuery - jToast.js
- Other - 1461 ViewsjToast.js is a really small and CSS-less jQuery toaster plugin which lets you create Android-style toast messages sliding out from the right side of the screen.
Fluid Non-blocking Toast Message Plugin - jQuery Toastr
- Other - 542 ViewsToastr is a small and simple jQuery notification plugin used to display toast-style non-blocking messages that auto disappear after a specified timeout.
CSS3 Animated Toast/Growl Notification Library - Notifications-API
- Other - 1337 ViewsThe Notifications-API JavaScript library provides an easy way to create animated toast and/or growl notifications using jQuery and Animate.css.
Toast Like Notification With Countdown Timer Bar - jQuery notificationManager
- Other - 3008 ViewsA notification manager for jQuery for creating toast-like, non-blocking notification popups with countdown timer bars.
Elegant Toast Notification Library For jQuery - Notify
- Other - 2453 ViewsNotify is a small jQuery notification plugin used to create Material Toast like notification messages sliding in/out from the edge of your screen.
Custom Notification Messages In jQuery - ggFeedbackMessages
- Other - 1747 ViewsggFeedbackMessages is a small yet highly customizable jQuery notification plugin that shows notification popups of various types (info, success, warning, danger) to end users.
iOS Style Popup Dialog Plugin With jQuery - mobile-layer
- LightBox - 2247 Viewsmobile-layer is a mobile-first jQuery popup plugin for creating iOS style loading indicators, toast messages, alert/confirm dialogs, top notification, action sheets, and scrollable pickers on the web app.
Non-blocking Message Notification Plugin - jQuery Toastr
- Other - 3379 ViewsJust another jQuery notification plugin to display informational/alert messages in toast-like, non-blocking, and highly customizable notification popups.
Minimal Flash Message & Toast Notification Plugin - jQuery flash.js
- Other - 6858 Viewsflash.js is a minimal yet customizable jQuery notification plugin for creating animated flash/toast messaging system to provide unobtrusive user feedback on the web application.
Minimal Stackable Notification Plugin For jQuery - nok.js
- Other - 1488 Viewsnok.js is a cross-browser, extra-light (1kb minified) jQuery notification plugin to create toast- or growl-like info/success/error notifications on the screen.
Tiny Toast Notification Library For jQuery - Toast.js
- Other - 2379 ViewsToast.js is a small, simple, CSS-less, cross-browser jQuery toast notification plugin that you can determine how long the toast message stays on the screen.
Elegant Sliding Notification Plugin - jQuery myAlert.js
- Other - 1903 ViewsmyAlert.js is a lightweight notification library for jQuery that makes it easier to create elegant, sliding, customizable notifications and alerts on the page.
Mobile-friendly Dialog & Toast Plugin With jQuery - alert.js
- Other - 4649 Viewsalert.js is a jQuery/Zepto plugin used to create mobile-friendly popup boxes that meet all your needs about confirm/alert dialogs and toast-style notifications.
Stackable Toast Notification Plugin - jQuery Pomelo Toast
- Other - 946 ViewsPomelo Toast is a tiny jQuery plugin to create toast-like notification messages that stack one after another when there are multiple instances on the page.
Mobile-friendly Toast Notification Plugin - jQuery notify.js
- Other - 1614 Viewsnotify.js is a tiny, customizable jQuery plugin for creating toast-style alert and notice popups that fallback to bottom notification bars on mobile and tablet devices.
Minimal Toast Notification & Loading Indicator Plugin - Toast.js
- Loading - 5860 ViewsToast.js is a super simple, CSS-less jQuery plugin to create animated loading indicators and Android-inspired success/error toast notifications on the webpage.
Tiny Growl-like Toast Notification Plugin With jQuery - mk-notiX
- Other - 1412 Viewsmk-notiX is a very small jQuery notification plugin which helps you display growl-style toast messages to alert the user of something.
Clean Customizable Notification Popup Plugin - jQuery Notify
- Other - 3541 ViewsA lightweight yet customizable, non-blocking jQuery notification plugin for creating permanent or toast (temporary) notification popups on top of the webpage.
Small Unobtrusive Toast Popup Plugin For jQuery - simpleToast
- Other - 1219 ViewssimpleToast is a small, unobtrusive yet customizable jQuery notification plugin to create minimal, clean, non-blocking toast popups on the web app.
Minimal Toast Notification Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - Simply Toast
- Other - 13151 ViewsSimply Toast is a tiny jQuery plugin used to display stackable notification messages based on Boostrap 3 alert component.
Minimal Clean Toaster Plugin For jQuery - Info.js
- Other - 834 ViewsInfo.js is a really small jQuery plugin to create toast-style, non-blocking, absolutely positioned notification messages on the screen.
Easy Unobtrusive Toaster Plugin For jQuery - gg-notif
- Other - 1036 Viewsgg-notif is a jQuery notification plugin to create unobtrusive, auto-dismiss, CSS3 animated, Material Design inspired toast messages that are configurable via HTML data attributes.
jQuery Plugin For Animated & Stackable Toasts - Toast
- Other - 19185 ViewsToast is a jQuery notification plugin used to display animated, highly customizable & styleable, stackable visual feedback messages on your web page.
Simple Plain Feedback Message Plugin - jQuery messageFlow
- Other - 493 ViewsmessageFlow is a small jQuery notification plugin used to create Android toast-style feedback messages with stackable and auto-fade capabilities.
Easy Customizable Message Toaster For jQuery - Toast.js
- Other - 2913 ViewsToast.js is a lightweight yet customizable jQuery notification plugin which helps you create and display temporary or sticky toast messages like Android.
Handy Toast Like Alert Notification Plugin - jQuery Notify
- Other - 546 ViewsNotify is a small, handy jQuery notification plugin which helps you create Android toast-like alert and loading popups with custom icons on the web page.
Simplest Toast-style Notification Plugin With jQuery - toastJS
- Other - 3164 ViewstoastJS is a really small, CSS less jQuery plugin used for displaying CSS3 animated, toast-like error/success/loading notification messages on your web app.
iOS Style Dialog Popup Plugin For jQuery - Modal.js
- Other - 7810 ViewsA flexible jQuery plugin that lets you create Apple iOS style dialog popups for your mobile-first web applications.
Toast-like Notification Popup Plugin For jQuery - MyFakeToast
- Other - 810 ViewsMyFakeToast is a really simple jQuery plugin used to create toast-like notification popups for your webapp that supports any html contents and auto hides after a given timeout.
Pretty Toast Notification Plugin For Bootstrap - Toaster
- Other - 10027 ViewsToaster is a lightweight jQuery notification plugin which lets you create toast- and growl-style notification messages using Bootstrap alerts component.
Small Animated jQuery Android-Like Toast Plugin - Notice
- Other - 1941 ViewsNotice is a tiny jQuery notification plugin used to add Android-like animated toast messages anywhere on your webpage/web application.
elementUI Style Feedback Message Plugin With jQuery - message.js
- Other - 1116 Viewsmessage.js is an elementUI inspired jQuery notification plugin used to create customizable info/success/error/warning feedback messages for your web applications.
Customizable Toast Popup Plugin For jQuery - Toaster.js
- Other - 17690 ViewsThe Toaster.js jQuery plugin let's you create Material Design inspired, highly customizable, snackbar- & toast-like notification popups on the webpage.
Basic Stackable Toast Notification Plugin For jQuery
- Other - 1346 ViewsJust another jQuery material toast plugin used for creating temporary, stackable toast/alert notification messages that will destroy themselves after a specific timeout.
Easy Themeable Alert Notification Plugin With jQuery - Page Alert
- Other - 565 ViewsPage Alert is a small and easy-to-use jQuery notification plugin which lets you display customizable, themeable, Android toast-like alerts on the webpage / web application.
Minimal Fading Toast Message Plugin For jQuery - iToast
- Other - 591 ViewsiToast is a dead simple jQuery notification plugin which helps you display minimal, clean, Android-style, auto-dismiss toast messages at the bottom of the screen.
Minimal Clean Toaster Plugin For jQuery - myMessage
- Other - 1719 ViewsmyMessage is a lightweight and simple-to-use jQuery plugin that lets you display Android toast style notification/alert messages with icon support on the webpage.
Lightweight Android-Style Toast Plugin with jQuery - m.toast
- Other - 1480 Viewsm.toast is a really small jQuery plugin that displays a Android-style toast notification on your webpage that will destroy itself after a specified time.
Lightweight Web Popup Plugin For jQuery - ymzbox
- Other - 3957 Viewsymzbox is a lightweight jQuery web popup plugin which lets you create various types of toast notifications, loading indicators and alert/confirm dialog boxes on the web applications.
Fully Configurable Toaster Plugin For jQuery - xl-toast
- Other - 1500 Viewsxl-toast is a super light (2kb unminified) jQuery plugin that helps you create highly customizable, Android style toast notifications using jQuery .extend() method.
Tiny Multipurpose Dialog Popup Plugin With jQuery - dialogbox.js
- Other - 5601 ViewsA simple tiny jQuery plugin which lets you create animated, clean-looking, draggable alert/confirm dialog windows, iframe modals and toast-style notification messages.
Minimal Cross-platform jQuery Toaster Plugin - ztoast
- Other - 788 Viewsztoast is a really simple and small jQuery plugin used to display 'Toast' style notification messages at the bottom right of the webpage.
Tiny jQuery Modal / Alert / Toast Plugin - Modal.js
- Other - 1618 ViewsModal.js is a versatile jQuery plugin which lets you create minimal clean modal windows, alert dialog boxes and toast-style notification messages on your web app.
Easy Toast-style Notification Plugin For jQuery - Floating Messages
- Slider - 1772 ViewsFloating Messages is a jQuery plugin used for displaying toast-style notification messages at the 'right bottom' of the webpage.
Tiny jQuery Toast Message/Notification Plugin - JTC-Toast
- Other - 617 ViewsJTC-Toast is a tiny, cross-browser jQuery plugin for creating small toast messages & notifications on the webpage.
Minimalist jQuery Toast Notification Plugin - simpleToastMessage
- Other - 1342 ViewssimpleToastMessage is a small jQuery plugin that uses plain HTML and CSS to display auto-close toast notification popups with variable colors on your screen.
Mobile Friendly Material Toast Plugin With jQuery - Toast.js
- Other - 1495 ViewsToast.js is a jQuery plugin which allows to create Android / Material Design inspired, toast-like notification popups on the screen.
Create Android Or Modal Style Toast Messages With jQuery - ToastMe
- Other - 710 ViewsToastMe is a super tiny (1kb minified) jQuery plugin to show an Android style toast notification with a custom message which will be closed after a specific timeout.
Mutlpurpose jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin - mgDialog
- Other - 1550 ViewsmgDialog is a simple, flexible jQuery plugin that helps you create multipurpose, highly customizable modal windows, dialog boxes and toast notifications.
Minimal Toast Notification Plugin For jQuery - Toastem
- Other - 2613 ViewsToastem is a super tiny jQuery notification plugin which helps you show custom toast messages on your html page.
Simple Flexible jQuery Alert Notification Plugin - notify.js
- Other - 15697 Viewsnotify.js is a simple, flexible, customizable jQuery notification plugin which allows to show alert messages of various types to your end users.
Mobile First Toast Message Plugin With jQuery - showToast
- Other - 1284 ViewsshowToast is a simplest jQuery/Zepto based toaster that helps you display Android-style toast messages on the screen.
Easy Toast Notification Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap - hinter.js
- Other - 1101 Viewshinter.js is a very small jQuery notification plugin which displays error and/or success toast messages on the top of webpage using Bootstrap styles.
Multi-functional jQuery Alert & Message Plugin - gmsg.js
- Other - 1350 Viewsgmsg.js is a simple, small yet multi purpose jQuery plugin which provides various types of alerts and messages for your web applications.
Toast-like Alert Popup Plugin With jQuery and Bootstrap - bootstrapAlert
- Other - 3825 ViewsbootstrapAlert is an easy to use jQuery plugin which helps you create Android toast-syle info/warning/success/danger alert popups using Bootstrap styles.
jQuery & Bootstrap Based Toast Notification Plugin - toaster
- Other - 104542 ViewsToaster is a stylish and flexible jQuery notification plugin used to create growl-like toast messages using Bootstrap alert component.
Customizable Alert Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap 3 - Purr
- Other - 2257 ViewsBootstrap Purr is a jQuery notification plugin which utilizes Bootstrap's Alerts component to display customizable, draggable alert messages on your web page.
Simple Clean Toast Message Plugin with jQuery - dreamAlert
- Other - 2617 ViewsdreamAlert is a lightweight jQuery plugin helps you display Android toasts- or growl-like notification messages on your webpage or web application.
jQuery Plugin To Create Android Style Toasts - Toastx
- Other - 593 ViewsToastx is a very simple and CSS-less jQuery plugin used to show Android-style brief messages for your web application.
Android Style Toaster Plugin with jQuery - Material Toast
- Other - 827 ViewsMaterial Toast is a super tiny jQuery plugin that shows Android style, customizable toast messages on the screen, inspired by the Google Material Design spec.
Tiny Customizable jQuery Notification Plugin - Noti
- Other - 1556 ViewsNoti.js is a small yet customizable jQuery plugin used to display various types of toast-style sticky and/or temporary notification messages on the webpage.
Lightweight Message Toaster For jQuery - timed-message.js
- Other - 552 Viewstimed-message.js is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin used for displaying toast-style non-blocking notifictions to alert the user of something.
Create Google-like Flash Messages with jQuery and Animate.css - Flash
- Other - 3643 ViewsFlash is a simplest jQuery plugin used to display Google style toast messages while flashing the whole screen using CSS3 animations based on Animate.css.
Easy Android Style Message Toaster For jQuery - Toast.js
- Other - 1086 ViewsToast.js is an ultra-light and easy to use jQuery plugin to show Android style toast messages with support for auto position, custom dismiss timeout and message queue.
Basic Toast Notification Plugin For jQuery - JNotify
- Other - 1062 ViewsJNotify is a simple and flexible jQuery notification plugin that displays full configurable toast messages on your web page or web app.
Android Style Toast Message Plugin For jQuery - ToastJS
- Other - 1197 ViewsToastJS is a lightweight jQuery based notification library used to display Google & Android style toast notifications that allow for queuing toast messages.
Tiny jQuery Toast Notification Plugin - rustaMsgBox
- Other - 1880 ViewsrustaMsgBox is a lightweight and easy jQuery plugin to display toast notification in a popup message box that slides out from the bottom of the page as you see in Android or iOS.
Growl-like Toast Notification Plugin with jQuery and Font Awesome - MsgPop
- Other - 11262 ViewsMsgPop is an easy jQuery plugin used to show growl like animated toast messages on your web page. Font awesome 4 is required for the icons next to your notifications.
Growl-style Message Toaster with jQuery - Meow
- Other - 2473 ViewsMeow is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to display growl-like toast messages on your web page. Supports both temporary and sticky toast notifications.
Android Toast-style jQuery Notification Plugin - dpToast
- Other - 944 ViewsdpToast is a very small jQuery plugin used to create nice clean toast notifications as you seen on the Android apps.
Android-style Simple jQuery Toast Plugin - eatoast
- Other - 2765 Viewseatoast is a tiny and simple to use jQuery plugin that creates Android-style toasts to display feedback messages in a small popup.
jQuery Plugin To Create Metro Style Toast Messages - toastr8
- Other - 3401 Viewstoastr8 is a jQuery notification plugin for creating Windows 8 metro inspired toast messages that use Font Awesome for notification icons.
Android Style jQuery Toast Notification Plugin
- Other - 2025 ViewsAndroid Toast is a jQuery plugin to create Android-like toast pop-ups that display a certain amount of time and automatically fade out after a timeout.
Growl Style Message Toaster Plugin For jQuery - notify
- Other - 9662 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin to present growl-like, easy customizable toast messages that provides 'info', 'error', 'warning', 'alert', and 'success' styles.
Slick Responsive Toast Message Plugin with jQuery - Tostie
- Other - 1728 ViewsTostie is a tiny (~1kb) jQuery plugin to display toast messages in responsive, slick and customizable notification bars.
jQuery Plugin For Fixed Notification Bars - tappifications
- Other - 1376 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin used to create CSS3 powered animated notification bars which stick to the bottom of the web page.
jQuery Mobile Android-like Toast Message Plugin - Mobile Toast
- Mobile - 6032 ViewsYet another toast plugin for jQuery and jQuery Mobile for broadcasting important notifications on the screen, as seen on the Android devices.
Simple Android-like jQuery Toasts Plugin - Toast.js
- Other - 807 ViewsToast.js is a jQuery & jQuery UI plugin which allows you to display toast messages in a small & customizable popup as seen on the Android platforms.
Material Design Inspired jQuery Snackbar and Toast Plugin - snackbarjs
- Other - 8401 Viewssnackbarjs is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create Google Material Design style snackbars and toasts that automatically disappear after a timeout.
Minimal jQuery Toast Notification Plugin - ialert
- Other - 847 Viewsialert is a simplist jQuery plugin used to create an auto-hiding popup window on your web page.
Android Style jQuery Toaster Messages Plugin - cftoaster
- Other - 1182 Viewscftoaster is a simple jQuery plugin for creating Android-style toaster messages centered in the page to display the important notifications to your users.