Free jQuery photo gallery Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'photo gallery' are listed here.
Customizable & Filterable Gallery In jQuery - tabX
- Gallery - 219 ViewsA jQuery plugin to create interactive and filterable galleries. Perfect for portfolios, photo galleries, online stores, and more.
Responsive Fullscreen Photo Gallery - jQuery Story-Show-Gallery
- Gallery - 25424 ViewsSimple Scroll Gallery is a lightweight, flexible, responsive, interactive jQuery Photo Gallery plugin created for desktop, tablet, and mobile.
Image Gallery For Mobile Devices - PhotoSwipe
- Mobile - 35781 ViewsPhotoSwipe is an Image Gallery For Mobile and Touch Devices. It supports iPhone, iPad, Blackberry 6 , Android and desktop.
Responsive Justified Gallery Plugin For jQuery - TJ gallery
- Gallery - 15099 ViewsTJ gallery is a jQuery photo gallery plugin which resizes and arranges your images with different sizes in a responsive, justified grid layout.
Image Gallery With In-place Zoom Functionality
- Gallery - 1817 ViewsA jQuery-powered image gallery that comes with an in-place zoom functionality using CSS3 transforms.
Modern Photo Gallery With Lightbox Integrated - Live Image Gallery
- LightBox - 4990 ViewsA modern photo gallery (grid) and image lightbox script built using jQuery, CSS/CSS3, and Bootstrap 5 framework.
Feature-rich Product Gallery With Image Zoom - xZoom
- Gallery - 86330 ViewsxZoom is a responsive, touch-friendly jQuery zoom gallery plugin designed for e-commerce websites, with thumbnail navigation and smooth image zoom support.
Stacked Photo Card Gallery/Slider Using jQuery And CSS/CSS3
- Slider - 3640 ViewsMake use of jQuery and CSS animations to create a fancy stacked photo card gallery/slider just like a stack of polaroid pictures.
Full Featured Photo Gallery Plugin For jQuery - nanoGallery 2
- Gallery - 19680 ViewsnanoGallery 2 is powerful yet easy-to-use jQuery plugin used for generating a responsive, mobile-friendly photo gallery & lightbox on the webpage.
Interactive Polaroid Photo Gallery With jQuery And SCSS
- Gallery - 2661 ViewsAn interactive, Polaroid-style photo gallery that enlarges/highlights the image on hover over and blurs the rest.
Powerful Photo Gallery/Viewer Plugin - jQuery Dark Slideshow
- Gallery - 3272 ViewsA tiny yet powerful jQuery plugin to create a feature-rich photo gallery & image viewer for the web.
Slider-style Fullsreen Image Viewer - jQuery da_pro_gallery
- Gallery - 7518 Viewsda_pro_gallery is a jQuery plugin to create a responsive photo gallery where the users are able to browse all group images in a slider-style lightbox.
Slideshow Gallery Inspired By Facebook Stories - fbStories
- Gallery - 4488 ViewsA creative story gallery plugin that takes stories from JSON data and converts them into a slideshow gallery inspired by Facebook Stories.
jQuery Plugin For Justified Image Gallery - Justified-Gallery
- Gallery - 28214 ViewsJustified-Gallery is a simple and fast jQuery plugin that automatically adjust the width and height of your images to create a justified image gallery on your web site.
Justified Image Grid With Lightbox - jQuery Flex Photo Gallery
- Gallery - 6138 ViewsA responsive, flexible, dynamic, justified photo gallery/grid plugin that mages will open in a lightbox popup with the ability to navigate between images by clicking the left/right arrows.
Fullscreen Responsive Gallery Lightbox Plugin - SimpleLightbox
- Gallery - 22598 ViewsA jQuery plugin for creating a tiled photo gallery that allows to display the large images in a fullscreen, responsive lightbox popup as you click on a thumbnail.
Masonry Style Gallery With Lightbox Slider - WS-LiSli
- Gallery - 8202 ViewsWS-LiSli is a gallery lightbox jQuery plugin that organizes & displays your thumbnail list in a Masonry-like responsive grid layout and showcases the full images in a lightbox slider when clicked.
Exquisite Photo Gallery Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - Redman photoGallery
- Gallery - 3807 ViewsA jQuery plugin that takes advantage of Bootstrap 4 framework to create a responsive, elegant, navigatable photo gallery with justified grid layout.
Minimal Image Gallery With Zoom On Hover - Zoomy-JS
- Gallery - 15980 ViewsZoomy-JS is a jQuery plugin to dynamically render an image gallery with thumbnail previews from an array of images. Click on the thumbnails to switch between images.
Fluid Responsive Photo Gallery with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Gallery - 12908 ViewsA JavaScript plugin that creates a responsive, flexible thumbnail gallery and displays large images in a lightbox slider using Bootstrap grid system and modal component.
Filterable Bootstrap 4 Gallery With Lightbox Integrated - mauGallery
- Gallery - 42043 ViewsmauGallery is a jQuery photo gallery plugin for Bootstrap 4 that lets you create a responsive, filterable photo gallery with image lightbox support.
Flexbox Based Responsive Justified Layout With jQuery - Flex Gallery
- Gallery - 12111 ViewsA jQuery plugin which uses CSS3 Flexible Box to create a responsive, justified grid layout and gallery for showcasing your images in a Google Photos-like fashion.
Masonry-like Photo Gallery With Lightbox - jQuery imgal.js
- Gallery - 12147 Viewsimgal.js is a dead simple photo gallery which showcases your images in a Masonry-like responsive thumbnail grid with lightbox integrated.
Responsive Cross-browser Gallery Popup - jQuery ie8Gallery
- LightBox - 3022 Viewsie8Gallery is an ultra-small, fully responsive, and cross-browser jQuery gallery lightbox plugin created for users who are still using older browsers (IE 8/9/10/11...).
Expanding Gallery With Cool Hover Effect - Bold Gallery
- Gallery - 3525 ViewsA modern expanding photo gallery with a cool hover effect that expands the image to the full size of the container element on click/tap.
Beautiful Automatic Photo Gallery/Slider With jQuery
- Slider - 7130 ViewsThis is a jQuery/HTML/CSS powered automatic gallery/slider/carousel where the users are able to manually switch between images by clicking the thumbnails in the bottom scroller.
Responsive Mosaic Photo Gallery / Grid Plugin For jQuery - mosaic.js
- Gallery - 21737 Viewsmosaic.js is a responsive jQuery image galery / grid plugin that dynamically arranges a group of images into a mosaic style grid while preserving the original aspect ratios.
Simple jQuery Photo Gallery with Expanding Preview - sampGallery
- Gallery - 5840 ViewssampGallery is a simple jQuery image gallery plugin that features a nice expanding preview effect when you click on a thumbnail, similar to the google image search.
Google Plus Photo And Youtube Video Gallery Plugin with jQuery
- Gallery - 10646 ViewsAn easy-to-use jQuery plugin used to display your Google Plus photos or Youtube videos in a fully loaded, responsive content gallery.
jQuery Script For Lightbox Display Of Gallery
- LightBox - 3978 ViewsA lightweight jQuery script for creating a gallery lightbox where your images will be opened in a modal popup with the ability to navigate between images by clicking next/prev buttons.
Polaroid Like Photo Gallery/Lightbox Plugin - jQuery Galleroid
- Gallery - 2603 ViewsThe jQuery Galleroid plugin lets you create a responsive, polaroid-style photo gallery where the users are able to preview images in a lightbox popup with the ability to scroll through all images.
jQuery Plugin For Stacked Polaroid Image Gallery - Photopile
- Gallery - 10112 ViewsPhotopile is a jQuery based polaroid image gallery that the photos are stacked & scattered randomly in a container and will display the larger version of a photo in a popup window when clicked.
Scrollable Photo Wall Plugin For jQuery - Lightcycle
- Gallery - 2180 ViewsThe jQuery Lightcycle plugin enables you to generate a scrollable, navigatable, draggable photo wall from tons of images stored in a JSON file.
Google Style Expanding Thumbnail Grid Plugin With jQuery - Mg-Space
- Gallery - 12776 ViewsMg-Space is a jQuery plugin to create a responsive photo gallery that allows to open an expanding thumbnail grid when clicking on an image like an accordion.
Minimal Responsive Gallery Plugin - jQuery ABC-Gallery
- Gallery - 2350 ViewsABC-Gallery is a simple jQuery plugin to create a photo gallery where the images will be displayed in a responsive, fullscreen popup with automatic or manual rotation support.
Flexible Photo Gallery Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - jGallery
- Gallery - 19587 ViewsjGallery is a flexible and interactive jQuery photo gallery plugin that comes with lots of options and transition effects.
Responsive Justified Image Grid/Gallery Plugin - jQuery imagesGrid
- Gallery - 19519 ViewsimagesGrid is a super tiny jQuery plugin that helps you create a fully responsive image gallery with justified grid layout.
Minimal Responsive Gallery With Thumbnail Nav - jQuery Gallery.js
- Gallery - 19998 ViewsA super tiny jQuery plugin for creating a minimal responsive gallery/slider where you can specify how many items to show for different screen sizes.
Responsive Photo Gallery / Slider Plugin For jQuery - vit-gallery
- Gallery - 17002 Viewsvit-gallery is a jQuery gallery plugin which gives you the ability to showcase the photos in a responsive slider/slideshow interface with bullet or smoothly scrolling thumbnail navigation.
Minimal Responsive Photo Gallery Plugin For jQuery - xGallerify
- Gallery - 9141 ViewsxGallerify is a lightweight jQuery gallery plugin that takes a group of images and automatically arranges them in a compact, equal height, fully responsive mosaic grid.
Google Image Inspired Gallery View For jQuery - searchGalleryView
- Gallery - 10790 ViewssearchGalleryView is a jQuery plugin used to create a responsive justified image gallery with support for both grid and list views just like you seen on Google Image Search.
Dynamic Cross-platform Grid Gallery Plugin With jQuery - Wall/Grid Gallery
- Gallery - 4702 ViewsA highly customizable jQuery plugin to create a dynamic, responsive, cross-platform wall/grid photo gallery which can be edited from a HTML, JSON or XML files.
Responsive Justified Gallery With Lightbox - flexbox-gallery
- Gallery - 6367 Viewsflexbox-gallery is a tiny (~1kb) jQuery plugin used to create a responsive, justified photo gallery with lightbox integration using CSS3 flexible box and a little jQuery script.
Responsive Auto Swapping Photo Wall Plugin With jQuery - SwappingWall
- Gallery - 6001 ViewsSwappingWall is a simple fast jQuery plugin used for generating a responsive photo wall that automatically and randomly swaps images at a certain speed.
Multifunctional Image Gallery Plugin For Mobile & Desktop - Galleria
- Gallery - 4973 ViewsGalleria is a robust, customizable, responsive and mobile-friendly jQuery image gallery plugin designed for both desktop and mobile.
Fancy Image Gallery / Slider Plugin With jQuery - DreamSlider
- Gallery - 5527 ViewsDreamSlider is a jQuery plugin for generating a photo gallery that will merge into a navigatable image slideshow when you click on a thumbnail.
Google Images Inspired Thumbnail Grid Plugin For jQuery - Expansion Grid
- Layout - 4372 ViewsExpansion Grid is a jQuery plugin for generating an expanding thumbnail grid/gallery where the users are able to view more details when they click on a grid item.
Minimal Filterable Gallery Plugin For jQuery - Liquo
- Gallery - 5208 ViewsLiquo is a super light jQuery plugin that lets you create a filterable photo gallery with a subtle shuffle effect using HTML5 data attributes.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Justified Image Gallery - Justified
- Gallery - 11557 ViewsJustified is a small and simple-to-use jQuery plugin for generating a responsive justified gallery / grid to present your images with various sizes and aspect ratios.
jQuery Plugin To Create Horizontally Tiled Photo Gallery - jLightroom
- Gallery - 4455 ViewsjLightroom is a jQuery plugin used for generating a responsive, masonry-like, horizontally tiled photo gallery.
Responsive Photo Gallery Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap - MAgallery
- Gallery - 6685 ViewsMAgallery is a very small jQuery & Bootstrap based photo gallery plugin where the images will open in a responsive, fullscreen lightbox popup when clicked on.
Dynamic Responsive Photo Gallery Plugin For jQuery - ns-awesome-gallery
- Gallery - 4206 Viewsns-awesome-gallery is a jQuery plugin used to create a responsive photo gallery where the images can be opened in a fullscreen lightbox with thumbnail navigation support.
Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery Plugin - nanoGALLERY
- Gallery - 27330 ViewsjQuery nanoGALLERY is a jQuery plugin that integrates with fancybox plugin to create responsive and touch-friendly image galleries with lightbox and navigation support.
jQuery Plugin To Create An Instagram Photo Gallery
- Gallery - 9462 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that fetches your profile and photos from Instagram and displays them as a photo gallery on your website.
Masonry-like Responsive Tiled Grid Layout Plugin With jQuery - Masonry.js
- Layout - 9216 ViewsMasonry.js is an ultra-light (~1kb minified) jQuery plugin used to create responsive, cross-platform, tiled gallery/grid similar to the Masonry library.
Instagram-style Photo Gallery With jQuery And Bootstrap
- Gallery - 27736 ViewsA jQuery & Bootstrap based photo gallery web app that allows to display large photos in a carousel view when clicking on a thumbnail image.
Customizable Adaptive jQuery Thumbnail Gallery Plugin
- Gallery - 6158 ViewsA simple, responsive and fully configuration jQuery thumbnail gallery plugin which allows you to navigate between gallery photos with thumbnails.
Basic jQuery Photo Gallery With Thumb Navigation - thumbChanger
- Gallery - 7057 ViewsthumbChanger is a minimalist jQuery photo / product gallery plugin which allows to switch between images by click on the bottom navigation thumbnails.
Fullscreen Photo Gallery / Carousel with jQuery
- Gallery - 3901 ViewsA simple, fullscreen, automatic, customizable photo gallery designed for showcasing your favorite photos to end users.
Fullscreen Photo Gallery with Thumbnail Navigation - ma5-gallery
- Gallery - 8176 Viewsma5-gallery is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin used to create a fullscreen responsive photo gallery with a thumbnail navigation.
Creating A Full Page Photo Gallery with jQuery Photor Plugin
- Gallery - 10551 ViewsPhotor is a fast and easy jQuery plugin to create a responsive & touch-friendly full page image gallery with CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Responsive Fluid Photo Gallery with jQuery - Latae
- Gallery - 5667 ViewsLatae is a simple, responsive, fluid jQuery / HTML5 photo gallery plugin which dynamically resizes and arranges images with different height / width in a neat, compact grid.
jQuery Plugin To Display Facebook Albums and Photos On Your Website
- Gallery - 34100 ViewsFacebook Album Browser is a jQuery plugin that retrieves albums and photos from any Facebook account and displays them as a photo gallery on your website.
Responsive Photo Grid Plugin with jQuery - Sortable Photos
- Gallery - 13002 ViewsSortable Photos is a jQuery & jQuery UI plugin for creating a neat, responsive photo grid that all the images will be resized and centered according to their containers.
Responsive Image Grid with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Gallery - 12527 ViewsA small jQuery plugin that arranges a group of images with different height into a neat, clean, responsive, multi-column image grid with a subtle hover zoom effect.
Linear Partitioning Based Photo Gallery with jQuery - Perfect Layout
- Gallery - 3116 ViewsPerfect Layout is a jQuery plugin that helps you generate a responsive, neat, compact and linear partitioning based image layout for your photo gallery.
Simple Responsive Photo Gallery with jQuery - CC Photo Gallery
- Gallery - 5147 ViewsA simple jQuery implementation of an unobtrusive responsive photo gallery with a side or bottom thumbnail navigation accordion to the screen size.
Easy Responsive Photo Lightbox Gallery Plugin - photoGallery
- Gallery - 4028 ViewsA jQuery plugin to present full-sized images in a responsive, fullscreen gallery lightbox popup with next / prev navigation.
Lightweight Image Gallery & Lightbox Plugin - Smooth Gallery
- Gallery - 1994 ViewsSmooth Gallery is a really simple jQuery plugin for creating a neat, clean and paginatable photo gallery (thumbnail grid) with image lightbox integrated.
Stacked & Scattered Photo Gallery Plugin For jQuery - wdImageStax
- Gallery - 4531 ViewswdImageStax is a jQuery & jQuery UI based Polaroid style photo gallery that the images are scattered and stacked randomly in a container.
Fully Responsive Gallery Grid Plugin For jQuery - Loi Gallery Display
- Gallery - 2022 ViewsLoi Gallery Display is a jQuery plugin used to display a set of photos in a fully responsive and configurable gallery grid.
Simple Responsive jQuery Gallery with Thumbnail Navigation
- Gallery - 13380 ViewsA simple responsive jQuery / Zepto gallery plugin that enables the visitor to switch between photos with thumbnails and touch gestures based on hammer.js.
Responsive Tiled Thumbnail Gallery with jQuery and CSS3 - Tiles Gallery
- Gallery - 8463 ViewsTiles Gallery is a jQuery plugin used to create a fully responsive, auto-rotating, tiled thumbnail gallery with image lightbox integrated.
Fullscreen Responsive Product Viewer with jQuery - zoomVisualizer
- Gallery - 9171 ViewszoomVisualizer is a pretty cool jQuery image viewer plugin used to create a responsive fullscreen image gallery for presenting your photos, projects, and products.
Stacked & Scattered Polaroid Gallery with jQuery and CSS3
- Gallery - 7446 ViewsA stacked, scattered, jQuery powered polaroid gallery that uses CSS3 for photo rotate and flip animations.
Creating A Photo Gallery with Thumbnail Navigation Using jQuery
- Gallery - 3372 ViewsA jQuery powered photo gallery with thumbnail navigation that uses jQuery fancybox plugin to display original images on top of your web page.
Creating A Beautiful Flickr Gallery with jQuery
- Social Media - 3055 ViewsA jQuery plugin that retrieves photos from any Flickr account and displays them in a lightbox gallery with arrows / thumbnails navigation.
Responsive Photo Gallery & Lightbox Plugin For jQuery - ZOOM
- Gallery - 7132 ViewsZOOM is a jQuery photo gallery plugin which allows you to display zoomed images in a responsive fullscreen lightbox slider.
Google Image Search Style Photo Wall Gallery Plugin For jQuery - GI.TheWall.js
- Gallery - 14702 ViewsGI.TheWall.js is a jQuery plugin that allows you to show a photo wall gallery or any other content in a "Google Image Search" user interaction way.
Basic jQuery Photo Gallery with Image Lightbox
- Gallery - 2724 ViewsA simple neat photo gallery with support for jQuery based image lightbox.
Lightweight Photo Gallery & Lightbox Plugin - mbufung
- Gallery - 2735 Viewsmbufung is a jQuery image gallery plugin for portfolio website that helps you create a lightbox popup gallery with next and prev arrows navigation.
Responsive Fluid Flickr Gallery with jQuery - Nice Gallery
- Gallery - 19513 ViewsNice Gallery Flickr is a jQuery plugin that uses Flickr API to retrieve and display your Flickr photos in a responsive, flexible, fluid gallery grid.
Responsive Photo Gallery with jQuery and Bootstrap 3
- Gallery - 248700 ViewsA very simple jQuery plugin helps you create a responsive flexible photo gallery (thumbnail grid) using Bootstrap.
Easy Responsive Photo Gallery Plugin with jQuery
- Gallery - 10666 ViewsA lightweight and easy-to use jQuery plugin to display the photo gallery in a responsive lightbox with arrows/thumbnails navigation.
Simple Dynamic Tiled Photo Gallery Plugin with jQuery - jLastic
- Gallery - 8098 ViewsjLastic is a simple fast jQuery plugin that enables you to display a group of photos in a neat tiled gallery layout.
jQuery Plugin For Flickr Photoset Thumbnail Gallery
- Social Media - 1991 ViewsFlickr Gallery is a tiny jQuery plugin to create a Flickr photoset thumbnail gallery using Flickr API.
Creating A Flexible Photo Gallery with jQuery Presentation Plugin
- Gallery - 3417 ViewsA quick and lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a flexible, adaptive, customizable presentation of your photos.
Create An Infinite Photo Gallery with jQuery and Ajax
- Gallery - 23727 ViewsIn this tutorial we're going to create a neat clean photo gallery that loads images form JSON data using Ajax requests.
Responsive Photo Gallery with Image Lazy Load Effect - jQuery Least Plugin
- Gallery - 12494 ViewsLeast.js is a responsive jQuery plugin which enables to you to create a photo gallery with image lazy load functionality.
Flickr Style Justified Photo Gallery with jQuery Justified.js
- Gallery - 8938 ViewsJustified.js is a jQuery plugin for creating an elegant justified image grid that manages the various sizes of images like the Flickr, Google+ Albums, or Google Image Search.
jQuery Responsive & Justified Image Gallery Plugin - Photogrid.js
- Gallery - 7909 ViewsPhotogrid.js is a jQuery plugin for creating a responsive & justified grid to present your images with auto image resizing like the Google+ albums photo layout.
jQuery Draggable and Rotatable Photo Viewer - Polaroid
- Gallery - 6236 ViewsPolaroid is an amazing jQuery plugin for placing a lot of photos on the web page that you can drag them around and rotate them.
jQuery Plugin To Display Flickr Images On The Webpage - jflickrfeed
- Social Media - 2957 Viewsjflickrfeed is a jQuery plugin used to fetch and load images from Flickr feeds and display them as a gallery lightbox or a image slider by integrating with other jQuery plugins like Colorbox, Cycle and more.
Google+ Albums Like Photo Gallery Plugin For jQuery - collagePlus
- Gallery - 10509 ViewscollagePlus is a responsive jQuery plugin that allows you to create a Google+ albums like photo gallery with animated image caption overlay support.
jQuery Draggable Polaroid Photo Gallery Plugin
- Gallery - 5085 ViewsB1nj Polaroid Gallery is a jQuery and jQuery UI for creating a polaroid like photo stack gallery that each photo can be dragged and rotated by mouse.
jQuery Google+ Albums Image Layout Plugin - Bricks
- Layout - 2115 ViewsBricks is a small jQuery plugin that has the ability to automatically arrange the images or DIVs to fit the window's size, similar to the google plus albums image layout.
Gamma Gallery Responsive Image Gallery
- Gallery - 9804 ViewsGamma Gallery is a Responsive Image Gallery Plugin with thumbnails carousel, which creates an image gallery that uses a similar responsive images approach to the proposed picture element.