Free jQuery toggle menu Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'toggle menu' are listed here.
Dynamic Mobile-friendly Dropdown Navigation In jQuery
- Menu - 2518 ViewsA mobile-friendly, fully responsive, multi-level dropdown menu written in JavaScript (jQuery) and CSS/CSS3.
Minimalist jQuery Responsive Multi-level Nav Menu Plugin - PrMenu
- Menu - 26197 ViewsA jQuery plugin that converts a horizontal nav menu into a mobile-friendly toggle menu when the viewport's size reaches a specific breakpoint.
Basic Responsive Header Dropdown Menu With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 4645 ViewsA responsive dropdown menu for header navigation that utilizes CSS3 media queries to detect the screen size and collapses horizontal menu items into a fullscreen sliding toggle menu when the maximum screen width is reached.
Responsive & Mobile-Aware jQuery Dropdown Navigation Plugin - responsiveNav
- Menu - 6013 ViewsJust another jQuery mobile menu plugin that turns a horizontal multi-level navigation into a mobile friendly toggle menu on small screen devices.
Mobile-friendly Hamburger Navigation With Search Field - jQuery Kite Menu
- Menu - 4998 ViewsKite Menu is a responsive, mobile-friendly navigation system that allows the user to toggle the navigation menu by clicking/tapping the hamburger button.
Mobile-friendly Multi-level Dropdown Menu Plugin - jQuery Stellarnav
- Menu - 52025 ViewsStellarnav is a responsive dropdown menu plugin for jQuery that supports infinite levels of sub menus and auto switches to a small screen friendly toggle menu when the window width reaches a specified breakpoint.
Smooth Sliding Navigation Menu With jQuery And CSS
- Menu - 3620 ViewsA jQuery & CSS based semantic slide menu which enables a trigger button to toggle a list of stacked menu items with a smooth sliding animation.
Uber Inspired Hamburger Navigation With jQuery And GSAP
- Menu - 2126 ViewsA responsive, fullscreen, split hamburger toggle navigation for both desktop & mobile devices, inspired by Uber Rebrand 2018 Website.
Responsive jQuery Mobile Off-Canvas Menu Plugin - Responsive Nav
- Menu - 9520 ViewsResponsive Nav is jQuery toggle menu plugin that converts a multi-level dropdown navigation into a nested off-canvas menu on small screen devices.
Sticky Exanding Hamburger Menu With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 7281 ViewsA jQuery based responsive navigation system that collapses the regular horizontal menu into an expanding hamburger menu on small screen (mobile) devices.
Mobile First Multi-level Toggle Menu With jQuery - cookcodesmenu
- Menu - 8235 Viewscookcodesmenu is a simple yet fully configurable jQuery navigation plugin that lets you create a responsive, mobile-first, multi-level dropdown toggle menu for your cross-platform webapp.
Expanding Toggle Menu With jQuery And CSS/CSS3
- Menu - 3882 ViewsA pretty cool toggle menu concept that expands the hamburger button into a horizontal (or vertical on mobile device) navigation menu when toggled. Built with jQuery, CSS/CSS3 and plain HTML.
Responsive Mega Menu Plugin With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 18586 ViewsA jQuery based responsive mega menu that automatically collapses the regular multi-level dropdown menu into a mobile-friendly toggle menu in mobile view.
Basic Hamburger Navigation Menu With jQuery And CSS/CSS3
- Menu - 26917 ViewsA simple, lightweight, responsive, jQuery/CSS based Hamburger Navigation system.
Material Design Dropdown Menu Plugin For jQuery - menu.js
- Menu - 8978 Viewsmenu.js is a very small jQuery plugin for creating a Material Design inspired dropdown menu that allows your users to select one of a number of options.
Material Floating Toggle Menu Plugin With jQuery - collapzion.js
- Menu - 14178 Viewscollapzion.js is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a Material Design inspired floating navigation button on the webpage.
Responsive Dropdown & Toggle Menu Plugin With jQuery
- Menu - 13861 ViewsA jQuery responsive multi-level dropdown menu which will be automatically converted into a mobile-friendly toggle menu when the screen size is smaller than a breakpoint.
Responsive Mobile Toggle Navigation With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 10958 ViewsA fully responsive site navigation that uses JQuery and media queries to switch between dropdown navigation and mobile-friendly toggle menu depending on the current screen size.
Fullscreen Hamburger Toggle Menu With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 5347 ViewsA cross-platform side navigation written in jQuery and CSS/CSS3 that allows to show a fullscreen overlay menu with an animated hamburger toggle icon.
jQuery & CSS3 Sliding Menu Using Navigation Drawer - Drawer
- Menu - 75429 ViewsDrawer is a jQuery plugin for creating a responsive, touch-enabled and animated side menu that slides out from the edge of the screen when clicking or touching the trigger.
Responsive Dropdown Menu Plugin For jQuery - responsive-menu.js
- Menu - 6686 ViewsAn ultra-light (~1kb) jQuery plugin that automatically converts an ul li based menu into a dropdown toggle navigation on small screens.
Responsive Collapsible Toggle Menu Plugin With jQuery - eosMenu
- Menu - 12431 ViewseosMenu helps you create a responsive, multi-level, accordion-style menu where all the menu items will be collapsed into a dropdown toggle menu on small screens.
Responsive Multi-level Dropdown & Toggle Menu Plugin With jQuery
- Menu - 16815 ViewsA jQuery based responsive dropdown navigation menu that automatically switches to a mobile-friendly toggle menu when the window width reaches a specified breakpoint.
Simplest Responsive Nav Menu With jQuery And CSS3 - nav-mobile.js
- Menu - 9224 ViewsJust another jQuery & CSS based mobile-friendly navigation system that automatically converts the regular horizontal site menu into a sliding dropdown menu with a toggle link.
Animated Toggle Menu with jQuery and CSS / CSS3
- Menu - 11832 ViewsA beautiful site navigation system that utilizes jQuery and several CSS3 properties to create a sliding toggle menu with an animated navigation icon for modern web design.
Responsive Site Navigation with jQuery and Checkbox Hack
- Menu - 7046 ViewsA fully responsive, mobile-friendly navigation menu built using HTML5, CSS3, the Checkbox Hack" tricks and a little jQuery magic.
Responsive Drop Down Menu Plugin with jQuery
- Menu - 26725 ViewsYet another jQuery responsive menu plugin used to create a mobile-friendly, responsive, toggleable dropdown navigation for your cross-platform website.
Fully Responsive Navbar with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 22847 ViewsThis is a jQuery based fully responsive navigation system that transforms the default horizontal navigation bar into a sliding toggle menu on small screens.
Simple Clean Responsive Mobile Toggle Menu Plugin For jQuery
- Menu - 27699 ViewsA simple clean, alternative, responsive jQuery navigation plugin that converts a standard menu into a drop down toggle menu on mobile devices.
Mobile-first Pull-down Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 2637 ViewsA jQuery & CSS3 powered mobile-friendly navigation that slides out from the top of your webpage when toggled.
Smart Navigation Toggle Button On Scroll - jQuery Transform
- Menu - 3168 ViewsUses jQuery to detect the scroll depth and display a toggle button to show / hide the top navigation menu when the visitor scrolls down the page.
Lightweight Push Menu with jQuery and CSS3 - Toggle Menu
- Menu - 9791 ViewsA jQuery & CSS/CSS3 based push menu that reveals a sidebar off-screen navigation from the left side of the window while pushing the main content to the other side.
Responsive Sticky Side Menu Plugin For jQuery - Bamboo.js
- Menu - 7925 ViewsBamboo.js is a tiny jQuery plugin helps you create a responsive, mobile-friendly, sticky toggle menu for your website.
Responsive Flat Dropdown Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 58140 ViewsA responsive, mobile-friendly, flat style, animated, multilevel navigation menu built on top of jQuery and CSS/CSS3.
Responsive Auto Show/Hide Toggle Menu with jQuery
- Menu - 28847 ViewsA JQuery/HTML5/CSS3 based responsive navigation system that transform your regular horizontal nav bar into a mobile-friendly toggle menu.
Minimalist Responsive Nav Menu with jQuery and CSS
- Menu - 5505 ViewsA jQuery & CSS/CSS3 based menu that turns the regular navigation into a toggleable dropdown menu with a smooth sliding effect in mobile view.
Fullscreen Perspective Navigation with jQuery and CSS3 - MenuPuncher
- Menu - 3182 ViewsMenuPuncher is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin used to display a responsive, fullscreen, perspective navigation menu for your mobile-compatible website / web app.
Basic Responsive Sliding Toggle Menu with jQuery
- Menu - 4921 ViewsA mobile-friendly responsive menu that slides down from the top of your document, built using HTML, CSS and a little JavaScript (jQuery) magic.
Responsive Efficient Dropdown Menu with jQuery
- Menu - 7681 ViewsA small, easy-to-use jQuery plugin to create a fully responsive multi-level dropdown navigation menu for both desktop and mobile website.
App-style Sliding Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 3435 ViewsA super simple and lightweight jQuery script used to create a mobile app style sliding menu with an animated hamburger toggle icon.
Create A Responsive Slide Toggle Navigation with jQuery and CSS
- Menu - 32265 ViewsA responsive, full width, mobile first navigation which allows you to reveal a slide menu using jQuery slideToggle() function.
Mobile-Friendly & Multi-level Dropdown Menu with jQuery
- Menu - 5919 ViewsA responsive, mobile-friendly, animated, multi-level navigation that automatically transforms to a vertical dropdown toggle menu when it reaches a CSS breakpoint.
Easy Mobile-Friendly jQuery Responsive Menu Plugin - Reaktion.js
- Menu - 6621 ViewsJust another jQuery responsive menu plugin that turns the regular navigation menu into a mobile-friendly toggle menu when the screen size reaches a predefined breakpoint.
Responsive Fullscreen Navigation Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 15557 ViewsA simple responsive jQuery navigation plugin that allows you to reveal a fullscreen menu with an animated hamburger button powered by CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Minimalist Responsive Toggle Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 2787 ViewsA jQuery responsive menu plugin which transform a normal horizontal navigation menu into an off-canvas toggle menu on smaller screen devices.
Cool Morphing Sidebar Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 14481 ViewsA Material Design inspired navigation pattern that allows you to reveal a sidebar navigation menu by morphing the toggle button.
Multi-Level Off-canvas Navigation with jQuery and CSS3 - Off-canvas
- Menu - 8525 ViewsYet another jQuery based responsive off-canvas navigation that supports multi-level menus and CSS3 powered sliding animations.
Responsive Fixed Off-canvas Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 17360 ViewsA small JQuery script that transforms a regular multi-level dropdown menu into a fixed navigation bar with a toggle icon on mobile devices.
Responsive jQuery Navigation For One Page Scrolling Website - spaNav
- Menu - 5896 ViewsspaNav is a lightweight jQuery plugin for generating a sticky top navigation bar which allows to smoothly scroll to different sections of your one page website/App.
Material Design Inspired Reveal Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 12820 ViewsA Material Design inspired navigation that slides the main page to reveal a side menu when you click the toggle button.
Responsive Multi-Level Off-canvas Navigation Plugin - Navpad Menu
- Menu - 2990 ViewsA stylish responsive jQuery navigation script that converts a horizontal navigation bar into a toggleable off-canvas menu on small screen devices.
Fullscreen Responsive Menu with jQuery and CSS3 - hamburgler.js
- Menu - 3611 ViewsA minimal jQuery & CSS3 based navigation widget to create a responsive, fullscreen(full window) menu with hamburger icon animations.
Responsive & Animated Navigation Bar with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 17518 ViewsA jQuery based responsive navigation bar that collapses into a toggleable drop down menu in mobile views.
Responsive and Mobile-Friendly jQuery Navigation Plugin - Naver
- Menu - 15515 ViewsNaver is a jQuery plugin to atuomatically turn a basic navigation menu into a responsive and mobile friendly menu.
Responsive Fullscreen Overlay Navigation with jQuery and Velocity.js
- Menu - 13275 ViewsA simple jQuery approach to create a responsive, animated, perspective overlay navigation covering the whole webpage when toggled.
Mobile-Friendly Auto-Hiding Top Navigation Bar with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 9266 ViewsA jQuery & CSS based sliding navigation bar that is sticky at the top of the page as you scroll down.
Vertical Responsive Multi-level Nav Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 32340 ViewsA simple jQuery & CSS3 based menu system used to create a mobile-friendly, vertical, multi-level navigation menu for your responsive website.
Stylish Responsive Slide Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 3957 ViewsA stylish responsive navigation menu that will be converted into a toggle menu with CSS3 animations in small screens.
Facebook Paper-like Top Sliding Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 1619 ViewsA Facebook Paper inspired header navigation that displays at the top of your window with a smooth CSS3 based sliding effects.
Flat Horizontal Toggle Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 3929 ViewsA modern flat designed horizontal navigation menu with an animated hamburger button, based on jQuery and CSS3 transitions & transforms.
Basic Sidebar Toggle Navigation with jQuery and CSS3 - Inception Menu
- Menu - 4662 ViewsInception Menu is a simple jQuery & CSS3 based siderbar navigation menu that is expandable and collapsible by clicking the toggle icon.
Responsive & Mobile-friendly jQuery Toggle Menu Plugin
- Menu - 4968 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin to create a responsive horizontal toggle menu that will be converted into a sliding dropdown menu on mobile devices.
Super Small Responsive Mobile Menu Plugin For jQuery
- Menu - 2683 ViewsA simple and fast jQuery/Zepto plugin for creating a responsive & mobile-friendly dropdown toggle navigation based on automatic or custom breakpoints.
Slick Slide Side Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 19805 ViewsJust another Mobile app-style side navigation menu that is sticky at the left side of your web page and pushes the main content section to the right with a full overlay.
Mobile-Aware Responsive Dropdown Menu with jQuery - simpleMobileMenu
- Menu - 1667 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin that turns a horizontal navigation menu into a dropdown toggle menu when the screen size reaches a breakpoint set at 768px.
Creating An Animated Sidebar Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 24729 ViewsA hidden sidebar menu that slides out from the edge of your web page when you click on the toggle button, built on top of jQuery, CSS3 transforms & transitions and a little bit of javascript.
Responsive Sliding Side Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 10947 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin to create a fully responsive & animated sliding side navigation with sub-navigation using jQuery and CSS3.
Super Tiny Responsive Toggle Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 1652 ViewsA simple responsive jQuery navigation script that converts your navigation menu into a dropdown toggle menu on small screens with only 3 lines of Javascript.
Lightweight jQuery Off-canvas Sliding Navigation Plugin
- Menu - 5293 ViewsYet another jQuery navigation plugin for creating a sticky multi-level top menu bar that will be converted into a mobile-friendly off-canvas sliding navigation on small screen devices.
Simple jQuery & CSS3 Based Off-canvas Sidebar Navigation
- Menu - 6367 ViewsA super simple jQuery script to create an Off-canvas sidebar menu for navigation. The navigation will slide out from the left side of the page with a smooth CSS3 transition effect once you click the toggle button.
App Style Fly-out Navigation Menu Plugin For jQuery - iosmenu
- Menu - 3125 Viewsiosmenu is a jQuery plugin for quickly creating a mobile App-style sidebar toggle, push, overlaying navigation menu into your web page.
Fully Responsive jQuery Dropdown Navigation Plugin - Tabs To Dropdown
- Menu - 11547 ViewsTabs To Dropdown is a mobile friendly and fully responsive jQuery plugin that automatically transforms an ordinary horizontal navigation into a nice looking dropdown toggle menu on small screen devices.
Simple jQuery Toggle Menu with Awesome Sliding Effects
- Menu - 4578 ViewsA simple jQuery based toggle menu that reveals a hidden menu with an awesome sliding effect.
Multi-level Responsive Toggle Navigation Plugin For jQuery
- Menu - 4159 Viewsresponsive-menu.js is a lite jQuery menu plugin for converting a normal multi-level navigation into a sliding toggle menu if the screen width is below 768px.
Responsive Sticky Navigation Menu Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Pagescroll Menu
- Menu - 4894 ViewsPagescroll Menu is a jQuery menu plugin for creating a responsive, mobile-aware, animated navigation menu which is sticky on the web page during scrolling.