Free jQuery Drop Down Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Drop Down' are listed here.
jQuery Plugin For Selecting Multiple Elements - Multiple Select
- Form - 93185 ViewsMultiple Select is a useful jQuery plugin that allows you to select multiple elements by clicking the checkboxes in a select drop down list.
jQuery Plugin To Create Multi-level Bootstrap Dropdowns - Bootstrap Submenu
- Menu - 47423 ViewsA jQuery plugin that extends the default Bootstrap dropdown component to create a multi-level dropdown with unlimited sub menus.
jQuery Plugin For Filterable Bootstrap 5/4 Dropdown Select - Bootstrap Select
- Form - 81634 ViewsA jQuery plugin to enhance the default Bootstrap dropdown select with multiple options like: optgoup support, auto-completion, clear selection and live filtering.
Customizable & Animated Dropdown Plugin - Nice Select
- Form - 11129 ViewsYet another jQuery select replacement plugin that turns your native html select boxes into customizable and CSS3 animated dropdown lists with one JS call.
Multi-column Dropdown Selector Plugin For jQuery - Inputpicker
- Form - 44870 ViewsInputpicker is a simple jQuery plugin that converts the normal text field into a filterable, multi-column dropdown select box for convenient option selection.
Easy Drop Down Select List Plugin - DropKick
- Form - 28839 ViewsDropKick is a fast jQuery plugin that turns a standard html select box into a clean and skinnable drop down list that supports native keyboard navigation and dynamic selects. How to use it: 1. Include the latest jQuery java script library a
Drop Down Menu with Images Plugin - ddSlick
- Menu - 22410 ViewsddSlick is a light-weight jQuery Plugin that allows you to create a drop down menu with images.
Searchable Multi-select Dropdown Plugin With jQuery - Dropdown.js
- Form - 187011 ViewsThe Dropdown.js jQuery plugin converts the normal select box into a fast, performant, dynamic, multi-select dropdown list for better UX.
jQuery Plugin To Toggle Bootstrap Dropdowns On Hover
- Menu - 10214 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin which allows the visitor to toggle Bootstrap's native dropdown menus on hover, on click or both.
jQuery Plugin To Create Easy-to-style Dropdown Select - dropSelect
- Form - 1531 ViewsdropSelect is a jQuery select replacement plugin that helps you create a fully customizable and styleable dropdown select box using CSS/CSS3 and a little JavaScript.
Cool 3D Drop Down Menu Plugin
- Menu - 19742 ViewsCool 3D Drop Down Menu Plugin is a light-weight Jquery Plugin used to creat a drop down menu with cool animation effects.
Touch Enabled Multi-level Drop Down Menu Plugin - superfish
- Menu - 31104 Viewssuperfish is a cross-browser andTouch Enabled menu plugin for creatingMulti-level Drop Down Menus with some animation effects.
Gorgeous And Feature Rich Dropdown Select Box Plugin - SelectBoxIt
- Form - 8423 ViewsSelectBoxIt is a replacement of ugly and hard to use HTML select boxes that allows you to create gorgeous and feature rich dropdown select Boxes.
Create Select Like Bootstrap Dropdown With jQuery - Dropselect
- Form - 8616 ViewsDropselect is a jQuery plugin that makes the default Bootstrap dropdown component act like the select element and allows to select options programmatically.
Responsive & Multi-Level Accordion Menu Plugin
- Accordion - 53050 ViewsAn easy jQuery plugin to create a multi-level and fully responsive accordion menu (dropdown list) from any nested Html elements.
Bootstrap-style jQuery Drop Down Plugin - dropdown
- Menu - 24701 Viewsdropdown is a simple jQuery plugin that make it easier to create awesome Bootstrap-style dropdowns (menus, selects, panels, tooltips etc) with additional features and no dependencies.
Animated & Multi-level jQuery Dropdown Plugin
- Menu - 30644 ViewsA dropdown jQuery plugin that turns select options or nested Html lists into an animated, multi-level drop down menu/list with a subtle sliding effect.
Handy Customizable Dropdown Select Plugin With jQuery - JQSelect
- Form - 2476 ViewsJQSelect is a jQuery plugin for creating a dynamic, nice-looking dropdown select list that supports filtering, multiple selection with checkboxes and 'Select All' options.
Nice Clear Dropdown List with jQuery and CSS - stb-dropdown
- Form - 4480 Viewsstb-dropdown is a very small jQuery plugin for converting your regular select box into a nice, clean dropdown list that is fully styleable via CSS.
Lightweight Drilldown Menu Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Menu - 9448 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin which help you create a highly customizable multilevel drill down menu / select using Bootstrap dropdown component.
Flexible Popover-like Drop Down Plugin With jQuery - SweetDropdown
- Menu - 9386 ViewsSweetDropdown is a jQuery plugin used for creating flexible, animated, popover-style dropdowns which can be attached to any DOM element in any direction.
Customizable Dropdown Birthday Picker Plugin with jQuery
- Time & Clock - 53978 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin which allows the user to pick the birthday from customizable dropdown select lists.
Multi Column Dropdown Box with jQuery and CSS3 - Multi Column Select
- Form - 19958 ViewsA small and simple jQuery plugin that turns the standard select list into a multi-column dropdown box with CSS3 transitions and transforms.
jQuery Multiple Select Box Plugin
- Form - 28918 ViewsAn useful and cross-browser jQuery plugin that allows you to select multiple items in a select box when scrolling and dragging.
jQuery Plugin To Convert Bootstrap Select Into Dropdown Button
- Form - 4422 ViewsSelect To Button is a jQuery extension for Bootstrap that converts the default Bootstrap select list into a dropdown button.
Lightweight jQuery Dropdown List Plugin - Select.js
- Other - 1325 ViewsSelect.js is a really simple jQuery plugin used to convert an html list into a drop down list that acts like a traditional select box.
Minimal jQuery Dropdown Mega Menu Plugin - booNavigation
- Menu - 13492 ViewsbooNavigation is a lightweight jQuery dropdown menu plugin that provides a simple way to create a three-column mega menu with CSS3 based sliding effects for your website navigation.
Easy Customizable jQuery Dropdown Menu Plugin - VMCSelect
- Menu - 2000 ViewsVMCSelect is a simple, cross-browser jQuery plugin used to convert any number of DIV elements into a select like scrollable dropdown menu.
Animated Custom Select Box with jQuery and CSS3
- Form - 8153 ViewsAn easy jQuery & CSS solution to help you beautify default select boxes with support for custom styles, CSS3 animations and native select functions.
Accessible & Animated Dropdown Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 6590 ViewsA jQuery, CSS3 animated and ul based dropdown menu that uses JavaScript to dynamically adds ARIA attributes to help make your dropdown more accessible.
Vertical Multilevel Dropdown Menu with jQuery - Multilevel Dropdown
- Menu - 15029 ViewsA simple, unobtrusive jQuery plugin that converts nested html lists into a vertical multi-level dropdown menu with a subtle menu open animation.
Minimal Popover-like Dropdown Menu with jQuery and CSS
- Menu - 6989 ViewsA jQuery / CSS approach to creating a simple popover-like dropdown menu appending to any DOM element that triggers on mouse click.
Animated Dropdown List Plugin with jQuery and CSS3
- Form - 2532 ViewsA simple lightweight jQuery plugin that transforms a normal select box into a nice, clean, custom drop down list with CSS3 animations.
Easy Small jQuery Dropdown Plugin - Cute Dropdown
- Menu - 7801 ViewsCute Dropdown is a simple, fast jQuery plugin that creates a menu style dropdown attaching to any html elements.
jQuery Plugin For Adding Hover Functionality To Bootstrap Dropdowns
- Other - 1830 ViewsA jQuery plugin that utilizes Bootstrap's native events to make Bootstrap Dropdowns work with hover instead of click.
Simple Lightweight Dropdown List Plugin With jQuery
- Other - 3147 ViewsA simple, plain jQuery dropdown plugin that helps you create a toggleable drop down list appending to any Html element.
Animated Multi-level Dropdown Menu Plugin For jQuery - dropotron
- Menu - 16137 ViewsDropotron is a compact yet customizable jQuery plugin which enables you to append an animated, ul list based, multilevel drop down menu to any element.
Beautiful Dropdown/Drilldown Menus Using jQuery and jQuery UI
- Menu - 24532 ViewsA simple yet robust jQuery & jQuery UI menu plugin that creates accessible, nice-looking dropdowns, iPod-style drill down menus and flyout menus.
Minimal Select Elements Replacement Plugin with jQuery - Minimalect
- Form - 5792 ViewsMinimalect is a simple and clean jQuery plugin that replaces the default html select elemnts with a nicer styled control.
Simple Animated Drop Down List with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 7406 ViewsA simple jQuery dropdown widget that turns a regular Html unordered list into a stylish animated dropdown list with CSS3 powered slide transition effects.
Searchable Combobox Plugin with jQuery - multilist
- Form - 6819 Viewsmultilist is a jQuery plugin that turns an DIV element into a searchable/filterable dropdown combo list with checkboxes.
Google Toolbar-Style Dropdown Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 5876 ViewsA minimalist jQuery dropdown plugin which allows you to create a stylish toolbar drop down menu/panel as you seen on some Google Applications.
jQuery & CSS3 Based Card Deck Drop Down List
- Animation - 4932 ViewsA cool animated card deck-style drop down list built on top of jQuery and CSS3 transitions & transforms.
Simple Inline Dropdown List Plugin with jQuery
- Other - 1781 ViewsA small jQuery plugin which allows you to append a pretty inline dropdown list to any Html elements.
jQuery Plugin For Creating An Image Grid with Dropdown Layers
- Layout - 3568 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin for creating a responsive neat grid layout with dropdown layer boxes displaying more details about your images.
Google App Launcher Style Dropdown Plugin with jQuery and CSS3
- Other - 6374 ViewsA toggleable and scrollable drop down interface which allows you to quickly launch your favorite apps, inspired by Google App launcher and built with jQuery & CSS3.
Fashion Animated jQuery Select List Replacement - FC Select List
- Form - 2189 ViewsFC Select List is a jQuery plugin that converts normal select element into a nice dropdown list with smooth jQuery animations.
Simple Dropdown List Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI - Drop List
- Form - 3626 ViewsDrop List is a jQuery & jQuery UI plugin which turns the standard select list into a fully stylable, multi-selectable and searchable dropdown list.
jQuery Plugin To Add CSS3 Animations To Bootstrap Dropdowns
- Animation - 13174 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that adds amazing CSS3 on hover animations to Bootstrap dropdown components.
jQuery Plugin For Google Plus Like Hover Drop Down Box
- Menu - 4812 ViewsHover Drop Down Box is a jQuery plugin for creating a button that slides out a drop down box when hovers over it, similar to the google plus +1 follow button.
Multi-select Dropdown List Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap - dyndropdown
- Form - 6954 Viewsdyndropdown is a jQuery & Boostrap plugin for creating a nice clean multiple selectable dropdown list that loads options from a JSON object based data structure.
Customizable jQuery Select Box Replacement Plugin - wSelect
- Form - 18292 ViewswSelect is a fast and lightweight jQuery plugin which turns the default html select elements into customizable and clean looking select boxes with some themes and options.
Simple Responsive jQuery Dropdown Mobile Menu Plugin - Mobile-Menu
- Menu - 5178 ViewsMobile-Menu is a minimalist jQuery mobile menu that creates a responsive dropdown menu at the top of the page, with a simple slide animation.
Simple jQuery Drop Down Mega Menu Plugin - Mega Menu
- Menu - 57848 ViewsA simple and fast jQuery menu plugin to create an user-friendly multi-column drop down menu for websites that involve a lot of pages and/or products.
Responsive Fashion Top Dropdown Menu with jQuery - MobiMenu
- Menu - 10184 ViewsMobiMenu is a responsive and mobile-friendly menu plugin that creates a multi-level top dropdown navigation with smooth sliding animations.
jQuery Plugin To Reveal Hidden Content with CSS3 Transitions - Menumucil
- Animation - 837 ViewsMenumucil is a jQuery plugin that reveals the hidden html content with a CSS3 based transition effect as a drop down.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Select Option Dropdown List Replacement - Simple Selectbox
- Form - 6536 ViewsSimple Selectbox is a minimalist jQuery select replacement for creating customizable & stylable option dropdown list with smooth transition effect.
jQuery Plugin For Drop Down Breadcrumbs Navigation - Droplist
- Menu - 9259 ViewsDroplist is a jQuery plugin that converts an ul, li based breadcrumbs navigation into a dropdown list to preserve horizontal space.
Lightweight jQuery Responsive Dropdown Menu Plugin - ReSmenu
- Menu - 3689 ViewsReSmenu is a jQuery menu plugin designed for responsive website that automatically converts a common
- based menu into a responsive and mobile-friendly select dropdown menu when your visitor reaches the breakpoint.
Minimalist jQuery Drop Down Menu Plugin - jVanilla
- Menu - 5992 ViewsjVanilla is an extremely lightweight jQuery menu plugin that turns nested unordered list into a multi-level drop down menu with some simple animations.
Easy jQuery Based Drop Down Builder - EasyDropDown
- Menu - 14320 ViewsEasyDropDown is a simple and customizable jQuery plugin for creating easily styleable drop down elements like drop down menu, drop down select list, etc.
jQuery Plugin For Custom Select Menus
- Form - 3450 ViewsA simple and clean jQuery plugin that helps you easily create custom select menus for your website or web application.
Touch-Friendly & Responsive jQuery Dropdown Menu Plugin - doubletaptogo
- Menu - 28324 Viewsdoubletaptogo is a tiny jQuery plugin that provides a simple way create a responsive and touch-friendly drop down navigation menu on your web page & App.
jQuery Plugin For HTML Select Box Replacement - Heapbox
- Form - 3306 ViewsHeapbox is an easy jQuery plugin that replaces the default html drop down select box to make it support themes, events, callbacks, ajax and much more.
Fixed Table of Contents Plugin with jQuery
- Menu - 2529 ViewsA simple and useful jQuery plugin for adding a fixed table of contents drop-down menu on the top of your webpage.
Simple jQuery Plugin To Beautify Your Select Boxes - selectskin
- Form - 4025 Viewsselectskin is a jquery plugin to simply apply a customizable skin to the standard html select drop down box. You might also like: Form Select Element Replacement Plugin - Mighty Form Styler Default Checkbox Replacement Plugin - jQuery prett
iOS Style jQuery 3D Dropdown Notification Plugin - ios.notify.js
- Other - 3156 Viewsios.notify.js is a responsive and mobile-friendly jQuery plugin for creating Apple iOS style drop down notifications with CSS3 3D transforms on your web page.
Stylish jQuery Select Box Plugin with Smooth Drop Down Effects - FancySelect
- Form - 20431 ViewsFancySelect is an easy-to-use and lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a stylish select box (list) with smooth sliding drop down effects.
Minimal jQuery Select Box Replacement Plugin - Super Select
- Form - 1747 ViewsSuper Select is a simple and fast jQuery plugin that replaces the standard select drop down list to a styleable and customizable select box.
Lightweight jQuery Plugin For Responsive Navigation Menu - Menutron
- Menu - 2621 ViewsMenutron is a lightweight and mobile-friendly jQuery plugin that automatically transforms your navigation menus from a list to a select drop down list as the size of the window changed.
Multi-Level Drop Down Menu with Pure CSS3 - Minimal Transparent Menu
- Menu - 65903 ViewsMinimal Transparent Menu is a simple, clean and customizable menu system which supports unlimited menu levels and smooth slide effects.
jQuery Plugin For Custom Select Dropdown List
- Form - 2958 ViewsCustom Select Combo is a tiny jQuery plugin which allows your user to input custom values to an existing select drop down list.
Beautiful jQuery Drop Down Menu Plugin For Bootstrap - Dropdown on Hover
- Menu - 31454 ViewsDropdown on Hover is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that Integrates with Twitter's Bootstrap to create stunning and user-friendly drop down menus on hover.
Responsive Multi Level Navigation with CSS3 Transitions - BootM
- Menu - 23902 ViewsBootM is a pure-CSS menu system for creating responsive and cross-browser multi-level navigation menus with CSS3 transitions.
Responsive & Animated Multi-Level Drop Down Menu Plugin - amenu
- Menu - 8636 Viewsamenu is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating responsive multi-Level drop down menus with some animation effects (fade, slide, show, and wind).
Smart Tooltip Like Drop Down Menus - TooltipMenu.js
- Menu - 22821 ViewsA drop down menu built with CSS and javascript that will show a tooltip like sub-menu when hovers over an item of the navigation.
Stylish Responsive Drop Down Menu Plugin For jQuery - flaunt
- Menu - 11268 Viewsflaunt is a simple jQuery plugin for creating responsive and mobile-friendly navigations with multi-level drop down menus support.
Simple and Responsive jQuery Drop Down List Plugin
- Layout - 1570 ViewsA simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that turns the standard html list into a responsive and animated drop down List.
YouTube Like Left Side Drop Down Menu Effect
- Menu - 12520 ViewsA simple drop down menu based on CSS3 and a few javascript codes, inspired by the left side menu on Youtube when watching a video.
jQuery Plugin For Customizable Select Box - selectify
- Form - 2754 Viewsselectify is an extremely (~6kb) lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you to beautiful and highly customizable select drop down list.
jQuery Responsive Multi-Level Menu Plugin - Dlmenu
- Menu - 75235 ViewsAn extremely simple and responsive jQuery plugin that allows you to create multi-level drop down menu with subtle effects (sliding, fading, scale up, or scale down).
Simple jQuery UI Drop Down Menu Plugin - jui_dropdown
- Menu - 7203 Viewsjui_dropdown is a jQuery and jQuery UI based plugin that helps create a simple drop down menu widget with jQuery UI themes supprot for your website or project.
Amazon Like Drop Down Menu Plugin with jQuery - Menu Aim
- Menu - 28557 ViewsMenu Aim is a jQuery plugin inspired by Amazon's Shop by Department dropdown menu that can differentiate between a user trying hover over a dropdown item vs trying to navigate into a submenu's contents.
jQuery Plugin For Stylable User Modifiable Combobox - MomboBox
- Form - 1427 ViewsMomboBox is a jQuery plugin that attaches a select drop down list with preset items to your input box when focused on.
Simple and Clean jQuery Drop Down Menu Plugin - naviDropDown
- Menu - 3632 ViewsnaviDropDown is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you quickly to create horizontal or vertical drop down menus with slideUp/slideDown effects and easing methods.
Animated Drop Down Menu Plugin - apycom
- Menu - 7426 Viewsapycom is a powerful jQuery Plugin for creating amazing Cross-Browser and Highly Customizable Drop Down Menus with fantastic animation and transition effects.
Beautiful Select Element Replacement Solution with jQuery and CSS3
- Form - 4658 ViewsIn this tutorial, we're going to create a beautiful and touch enabled alternative solution to standard html select elements with well-design and transition effect, built only with CSS3 and jQuery.
jQuery Multiple Select Element Replacement Plugin - selectlist
- Form - 10623 ViewsjQuery selectlist plugin is a alternative to the standard form multiple select element that displays the customizable selected items below the drop down select list.
Microsoft-Like Responsive Horizontal Drop Down Menu with CSS3 and jQuery
- Menu - 18805 ViewsA drop down menu inspired by that helps create a responsive horizontal Drop Down Menu using CSS3 and jQuery.
Smooth and Responsive Drop Down Menu With CSS3 and jQuery
- Menu - 6266 ViewsIn today's tutorials we're going to creating a responsive drop down menu with smooth tradition effect using CSS3 and jQuery.
jQuery Plugin for Adding Custom Value to Dropdown List - Custom Combo Box
- Form - 10926 ViewsCustom Combo Box is a lightweight and useful jQuery plugin that allows your users to add custom values to dropdown list according to their practical requirements.
Pretty jQuery Navigation Menu With Smooth Animation Effect- tmailsilder
- Menu - 3735 Viewstmailsilder is a jQuery Plugin that helps you create a pretty Navigation Menu with smooth animation effect.
Neat and modern Dropdown Nav Menu with Pure CSS3
- CSS3 & Html5 - 5545 ViewsA Neat and modern Dropdown Menu built only with CSS3 that helps you create a nice dropdownn Navigation menu with animation effects for your website header section.
Flexible Dropdown List Plugin -
- Form - 1877 is a jQuery plugin that helps you create super-flexible dropdown list easily.
Responsive Multi-Level Navigation Plugin
- Menu - 4413 ViewsA jQuery Menu Plugin for creating Responsive, Multi-Level and Dropdown Navigation Menu on your webpage.
Slick Animated Drop-Down Headers Plugin - bounceThis
- Layout - 1391 ViewsbounceThis is a jQuery Plugin for creating slick animated drop-down headers that gracefully drop into the page on-load. It is cross-browser compatible, so that your visitors using Internet Explorer can see the new header.
Pure CSS3 Drop Down Menu with Icons
- CSS3 & Html5 - 8769 ViewsA nice and sleek Drop Down Menu with Icons, built only with CSS3. Feel free to download and use it now.
Amazing Drop-down List Plugin
- Form - 2280 ViewsA simple jQuery Plugin that allows you to transform a normal select input into something more appealing.
FormBox - DropDown Menu With Integrated Forms
- Menu - 2754 ViewsFormBox is a jQuery plugin allows you to create a unique DropDown Menu With Integrated Forms.
Smooth jQuery Dropdown Navigation Menu With CSS3
- Menu - 5787 ViewsSmooth jQuery Dropdown Navigation Menu With CSS3 let you create a simple Drop-Down menu including sub navigation menus for your website.