Free jQuery Drop Down Menu Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Drop Down Menu' are listed here.
jQuery Plugin To Create Multi-level Bootstrap Dropdowns - Bootstrap Submenu
- Menu - 49023 ViewsA jQuery plugin that extends the default Bootstrap dropdown component to create a multi-level dropdown with unlimited sub menus.
Responsive and Cross-platform jQuery Navigation Menu Plugin - Smart Menus
- Menu - 54542 ViewsA jQuery Navigation Menu plugin for creating responsive and cross-platform multi-level dropdown menus for your site navigation.
jQuery Plugin For Multilevel Bootstrap Dropdown Navigation
- Menu - 14341 ViewsA very small jQuery script that extends Bootstrap's navbar component into a fully responsive, multi-level dropdown navigation menu.
Multilevel Dropdown Menu Plugin For Bootstrap - Dropdown On Hover
- Menu - 61728 ViewsDropdown On Hover is a jQuery plugin used to create hover-triggered multi-level Bootstrap dropdown menus with fancy CSS3 animations based on Animate.css.
Minimalist jQuery Responsive Multi-level Nav Menu Plugin - PrMenu
- Menu - 26205 ViewsA jQuery plugin that converts a horizontal nav menu into a mobile-friendly toggle menu when the viewport's size reaches a specific breakpoint.
Easy Drop Down Select List Plugin - DropKick
- Form - 28971 ViewsDropKick is a fast jQuery plugin that turns a standard html select box into a clean and skinnable drop down list that supports native keyboard navigation and dynamic selects. How to use it: 1. Include the latest jQuery java script library a
Mobile-friendly Multi-level Dropdown Menu Plugin - jQuery Stellarnav
- Menu - 52033 ViewsStellarnav is a responsive dropdown menu plugin for jQuery that supports infinite levels of sub menus and auto switches to a small screen friendly toggle menu when the window width reaches a specified breakpoint.
Drop Down Menu with Images Plugin - ddSlick
- Menu - 22639 ViewsddSlick is a light-weight jQuery Plugin that allows you to create a drop down menu with images.
Cool 3D Drop Down Menu Plugin
- Menu - 19798 ViewsCool 3D Drop Down Menu Plugin is a light-weight Jquery Plugin used to creat a drop down menu with cool animation effects.
Touch Enabled Multi-level Drop Down Menu Plugin - superfish
- Menu - 31162 Viewssuperfish is a cross-browser andTouch Enabled menu plugin for creatingMulti-level Drop Down Menus with some animation effects.
Stunning Animated Select Element Replacement - jQuery dom-selectizing
- Form - 6082 Viewsdom-selectizing is a simple, tiny jQuery plugin that allows to beautify and enhance the default select element with cool animations and variable colors.
jQuery Searchable Select Menu Plugin For Bootstrap - Dropselect
- Menu - 7303 ViewsDropselect is a jQuery plugin that converts the normal Bootstrap dropdown component into a searchable, multi-select dropdown menu.
Bootstrap-style jQuery Drop Down Plugin - dropdown
- Menu - 24719 Viewsdropdown is a simple jQuery plugin that make it easier to create awesome Bootstrap-style dropdowns (menus, selects, panels, tooltips etc) with additional features and no dependencies.
Material Design Dropdown Menu Plugin For jQuery - menu.js
- Menu - 8978 Viewsmenu.js is a very small jQuery plugin for creating a Material Design inspired dropdown menu that allows your users to select one of a number of options.
Responsive Dropdown & Toggle Menu Plugin With jQuery
- Menu - 13863 ViewsA jQuery responsive multi-level dropdown menu which will be automatically converted into a mobile-friendly toggle menu when the screen size is smaller than a breakpoint.
Animated & Multi-level jQuery Dropdown Plugin
- Menu - 30666 ViewsA dropdown jQuery plugin that turns select options or nested Html lists into an animated, multi-level drop down menu/list with a subtle sliding effect.
Responsive & Cross Browser jQuery Dropdown Menu Plugin - Easy As Pie
- Menu - 33595 ViewsEasy As Pie is a jQuery extension for superfish plugin that automatically turns a multi-level dropdown menu into a collapsible mobile navigation when the window's size has reached the breakpoint.
Minimalist Dropdown Menu Plugin With jQuery And CSS
- Menu - 5336 ViewsAn ultra lightweight jQuery/HTML/CSS based 2-level drop down menu which is easy to embed into your jQuery web project.
Easy Dropdown Menu Generator With jQuery - addDropMenu
- Menu - 3250 ViewsaddDropMenu is a dead simple jQuery plugin that automatically generate a dropdown menu from any DIV element containing a group of anchor links.
Minimalist Dropdown Navigation Menu Plugin With jQuery
- Menu - 3962 Viewsdrop-down-menu.js is an ultra-light and cross-browser jQuery plugin that makes it ease to create a dropdown menu for your header site navigation.
Responsive Dropdown Menu Plugin For jQuery - responsive-menu.js
- Menu - 6686 ViewsAn ultra-light (~1kb) jQuery plugin that automatically converts an ul li based menu into a dropdown toggle navigation on small screens.
Responsive Multi-level Dropdown & Toggle Menu Plugin With jQuery
- Menu - 16819 ViewsA jQuery based responsive dropdown navigation menu that automatically switches to a mobile-friendly toggle menu when the window width reaches a specified breakpoint.
Responsive Multilevel Dropdown Menu Plugin With jQuery
- Menu - 7688 ViewsRWD Multilevel Menu makes use of jQuery and CSS3 to converts the normal horizontal dropdown menu into a sliding side menu on mobile devices.
Simplest Dropdown Navigation With jQuery And CSS
- Menu - 33166 ViewsA simple, beautiful jQuery & CSS dropdown navigation menu built using nested html lists and jQuery's slideDown & slideUp animations.
Flexible Popover-like Drop Down Plugin With jQuery - SweetDropdown
- Menu - 9413 ViewsSweetDropdown is a jQuery plugin used for creating flexible, animated, popover-style dropdowns which can be attached to any DOM element in any direction.
Pretty jQuery Drop Down Menu Plugin - Dropdown.js
- Menu - 4897 ViewsDropdown.js is a lightweight, customizable jQuery dropdown menu plugin that can be attached to any elements such as a links and buttons.
Simple Animated jQuery Select Menu Plugin - Select Extended
- Menu - 3603 ViewsSelect Extended is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin that creates animated, customizable, select style dropdown menus from input fields and html lists.
Responsive & Nested jQuery Navigation Menu Plugin - slimMenu
- Menu - 14432 ViewsslimMenu is a pretty and mobile-friendly jQuery plugin for creating responsive and nested multi-level drop down menus with smooth drop down animations and some useful options for your navigation.
Minimal jQuery Dropdown Mega Menu Plugin - booNavigation
- Menu - 13508 ViewsbooNavigation is a lightweight jQuery dropdown menu plugin that provides a simple way to create a three-column mega menu with CSS3 based sliding effects for your website navigation.
Easy Customizable jQuery Dropdown Menu Plugin - VMCSelect
- Menu - 2006 ViewsVMCSelect is a simple, cross-browser jQuery plugin used to convert any number of DIV elements into a select like scrollable dropdown menu.
Space-saving Responsive Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 6703 ViewsA jQuery based, responsive, mobile-friendly, space-saving navigation menu that automatically collapses overflow items into a toggleable dropdown menu.
Windows 10 Style Animated Navigation Box with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 30963 ViewsA sliding dropdown navigation box built on top of jQuery, CSS / CSS3 and Font Awesome 4, inspired by Window 10 start menu.
Unlimited Multi-level Dropdown Menu with jQuery - easyMenu
- Menu - 12586 ViewseasyMenu is a lightweight and easy-to-style jQuery plugin for generating an unlimited multi-level dropdown navigation menu from nested html lists.
Accessible & Animated Dropdown Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 6606 ViewsA jQuery, CSS3 animated and ul based dropdown menu that uses JavaScript to dynamically adds ARIA attributes to help make your dropdown more accessible.
Responsive Multi-level Dropdown Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 16670 ViewsA fully responsive, mobile-friendly, multi-level drop down menu made using jQuery, Html5, JavaScript and several CSS3 properties.
Vertical Multilevel Dropdown Menu with jQuery - Multilevel Dropdown
- Menu - 15103 ViewsA simple, unobtrusive jQuery plugin that converts nested html lists into a vertical multi-level dropdown menu with a subtle menu open animation.
Minimal Popover-like Dropdown Menu with jQuery and CSS
- Menu - 6993 ViewsA jQuery / CSS approach to creating a simple popover-like dropdown menu appending to any DOM element that triggers on mouse click.
Material Design Responsive Off-canvas Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 21050 ViewsA Material Design inspired responsive navigation concept that automatically transforms a normal horizontal dropdown menu into a mobile-friendly off-canvas menu
Accessible Multilevel Dropdown Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 7834 ViewsA simple jQuery & CSS3 powered navigation script that helps you create a responsive, accessible, multi-level dropdown menu for your site navigation.
Easy Small jQuery Dropdown Plugin - Cute Dropdown
- Menu - 7810 ViewsCute Dropdown is a simple, fast jQuery plugin that creates a menu style dropdown attaching to any html elements.
Minimalist jQuery Responsive Dropdown Menu Plugin - Input Menu
- Menu - 2567 ViewsInput Menu is a super simple jQuery plugin which converts a horizontal desktop menu into a dropdown select list for easy access on mobile devices.
Responsive Drop Down Menu Plugin with jQuery
- Menu - 26725 ViewsYet another jQuery responsive menu plugin used to create a mobile-friendly, responsive, toggleable dropdown navigation for your cross-platform website.
Responsive Multilevel Dropdown Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 18907 ViewsA jQuery and CSS powered responsive multi-level dropdown menu that collapses into an off-canvas push menu on mobile viewport sizes ( less than 767px).
Animated Multi-level Dropdown Menu Plugin For jQuery - dropotron
- Menu - 16177 ViewsDropotron is a compact yet customizable jQuery plugin which enables you to append an animated, ul list based, multilevel drop down menu to any element.
Space-saving Stackable Horizontal Navigation Plugin - stackable
- Menu - 5561 Viewsstackable is a jQuery plugin used to push overflowing horizontal navigation items to a drop down list as your resize the window.
Responsive Flat Dropdown Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 58140 ViewsA responsive, mobile-friendly, flat style, animated, multilevel navigation menu built on top of jQuery and CSS/CSS3.
Mobile-friendly Dropdown Navigation Plugin - linksToSelect
- Menu - 1753 ViewslinksToSelect is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin that converts the regular navigation links into a dropdown select list for your responsive website on mobile devices.
Simple Flexible jQuery Dropdown Menu Plugin - Dropit
- Menu - 7036 ViewsDropit is a jQuery plugin to create a simple clean dropdown toggle menu appending to any Html elements.
Animated Dropdown Mega Menu with jQuery and Animate.css
- Menu - 11254 ViewsA pretty jQuery menu plugin helps you create a dropdown mega menu with awesome submenu open/close animations based on animate.css.
Animated Multi-level Dropdown Side Menu with jQuery Tendina Plugin
- Menu - 12867 ViewsTendina is a tiny jQuery plugin for creating a multi-level sidebar navigation menu with a smooth sliding animation.
Beautiful Dropdown/Drilldown Menus Using jQuery and jQuery UI
- Menu - 24577 ViewsA simple yet robust jQuery & jQuery UI menu plugin that creates accessible, nice-looking dropdowns, iPod-style drill down menus and flyout menus.
Responsive Horizontal Nav Menu with jQuery and CSS
- Menu - 32025 ViewsA responsive navigation menu that automatically clips overflowing menu items and adds them into a dropdown list when not enough space is available.
Minimalist Responsive Nav Menu with jQuery and CSS
- Menu - 5505 ViewsA jQuery & CSS/CSS3 based menu that turns the regular navigation into a toggleable dropdown menu with a smooth sliding effect in mobile view.
Responsive Efficient Dropdown Menu with jQuery
- Menu - 7681 ViewsA small, easy-to-use jQuery plugin to create a fully responsive multi-level dropdown navigation menu for both desktop and mobile website.
Creating A Multilevel File Drop Down Menu with jQuery - fileMenu
- Menu - 2721 ViewsfileMenu is a jQuery plugin used to create a multi-level file drop down menu for your web page.
Responsive Select Based Mobile Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 5416 ViewsA simplest responsive mobile menu that collapses your horizontal navigation into a drop down menu with the select element
Minimalist Pull Down Nav Menu with jQuery and CSS
- Menu - 4266 ViewsA short tutorial about creating a smooth, multi-level, pull down navigation menu from a nested nav list.
Mobile-Friendly & Multi-level Dropdown Menu with jQuery
- Menu - 5922 ViewsA responsive, mobile-friendly, animated, multi-level navigation that automatically transforms to a vertical dropdown toggle menu when it reaches a CSS breakpoint.
Responsive and Touch-Friendly jQuery Menu Plugin - Flexnav
- Menu - 19239 ViewsFlexnav is a responsive, Touch-Friendly and cross-browser jQuery drop down menu plugin that has support for unlimited sub-menus and works nice in both desktop and mobile layouts.
Simple jQuery Drop Down Menu Plugin - mnmenu
- Menu - 11396 Viewsmnmenu is a simple and fast jQuery plugin that allows you to create a simple multi-menu drop down menu with smooth transitions.
Responsive Fixed Off-canvas Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 17361 ViewsA small JQuery script that transforms a regular multi-level dropdown menu into a fixed navigation bar with a toggle icon on mobile devices.
Google Toolbar-Style Dropdown Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 5885 ViewsA minimalist jQuery dropdown plugin which allows you to create a stylish toolbar drop down menu/panel as you seen on some Google Applications.
Animated Drop Down Menus with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 2030 ViewsA collection of CSS3 animated dropdown menus with cool toggle icon transition effects, based on jQuery and CSS3 transforms & transitions.
Rotating Drop Down Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 6911 ViewsA horizontal dropdown mega menu component that drops down a rotating sub menu with item focus effects by using CSS3 transitions and a little jQuery magic.
Vertical Responsive Multi-level Nav Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 32344 ViewsA simple jQuery & CSS3 based menu system used to create a mobile-friendly, vertical, multi-level navigation menu for your responsive website.
Cool Responsive Dropdown Menu Plugin with jQuery - EliteBox Menu
- Menu - 4811 ViewsEliteBox Menu is a cool jQuery menu plugin which allows you to create a fully responsive, animated, 2-level dropdown menu with ease.
Super Smooth Accordion Dropdown Menu Using jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 65545 ViewsCreating an accordion-style dropdown menu using jQuery and CSS3 transitions & transforms.
Lightweight Responsive jQuery Dropdown Menu Plugin
- Menu - 10271 ViewsA lightweight jQuery navigation plugin for creating a responsive, mobile-friendly and multi-level dropdown menu with ease.
Lightweight Responsive jQuery & CSS3 Nav Menu Plugin - sellMenu
- Menu - 3292 ViewssellMenu is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to create responsive, mobile-friendly, animated navigation menu for your cross-platform website.
Flat Animated Dropdown Menu with jQuery and Animate.css
- Menu - 17864 ViewsA modern flat designed dropdown menu which allows you to toggle sub menus with fancy CSS3 aniamtions based on Animate.css.
Nice Dropdown Mega Menu with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Menu - 55792 ViewsA nice drodown navigation plugin that opens a multi-column mega menu on mouse hover, built on top of Bootstrap 2 and jQuery library.
Create A Windows Like Multi-level Dropdown Menu with jQuery
- Menu - 9524 ViewsMain Menu is a jQuery plugin which allows you to create a nice multi-level dropdown navigation menu for your website.
Responsive & Mobile-friendly jQuery Toggle Menu Plugin
- Menu - 4968 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin to create a responsive horizontal toggle menu that will be converted into a sliding dropdown menu on mobile devices.
Minimal Mobile-First Dropdown Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 11155 ViewsA jQuery and CSS3 based dropdown menu designed for creating a responsive, mobile-first and space-saving navigation for your website/app.
Fully Responsive jQuery Dropdown Navigation Plugin - Tabs To Dropdown
- Menu - 11547 ViewsTabs To Dropdown is a mobile friendly and fully responsive jQuery plugin that automatically transforms an ordinary horizontal navigation into a nice looking dropdown toggle menu on small screen devices.
Simple Responsive jQuery Dropdown Mobile Menu Plugin - Mobile-Menu
- Menu - 5180 ViewsMobile-Menu is a minimalist jQuery mobile menu that creates a responsive dropdown menu at the top of the page, with a simple slide animation.
Simple jQuery Drop Down Mega Menu Plugin - Mega Menu
- Menu - 57954 ViewsA simple and fast jQuery menu plugin to create an user-friendly multi-column drop down menu for websites that involve a lot of pages and/or products.
Responsive Fashion Top Dropdown Menu with jQuery - MobiMenu
- Menu - 10188 ViewsMobiMenu is a responsive and mobile-friendly menu plugin that creates a multi-level top dropdown navigation with smooth sliding animations.
jQuery Plugin For Drop Down Breadcrumbs Navigation - Droplist
- Menu - 9270 ViewsDroplist is a jQuery plugin that converts an ul, li based breadcrumbs navigation into a dropdown list to preserve horizontal space.
Lightweight jQuery Responsive Dropdown Menu Plugin - ReSmenu
- Menu - 3695 ViewsReSmenu is a jQuery menu plugin designed for responsive website that automatically converts a common
- based menu into a responsive and mobile-friendly select dropdown menu when your visitor reaches the breakpoint.
Minimalist jQuery Drop Down Menu Plugin - jVanilla
- Menu - 5997 ViewsjVanilla is an extremely lightweight jQuery menu plugin that turns nested unordered list into a multi-level drop down menu with some simple animations.
Easy jQuery Based Drop Down Builder - EasyDropDown
- Menu - 14374 ViewsEasyDropDown is a simple and customizable jQuery plugin for creating easily styleable drop down elements like drop down menu, drop down select list, etc.
Touch-Friendly & Responsive jQuery Dropdown Menu Plugin - doubletaptogo
- Menu - 28330 Viewsdoubletaptogo is a tiny jQuery plugin that provides a simple way create a responsive and touch-friendly drop down navigation menu on your web page & App.
Lightweight jQuery Plugin For Responsive Navigation Menu - Menutron
- Menu - 2627 ViewsMenutron is a lightweight and mobile-friendly jQuery plugin that automatically transforms your navigation menus from a list to a select drop down list as the size of the window changed.
Multi-Level Drop Down Menu with Pure CSS3 - Minimal Transparent Menu
- Menu - 65918 ViewsMinimal Transparent Menu is a simple, clean and customizable menu system which supports unlimited menu levels and smooth slide effects.
Beautiful jQuery Drop Down Menu Plugin For Bootstrap - Dropdown on Hover
- Menu - 31462 ViewsDropdown on Hover is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that Integrates with Twitter's Bootstrap to create stunning and user-friendly drop down menus on hover.
Responsive Multi Level Navigation with CSS3 Transitions - BootM
- Menu - 23914 ViewsBootM is a pure-CSS menu system for creating responsive and cross-browser multi-level navigation menus with CSS3 transitions.
Responsive & Animated Multi-Level Drop Down Menu Plugin - amenu
- Menu - 8643 Viewsamenu is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating responsive multi-Level drop down menus with some animation effects (fade, slide, show, and wind).
Smart Tooltip Like Drop Down Menus - TooltipMenu.js
- Menu - 22836 ViewsA drop down menu built with CSS and javascript that will show a tooltip like sub-menu when hovers over an item of the navigation.
Stylish Responsive Drop Down Menu Plugin For jQuery - flaunt
- Menu - 11271 Viewsflaunt is a simple jQuery plugin for creating responsive and mobile-friendly navigations with multi-level drop down menus support.
YouTube Like Left Side Drop Down Menu Effect
- Menu - 12523 ViewsA simple drop down menu based on CSS3 and a few javascript codes, inspired by the left side menu on Youtube when watching a video.
jQuery Responsive Multi-Level Menu Plugin - Dlmenu
- Menu - 75358 ViewsAn extremely simple and responsive jQuery plugin that allows you to create multi-level drop down menu with subtle effects (sliding, fading, scale up, or scale down).
Simple jQuery UI Drop Down Menu Plugin - jui_dropdown
- Menu - 7205 Viewsjui_dropdown is a jQuery and jQuery UI based plugin that helps create a simple drop down menu widget with jQuery UI themes supprot for your website or project.
Amazon Like Drop Down Menu Plugin with jQuery - Menu Aim
- Menu - 28649 ViewsMenu Aim is a jQuery plugin inspired by Amazon's Shop by Department dropdown menu that can differentiate between a user trying hover over a dropdown item vs trying to navigate into a submenu's contents.
Simple and Clean jQuery Drop Down Menu Plugin - naviDropDown
- Menu - 3637 ViewsnaviDropDown is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you quickly to create horizontal or vertical drop down menus with slideUp/slideDown effects and easing methods.
Animated Drop Down Menu Plugin - apycom
- Menu - 7436 Viewsapycom is a powerful jQuery Plugin for creating amazing Cross-Browser and Highly Customizable Drop Down Menus with fantastic animation and transition effects.
Microsoft-Like Responsive Horizontal Drop Down Menu with CSS3 and jQuery
- Menu - 18821 ViewsA drop down menu inspired by that helps create a responsive horizontal Drop Down Menu using CSS3 and jQuery.
Smooth and Responsive Drop Down Menu With CSS3 and jQuery
- Menu - 6273 ViewsIn today's tutorials we're going to creating a responsive drop down menu with smooth tradition effect using CSS3 and jQuery.
Pure CSS3 Drop Down Menu with Icons
- CSS3 & Html5 - 8775 ViewsA nice and sleek Drop Down Menu with Icons, built only with CSS3. Feel free to download and use it now.
Smooth jQuery Dropdown Navigation Menu With CSS3
- Menu - 5798 ViewsSmooth jQuery Dropdown Navigation Menu With CSS3 let you create a simple Drop-Down menu including sub navigation menus for your website.