Free jQuery Time Picker Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Time Picker' are listed here.
10 Best Date And Time Picker JavaScript Plugins (2025 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 380394 Views10 best Date/Time Picker plugins implemented in jQuery and Pure (Vanilla) JavaScript.
Easy Time Picker Plugin For Bootstrap
- Time & Clock - 21941 ViewsA lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery library that allows you to easily add time picker functionality for your Bootstrap projects.
Powerful Multilingual Date/Time Picker - Tempus Dominus
- Time & Clock - 22950 ViewsA powerful, fully customizable and lightweight date/time picker for Vanilla JavaScript and jQuery. It is a zero dependency replacement for the native HTML5 date & time input type.
Time Selection Made Esay - jQuery Time Slot Picker
- Time & Clock - 1074 ViewsA jQuery time picker plugin that divides the day into multiple time slots at specified intervals. This allows users to quickly choose a desired time.
User-friendly Time/Duration Picker In jQuery - fxtime.js
- Time & Clock - 1368 ViewsAn accessible, user-friendly time/duration picker for jQuery with input restriction, automatic formatting, and validation options.
Customizable jQuery Timepicker Plugin - timepicker
- Time & Clock - 65331 Viewstimepicker is a lightweight (~2.5kb minified and gzipped) jQuery plugin inspired by Google Calendar that adds highly customizable time picker to your project.
Material Style Persian Datetime Picker Plugin - jQuery mpdatepicker
- Time & Clock - 2060 ViewsA lightweight yet customizable jQuery plugin that enables you to add Persian date and time pickers to your web applications.
Pretty Persian Date Time Picker with Bootstrap 5/4/3
- Time & Clock - 63320 ViewsA pretty date & time jQuery plugin which enables you to select Persian(jalali) date and/or date range from a calendar popup based on Bootstrap popover component.
Minimal Responsive Time Range Picker Plugin - jQuery Timescale
- Time & Clock - 1124 ViewsA simple, lightweight time picker jQuery plugin that enables you to quickly select a time range on a customizable and responsive time ruler interface.
User-friendly Time Picker Component - tui.time-picker
- Time & Clock - 12542 Viewstui.time-picker is a minimal, user-friendly, multi-language time picker component written/implemented in jQuery. Supports ante meridiem (AM) and post meridiem (PM).
User-friendly Time Picker With Autocomplete - jQuery timeAutocomplete
- Time & Clock - 4331 ViewsWith this user-friendly time picker jQuery plugin, a visitor will be able to pick an hour in custom steps as well as minutes and seconds. The autocomplete function will suggest closest match from the previously input values.
Easy Customizable Date And Time Picker Plugin For jQuery - jSunPicker
- Time & Clock - 8635 ViewsjSunPicker is a branding new jQuery plugin used for creating a highly configurable date and time picker on the webpage.
Minimal User-friendly Date Time Picker - jQuery Dateandtime.js
- Time & Clock - 11336 ViewsA really simple and user-friendly jQuery datepicker plugin that turns a normal text input box into a date input and a time input.
Google Calendar-Like jQuery Data & Time Range Picker - datepair
- Time & Clock - 18203 ViewsAn easy jQuery date picker plugin that allows you to select date & time ranges like on Google Calendar.
Sliding Time Picker Popup Plugin - jQuery nj-timepick
- Time & Clock - 2728 ViewsA simple, lightweight, and user-friendly time picker plugin designed for improving the user experience of picking and inputting a time.
Human-readable Duration Picker Widget For jQuery UI - timeDurationPicker
- Time & Clock - 5435 ViewstimeDurationPicker is a human-friendly jQuery UI time & duration picker which allows the user to pick duration in years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds.
Clean jQuery Date and Time Picker Plugin - datetimepicker
- Time & Clock - 493632 Viewsdatetimepicker is a jQuery plugin that popups a simple and clean date & time picker interface when an input field on focus.
User-friendly Dropdown Time Picker In jQuery
- Time & Clock - 7830 ViewsA fast, accessible, user-friendly, Bootstrap-compatible time picker plugin that generates hours/minutes select boxes and AM/PM buttons for easier time selection.
Material Design RTL Time Picker With jQuery
- Time & Clock - 6479 ViewsThe RTL version of the jQuery MDTimePicker plugin, which helps you generate Material Design time pickers for webpages whose languages written from right to left (like Hebrew or Arabic).
Small Accessible jQuery Dropdown Time Picker - qcTimepicker
- Time & Clock - 7204 ViewsqcTimepicker is a simple jQuery plugin that automatically converts a text field into a dropdown time picker with custom time formats.
Beautiful Datetime Picker With jQuery And Moment.js
- Time & Clock - 68074 ViewsYet another date & time picker plugin which appends a pretty nice, multi-language date and time selection popup to a hidden input field using jQuery and moment.js JavaScript libraries.
Tiny User-friendly Time Picker In jQuery
- Time & Clock - 15959 ViewsA lightweight, user-friendly, jQuery based timer picker component that works perfectly with any popular CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Tailwindcss.
Customizable Date & Time Picker For Bootstrap 4
- Time & Clock - 44173 ViewsA simple-to-implement and highly customizable jQuery date & time picker plugin for the latest Bootstrap 4 framework.
Clean Date & Time Picker with jQuery and Bootstrap 3
- Time & Clock - 147229 ViewsA Bootstrap 3 based date/time picker plugin which adds a simple, clean, user-friendly date & time selector UI to your input text fields.
Customizable Date/Time Picker Component For Bootstrap 4
- Time & Clock - 253089 ViewsThis is a useful and highly customizable date/time picker component for Bootstrap 4 framework that uses Font Awesome icons instead of Bootstrap 3 Glyphicons.
Material Inspired Clock Time Picker Plugin - jQuery MDTimePicker
- Time & Clock - 35019 ViewsMDTimePicker is a Material Design inspired jQuery time picker plugin that makes it easy to select a time from a circular clock interface.
Customizable 12h/24h Time Picker For Bootstrap - Timepicker.js
- Time & Clock - 25238 ViewsA tiny yet user-friendly and highly customizable time picker plugin to select specific hours and minutes from a dropdown list.
Simple Animated jQuery Date & Time Picker - myjqdatepicker
- Time & Clock - 2855 Viewsmyjqdatepicker is an easy & lightweight jQuery plugin which allows picking a date & time from an animated dropdown list when an text field gets focus.
Versatile Date/Time/Month/Year Picker - Datepicker.js
- Time & Clock - 18423 ViewsA flexible, customizable, open-source, full-featured date picker plugin for selecting times, dates, time ranges, date ranges, months, and years in an elegant way.
Lightweight jQuery Date Input Picker - pickadate
- Time & Clock - 35971 Viewspickadate is a mobile-friendly, lightweight, and responsive jQuery plugin that helps you attaches a customizable Date Picker to your input field.
Customizable Multilingual Time Picker For jQuery UI
- Time & Clock - 2988 ViewsA jQuery time picker plugin based on jQuery UI datepicker widget that allows the user to select times (in hours and minutes) from a dialog popup.
Feature-rich Datatime Picker Plugin With jQuery - JTSage-DateBox
- Time & Clock - 8315 ViewsA full featured, mobile-friendly and highly customizable jQuery date/time/duration picker plugin that works perfectly with jQuery mobile, jQuery UI and Bootstrap 3/4 frameworks.
Basic Time Input Plugin For jQuery - Fugit
- Time & Clock - 4319 ViewsFugit is a small jQuery plugin that converts the standard input field into a user-friendly time selector. Your users are able to quickly select and change hours/minutes values with keyboard.
jQuery Date and Time Picker Plugin - Simple Datetimepicker
- Time & Clock - 110592 ViewsSimple Datetimepicker is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create Date and Time Picker in different styles for your project.
Pretty Bootstrap-style Datetime Picker Plugin - Perfect-DateTimePicker
- Time & Clock - 30559 ViewsA simple, pretty nice, Bootstrap-style, jQuery based datetime picker plugin with support for custom date/time format, year/month/time view, date range selection and much more.
Unobtrusive Date Time Picker Plugin With jQuery - jsRapDateTimePicker
- Time & Clock - 2483 ViewsAn unobtrusive date time picker plugin that allows the visitor to pick a DateTime from Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second dropdown select elements.
Responsive User-friendly Datetime Picker For jQuery - DateTimePicker
- Time & Clock - 14729 ViewsDateTimePicker is a responsive, mobile-friendly jQuery datatime picker plugin which allows to select dates, times and datetimes from a picker popup.
Time Picker With Mouse And Keyboard Interactions - jQuery timeSelector
- Time & Clock - 9931 ViewsA simple and user-friendly jQuery time selector plugin which enables the user to quickly select a time using mouse and keyboard keys.
Customizable jQuery Date & Time Picker For Foundation Framework
- Time & Clock - 20742 ViewsA robust jQuery plugin used to create highly customizable date / time / month pickers for Foundation front-end framework.
User-friendly Time Selector - jQuery Timespinner
- Time & Clock - 5920 ViewsA user-friendly time spinner widget for jQuery UI that makes it easier to increment / decrement time & duration strings using up and down buttons.
Multifunction Period Picker Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - Cari periodPicker
- Time & Clock - 2199 ViewsThe Cari Period Picker plugin enables the user to select a period of time from a period picker popup based on Bootstrap 4 popover component.
Konb-style Time Range Selector With jQuery And D3.js - timeRangeWheelSlider
- Time & Clock - 5362 ViewstimeRangeWheelSlider is a jQuery plugin to create a circular, SVG-based, touch-enabled, knob-style, 24-hour time range selector (duration picker) using d3.js library.
Select Dates & Times From Form Fields - jQuery moDateTimeField
- Time & Clock - 1654 ViewsmoDateTimeField is a simple, convenient, mobile-compatible jQuery DateTime picker plugin for the web.
Unobtrusive Time Picker Dropdown Plugin - jQuery timeSelect.js
- Time & Clock - 3146 ViewsThe jQuery timeSelect.js plugin adds an unobtrusive, user-friendly time picker to your form field that enables the visitor to select predefined times from a dropdown panel.
Minimal jQuery Time Picker Plugin with jQuery - TimePicki
- Time & Clock - 26681 ViewsTimePicki is a really simple jQuery plugin that displays an user-friendly time picker upon selection of an html input text field.
Minimalist Time Selector Plugin For jQuery - Picktim
- Time & Clock - 11986 ViewsPicktim is a very basic yet fully configurable jQuery time picker plugin where the users are able to select 12-hour or 24-hour times from a popup displayed next to the time input.
Cross-browser Date & Time Selector For jQuery - dateTimePicker
- Time & Clock - 20640 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that lets you create cross-browser and fully configurable date & time picker for input fields.
Simple Time Input Spinner Plugin With jQuery - TimingField
- Time & Clock - 7630 ViewsTimingField is a jQuery plugin that converts any text field into an input spinner with increment/decrement buttons for quickly pick a time in hours, minutes and seconds.
Full Featured Datetime Picker For Bootstrap 4/3/2
- Time & Clock - 8770 ViewsAn easy-to-use yet highly customizable jQuery date & time picker for Bootstrap 4/3/2 frameworks.
Minimal Time Entry Input Plugin - jQuery DTimepicker
- Time & Clock - 8522 ViewsDTimepicker is a minimal, convenient jQuery Time Entry plugin which makes it easy to change time values (24-hour) using a spinner or the keyboard.
Customizable Time Picker For jQuery UI Datepicker - Timepicker-Addon
- Time & Clock - 36176 ViewsTimepicker-Addon is a jQuery plugin which adds a highly customizable, multi-language time picker to the regular jQuery UI datapicker widget.
Easy User-friendly Time Picker Plugin - jQuery timebox
- Time & Clock - 1858 Viewstimebox is a simple, lightweight, cross-browser jQuery time picker plugin which enables the users to select hours, minutes and AM/PM from a popup box for easier time selection.
Simple Clean Date & Time Picker Plugin For jQuery
- Time & Clock - 13268 ViewsA simple yet highly customizable jQuery plugin for creating nice, clean, Bootstrap style date and time pickers on your web application.
Keyboard Driven Date & Time Input Plugin With jQuery - datetime.js
- Time & Clock - 4382 Viewsdatetime.js is a jQuery date selector plugin used to create user-friendly, keyboard-driven, multi-language date & time inputs.
Minimal Clock Style Time Input Plugin With jQuery - clockInput
- Time & Clock - 8284 ViewsclockInput is a lightweight jQuery plugin which converts the normal input field into a fancy clock-style time picker for easier time selection.
Mobile-friendly Datetime Picker With jQuery And CSS3
- Time & Clock - 3723 ViewsA fancy,mobile-friendly Datetime picker built with jQuery and CSS/CSS3. The date and time picker allows the users to select entry values by dragging and swiping the knob/dial control.
Select Date And Time In Next 7 Days - jQuery Calendar7 Plugin
- Time & Clock - 5566 ViewsCalendar7 is a small jQuery datatime picker plugin used to select date & time from a calendar which shows only last 7 days from today's date.
Minimal Clean Time Picker Plugin - jQuery chungTimePicker
- Time & Clock - 5419 ViewschungTimePicker is a jQuery time picker plugin that provides an easy and intuitive way to select hours and minutes from an inline time selection interface.
Customizable Datetime And Date Range Picker Plugin - Gemini DatePicker
- Time & Clock - 17785 ViewsA cross-browser, highly customizable jQuery date picker plugin that enables the user to select times, dates, months, years and date ranges from a well-designed calendar popup.
Google Calendar-style Datetime Range Picker Plugin - Calendrical
- Time & Clock - 5610 ViewsCalendrical is a simple yet customizable jQuery date & time picker plugin for easy date and time range selection as you seen on Google Calendar.
Tiny Time Selection Popover Plugin With jQuery - Timepicker.js
- Time & Clock - 15144 ViewsA simple, clean, mobile-friendly jQuer time picker plugin which allows the users to select hours and minutes in a popover using mouse and finger.
Multipurpose jQuery Date/Time/Range Picker Plugin - tinyDatePicker
- Time & Clock - 14403 ViewstinyDatePicker is a simple, flexible and highly customizable jQuery plugin for creating date / time / month / range pickers and inline event calendars with minimal effort.
Customizable Time Period Picker For jQuery - TimeBar
- Time & Clock - 3920 ViewsThe TimeBar plugin allows to create a bar-style time Time Period picker where the users are able to select start and end times in a tooltip popup.
User-friendly 24-Hour Time Picker Plugin For jQuery - hunterTimePicker
- Time & Clock - 22450 ViewshunterTimePicker is a jQuery time picker plugin that enables the user to quickly select hours and minutes from an user-friendly time selection popup.
Responsive Hour & Minute Picker Plugin For jQuery - hr-timePicker
- Time & Clock - 15246 Viewshr-timePicker is a lightweight, responsive, user-friendly jQuery time picker plugin that enables the visitor to select hours and minutes from a time picker dropdown.
Pretty Date & Time Picker Plugin For Bootstrap Material
- Time & Clock - 60379 ViewsA jQuery plugin that helps you create a Material Design styled date & time picker using Bootstrap Material and Moment.js.
Easy Clean Date & Time Picker Plugin For jQuery - DatetimePicker.js
- Time & Clock - 2655 ViewsAn easy-to-use Datetime picker plugin for jQuery that allows the user to select dates, times and date ranges in a nice clean calendar interface.
User-friendly Duration Picker Plugin With jQuery - timesetter
- Time & Clock - 11232 Viewstimesetter is a jQuery duration & time picker plugin which allows the user to pick duration in hours and minutes with increment / decreament buttons and keyboard interactions.
Responsive Flat Date & Time Picker with jQuery DateTimePicker Plugin
- Time & Clock - 32986 ViewsDateTimePicker is modern and mobile-friendly jQuery data & time picker plugin that allows you to select and pick a date/time in a responsive flat modal-like popup window.
Easy Date & Time Dropdown Selector Plugin - dateTimeSelector
- Time & Clock - 8573 ViewsJust another jQuery date & time picker plugin which converts the normal input fields into several separated date and time dropdown select elements.
Circular SVG Timer Range Picker Plugin With jQuery
- Time & Clock - 3643 ViewsA pretty cool jQuery timer picker plugin which enables the user to select a time range from a circular SVG based clock interface.
User-friendly Date & Time Picker Plugin With jQuery - dateSelector
- Time & Clock - 2944 ViewsdateSelector is a jQuery based, mobile-friendly date & time picker plugin which replaces the default date input with several select boxes for easier date and time selection.
Minimal jQuery Timer Picker Plugin - Wickedpicker
- Time & Clock - 32513 ViewsWickedpicker is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that attaches a 24-hour or 12-hour time picker to your text field when clicked on.
Easy jQuery Time Picker and Formatting Plugin - Timepicker
- Time & Clock - 13721 ViewsTimepicker is yet another jQuery time picker plugin for input fields that allows to select times from a drop down list.
Fancy Clock-style Time Picker Plugin For jQuery - Timedropper
- Time & Clock - 10412 ViewsTimedropper is a fancy jQuery & jQuery UI time picker plugin which allows the user to select a time from a clock interface with a 360° drop-style slider handle.
jQuery Plugin To Auto Format Time Format - timepicker.js
- Time & Clock - 11096 Viewstimepicker.js is a minimalist jQuery plugin converting an input field into a time picker that automatically formats and corrects timestamps in 24 hour format.
Combo Box Date & Time Picker Plugin With jQuery - Combodate
- Time & Clock - 17538 ViewsCombodate is a jQuery and Moment.js based date & time picker plugin which lets you select date and time using combo dropdown boxes.
Yet Another jQuery Date & Time Picker Plugin - filthypillow
- Time & Clock - 7295 Viewsfilthypillow is yet another jQuery plugin for calendar and date-time picker, features html template, shortcut keys, custom time zone, selection steps, and events & API support.
Google Calendar Like jQuery Time Picker Plugin - Timepicker.js
- Time & Clock - 7243 ViewsYet another jQuery time picker plugin which creates a simple highly customizable, Google Calendar inspired timer picker for easier time selection.
Small Time Picker Plugin For jQuery - timePicker
- Time & Clock - 5742 ViewsA dead simple jQuery time picker plugin that creates input fields of hour/minute/second for selecting time with ease.
Minimal Sliding Timer Picker Plugin For jQuery - mtimepicker
- Time & Clock - 3760 Viewsmtimepicker is a jQuery plugin for converting a normal text field into a time picker for easier time selection.
Cool Time Picker For Twitter Bootstrap
- Time & Clock - 102257 ViewsA very cool jQuery to easily select a time for a text input using your mouse or arrow keys.
Lightweight Duration Picker Plugin For jQuery and Semantic UI
- Time & Clock - 9006 ViewsA lightweight jQuery duration / time / date picker plugin for Semantic UI that allows to pick duration in days, hours, minutes, seconds from a popover dropdown.
Customizable Date Selector Plugin with jQuery and Moment.js - DateSelector
- Time & Clock - 2923 ViewsDateSelector is an easy yet highly customizable jQuery plugin that convert a normal text input into separate "day", "month" and "year" dropdowns for easy date & time selection.
Slick Datetime Picker Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI - slickDTP
- Time & Clock - 6757 ViewsslickDTP is a jQuery & jQuery UI plugin which provides a slick time / date picker that is easy to navigate in a dialog popup.
Android-Style Date Picker For jQuery Mobile - Mobi Pick
- Mobile - 19601 ViewsMobi Pick is a jQuery Mobile widget for creating a Android-style date picker for your project.
Classic Clock Style Time Picker Plugin For jQuery
- Time & Clock - 4787 ViewsA fancy time picker plugin which enable you to select a time by dragging the hour and minute hands on a clock interface.
jQuery Plugin To Select The Time Form A Clock-Style Interface
- Time & Clock - 3649 ViewsA jQuery time picker plugin which allows the visitor to select the time from an analog clock via mouse drag or touch swipe.
Easy Time Duration Picker Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI
- Time & Clock - 5939 ViewsDuration Picker is a jQuery plugin used to create a years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds duration picker using jQuery UI datepicker widget.
Easy Time Selector with jQuery and jQuery UI - timeselect
- Time & Clock - 6448 ViewsTimeselect is a jQuery plugin to turn a text input into a time selector using date.js and jQuery UI autocomplete widget.
KitKat Clock-Style Timer Picker with jQuery and CSS3 - KitKatClock
- Time & Clock - 6158 ViewsKitKatClock is a jQuery, Html5 and CSS3 powered time picker which allows you to pick a time from an Android 4.4 Kit Kat clock interface based on Html5 canvas element.
jQuery Clock Style Time Picker Plugin For Bootstrap 3/4 - clockpicker
- Time & Clock - 43630 Viewsclockpicker is a fancy jQuery & Bootstrap plugin that enables you to pick a time from a popup clock interface.
iOS 7 Style jQuery 3D Animated Value Selector - Drumjs
- Form - 27488 ViewsDrumjs is a jQuery plugin for creating iOS 7 datepicker style 3D animated value selector that allows to select a value by rotating the cylinder vertically with the mouse or with touch gestures.
jQuery Form Helpers For Twitter Bootstrap
- Form - 7037 ViewsBootstrap Form Helpers is a small collection of 10+ jQuery plugins for creating beautiful, robust and efficient forms with Twitter's Bootstrap framework.
jQuery Plugin for Simple Date Picker Widget - simpledatepicker
- Time & Clock - 5143 Viewssimpledatepicker is an easy-to-use and fast jQuery plugin that adds a Simple Date Picker Widget next to any element of your page.
jQuery Plugin for Input Field Time Format and Spinner - Time Entry
- Time & Clock - 12505 ViewsTime Entry is a jQuery time plugin that enables your input field to accept a time value using a spinner or the keyboard.