Free jQuery Bootstrap 4 Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Bootstrap 4' are listed here.
Feature-rich Data Table Plugin For Bootstrap 5/4/3/2
- Table - 51932 ViewsBootstrap Table is a responsive, dynamic, extendable, multifunctional, and highly-customizable jQuery data table plugin for Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 2.
Drag And Drop Mega Menu Builder For Bootstrap - Menu Editor
- Menu - 51879 ViewsA jQuery/JavaScript plugin that enables you to dynamically create a drag'n'drop, multi-level menu builder/creator/generator styled with the latest Bootstrap framework.
Nice Clean File Input Plugin With jQuery and Bootstrap 5/4/3 - Bootstrap Fileinput
- Form - 86551 ViewsAn Html5 file input enhancement built with jQuery, Bootstrap 5 (or Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 3) for creating a nice-looking file uploader that allows you to select multiple files with image & file preview.
Multi-level Bootstrap 5/4 Navbar In JavaScript
- Menu - 9521 ViewsA lightweight jQuery extension of the latest Bootstrap framework that helps you create responsive multi-level dropdown menus for the regular Bootstrap 5/4 navbar.
Highly Customizable Range Slider Plugin For Bootstrap - Bootstrap Slider
- Form - 119942 ViewsBootstrap Slider is a jQuery plugin that uses native Bootstrap styling to generate highly configurable, accessible, touch-friendly single value sliders or range sliders from normal range inputs.
jQuery & jQuery UI Plugin For Bootstrap 4 Grid Editor - Grid Editor
- Layout - 7849 ViewsGrid Editor is a jQuery & jQuery UI based visual editor for Bootstrap grid system.
jQuery Plugin For Bootstrap Modal Enhancement - eModal
- LightBox - 11777 ViewseModal is a jQuery modal popup plugin that makes it easy to display AJAX/iframe popup boxes and alert/confirm/prompt dialog boxes using Bootstrap 4/3 modal component.
jQuery Based Bootstrap Popover Enhancement Plugin - Bootstrap Popover X
- Other - 15103 ViewsA simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that enhance the default Bootstrap popover component with some additional and useful features.
Show/Hide Password Field Text with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Form - 59776 ViewsBootstrap Show Password is a jQuery plugin that allows the visitor to toggle the password input field text visibility by clicking the toggle icon/checkbox.
Minimal Toast Notification Plugin For Bootstrap - jQuery Bootoast
- Other - 20667 ViewsBootoast is a small jQuery plugin which makes use of Bootstrap alerts component to create various types of toast messages on the webpage.
Cookie Consent Notice Plugin For Bootstrap 5/4 - cookieAlert.js
- Other - 36820 ViewscookieAlert.js is a JavaScript Cookie Consent Notice plugin which allows your web app to comply with the EU cookie law by alerting users that your site has cookies.
Nice Tags Manager with jQuery and Bootstrap - Bootstrap Tags Input
- Other - 29847 ViewsBootstrap Tags Input is a jQuery plugin that allows you to add, remove, and categorize tags in Twitter Bootstrap 5/4/3/2 projects.
Touch-Friendly jQuery Input Spinner Plugin For Bootstrap 3/4 - TouchSpin
- Form - 30733 ViewsTouchSpin is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3 to create a touch-friendly spinner widget that wraps a text input with two buttons to increment and decrement the current value.
Pretty Persian Date Time Picker with Bootstrap 5/4/3
- Time & Clock - 63163 ViewsA pretty date & time jQuery plugin which enables you to select Persian(jalali) date and/or date range from a calendar popup based on Bootstrap popover component.
Convenient Pagination Plugin With Bootstrap 3/4 And jQuery UI - Pagination.js
- Other - 11223 ViewsPagination.js is a lightweight yet customizable jQuery plugin used to paginate your large data set using Bootstrap pagination component and jQuery UI.
jQuery Dialog Box Plugin for Bootstrap - Bootbox
- LightBox - 38736 ViewsBootbox is a tiny jQuery plugin for creating alert, confirm and flexible dialog boxes using Twitter's bootstrap framework.
Minimal Duration Picker Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap
- Time & Clock - 15183 ViewsA jQuery & Bootstrap plugin that converts a normal text field into a duration picker allowing the user to set a duration in time.
jQuery Plugin To Create Multi-level Bootstrap Dropdowns - Bootstrap Submenu
- Menu - 48955 ViewsA jQuery plugin that extends the default Bootstrap dropdown component to create a multi-level dropdown with unlimited sub menus.
Flexible Bootstrap Plugin To Create Wizard Style Interface - Smart Wizard
- Other - 42226 ViewsSmart Wizard is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap that lets you split long content into a step-by-step interactive wizard interface.
Smooth Animated Toggle Control Plugin With jQuery and Bootstrap - Bootstrap Toggle
- Form - 9505 ViewsBootstrap Toggle is a jQuery plugin that turns the checboxes into animated and highly customizable toggle controls based on templates with Bootstrap.
Sidebar Table Of Contents Generator with jQuery and Bootstrap - Bootstrap Toc
- Menu - 17244 ViewsA lightweight jQuery & Bootstrap plugin used to generate a sticky, collapsible table of contents from heading tags within the document.
jQuery Plugin For Filterable Bootstrap 5/4 Dropdown Select - Bootstrap Select
- Form - 81852 ViewsA jQuery plugin to enhance the default Bootstrap dropdown select with multiple options like: optgoup support, auto-completion, clear selection and live filtering.
Add Custom Styles/Classes To Bootstrap 5/4/3 Tooltips
- Tooltip - 17715 ViewsThis is a lightweight jQuery/CSS extension to Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 3 that adds extra styles (classes) to the native Bootstrap tooltips.
User-friendly Multi Select Plugin For Bootstrap 5/4 - BsMultiSelect
- Form - 149761 ViewsJust another multi select plugin for Bootstrap 4 framework that converts a multi-select list into an easy to use dropdown with checkboxes.
Simple jQuery Star Rating System For Bootstrap 5/4/3
- Other - 144836 ViewsYet another jQuery star rating plugin that converts a number input to a star rating widget using Bootstrap 5/4/3 styles and glyphs.
jQuery Plugin For Extended Bootstrap Tabs - bootstrap-tabs-x
- Other - 6338 ViewsA jQuery plugin that extends the default Bootstrap tabs component with custom opening/tab directions, border styles, tab content alignments, AJAX loading and much more.
jQuery Plugin For Custom Bootstrap Checkboxes - bootstrap-checkbox-x
- Form - 6029 ViewsA jQuery extension for Bootstrap that enhances the default Bootstrap checkbox input with 3 states (checked, unchecked, tri-state), custom CSS styles and contextual colors.
jQuery Plugin For Bootstrap Loading Modal With Progress Bar - waitingFor
- Loading - 32419 ViewswaitingFor is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to display a loading indicator popup using Bootstrap modal and progress bar components.
jQuery Multiple Select Plugin For Bootstrap - Bootstrap Multiselect
- Form - 712559 ViewsBootstrap Multiselect is a plugin for jQuery and Bootstrap that allows the visitor to select multiple options from a dropdown select list containing the single options as checkboxes.
Simple Inline Confirm Button Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap
- Other - 2442 ViewsA jQuery / Bootstrap plugin that provides an inline confirmation on buttons to confirm some actions without having to mess with JS dialog.
Responsive Bootstrap List Filter Plugin With jQuery
- Other - 10707 ViewsBootstrap List Filter is a lightweight jQuery plugin for filtering long Bootstrap list that supports both static and dynamic content.
jQuery Colorpicker Plugin For Bootstrap 5/4/3
- Other - 28730 ViewsColorpicker Plugin For Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 3 frameworks that allow you to add a color picker to an input field field or to any other element with multiple formats: hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla.
jQuery Accordion Menu Plugin For Bootstrap 4/3 - metisMenu
- Menu - 126255 ViewsmetisMenu is a simple jQuery menu plugin for Bootstrap 3 that help you create a collapsible menu with animated accordion effects and auto collapse support.
Drag'n'drop Form Builder For Bootstrap 4
- Form - 18430 ViewsThis is a flexible, convenient, drag-and-drop form builder for the latest Bootstrap 4 framework. Depends on jQuery JavaScript library.
jQuery Plugin To Create Responsive Scrolling Bootstrap Tabs
- Other - 59595 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin for responsive Bootstrap tabs component that makes your Bootstrap tab navigation scrollable when there's no enough screen space to display all tabs.
Customizable File Input Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - Fileselect
- Form - 13473 ViewsFileselect is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 4 which helps you create a pretty file select input to replace the regular Bootstrap 4 file input field.
Customizable Date & Time Picker For Bootstrap 4
- Time & Clock - 44116 ViewsA simple-to-implement and highly customizable jQuery date & time picker plugin for the latest Bootstrap 4 framework.
Customizable Date/Time Picker Component For Bootstrap 4
- Time & Clock - 252901 ViewsThis is a useful and highly customizable date/time picker component for Bootstrap 4 framework that uses Font Awesome icons instead of Bootstrap 3 Glyphicons.
Toggle Button Plugin For Bootstrap 4+ - Bootstrap Checkbox
- Form - 23732 ViewsBootstrap Checkbox is a jQuery/Bootstrap plugin that converts a normal checkbox into a nice-looking toggle button control.
jQuery Plugin For Multilevel Bootstrap Dropdown Navigation
- Menu - 14327 ViewsA very small jQuery script that extends Bootstrap's navbar component into a fully responsive, multi-level dropdown navigation menu.
Accessible Data Picker Plugin For Bootstrap - ab-datepicker
- Time & Clock - 16053 Viewsab-datepicker is an accessible, highly-customizable, multi-language jQuery date picker plugin for Bootstrap that complies with the recommendations of the W3C WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices.
Bootstrap 4 Tag Input Plugin With jQuery - Tagsinput.js
- Form - 123824 ViewsTagsinput.js is a jQuery extension to make the Bootstrap Tags Input jQuery plugin work with the latest version of Bootstrap 4 framework.
Flexible Bootstrap 4 Dropdown Plugin With jQuery - Bootstrap 4 Select
- Form - 23415 ViewsThis is a jQuery plugin that enhances the default Bootstrap 4 dropdown components with live search, multiple selection, custom styling, select/deselect all support.
Collapsed Resonponsive Menu For Bootstrap - Greedy Menu
- Menu - 5090 ViewsThe Greedy Menu jQuery plugin makes use of Bootstrap's dropdown component to create a fully responsive navigation menu for your cross-platform, content-heavy web app.
Responsive Masonry/Pinterest Like Grid Layout For Bootstrap 4/3
- Layout - 13308 ViewsThe bootstrap.masonry.js jQuery plugin transforms the regular Bootstrap grid system into a responsive, fluid grid layout similar to the Pinterest or Masonry.
Filterable Hierarchical Select Plugin For Bootstrap - Hierarchy Select
- Other - 12321 ViewsHierarchy Select is a lightweight jQuery plugin which converts the Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 3 dropdown component into a filterable hierarchical dropdown list.
jQuery Off-canvas Menu Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - mdstrap
- Menu - 9927 Viewsmdstrap is a tiny jQuery plugin that makes your Bootstrap 4 navbar act as an off-canvas side menu on mobile devices.
Responsive jQuery Dual Select Boxes For Bootstrap 4 - Bootstrap Dual Listbox
- Form - 89676 ViewsBootstrap Dual Listbox is a responsive and touch enabled jQuery dual select boxes plugin for Bootstrap that allows you to move items between 2 list boxes.
Filterable Multi Select Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - Select Dropdown
- Form - 17858 ViewsSelect Dropdown is a jQuery plugin that converts the regular Bootstrap select element into a select dropdown with extra functionalities such as fuzzy search, multiple select, custom styles and more.
Lightweight and Pure CSS Mega Menu For Bootstrap 4/3 - Yamm
- Menu - 11152 ViewsA lightweight and pure CSS mega menu solution which allows you to add almost any components into your Bootstrap navbar.
jQuery Extension To Create Custom Bootstrap 3/4 Tooltips
- Tooltip - 2138 ViewsBootstrap Tooltip Custom Class is an ultra-light jQuery script used to extend the default Bootstrap 3/4 tooltip component with custom CSS styles and classes.
Create Inline Checkbox & Radio Buttons In Bootstrap - TWS Toggle Buttons
- Other - 14528 ViewsA small jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3/4 that transforms the normal checkbox and radio inputs into user-friendly toggle buttons using Bootstrap's Button Group component.
Fluid Responsive Photo Gallery with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Gallery - 12907 ViewsA JavaScript plugin that creates a responsive, flexible thumbnail gallery and displays large images in a lightbox slider using Bootstrap grid system and modal component.
Customizable Year Calendar Plugin For Bootstrap 4
- Time & Clock - 33664 ViewsA simple-to-use jQuery plugin used for creating a highly customizable, multi-language year calendar for Bootstrap 4 projects.
Filterable Bootstrap 4 Gallery With Lightbox Integrated - mauGallery
- Gallery - 42036 ViewsmauGallery is a jQuery photo gallery plugin for Bootstrap 4 that lets you create a responsive, filterable photo gallery with image lightbox support.
Customizable Switch Button Plugin For Bootstrap - Bootstrap Switch
- Form - 31554 ViewsA highly flexible and customizable jQuery plugin which converts the normal checkbox and radio inputs into swipe toggle switches using Bootstrap button styles.
Bootstrap 4 Combo Box & Typeahead Plugin With jQuery
- Form - 47960 ViewsA simple, convenient jQuery dropdown plugin which converts the normal select element into a combo box with typeahead/autocomplete support. Supports Bootstrap 4/3/2.
Fixed Sidebar Navigation For Bootstrap 4/3
- Menu - 27802 ViewsAn easy-to-use extension for the Bootstrap framework that allows you to create sidebar navigation (side menu) from regular Bootstrap fixed top navbar component.
Convenient Bootstrap 4 Form Validator - jQuery validator.js
- Form - 34823 ViewsA lightweight and simple to use Bootstrap 4 validator that validates commonly used form field and display custom validation errors in an HTML form. Works with native HTML5 form attributes.
Growl-style Notification Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - Hullabaloo.js
- Other - 10667 ViewsThe jQuery Hullabaloo.js plugin makes uses of Bootstrap 4 alerts component to create growl- and toast-like notifications on the web app.
jQuery Based Icon Picker For Bootstrap 4/3 - iconpicker
- Other - 13376 ViewsIconpicker is a jQuery icon picker plugin for Bootstrap 3 that allows you to choose and pick a icon from multiple icon sets in a tooltip-like popup interface.
jQuery Plugin To Toggle Bootstrap Dropdowns On Hover
- Menu - 10233 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin which allows the visitor to toggle Bootstrap's native dropdown menus on hover, on click or both.
Create Mobile-friendly Bootstrap 4 Modals With jQuery - bootstrap-fs-modal
- LightBox - 6894 ViewsA small (1kb) jQuery plugin that converts the long scrollable Bootstrap modal into a fullscreen modal window to improve the user experience on mobile devices.
Versatile Dialog Popup Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap - simpleDialog
- LightBox - 3290 ViewssimpleDialog is a jQuery plugin to create responsive, customizable alert, confirmation dialog popups with Bootstrap modal components.
Dynamic Autocomplete Dropdown For Bootstrap - jQuery Autocomplete.js
- Form - 75496 ViewsThis is a lightweight jQuery plugin which applies a fast and dynamic autocomplete functionality to an input field styling with the Bootstrap framework.
Fancy Dynamic Multiple Select Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - paraia-multi-select
- Form - 16674 ViewsA jQuery & Bootstrap 4 multi select plugin which transforms a normal input field into a flexible, dynamic, filterable multi-select dropdown for convenient tags/tokens/options selection.
Simple Customizable Pagination Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - Twbs Pagination
- Other - 85566 ViewsTwbs Pagination is a jQuery & Bootstrap 3 powered pagination plugin which allows you to page the long text content for better readability.
Mobile-friendly Bootstrap Off-canvas Nav - jQuery Better Nav
- Menu - 8681 ViewsA jQuery plugin for better Bootstrap navbar which replaces the default vertical mobile view with a sliding off-canvas menu when the viewport is narrower than a specific breakpoint.
Responsive Multi-level Navigation For Bootstrap 4 - k-responsive-menu
- Menu - 9650 Viewsk-responsive-menu is a simple, responsive, multi-level, cross-platform and mobile-friendly navigation jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 4 framework.
Dynamic jQuery Scrollspy Plugin For Bootstrap - Dynamicscrollspy.js
- Menu - 5807 ViewsA jQuery plugin which dynamically generates a nested side navigation (TOC) from heading tags within the document, with support for scrollspy functionality.
Bootstrap Compatible Tags Input Plugin - jQuery tagInput.js
- Form - 5856 ViewsYet another jQuery based tags management plugin that converts text inputs into removable tags/tokens in a normal input field. Styling with the Bootstrap 4 or Bootstrap 3 framework.
Scrolling Timeline Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap 4- Vertical Timeline
- Time & Clock - 20640 ViewsA lightweight and configurable jQuery timeline plugin which displays a sequence of events in a responsive, vertical timeline interface styling with Bootstrap 4 framework.
Extend Bootstrap 4 Modal With Extra Features - jQuery modal-js
- LightBox - 1700 Viewsmodal-js is a simple and robust jQuery plugin for creating responsive, flexible, mobile-friendly modals, dialogs, popups using Bootstrap 4 modal component.
Simple Color Picker For Bootstrap 4 - colorPalettePicker.js
- Other - 16530 ViewsThe colorPalettePicker.js jQuery plugin makes uses of Bootstrap 4 dropdown component to create a simple color picker on your web app.
Add A Clear Button To Bootstrap 4 Input Fields - input-clearer
- Form - 15350 ViewsThe input-clearer plugin creates inline clear buttons inside Bootstrap 4 text fields that enable the users to clear away the current value.
Easy List Selection With Checkboxes - jQuery simsCheckbox
- Form - 7094 ViewssimsCheckbox is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap that transforms the normal html unordered list into a selectable list view with checkboxes and custom check/uncheck markers.
Full Featured Datetime Picker For Bootstrap 4/3/2
- Time & Clock - 8767 ViewsAn easy-to-use yet highly customizable jQuery date & time picker for Bootstrap 4/3/2 frameworks.
jQuery Password Visibility Toggler For Bootstrap 4
- Form - 7763 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin to generate a Password Visibility Toggler inside your Bootstrap 4 password field that allows you to display password as plain text when toggled.
Bug Reporter With Screenshot - jQuery Bootstrap Feedback
- Other - 4451 ViewsThis is a convenient Bug Reporter that makes use of jQuery and Bootstrap to create a feedback/Bug Reporter popup with screenshot support. Compatible with Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4.
Create Responsive Collapsible Bootstrap Tabs Using jQuery
- Other - 10340 ViewsA jQuery plugin that makes your Bootstrap tabs component fully responsive and mobile friendly by collapsing overflowed tabs into a toggleable dropdown list on small screens.
jQuery Plugin For Auto Hiding Bootstrap Fixed Navbar
- Menu - 29860 ViewsA jQuery extension for Bootstrap's navbar component that makes the fixed-to-top navigation bar auto hide as you scroll down the page, and reveals it again as your scroll up the page.
Feedback Modal Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap 4 - feedback_widget
- Other - 3577 ViewsThe jQuery feedback widget plugin helps you create a side tab that toggles a Bootstrap 4 based feedback modal popup on click.
Off-Canvas Menus and Sidebars For Bootstrap 4
- Menu - 18466 ViewsThe Bootstrap4C Slidebars jQuery plugin makes use of adchsm's Slidebars plugin to create mobile-friendly off-canvas push menus and sidebars for Bootstrap 4 framework.
Dynamic jQuery Typeahead Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - Bootstrap Typeahead
- Form - 46003 ViewsThis is an easy-to-use jQuery Autocomplete & Typeahead plugin for the latest Bootstrap 4 or 3 framework that works both JSON objects and JavaScript strings.
Minimal Week Picker Component For Bootstrap 4
- Time & Clock - 22141 ViewsThis is a jQuery based Week Picker plugin for Bootstrap 4 that makes it easier to select the week number of a specific year from a calendar popup.
Create Dynamic Bootstrap 4 Modal Windows - jQuery EZModal.js
- LightBox - 841 ViewsEZModal.js is a lightweight JavaScript class for Bootstrap 4 that enables you to create Bootstrap 4 powered modal windows dynamically.
Custom File Input Plugin For Bootstrap 2/3/4
- Form - 3204 ViewsThis is a cross-browser jQuery plugin for Bootstrap that replaces the native browser file input to choose one or more files in an elegant way.
Alert/Confirm Dialog Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - jQuery bootstrap-alert.js
- Other - 9094 Viewsbootstrap-alert.js is a small jQuery popup box plugin which makes uses of Bootstrap 4's alert and modal components to create alert and confirmation dialog boxes on the webpage.
Drag And Drop Form Builder With Bootstrap And jQuery
- Form - 25447 ViewsAn easy-to-implement Bootstrap form creation plugin which makes it easy to create a complex form with unlimited amount of fields using drag and drop.
Style And Enhance Select Elements With Bootstrap 4 - extendSelect
- Form - 6072 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin which makes use of Bootstrap 4 dropdown component to style and add extra functionalities (e.g. live search, max selection) to the regular select box.
Bootstrap 4 Audio Player With Playlist - jQuery audioPlayer.js
- Other - 29262 ViewsThis is a minimal, clean Audio player plugin with playlist support, built using jQuery library, Bootstrap 4 framework, Material Icons and jQuery UI slider widget.
Minimal Calculator App With jQuery And Bootstrap 4
- Other - 9691 ViewsThis is a minimal, elegant, online calculator web app built using jQuery, Bootstrap framework and math.js math library.
A Basic jQuery Validation Engine For Bootstrap Forms - Validator.js
- Form - 3216 ViewsValidator.js is a lightweight jQuery validation plugin for Bootstrap that creates and displays error messages for invalid form fields before submitting.
Extendable Form Validation Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - vindicate
- Form - 12589 Viewsvindicate is a extendable and customizable jQuery form validation plugin for Bootstrap 4 that provides visual feedback as the users are typing something in the form fields.
Easy Form Validation Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - jQuery s-validatejs
- Form - 16794 Viewss-validatejs is a super tiny jQuery plugin that provides the client-side form field validation for the latest Bootstrap 4 framework.
jQuery Inline Editor For Bootstrap 3/4 Tables - Table Editor
- Table - 14401 ViewsTable Editor is a lightweight jQuery/Bootstrap plugin which provides an inline editing functionality for table cells on single click. Supports both Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4.
jQuery Plugin For Fixed Bootstrap 4 Nav With Smooth Scroll - navbar-fixed.js
- Menu - 30544 Viewsnavbar-fixed.js is a very small jQuery plugin used to extend the default fixed Bootstrap navbar component with scrollspy and smooth scroll support.
Responsive Fullscreen Modal Plugin For Bootstrap 3 And 4
- LightBox - 15031 Viewsbs-modal-fullscreen.js is a jQuery plugin that makes your Bootstrap 3 / 4 modal component responsive and fullscreen to fit any screen size.
jQuery Plugin To Manage Bootstrap 4 Modal Component - Modal.js
- Other - 3485 ViewsModal.js is a jQuery plugin used to manage and enhance the default Bootstrap 4 modal component with custom HTML content, actions buttons, height/width and AJAX form submitting.
jQuery Clock Style Time Picker Plugin For Bootstrap 3/4 - clockpicker
- Time & Clock - 43611 Viewsclockpicker is a fancy jQuery & Bootstrap plugin that enables you to pick a time from a popup clock interface.